chapter 28

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Please also ready my ri story and give her all the love and support  ad_zaiditi

shweta: neil u made a mistake by blaming avni now its u r turn to go and say sorry to her understand.. neil nodded

Bebe:what mistake ?

Shweta told bebe while she wa susprirsed looked at Neil

Bebe:neil been protective is ok but over protectiveness can lead u to making  mistakes I hope u say sorry to avni

Neil:I will bebe

Bebe and shweta left

At the metha  mansion

Ashish: maa  prakash just called to tell me that juhi marriage got fixed with mahraj vikram son vidyut and tomorrow morning they have organised a pooja for juhi and vidyut as purohit ji is going to be there..everyone was very happy hearing this news

dayawanti: this is a really good news im happy juhi is going to a nice family

vijay: omg juhi getting married and that also to vidyut see avni and riya remember when we were playing truth and dare game I told u that these days juhi talks on the phone a lot I knew it but all of u didn't take me seriously and believed juhi ...let me see her tomorrow she has to answer all my questionsI TELL U

Riya: avni di don't u think vijay bhai should have been a detective I could already imagine him solving his cases she whispered... both silently laughed

Next morning

The sun ray was falling on avni face'she sat up and stretched her arms and slowly opened her eyes to find a bouquet on the table in front of her...she was suprised  and got  up walking towards the table looking at the flowers and around the room to see who bought them but didn't find anyone else. Confusingly she put the bouquet back nd headed towards the washroom taking her clothes,,,, after 30minutes avni came out wearing a nice anarkali as prakash kept a pooja in his mansion because juhi marriage got fixed she applied only kajal and lip gloss  looking very beautiful ..  she left her hair loose  and adjusted her duppata'.

She picked her cell phone which was lying on the bed and was about to leave when something else caught her attention' she went near her pillow and picked up another bouquet but along with that was a cute teddy bear which said sorry...avni smiled slowly as she knew that neil would have sent this she was about to call him when a evil plan was forming in her mind

Avni (to herself) no avni don't call him now and for sometime time u should enjoy him asking least u will get to see yuvraj Neil khanna apologising..'. Sorry neil I just want to have a little bit of fun"

She walked downstairs and saw all the family member were standing there except riya

Vijay: oh god avni u know if we have to go out then we should tell riya 4hours earlier so that she comes on time.

Neeal: sheetal can u go and see if riya has got ready or not... before sheetal could go riya came down she was wearing the same dress as avni but the only difference was that riya dress colour was blue

Vijay: finally riya u have arrived

Dayawanti : lets leave now' the elders went in one car while the youngsters in another' soon they reached to khanna  mansion where bebe, prakash and shweta were
waiting for all of them and invited them in'

the pooja had not started as there was still time for purohit ji and vidyut and his family to come.. they all were sitting and talking

Bebe: thanks for comiing daya and im sorry the pooja was decided on a short notice

Dayawanti : harleen there is nothing to be sorry about ..we r very happy that juhis marriage got fixed to a nice family by the way where is juhi and neil' hearing neils name avni looked around but didn't find him anywhere

shweta: daya ma neil came back from a meeting 30 minutes ago so he has gone to change and juhi is getting ready

Avni: maa can me and riya go and see juhi

shweta: sure beta
Avni and riya got up an were about to leave when they saw vijay walking with them

Riya: vijay bhai where r u going

Vijay: im coming with u riya..aman r u still sitting get up...aman was baffled as to y vijay was telling him to get up

Riya : ofho vijay bhai we r going to juhi room..I mean  we r going to help her get ready so a boy doesnt need to be there...y don't u go and help neil right...avni di

Avni: exactly
Vijay: k I'll go and see neil chal aman he said pulling his hand and 4 of them ran upstairs the elders were just smiling at them

Neela: so nice shweta that avni has got along with u im happy she has started to call u maa
hweta: arien it was not easy sometimes she did call me aunty but I gave hera warning she has to call me maa and not aunty

Prakash: hmm if that's the case then I should also warn her to call me papa instead of uncle' and all the elders laughed

Diksha: im happy that juhi. vidyut, Avni and neils marriage got fixed now its just vijay, riya and aman left ...I hope they get lovely life partners too.

Daya: haan diksha even I hope so.

Meanwhile avni and riya had reached to juhis room

Juhi: avni did bhai say sorry to u? avni was about to reply back when riya spoke

Riya: sorry for what? and juhi I thought that u and vidyut were not going to tell about ur relation so soon asked a confused riya

juhi and avni looked at each other and then avni narrated everythingto riya who was a bit angry for neils behaviour

Riya: noo avni di neil shouldn't be speaking to u like that but did he say sorry to u?

Avni: riya calm down    neil said that angrily he cares about juhi so much...well he did send bouquets and a teddy saying sorry written on it in the morning but

Juhi: but what?
Avni: juhi and riya listen carefully to me i was not angry at neil at all as I knew that he got angry coz he was really protective about juhi but I felt like being a bit naughty and thought I should see what else neil does to say sorry as this is going to be the first time I am going  see yuvraj Neil Khanna  saying sorry

Riya: not bad di she said with a naughty smirk while juhi laughed

Juhi: all the best and the three girls hugged each other. Vijay aman and neil had gone down ages ago while the girls were still upstairs and soon enough came downstairs...avni who had seen where Neil was looked away before he saw her and looked at the rest while avoiding him

Juhi took everyone blessing and hugged vijay and aman  as she didn't see them... the youngsters were standing as the elders were sitting'  juhi,riya and avni were talking and  slightly laughed on a joke when juhi noticed neil staring in their direction she whispered to avni who didn't dare to look at neil and slightly smile soon enough vidyut family came and all greeted each other while vidyut went and stood next to neil, aman  and vijay

At last purohit ji came and everyone took blessing of him he then got all his pooja equipment ready and made vidyut and juhi sit at the front...neil came and stood beside avni but she couldn't move away as there was other family members standing behind her...however she was able to feel him glancing at her now and then from the corner of his eyes...after an hour the pooja had finished and purohit ji took vidyut and juhi horoscope and left

Avni,juhi and riya were glued to each other and avni was talkinga bout sia until the boys joined them

Vidyut so what were u girls talking about

Juhi: nothing ..just About sia jiji

Vidyut: who is sia jiji? he asked confusingly
Riya: she is our elder sister

Juhi: bhai...what happened y r u so quiet?... Neil came out of his thoughts and looked at juhi

Neil: nothing choti

Avni: erms guys im just going to get some water .. they all nodded and got back to talking avni was walking towards the dining table and neil saw this as an opportunity and got away without noticing....Avni was drinking water and she didn't see neil coming as she was facing the other way

Neil: princess... Avni who was drinking water stopped as she heard neil ...she smiled but kept her expressions normal and turned around.

Neil looked at her and then at others

Neil: woh actually I wanted to say something to u'. avni felt like laughing as she saw a nervous neil standing in front of her and he looked like a kid who was all guilty as if they had committed a crime

Neil:  princess im sorry.. sorry for everything I said to u in my anger ...I shouldn't have spoken to u like that when u were not at fault ...I promise I wont react on anything like this until I don't know what the truth is' ..he saw her just looking at him with a normal expression but before she was able to reply shweta came over and took avni with her...

neil thought avni will turn back and give him a smile indicating she has forgiven him but she didn't and this made him think that she had not.forgiven him so he excused himself from others and went to his room saying he had to make a urgent call

Once avni finished with shweta she turned around to see neil was not standing where she saw him earlier she looked where juhi and others were standing and didn't find him' avni went up to them

Avni: where is neil she asked whispering to juhi

Juhi: he went to his room saying he had to make a urgent phone call ...y what happened

Avni: I guess its time to forgive ur bhai she said smirking' and wasabout to leave when vijay stopped

Vijay: avni where r u going

Avni: im just coming vijay bhai she said  and went up'

she was about to knock on neils door when she saw the door was ajar...' she could clearly see neil standing near the window all serious' she was about to enter when she saw himself walk near the mirror and BAM  he broke  it into million pieces'

avni was shocked... tears welled up in her eyes out of concern... she pushed the door open and ran in and took neils hands in hers looking at the wound' while neil was looking at her

avni: neil ...r u stupid what the hell did u do she said dragging him and made him sit on the bed  examining  his wound wheras neil could see anger and concern on her face

neil: I guess this is what I deserve after all u were not able to forgive me

avni: where is the first aid box before he could reply she found it and started to clean his wound and applied bandage to it

neil: im sorry

avni: yh u should be sorry ... For hurting yourself...neil looked at her shocked

neil: what do u mean princess

avni: seriously neil I thought u would know me better because if u did then u would have known i was not angry with u..everytime u use your brain but this time u didnt

neil: meaning u have forgiven me

avni: erghh neil u got hurt on ur hand but ur brain doesn't seem to be working... if im not angry on u then y u asking for forgiveness when u haven't done anything

neil: but I did hurt u by blaming u he said becoming all serious.., avni put her hands on his cheeks and turned his face towards her

avni: u did it out of anger' I know that u didn't mean any of that so please can u forget it' (to lighten up the atmosphere she contined)' and by the way im happy as the first time I got to see yuvraj Neil Khanna saying sorry she said naughtily

neil: ahhh so it was all a plan he said leaning towards avni  while avni pushed neil and was running towards the door she stopped as she heard neil shout in pain and turned towards the bed to find no neil...suddenly she felt a tap on the shoulder and turned around to see neil leaning on the door and smirking at her

avni: what? y did u lock the door

neil: I guess u know y he said advancing towards her

avni: n'no'. no I...i don't she said taking steps backwards while he walked forward...and soon felt her back hit against the wall
neil: now where r u going to go princess he whispered  blocking her between him and the wall.

all of a sudden neil pulled avni and was holding her by her waist while avni hands were on his chest..' he felt avni breathing heavily as neil was caressing her waist and her cheeks' avni shivered when she felt neil starting to give wet kisses on her neck... he then  moved towards her lips tracing it for a while and then capturing it with his.. avni one hand moved around his neck and other on his hair making Neil  pull her more closer...soon both got out of breath and rested their forehead   against each other

neil  hmm last time it was strawberryand this time cherry not bad princess u know my taste so well' avni blushed and hugged him and both stayed like that for a very long time until this time neil actually felt pain on his hand' avni let him go and took out a painkiller from the first aid box and gave it to him
avni: u feeling better now she said all concerned and neil could see the guilty look on her face
neil: princess im fine and I think u should get that guilty look of ur face he said banging his nose with hers and looked at her...  they both were lost in their eyelock and came back to reality when they heard someone knock on the door... neil went to open it and saw it was juhi and let her come in

juhi: hmmm so what took u both so lon'.. she was about to continue when she saw a white bandage around neil hand and the shattered mirror pieces on the floor'

Juhi;bhai u k she? asked being all worried

neil: im fine don't worry choti and don't tell anyone about this k

juhi: k but come down before anyone find both of u missing at the same time

avni: juhi i'll come with u..mjuhi nodded and both girls left giving a last glance at neil ...soon neil came down after throwing the shattered pieces away and shweta
noticed the bandage on his hand

shweta: omg neil beta how did u get this bandage on ur hands all of a suddens he said going towards him even everyone else was concerned

neil: nothing mom I was drinking water in my room when the glass fell on the floor and when I was about to pick it up I hurt myself.

shweta: beta be careful next time

Bebe:neil y did u try to pick it up... u could have asked a staff to do it... Neil smiled in return

Dayawanti: achaa now  we will leave and don't forget after two days we r going to devgardh for avnis crowning ceremony so I guess u r leaving on the same day as us and mahraj vikram we would like u to come to devgardh as well.

Vikram: we will surely come rajmata thank u

Avni: wait what? but I don't know anything about the riyasaat and'....Before she could continue ashish spoke 

Ashish: beta relax soon u will know everything  he said cupping her face

Avni: yh but how can I learn it all so soon and I need some time to learn this ...just imagine a devgardh yuvrani doesn't even know how to handle her responsibility.

Bebe: avni everything will be find don't worry and u will be a responsible yuvrani ...avni didn't agree but still nodded the elders nodded started to move out

Avni: vijay bhai. ... I'll just be back I left my bag in juhi room he nodded and waited for her while riya and aman went to the car... avni picked up her handbag and was about to leave when she saw neil looking at her with his arms folded

Avni: what happened neil u wanted to say anything?

Neil: princess y r u so nervous? Avni sighed and walked up to him
Avni: I don't know y ...but all of a sudden this yuvrani thing I don't even know what type of responsibility there will be... and the riyasaat work I don't even know if I will be able to handle that in a short time

Neil: shhh princess don't get so worried u will be absolutely fine and we will be there to guide u especially me I promise  I will be there whenever u need  me

Avni: neil even though listening to u ...y am I still nervous? neil smiled and hugged her

Neil: princess we all will be there just remember that if u get nervous just look towards any of us and we will be there to give u an encouraging look...(avni nodded)' so I guess I'll see u after two days.... Avni broke the hug

Avni: why two days?... r u not going see me tomorrow? she  bit her tongue as she realised what she said while neil smirked

Neil: oho... so eager to see me tomorrow he said mischievously

Avni: no no its nothing like that so I guess I'll see u in devgardh
Neil: uhhu not in devgardh princess

Avni: y'. he went behind her and hugged her resting his chin on her shoulder

Neil:  because im going to take my princess to devgardh with me so princess I'll see u at devgardh mansion and im sure u r going to enjoy the journey with me

Avni: oh really? Lets see how the journey will be'

neil: princess once ur crowning ceremony is over we will tell everyone that we decided to get engaged again even though our rokha happened when we were young...

avni nodded they both were standing like that when avni pushed him away

Neil: what was that for

Avni: neil its been more than five minutes and vijay bhai is still waiting for me

Neil: princess do u have to go?

Avni: of course yuvraj ji I do see u after two days.

Neil: and wt about my kiss'

avni gave him r-u-serious look'

Neil ; what it's my right to have a kiss  neil said

Avni: u want a kiss ...k here is ur kiss and she gave him a flying kiss and ran off'  neil came out  was standing near the stairs and was looking at his princess go ...she turned around and gave him a smile and he waved bye to her.. avni was just was about to leave the mansion when prakash stopped her
Prakash: avni beta wait

Avni: haan prakash  uncle u wanted to say something

Prakash: haan beta im very angry at u

Avni: what did I do she asked being all nervous

Prakash: beta its not fair u call shweta maa but u still call me uncle so its my strict warning that u call me papa otherwise I wont talk to u.. avni let out a sigh

Avni: u scared me prakash  uncle oops sorry I mean  papa.. now r u happy

Prakash: really happy ...see u after two day he said hugging her and she hugged shweta and juhi and left with vijay where riya and aman were waiting in the car

Precap:  avni talking to sia and then journey to devgardh with avneil

Hey guys thanks for the lovely comments and votes  for the previous chapter

Will be waiting for all the votes and comments for this chap

Lots of love


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