chapter 27

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Neil entered avni room and saw her laying on her bed reading a novel' avni who was so lost reading the novel felt someone starting at her she moved the novel aside only to find neil laying next to her

Avni :neil wt r u doing here at this time

Neil: relax princess I felt like staying over tonight a problem
Avni: y would I have a problem

Neil- anyway forget that avni u shouldn't hide riya  and alis relationship avni was shocked and got up from the bed

Avni: how do u know about them

Neil: I saw them both together when ali  was close to riya but I told ali  to tell everyone soon otherwise I will tell them

Avni: but neil if they r not ready then they should have some time

Neil: I know that but its better if the family knows about their relation and ali  said he will tell everyone soon plus its better if they tell the family sooner coz hiding stuff like this from family is not.right'

avni turned around and was thinking about something but her thoughts disappeared when she felt neil lips on her neck' her heart beat started to run fast' he came in front of her and bent down to kiss her neck... avni moved away as she was getting goose bumps but neil was not ready to let her go'.. he got hold ofher dupata and pulled her towards him ...her back was glued against his chest neil held her waist with one hand while with the other he went on with opening avni anarkali string  and gave wet kisses on her back' he then slowly turned her around and ssw her eyes was closed' he cupped her face and caressed her lips before sealing it with his while avni hand were around his neck neil hands roamed around her back and kept pulling her closer as the kiss depend..he bit on her lower lip making her gasp

avni eyes shot opened when she felt Neil  slowling pulling  of her ankarli from her shoulders

avni: Neil  stop . She said hiding her face in his chest....Neil  smiled and hugged her back while his chin rested on her head.

It was morning and avni woke up when her phone was ringing

Juhi: avni I need to meet u right now plz

Avni: juhi wt happened y do u sound so worried.

Juhi: avni plz can u come and meet me plz

Avni: k wil be there soon....avni got ready quickly and headed towards the khanna she reached there she saw shweta, Neil , bebe and prakash sitting there.

They saw her walk in and was surprised to see her so early ...she took  prakash, bebe and shweta blessing

Avni:  erm maa where is juhi

shweta: beta she is in her room and she doesn't want to meet anyone right now.

Avni: she just called me 1 hour ago telling me to meet her'

Prakash: theek hain beta if she has called u then you can go.

Avni: giri uncle wt actually happened?...juhi sounded so worried

Prakash : beta last night we told juhi that a proposal has come for her and we would like her to meet the guy ' but she denied and said she doesn't want to see anyone' we told her that the guy liked her and it's a nice family but she was not ready to listen she even didn't let Neil  talk to her

Avni: k uncle I will go and talk to her but I wont force her. Prakash, bebe  and shweta nodded.

avni headed towards juhi room' she knocked on the door but juhi didn't answer.

Avni: juhi its me avni' hearing avni voice juhi opened the door and avni came while juhi locked the door.

Juhi: avni she said hugging her and started to cry...Telling her the same thing that prakash told her

Avni: juhi plz calm down...juhi I know y u said no to meet the boy but nobody else knows that so don't u think u should tell vidyut about it.

Juhi: avni I tried to call vidyut but I remembered he said he is going abroad for his business meeting and will back later on.. he must be at the airport and I also know he didn't take his phone with him' avni plz do me a favour plz go and inform vidyut about this plz...  I know if I leave the house then everyone might think I left in anger and hence will follow me' avni hesitated for a moment

Avni: k I will let him know' but plz look after urself don't stress ur self out of this juhi plz

Juhi: avni ...I have a feeling nobody will accept this relation

Avni: shhh relax k I'll go and tell I'll vidyut about all this but plz relax and once I tell him I'll inform u ... give me vidyut address please .. juhi nodded and avni left her room... she walked down the stairs

Bebe: avni did juhi say anything to u

avni: wo bebe erm juhi said err she doesn't want to meet anyone for now and is not ready for marriage

shweta: but if not marriage then at least she could get engaged... they r really nice people.

Avni was looking nervous...' everyone believed avnis word except one...Neil  knew avni was hiding something as she was not looking into anyone's eyes          

avni: erm maa I got to go now I'll see u guys later

shweta: k beta' before leaving avni looked at Neil while he was looking at her curiously she couldn't take that look of his and left ASAP

in the car avni was thinking wt is going to happen to juhi... now she was really worried for her friend' soon enough she reached to vidyut mansion and knocked on the door... one of the servants opened the door after few secs

servant: yes madam

avni: is vidyut back from abroad

servant: yes madam he just came few minutes back plz come and sit in I'll let him know u r here' sorry madam wts ur name

avni: avni' servant nodded and went to tell vidyut after few minutes vidyut came down

vidyut: hey avni wt a pleasant  surprise he went to her and hugged her and both sat down 

avni:  vidyut erm the thing is I came here to tell u about juhi

vidyut: juhi? Wt happened to her is she alright he asked worriedly

avni: vidyut I just met juhi now.. last night her family told her that a proposal came for her' but juhi denied but her family told her to meet the boy once,,, juhi is not even ready to talk to  Neil vidyut before matter gets worse u need to go and ask for juhi hand and also tell about how u and juhis love each other 

vidyut: omg... all this happened... but avni like I said I don't want to lose my love juhi or my friend Neil

avni: vidyut right now u need to think about yours  and juhi relationship...if u don't tell anyone then u may lose her forever tell everyone before its too late' remember vidyut I told u at the party that don't delay ' u already delayed but don't delay anymore now I had to even lie to Neil that night when he nearly caught us speaking about this but today he was trying to read wts going in my mind'

vidyut: dw avni today I'll call my parents from raighar and we will go tomorrow  and ask for juhi hand thanks for helping us avni

avni: anytime    k I will leave now and make sure u get this done by tommrow  take care

vidyut: thanks once again bye' avni soon left the mansion and headed towards the car before sitting inside she decided to call juhi

avni: hey juhi I just met vidyut now and he said he will call his parents from raighar and come and ask for ur hand tommrow  and listen your family asked me wt u said so I told them how ur not ready for marriage and stuff but dw hopefully everything will be fine soon

juhi: thanks for being there for me avni I love u so much

avni: anytime juhi u r my friend and I love u too.. to u later now relax a bit .. see u later bye

juhi: bye'
both cut the call

avni sat in her car and drove away but she missed those angry pair of eyes that heard her conversation with vidyut and just heard her speaking to  juhi on the phone' yup it was none other than Neil

'Neil  was suspicious about avni behaviour and felt she was hiding something so after she left he had decided to follow her... he was surprised to see her at vidyut house and he went near the window and heard their conversation and hid himself when avni left'

avni had reached the mahal and headed straight to her room she went and opened the window to let some cool breeze come in ... she was thinking about juhi and vidyut when she felt someone turn her so harshly' she was surprised to see Neil

avni: Neil  wt happened y r u so angry and ur hurting me

Neil : really avni my hold on your  arms is hurting u he said holding her arms tighter digging his nail'

avni: Neil  wts wrong with u she said looking at him painfully while trying to remove his hand from her arm

Neil : nothing is wrong with me avni I am perfectly fine after knowing that my best friend and my sister r in a relationship and ontop of that my fiancee knew about this but hid it from avni u do such a great acting when u came to mahal u acted like u didn't know anything when dad told u the reason... really nice and great u fooled me at the party when u and vidyut were talking about his and juhi relationship

avni: Neil  I wanted to tell u but
Neil : but u hid it from me I wonder wt else u r hiding from me '.avni how can u do this type of thing

avni: but Neil  listen to me she said in a shaking way.

Neil :ENOUGH... i didnt expect this from you at all... u actually disappointed me avni he said pushing her back a little bit... leaving the room and a teary avni behind him

avni: Neil  I really wanted to tell u but was not able to coz I promised juhi ...plz forgive me

after Neil  had left avni tried to call him but he kept rejecting her calls she tried many times but he kept on ignoring it. She then called the khanna mansion and shweta answered the phone

shweta: hello

avni: hello maa its me avni

shweta: wt happened beta r u alright

avni: maa is Neil  there
shweta: beta he said he had a urgent meeting so will be late y wt happened

avni: maa can u call juhi I  need to speak to her..

shweta: k beta hold on hope she comes out of her room'

juhi came rushing down when her mum said avni sounded worried on the phone

juhi: hello avni
avni: juhi.. ne...Neil ' found out the truth he followed me when I went to meet vidyut after that he came here and she told him about the convo that occurred between her and Neil... juhi he is not answering my call

juhi: this is all my fault if I didn't promise u then bhai would have never said all that..avni I coming there k' she cut the call and turned around to see shweta still there

shweta: what r u and avni hiding

juhi: ma woh

shweta: juhi I want to hear the truth

juhi: maa promise u wont tell anyone plz
shweta: ur making me worried but fine I promise now tell me plz juhi told her everything and shweta was shocked' omg juhi u and vidyut hid this from us and u also made avni promise that... beta u know how protective  Neil  is about u.  he wont bare anyone hiding a single detail about u no matter who that person is

juhi: I know maa but for now I want to be with avni coz of me bhai misunderstood her..  that day juhi had spent whole day with avni but there no sign of Neil  even shweta was worried about them'

Next day
Avni was walking in the hall when

neela:avni beta how did u get this bruise on your arm... avni who was lost in her thoughts looked towards neela and realised that she got the burise when Neil was holding her arms so tightly digging his nails in her arm.

avni: wo maa actually i hurt myself  and completely  forgot about the bruise... but in her mind she was saying wt a stupid lie im sure nobody will believe that

neela: beta go to ur room i am coming with the first aid kit... avni nodded  and she turned around to go to her room when she saw Neil  standing there looking at her sternly'

neela had seen Neil  but along with Neil  shweta, bebe  and juhi  had also came

neela:Neil  beta,,, bebe, shweta plz come in.. they nodded and all  of them sat down

juhi:aunty im just going to see avni.

Neela: k beta but just wait a minute' after few minutes neela came back and gave juhi a cream

Juhi :wt is this cream for aunty
Neela:beta avni has got some bruises on arm hand plz can u apply it juhi nodded but she didn't miss the cold look from Neil  before leaving

Juhi entered avni room and saw avni in her own world juhi without saying anything went and sat next to avni and started to apply the cream on the wound....avni moved a bit when she felt finger on her wound

Avni: juhi


Avni:did he say something

Juhi:no he is ignoring me and giving me cold looks but I told maa about this ...avni looked shocked

Avni:wt did she say

Juhi:she was not happy with me hiding all this but she said she always liked vidyut but I made her promise not tell anyone until vidyut doesnt come with his parents.

Avni:  that's great at least maa likes vidyut

Juhi: avni im sorry

Avni: for what.? She asked confusingly

Juhi: because of me bhai is not talking to u and blaming u.

Avni:juhi u don't have to be sorry' its not ur fault at all ...what im not getting is that vidyut is neils bestfriend then y does neil have a problem with this relation' I mean just by hiding it from him he is behaving this way. I seriously don't understand him' before they could continue  one of the maid sheetal came to call them

Sheetal: sorry to disturb u rajkumari but rajmata and everyone is waiting for u downstairs for breakfast.

Avni: k u go we r coming...both the girls went downstairs and sat down next to each other for breakfast opposite vijay and neil

Prakash: shweta mahraj vikram from raighar called yesterday and they are coming to see us tonight. shweta nodded and looked at juhi smiling a little bit.

Dadi: is there any problem

Prajay : no daya maa they r just coming to visit and they wanted to talk about something. Dayawanti  nodded.

shweta: neil beta we expect u to be there as they r our guest plus their son vidyut is ur best friend.

Neil: jee mom.

Juhi: excuse me everyone I just got a message from hospital' they need me there so got to go  bye guys' before leaving she gave avni a kiss on the cheeks and left.

Later after the breakfast avni saw neil alone in the hall' he was checking his emails on his mobile when he heard avni voice and turned around

Avni: neil I wanted to talk to u.
Neil: avni im busy so please.

Avni: neil plz' I wanted to say sorry to u because I shouldn't have hid this from u

Neil: avni I told u im busy' avni couldn't control herself anymore

Avni: look neil I don't get one thing y u taking this matter so far I admit that I shouldn't have hidden this from u' but now the way u r behaving is not right

Neil: so now u think my behaviour is not good

Avni: u know what neil it is useless speaking to u' ur ego is hurt just because your own sister and bestfriend hid their relation from u' and u know what somewhere yesterday I did feel guilty by hiding this from u but not anymore because I know I didn't do anything wrong.

Neil: enough avni

Avni: no neil its not enough what did u say to me yesterday

Flasback of avneil  convo
neil:nothing is wrong with me avni I am perfectly fine after knowing that my bestfriend and my sister r in a relationship and on top of that my fiancee knew about this but hid it from us' wow avni u do such a great acting when u came to mahal u acted like u didn't know anything when dad told u the reason really nice and great u fooled me at the party when u and vidyut were talking about his and juhi relationship

avni:neil I wanted to tell u but

neil:but u hid it from me I wonder wt else u r hiding from me '.avni how can u dothis type of thing

avni: but neil listen to me she said in a shaking way.

neil:ENOUGH... i didnt expect this from you at all u actually disappointed meavni he said pushing her back a little bit... leaving the room and a teary avni behind him
end of flash back

avni: that I do such a great acting and wonder what else I am hiding from u. u know what neil u didn't even try to listen to me that time when I was trying to tell u my point but kept on  blaming me. Seriously neil if im the one to blame then y r u showing juhi ur cold shoulder' u love her so much but just coz she didn't tell u about her relationship u started to give her these cold vibes'. What happened huh?  The love u had for ur sister.... did it fly away?..' neil I agree that ur a a protective brother and especially protective about ur loved one but neil u need to give juhi her space' because of ur proctetvieness ur sister hid this truth from u because she was scared if u would not accept this relationship and that's y she didn't even speak to u when a proposal  came up for her' and ur friend vidyut u heard his conversation but didn't u hear  when he was talking about y he didn't  want to tell u or anyone about his and juhi relationship

avni:rithvic I just met juhi now.. last night her family told her that a proposal came for her' but juhi denied but her family told her to meet the boy once,,,juhi is not even ready to talk to neil vidyut before matter gets worse u need to go and ask for juhi hand and also tell about how u and juhi love each other 

vidyut:omg all this happened but avni like I said I don't want to lose my love juhi or my friend neil
end of flashback

avni: neil I agree that I shouldn't have hidden this from u . but u didn't even listen to y I hid this from u and to be honest what hurt me the most is that u didn't give me a chance to justify my action and blamed me like that... don't u trust me? But sorry to say neil ... I am going to support juhi and vidyut for their relation and I know they havent done anything wrong but yes if ur ego does disappear for awhile then plz do go and talk to ur sister and u can do ur important work and she left him with her words echoing in his ears.

At night at the khanna mansion ' only shweta, neil and juhi knew y  the raighar family was coming and they had got ready to invite them in' it was 8pm and finally they arrived

Bebe: welcome mahraj vikram and mahrani ragini it'sa pleasure meeting u.
Vikram: same here rajmata harleen....While the ladies exchanged smiles' vidyut went to hug his best friend' vidyut didn't know that neil had heard his and avni conversation' and neil hugged him back as he didn't want to make any scene but vidyut knew something was wrong with neil.

shweta: please come in... they all went in to have a seat while the maids bought them snacks and drinks.

Prakash : so how was ur trip from raighar to here'. Its been a while since u came to mumbai

Vikram: yes it has been awhile but I had to come to mumbai this time for vidyut happiness

Prakash : oh really beta did u win a big award or something without anyone knowing he said turning his attention to vidyut

Vikram: something like that but actually Mahraj praaksh  we came here to ask for ur daughter hand for our son' prakash and bebe was surprised

Prakash : but mahraj vikram juhi is not ready to get married in fact she had got a proposal before but she rejected it.

Vidyut: uncle the thing is juhi rejected the proposal because of me

Bebe: what do u mean beta she said been confused

Vidyut woh  the thing is that me and juhi love each other and have been dating for nearly 1 year and 6 month and uncle we didn't want to hide our relationship to anyone but we were nervous thinking nobody would accept it' prakash and bebe was shocked but neil was surprised that both had been dating for 1 year and 6 month

Vikram: mahraj prakash  vidyut and juhi r happy with each other but do u accept this relationshi?' everyone was nervous coz they were waiting for prakash  to answer but all he done was walk look at bebe who nodded and then walk up to juhi.

Prakash : juhi do u love vidyut

Juhi: yes dad' she said getting up nervously

Prakash : then I don't think im the one to say anything if the kids r happy then so r we... right  mahraj vikram rishta pakka' both the men hugged each other and so did the ladies

Juhi: dad before u accept this relation I need someone else approval if they are happy' all were confused

Prakash : who beta' juhi didn't say anything and kneeled in front of neil

Juhi: i know bhai ur hurt and angry coz I hid this from u but bhai I will only agree with this proposal if u accept mine and vidyut relationship truly without any hesitation

Vidyut: juhi is right... neil... look at me u are my best friend and wt did I do I hid stuff from u because I was scared thinking I may lose ur friendship im sorry

Neil: vidyut u were my best friend but now.... (after a pause he continued)  u r gone be my brother 'in-law so there has been another relationship added he said smiling... both the boys hugged each other'neil then went to juhi and cupped her face

Juhi: thanks bhai

Neil: chotti don't thank me' Ik now im protective and possessive about u sometimes but cant help it sorry.. I was rude to u today by ignoring u he said hugging her while juhi was crying in his arms both stayed in the hug while everyone was talking

Prakash : this is really good im happy to have rithvic as my son-in-law

Vidyut: uncle I am here today all thanks to avni otherwise I wouldn't have know about juhi earlier proposal

Prakash : avni?... but beta wt did avni do I don't get what u r trying to say

Vidyut: uncle I didn't know about juhi getting wedding proposals I would have probably lost juhi if avni didn't come to meet  me yesterday to tell me about the situation... in fact I was really nervous but avni gave me the courage and all thanks to her im here' prakash  felt proud of avni.  While neil felt guilty for his behavior

shweta: its nearly dinner time y don't u join us for dinner
Rithvic mom: we would love to but some other time as after this we have to go and meet one of mahraj friend

after a while vidyut family left.

Prakash : such a nice day...finally our daughter agreed to get married ...I will just go and inform this news to ashish and everyone and he left to make the phone call and only juhi, bebe, neil and shweta were left

shweta: neil u made a mistake by blaming avni now its u r turn to go and say sorry to her understand.. neil nodded

Bebe:what mistake ?

Shweta told bebe while she wa susprirsed looked at Neil

Bebe:neil been protective is ok but over protectiveness can lead u to making  mistakes I hope u say sorry to avni

Neil:I will bebe

Bebe and shweta left

Phew so this one is dedicated to taz as she always comes up and helps me whenever I need her ZAin_ki_Adi

Thanks to all those  comments and votes for previous chap

Will he waiting for all the votes and comments for this chap

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