chapter 25

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avni: aunty for Neil's sake you have to tell me what the truth is she said placing shweta hand on her head while shweta looked at avni shockingly with tears in her eyes

Bebe:, tell her shweta maybe avni can be some help for our son she said

Shweta looked at bebe and then at avni as she slowly moved her hands away and broke down

Bebe hugged shweta while avni looked at shweta feeling a lump seen the way shweta was weeping

Shweta: let's go out and talk in the nearby garden she said after few mins as she controlled herself

Avni looked at shweta when bebe answered

Bebe:maddy is home right now and it's best not to speak in front of her otherwise god knows what other things she will start to plan to create more drama

Avni nodded and all three headed out and went to a nearby garden which was 2 mins away.

Avni sat opposite shweta and bebe waiting for them to speak

Shweta: Tillu was not like this...from childhood he was a sweet loving boy who smiled and made others smile, who would be ready to help anyone at any time and lived life to the fullest...he was those kind of son that would make his parents proud and other parents proud and even would help those in needs that didnt get along with him but...she said stopping

Avni: but what aunty ?

Bebe: everything was normal...neil was a happy boy who was enjoying his life with his friends in school and known as the most kindest and brightest student

Shweta: we all were happy but one day maddy  came back as she had left her husband house for good as there was too much fighting going on and she  had told us that she tried to sort it out many times but it never worked

Bebe: I had told her that I will speak to her husband and sort things out but she made us promise to never contact him otherwise she will take the wrong step as she was tried of  leading such life ...and due to that we never contacted him she said looking at avni

Shweta: maddy was really upset due to her broken marriage and we tried many ways to cheer her up...then we noticed maddy was slowly opening up to neil as if she is giving life another we told neil to spend more time so that it can distract her this neil and maddy would spend time but we never realised what we were pushing our son into she said chokingly

Avni swallowed the lump that was slowly forming.

Shweta: after few months neil was slowly turning silent...he was also been less active in school which we got to know from teachers...when we asked neil he wanted to speak but he was never able spill the words out... seen neil like that bought tension in our life as the boy who was full of life started to remain silent

Bebe: when we would call him or even touch his shoulders who would get startled and move few steps back...but slowly that startleness turned into fear and panic

Shweta:we still were  a blind eye when we would leave neil with maddy not able to notice that fear increase on his face...his sleeping was also disturbed as he would shout saying no please dont.. please leave me alone...questions started to run in our head but we never was able to see the clear picture until

Avni:until what she said in a low voice after few secs

Shweta: one day during neils school holiday we were invited for a charity function and neil was asleep during that time...we didn't want to go leaving neil but maddy insisted that she will look after neil and make sure he is ok..having so must trust on maddy that time me and bebe agreed and left neil with her

Bebe: and that time it felt like destiny felt pity on us so it decided to show us the truth

Shweta: I had forgotten the money that had to be given at the charity function and that day...when me and bebe came back I was heading towards my room and got the money when bebe said she wanted to check on neil once so we both went up and as we entered we saw....she suddenly stopped and broke down as she covered her mouth crying bitterly

Avni looked at bebe and shweta weeping somewhere she felt she knew what they must have seen but she wanted to hear it first..
Shweta controlled herself and started speaking

Shweta: we saw how maddy was touching neil on his face and around his chest with such lustful gaze it was shocking and we saw our son,  our tillu who was shaking in fear while maddy was making him touch him around her chest and bebe both were numb during that time and we were not able to believe what we saw... she was touching Neil's lips and was about to kiss him but our son pleading to her bought us back to reality and instantly we moved maddy away who was shocked.... neil instantly hugged me and he was shivering so badly that I had to hug my son tightly as he cried bitterly

Bebe:I instantly slapped maddy and she was not even 1% ashamed of what she did...and without wasting any time I kicked maddy out of the house as I ended all her ties with the family...if I wanted I would have called the police and family name was not an issue but I would never want my grandson to he humiliated or feel embarrassed as he was still a child and all this would have effected him even more during that time

Shweta: after that we called prakash ji straight away and informed him...and the next day through his contact he booked an appointment with one of the best psychiatrist..during Neil's session we figured out that since maddy was spending time with Neil but slowly she had started to touch neil inappropriately and also had blackmailed him not to tell anyone otherwise the consequences will be bad...and it was shocking that the maddy  who we trusted was actually sexually assaulting my son she said letting her tears flow

Bebe:it took neil time to behave normally...and we decided to move to Delhi..though he hadnt become that sweet and helpful child we was glad that as time goes he will become our old neil but maddy impact left a huge mark on him that he became someone who we never expected him to be. ..

Shweta:my son is not bad avni situation made him like that...I'm not saying what he did with you was right I would still say that is wrong but this is the reality of what has happened with neil that he became like this

As shweta had finished speaking she looked at avni who was shocked while bebe wiped her tears..

Avni remembered how she and Neil met first and their encounters that had happened at college that broke her heart with what he did... the way they met after so many years seen the same madness in Neil's eyes showing he still lusts for her...the way he married her forcefully as he wanted her by hook or crook and how he still tried to get close to her but after maddy came how he became someone she had never seen...that fear, the pain that she saw on his face...making her somewhere understand that neils behaviour was due to what he had gone through in the past and how it has all come back to him again....she recalled what ashish said to her today and was in a state of dilemma when she felt shweta place her hand on hers brining her back to present

Shweta: avni the psychiatrist said that Neil needs to be taken away somewhere else and have people that he is comfortable with.

Avni: so now what she said in a low voice

Shweta: avni when neil had married you forcefully I and my family promised you that we wont let neil come near you but now I'm actually requesting or let me say begging you to help my tillu get better she said folding her hands while avni eyes widened

Avni: aunty how can I?

Bebe: beta I know what neil did with you was wrong and in the end the decision is yours we wont force you if you say no...but please for once think about all this and see y neil had become that way...if your heart agress then help ..nobody will force you or be angry with you

Avni looked at bebe and shweta to see their their tear stained face while neil shouting at night that day flashed in front of her eyes

shweta: will you help my son avni she asked  forwarding her hand while avni looked at shweta hand and then looked back at shweta and bebe with hope written all over their face.

Avni: I need some time if that's ok she said after few secs

Hearing avni say that bebe and shweta looked at each other and shweta responded straight away

Shweta: sure beta take your time...think about it and let us know after she said

Avni nodded

Avni:I guess we should head back she said and got up

Sheeta: avni she said calling her while avni turned around


Shweta hugged avni who was surprised but hugged her back

Shweta: if it was soemonone else they would have probably blamed neil saying he deserves this due to what he did in the past with them but you ..Despite whatever neil did with you in the past and recently... you still listened and even want time to see If you can help...thank you beta

Avni: please dont thank me aunty....I'm glad you was able to share things with me...yes I'm angry at neil due to what he did in the past but now I know there is a reason for the way he is.

Bebe: puttar I feel that whatever you decide will be the best for all of us she said caressing avni head while avni smiled

Sooon they all came back and shweta told avni to freshen up who agreed while maddy who was coming down the stairs gave her a fake smile which avni returned and headed up

During dinner time shweta had gone to Neil's room with food while maddy, bebe, prakash and avni were sitting at the dining table with maddy of course sitting far away from them leaving maddy out of the small convo they would have 

At night avni was sitting near the window lost in her thoughts

Avni in her head: life is so first it made me meet neil and we both didnt like each other...but then I started to like him and fall for him as he was starting to be friendly making me  fall into his trap...I hated him when he had recorded our small moment as it was a part of his revenge that he had for me and due to all of that it made me stop believing in love ..I never knew I would meet him again after so many years..and yet he would pull me closer to him again and again and I would get lost but then reality would strike me and I would push him away...with his evil plan neil actually got married to me and to keep sameer safe I had to agree to live under the same roof with him...i always felt that he would keep finding ways to come near me but after maddy bua came he became someone who is always frightened and would never want to come out his room and just hearing maddy bua name his face loses all the I have a choice to help neil who ruined my life for his so called revenge but due to him been like that was due to his bitter path...will it be right to help neil? What if he still becomes the same arrogant person once he get betters? Will it be better for him to get help from someone else? His family also could help him right?

Avni closed her eyes as she was in a big dilemma on one side she wanted to help and on the other side she didnt.

At night avni woke to drink water but as she found it empty she decided to go down and get some  she was walking she suddenly stopped and frowned seen maddy sneaking into Neil's room..

Avni: what is maddy bua doing in Neil's room at night? She thought to herself

Avni instantly walked towards Neil's room and slowly opened the door to see maddy going near neil who was asleep and sat next to him on the bed

Avni frowned and looked around to see nobody in the room

Avni: y isnt anyone here ? She wondered

However avni hand tightend around the door knob when she saw maddy tracing her fingers around neils face and then around his lips but due to medication neil was asleep so he wasnt able to feel anything

Maddy suddenly jumped up when the lights switched on but she suddenly smiled seen avni standing near the door

Maddy: what happeend avni do you need anything she asked getting up and walked towards avni

Avni:maybe I should be asking you that she said

Maddy laughed sarcastically

Maddy: looks like you have forgotten this isnt your room but Neil's go ok she said turning but turned around  when avni spoke

Avni: and looks like you seem to have forgotten that shweta aunty and bebe told you not to come into neils room or be anywhere near him

Maddy took a step closer near avni and spoke

Maddy: what rights do you think you have to even speak to me like that or interfere in the family matter ?

Avni looked at maddy before speaking

Avni:I'm the daughter in law of this house she said confidently

Maddy: a daughter in law who doesnt share the same room with her husband and calls her in laws as uncle and aunty she said raising her eyebrows with a hint of sarcasm in her tone

Avni gulped back

Avni:well i got married so it still will take me time for me to address them properly but about why me and neil dont share the room then let me tell you we did but ever since neil has started to act odd since you have arrived we stopped she said lying

Maddy laughed

Maddy:come on avni isnt it strange that you didnt try to find out why your so called husband is behaving that way she said walking around avni in circle

Avni: that is my decision not yours she said

Maddy: chalo then let me tell you everything she said

Avni: I am sorry but I am not interested she said

Maddy: oh darling I'm sorry but you will have to be...after what I tell you I am sure you will you know avni me and neil have always had felt attracted towards each other... and this has been since neil was young...and not any type of was sexual attraction she said walking around avni In circles and said the last bit in avni ears

Maddy watched avni to see her standing Still and continued speaking while walking in circles

Maddy: when the family would not be around.. me and neil would spend time sometimes in his room and sometimes in my room but then one day shweta bhabhi found out and she told the entire family and seen all against me neil out of fear put the blame on me...such a coward he was and became one aga...but she stopped speaking when avni interrupted her

Avni: said a lot and I have heard enough...just for your clarification maddy bua I already know what has happened in the past so if you think you will come up with any story twisting it around and I will believe you then I'm sorry you are wrong I would rather trust others than you..and about neil been a coward then just to inform you Neil khanna is not scared of anyone and will never be...what you have done to him has builded a fear in him but one day that fear will go and next time be careful who you are speaking to because not everyone is going to listen to your nonsense and there will be a day where Neil would be standing in front of you with all the hatred but there wont be a single drop of fear for you that you have created in him...Neil has his family and will always do now please leave...and next time dont think of coming near neil because as his wife I hate it

Maddy: you think you will tell me to leave and I will ? And from suddenly where did this wife avatar come from

Avni: fine  looks like you are in no mood to go... I'll call the family members and tell them what you was trying to do with neil again....and I dont have to prove it to you if I'm been a perfect wife or the choice is yours leave or let me call the family

Maddy: you will regret this avni....I wont spare you will know what it is like to  mess with me she said leaving

Avni closed the door and wondered why neil was left alone....she opened the door after a sec and saw maddy closing her room door.

She decided to go and check on shweta as she knows shweta would never leave neil like that  as she was about to head towards shweta room she bumped into her who just came out of bebe room

Shweta: beta why are you still awake she asked

Avni was about to tell what maddy was doing but she decided not to tell as she knows how angry and hurt shweta would be who was looking extremely tired and also would feel guilty for leaving neil for a bit

Avni:i was going to get some water so decided to check on you to see if you need anything but when I didn't find you in Neil's room I was coming to see where you were and here I bumped into you

Shweta:haan actually I was with neil but then I got to know bebe legs were aching and forcefully had to press her legs as she was been too stubborn

Avni: how is she now ?

Shweta: she is fine..just sleeping now and you also go and sleep I'll go to Neil's room too she said and took a step to walk when avni stopped her

Avni: aunty woh I was thinking y dont you sleep and I'll stay with neil ?

Shweta:beta you? Wont you be uncomfortable? I mean...she couldnt complete as avni spoke

Avni: not really..neil is asleep and besides you will be there before he even wakes up and it's best if you get proper rest too as you are looking tired

Shweta: it's ok avni dont worry about me as a mother I find peace seen neil sleeping peacefully

Avni: you consider me as a daughter right

Shweta: haan

Avni: then please go and sleep

Shweta: ok but give me a shout if anything

Avni nodded while shweta went.

Avni walked into Neil's room slowly and closed the door...she slowly sat down on the couch and looked around the room and then at a sleeping neil on the bed.

Precrap:avni decision

Hey guys here is another update of falling for you as I had this chap already written so thought of posting it

Thank you for all the comments for the previous chap

If you have the time then you can leave your comments and votes for this chap

Lots of love

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