chapter 24

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Shweta:neil beta we got to go

Neil: no he said without any emotions

Bebe: puttar please.

Prakash: neil u cant stay in the room like this...come on please come with us ....please

Shweta:please tilluuu

Neil looked at shweta and nodded slowly

As they got up to leave neil stopped near the stairs as he wasnt ready to take a step out of the room not wanting to see maddy

Prakash: nobody is outside neil he said squeezing his shoulder

Shweta held Neil's hand making him look at her

Shweta:, trust me I wont let her come near u she said smiling at him with tears in her eyes

Neil looked at shweta and nodded slowly... as he took a step outside of his room his grip around shweta hand tightened

40 mins later at the clinic the psychiatrist entered to see the khanna family waiting and also saw a lost neil

As shweta, bebe and prakash got up the psychiatrist gestured them to go out of the room so that he can speak to Neil

psychiatrist: hello Neil how are you he asked to see neil gaze on the table with a blank look 1

The psychiatrist placed his hand on neil shoulder and after few seconds neil looked at him

psychiatrist: speak to me neil he said

Neil: I dont know what to say he said and then looked ahead

Meanwhile outside the room bebe and shweta were sitting while prakash was walking back and forth

After 40 mins the psychiatrist came out.

Prakash: what happened he asked seen the psychiatrist looking thoughtful

psychiatrist: when you bought neil for the first time it was less hard to make him spill things out and after few sessions he had told me exactly what had happeend just like how you had informed me before I had spoken to neil but

Shweta: but what dr?

psychiatrist: seen you sister back after so long has taken him back to the past which seems to have worsened his fears.

Bebe: rabba...dr any medication that can help him come out of trauma

psychiatrist: mrs Khanna when neil had started his treatment with us he was on high medication...and I believe he was out of it when you all had moved right ?

The khanna family nodded as they looked at neil from the window

Prakash:yes he was normal I would daily contact his friend in college to see if neil had any nightmare or panic attacks as he would give  the medicine as i had told him...and things were going pretty much fine

The psychiatrist nodded

psychiatrist: what about after coming back to mumbai? did any of you see a slight of fear ?

Bebe: no...he was normal...but after my daughter came in front of him...everything came back be it the fear, the past , the shock

Psychiatrist: I actually would like to start neil session again but before that I would want to divert neil mind because if he stays like this then I'm sorry to say but it would be hard to make him come out of it and it will also effect his mental heath

Prakash: what shall we do dr ? At home he only stays in his room and has stopped going office too and also he isnt able to sleep as he wakes up sometimes

psychiatrist:  I would suggest that you take him away from your sister for sometime because having her around is not going to do any good and also make him have people around him that can help him move on and overcome from the past but only those people that neil is comfortable with

Bebe and shweta instantly thought of avni and looked at each other while prakash nodded

Prakash: ok dr thank you so much

psychiatrist: I'll see when I can book neil in for next and also i would want you to move him to a better place soon and I will also give some medicine so that he can sleep well he said

30 mins later when all came back and prakash took neil to his room Bebe had asked about maddy to the worker who informed that maddy had left few mins ago

20 mins later prakash was staring at neil who was asleep due to taking some medicine...he was thinking about what happend in the last few days when his trance broke hearing Neil's phone ring. 

He looked at the phone which was on the side table and picked it up to see the caller Id *vidyut* and answered it

Vidyut: neil where have you been dude no phone call he said...

Prakash: beta it's me prakash not neil he said

Vidyut was surprised hearing prakash voice

Vidyut:namaste uncle how are you ?he asked

Prakash: the same like years back he said with pain in his voice while vidyut sat up straight

Vidyut:what happeend uncle ? If everything fine ? Neil?

Prakash: remember what I told you about neil past

Vidyut heard prakash words and went into flashback


Vidyut was in his room as he and neil were living in the same apartment when suddenly the door bell rang.

As he opened the door he saw prakash at the door and  recognised him instantly as he had met the khanna family during video calls and once when he had come to drop some stuff of for neil that shweta had sent.

Vidyut: hello uncle...please come in he said

Prakash nodded and came in while vidyut closed the door

Vidyut: uncle Neil isnt at home at the moment..I'll just give him a call he said about to take his phone out.

Prakash:puttar I have come to meet you not neil as I knew he wasnt going to be here today he said as he sat down along with vidyut.

Vidyut: what happened uncle ? Is there any problem

Prakash looked nervously at vidyut

Prakash: puttar ji I dont know how you would react after what I tell you but I just hope that your friendship continues with Neil. He said

Vidyut: what happened uncle ?

Prakash looked at vidyut and told the end vidyut looked shocked as he had covered his mouth with one hand not able to believe what he heard

Vidyut: I' sorry uncle I seriously dont know what to say...seen neil I never knew he went through something like that..I became friends with Neil as we bonded instantly and his past is not going to break our friendship.

Prakash gave him a smile with tears in his eyes

Prakash:puttar ji I'm just here to request you that please be with neil and keep a check if he sleeps properly at night and doesnt have any panic attack...also he is very stubborn now when it comes to medicine so please can you add it in his food or drink without him knowing

Vidyut: dw I will keep you informed and also make sure neil takes his medicine on time

Prakash: thank you puttar ji and haan one tablet a day he said while vidyut nodded

Vidyut: thank you for trusting me uncle. It means a lot

Prakash patted vidyut shoulder and left telling vidyut not to inform neil that he had come

End of flashback.

Vidyut: what happened prakash uncle? Why are you bringing that up now ?

Prakash: because the past has come back puttar and right now your friend has become like a stone...we even went to see the  psychiatrist today

Vidyut eyes widened but he controlled himself

Vidyut:what did the psychiatrist say ?

Prakash filled vidyut up while vidyut remembered how Neil had behaved on his encounters with avni during college days and how neil behaved when he saw avni after so many years because as far as he knows neil he would never get back with any girl that he has spent one night stand or hass been in a short relationship with but with avni he feels that neil has had something for her as the way he wanted  avni by seen her after so many years and feels maybe avni can help

Vidyut: I'm coming there he said and ended the call while prakash looked at a sleeping neil

Few hours later at the metha office avni was in her cabin but she was hardly able to concentrate when suddenly she saw ashish heading towards his cabin

Avni: papa she said and got up and went out and entered his cabin

Ashish turned around hearing the door open to see avni walk in

Avni:papa thank god you are back she said

Ashish: what happened beta

Avni walked near ashish and held his hand

Avni: y did you say all that to me that day papa...over here you said all this and over there things seem to be odd she said

Ashish frowned when avni said odd

Ashish:what do you mean ?

Avni:neil has been behaving odd ever since his bua has doesnt feel like he is the same arrogant person I know and plus it doesnt feel like the family get on well with her...but first you tell me ...y did you want me to give a chance to my marriage to neil? there something you know ?

Ashish looked at avni

Ashish: avni all I will say is that sometimes a person behaviour is not because they have been that way but sometimes it is due to something that has happened in their life...avni maybe you can help with whatever neil is going through. Sometimes we should know the full story before judging someone he said

Avni looked at ashish as he has complicated things for her even more

As avni stood there pondering over ashish words...he left the cabin to attend the meeting.

Meanwhile at the khanna mansion bebe and shweta were sitting in the hall

Shweta:bebe when the dr said have people around that can help neil move on and have people that he is comfortable with at that moment I felt that maybe...but before she can complete speaking bebe completed her sentence

Bebe: avni can help?

Shweta: you also feel that ?

Bebe: haan

Shweta:but I'm wondering will she help ? Due to the way neil has behaved with her and married her  forcefully I dont know if she will agree and we cant even blame or force her he said.

Vidyut: avni and neil are married he said shockingly ?

Bebe and shweta turned and got up seen vidyut

Shweta:vidyut beta you? she said surprised seen him at the khanna mansion

Bebe: beta come she said both unaware that prakash had spoken to vidyut today

Vidyut walked over to them.

Vidyut: aunty woh I called today and prakash uncle updated me about everything he said.

Shweta and bebe nodded slowly

Vidyut:but when did avni and neil get married?

Shweta told vidyut everything.

Vidyut: aunty  I feel avni can help...Neil has never reacted like this for any other girl except avni...avni has something that pulls neil towards her even more...I feel avni can be a great support for Neil to overcome

Shweta: even we feel that vidyut but with whatever happened between avni and neil in the past I dont know

Vidyut: does avni know about why neil is been like this?

Bebe: noo..but I know so much must be going in her head especially Neil's behaviour but we havent told her

Vidyut: maybe try and tell her.

Shweta: I do beta but on one side I feel like I wont be doing right to her

Vidyut: that we should leave to avni... first tell her and see if she is ready to help or not..

Bebe: you are right puttar..chal I will take you to Neil's room

Vidyut nodded and headed upstairs...he greeted prakash and looked at  his friend who was sleeping...vidyut held back his tears as he recalled his time with neil that he truley enjoyed.

After few mins 

Vidyut: I'll leave now and I will also keep checking on neil...please do keep me informed 

The khanna family nodded while vidyut left

In the evening avni had arrived at the khanna mansion as she was totally lost in what ashish said plus Neil's behaviour also playing in her head.

She was heading towards her room and was walking but stopped in front of maddy room when she heard maddy humming

Avni sneakily looked inside maddy room as the door was left ajar to see maddy having her back towards avni.

Maddy: you are looking so good... becoming handsome every year. But now nobody is allowing you to be near me at all she said and lifted the picture touching it while avni was shocked seen maddy holding on to neils pics

However her eyes widened when maddy had turned towards her while still looking at the picture but avni was clearly able to see lust in her eyes as she had seen such look on neil face during college days and when they had met after so long

Neils image of been frightened by maddy presence flashed in front of avni eyes but she came back to present when maddy spoke again

Maddy: y did you marry avni?..what does she have neil?... but who cares right after all I can clearly see avni and you dont share a husband and wife relation which is an advantage to me as avni wont care

Avni moved away from there quickly...she was not able to believe what she heard and saw

Avni: now I know who can clear everything she thought to herself

Avni went to the kitchen to see bebe and shweta there.

Avni: aunty

Shweta and bebe looked up to see avni

Bebe:puttar dinner will be ready soon do you want anything till then?

Avni: I want answers she said walking to them while bebe and shweta looked at each other and then at avni

Shweta: beta what answers

Avni went outside to see nobody around and then back in while bebe and shweta frowned

Avni: I saw maddy bua talking while looking at Neil's picture but the expression I saw was...was the same expression i have seen on neils face during college days mostly and also when we met again ...on top of that how she was talking about not worrying about me coming in the way as she knows about me and neil not sharing a husband and wife relation... on top of that papa has been acting odd ever since he has came back after meeting prakash uncle and now I just want answers which you both can give me she said walking over to shweta and bebe

Bebe: maddy wont change she said disgustingly

Avni waited for shweta and bebe to speak but in return shweta turned her back as she didnt know how to tell avni

Avni: aunty please tell me ? Please

Shweta looked at avni and then at bebe

avni: aunty for Neil's sake you have to tell me what the truth is she said placing shweta hand on her head while shweta looked at avni shockingly with tears in her eyes

Bebe:, tell her shweta maybe avni can be some help for our son she said

Shweta looked at bebe and then at avni as she slowly moved her hands away and broke down

Bebe hugged shweta while avni looked at shweta feeling a lump seen the way shweta was weeping

Shweta: let's go out and talk in the nearby garden she said after few mins as she controlled herself

Avni looked at shweta when bebe answered

Bebe:maddy is home right now and it's best not to speak in front of her otherwise god knows what other things she will start to plan to create more drama

Avni nodded and all three headed out and went to a nearby garden which was 2 mins away.

Avni sat opposite shweta and bebe waiting for them to speak

Shweta: Tillu was not like this...from childhood he was a sweet loving boy.....

Precrap: shweta: will you help my son avni she said forwarding her hand while avni looked at shweta hand and then looked back at shweta and bebe with hope written all over their face

Hey guys those who are interested here is the next chap wont force or tell anyone to read it's your own choice  🙃🙏🙂

Thank you to those who took time out to read and voted means a lot

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Lots of love (if you still do  )


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