chapter 52

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Neil took avni towards the swings and made avni sit down while Neil slowly kneeled down on his knees in front of her

Avni watched neil as he slowly started to push the swing from the front making it move back and forth and everytime it would come near him he would push it again

Neil: avni metha u have been one challenging person who would make me change my own decisions which nobody can make me do...when I was reminded about rokha at that time I wondered how would we get along since we never communicated all these years, what would u be like?, would we get along but when juhi had shown me your picture that time there was something..something that pulled me closer to u just by seen your picture...I didn't know what it was but it felt good ..then came the time when I finally saw u and u welcomed me by throwing water on my face... again there was something that pulled me towards u which I had never felt with any girl and at that time I thought I would marry u and even u would agree only to realise u found out late about rokha too....however I was anxious to know your reply and I felt a relief when u said u will give a change to this relation...I had thought maybe its attraction which is pulling me towards u but I was wrong ...when akash had entered and I realised that I feel more than attraction as I just didnt like any random guys been close to u yet I wasnt going to confess becusse i hardly share my feeling with anyone but today I had to...I didnt even like it when u spoke to ranveer and I dont care if u call it possessive or been over possessive but if that is what I am then I am because I cant see u be close to anyone but me.... I was literally happy when in your drunk state u confessed your feelings but yet u was stubborn like me to confess ...avni u mean the world to me I may not share my feelings but if u r in my life then that is because u r special... even if I dont say it but just know that I love u and always will .. I'm not good at confession speech and all but I said what came from my heart he said pushing the swing everytime it came near him while the wind blew avni hair as a tear rolled down her cheeks

Neil stopped the swing and leaned forward kissing the tear away that was on her cheeks while avni closed her eyes feeling his lips on her skin.

Avni: y r u saying all this now she said sniffing while looking away from Neil.

Neil chuckled

Neil: because I wanted to make this the best confession for u...I wanted to make it special for u and I'm sorry

Avni: for what ? She said looking at him and then back at her hands which was resting on her lap

Neil lifted her hands up intertwining their fingers together and kissed the back of her palms

Neil: because I know y u r behaving odd ... juhi told me.


Neil was thinking about avni changed behaviour which was bothering him ...while thinking he sat down with both his hands clasped together leaning forward when suddenly his phone rang he picked it up from the couch to see it was juhi who called him

Neil:hey choti

Juhi: bhai did u find out anything from that guy ? Vijay bhai told me that avni had to go to the police station

Neil: haan commissioner uncle had to know if she had seen him before... also that nandu hasnt revealed anything yet.

Juhi: acha dont worry everything will be fine soon .


Juhi: bhai I'll speak to u later and just relax ok

Neil:juhi wait

Juhi:- what happened she asked

Neil: what is wrong with avnis behaviour?

Juhi: y? What happened?

Neil told juhi about the way avni was behaving with him.

Juhi:- exact reason toh I dont know but since u left from the farmhouse she didnt seem to be happy... as she was looking for u before that and then u had called and at that time she seemed frustrated but as much as I know avni na bhai I feel she was not happy with the way u left without telling as she hadn't liked it before too and it was clearly visible when she was speaking to u on the phone

Neil: avni he said squeezing his eyes

Juhi:u have to make it up to her bhai.

Neil: yeah which seems to be tough this time

Juhi: there might be something which can make her anger vanish in a sec

Neil: what?

Juhi:your feelings bhai... let it out to her...if not us then tell avni..she deserves to know...if u feel u need to know everything regarding avni then I guess it should be fair for her is up to u bhai

Neil was thoughtful....

Juhi: bhai she said after few secs

Neil: juhi will u help me ?

Juhi: with ?

Neil: bring avni to vidyut mansion on xyz road

Juhi: ok she said smiling....she didnt ask as she probably knew what was coming but she knew avni will surely tell her

End of flashback

Avni: so we r at vidyut place

Neil nodded

Avni: and juhi was part of this


Avni: and what if I say I'm still angry with u she said getting up and took a step ahead to feel Neil stopping her by holding her wrist

Neil: u was but now u r not he said pulling her close to him

Avni: but now I am again...your confession stole my touched me...but then I remembered y I was angry with u she said crossing her arms

Neil: avni...I'm sorry.

Avni: neil u always do this...not once but u have done it many times where u have left without telling...u could have left a note or a message for us but no u love disappearing out of the blue... u say we r royals so we should be careful and all but what about u neil? If we hadn't known where u r and just imagine if ...if..god forbidden but if something had happened to u then how would we have known...if me, juhi or someone else had gone without telling then u and your anger and on top of that your lecture...and by saying sorry u will probably end up doing the same thing again she said turning away.

Neil made her face him

Neil: avni...look at me... I didnt mean to leave like that but at that time knowing nandu is caught I couldn't think of anything as this is the guy who had harmed u in many ways and at that time all I thought was having my hands around his neck for causing u pain

Avni held his collar

Avni: and me ? Y do u always do stuff that I dont like? Dont I mean anything to u neil? Is your love only this much...I feel the same way for u neil ...just like how u care and get worried for us even we do but u dont seem to understand ....u want to go without telling na then go dont give me any explanations but then dont consider me to give any explanations as to y I'm behaving this way... she said letting it out...moving her hands away from his collar

Neil listened to her and within sec he lifted her up in a bridal style

Avni: neil what r u doing put me down she said

But Neil didnt listen and started walking back

Avni:neillllll I'm saying something

Neil: I know but I dont want to put u down.

Avni: y r u so stubborn

Neil: because u r he said walking back to the swing with avni on his lap

Before avni could get of... with his feet neil started to move the swing back and forth

Avni: neil I..but she couldnt complete as neil interrupted

Neil: I promise that from now onwards I wont go without telling and if I do go away then I'll make sure to inform u straight away...I didn't know ke going away without telling would effect u this way but I didnt mean it that way at all...when its regarding my loved ones that I tend to forget everything and could go to any extent to protect them...I love u avni and I can go to any extent to harm those who dared to harm u ...I'm sorry for hurting u he said softly

Avni looked at neil when he spoke...her heart was telling her to forgive him but her mind wasnt

Neil continued to move the swing back and forth...

Neil:- do u forgive me he asked as his one hand was drawing patterns around her waist while the other hand was caressing her cheeks

Avni slowly closed her eyes and then opened it and nodded her head.

Avni:- promise u will tell and not leave without telling

Neil: promise

Avni: then u r forgiven

Neil smiled as he kissed the tip of her nose

Neil:- I said I love u .. now at least say those words again he said tracing the corner of her lips making avni tighten her hold around his shoulder

Avni: what if I dont

Neil: then that wont be fair he said moving his face close to hers to capture her he was close to claiming her lips avni placed her hand inbetween their lips

Avni: trying to take a chance yuvraj sa

Neil moved her hand away and moved it behind her back along with her other hand holding both of her hands behind her back with his one hand

Neil: neil khanna gets what he wants and u know that right He said making her sit straight on his lap with her back against his chest while he still held her hand behind her back

Avni felt her heart beat going fast slowly as she felt neil move her hair on to the side.

She got of Neil's lap forgetting that he is still holding her hands but neil pulled her back making her sit on his lap again

Avni sucked in air when she felt neil kissing her sensitive spot while his other hand went under her top drawing around her navel

Neil: u want to say something? He asked

Avni:nooo she said trying to speak normally but her voice gave away as to how she was feeling

Neil continued drawing around her navel and caressed her skin around her stomach while his lips started to place small kisses between her shoulder and neck...avni was breathing in and out when she felt neil grip loosen on her hand

She smiled naughtily and before neil could realise she ran away from him..

Neil smirked

Neil: where will u run and go princess he said running inside and saw avni run down the stairs ..taking long strides he reached to the bottom and before avni could close the door of room she was in  neil placed his foot between it

Avni instantly stopped laughing and took few steps back away from him keeping distance

Avni: look neil enough masti now ok

Neil: say I love u and Give me my kiss and I'll let u go

Avni: arien I had said it that time na so y do u want to hear it again she said moving around the room white neil followed her

Neil:- because I want to

Avni: neil u r mad..anyways it's late I better get going she said as she realised she was near the door and swiftly turned to make an exist when out of the blue she felt neil right behind her and the door closing thanks to neil who shut it...avni gulpd as she realised she was caged between neil and the wall.

Neil: not so fast princess he said turning her around.

He moved close to her leaving no gaps between them ...he leaned forward making their lips touch slightly but not entirely

Neil: I love u...say it he he spoke avni felt his lips touched hers making her roll her hand into a fist

Neil moved his hand under her top caressing her waste line as he moved his lips on her cheeks back and forth on both sides and then slowly placed his hands around her waist caressing it and looked at her eyes closed....neil eyes slowly moved to her lips and to her throat to see how she gulped

Avni fidgeted when she felt neil move his finger on her forehead and slowly trace it down and outline her lips slowly making her feel goose bumps.

Neil: say it he whispered in her ears as his fingers continued their work on her waist...avni took a deep breath when she felt neil inhale her hair.

Avni: I love u she whispered

Neil opened his eyes and moved his face backwards

Avni:- I love u neil she said again.

Neil: open your eyes avni

Avni slowly opened her eyes and looked at neil.

Neil: I love u too he said cupping both of her cheeks

Avni smiled and moved to hug him burying her face in his chest

Avni: thank u for making this day special..
Thank u for conveying your feelings in a way which I'll cherish for life neil...I had lost hope about u confessing so this had literally come as a shock for me

Neil: u dearve more than this avni and this is the least I can do he said wrapping his hand more tightly around her as they stood in each other arms peacefully with a smile on their face

Precrap:neela and Ashish were inviting the guests when suddenly they saw someone walk in making the metha, khanna family go still

The person walked towards them with a smile a smile which wasnt pleasant at all

Here is another chap of forever and always

Will be waiting for all the votes and comment so keep them coming

Lots of love

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