chapter 53

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Neil: not so fast princess he said turning her around.

He moved close to her leaving no gaps between them ...he leaned forward making their lips touch slightly but not entirely

Neil: I love u...say it he he spoke avni felt his lips touch hers making her roll her hand into a fist

Neil moved his hand under her top caressing her waste line as he moved his lips on her cheeks back and forth on both sides and then slowly placed his hands around her waist caressing it and looked at her eyes closed....neil eyes slowly moved to her lips and to her throat to see how she gulped

Avni fidgeted when she felt neil move his finger on her forehead and slowly trace it down and outline her lips slowly making her feel goose bumps.

Neil: say it he whispered in her ears as his fingers continued their work on her waist...avni took a deep breath when she felt neil inhale her hair.

Avni: I love u she whispered

Neil opened his eyes and moved his face backwards

Avni:- I love u neil she said again.

Neil: open your eyes princess

Avni slowly opened her eyes and looked at neil.

Neil: I love u too he said cupping both of her cheeks

Avni smiled and moved to hug him burying her face in his chest

Avni: thank u for making this day special..
Thank u for conveying your feelings in a way which I'll cherish for life neil...I had lost hope about u confessing so this had literally come as a shock for me

Neil: u deserve more than this avni and this is the least I can do he said wrapping his hand more tightly around her as they stood in each other arms peacefully with a smile on their face

After some time avneil were sitting in the balcony...neil was sitting against the wall with avni resting her back against his chest...his one hand caressing her hair while the other around her stomach, her hands was on top of his

Both looking at the view seen from the balcony while Enjoying been in this comfort

Avni: neil

Neil: hmm

Avni turned side ways facing him

Avni: what do you think about nandu

Neil stopped caressing avni hair

Neil:y r u asking about him ? Do u remember something about him?

Avni: no I dont... but...i just dont know what made him do all this as we never harmed anyone and we have never met nandu not even our family

Neil: I dont know what made him do all this...nandu was the one who caused all the mishaps but he is just a pawn in this he said looking into space

Avni: a pawn ?she repeated looking at him confusingly

Neil nodded

Avni: but how do you know that ? Did he say that ?

Neil: he didnt say that....he is trying to hide it but yes he is a pawn in all this...the master mind is someone else which he isnt revealing...he is claiming he hates us royals and this is y he did all this thinking the police will believe all this. Dd also found nobody in his family been related to any royals in the past

Avni: despite catching nandu we r still far from the truth

Neil cupped avni cheeks

Neil: we will surely come close to it...nandu may feel we will give up...he may not open his mouth right now but he will surely have to tell the truth at some point he said looking seriously into space

Meanwhile at another place the person was getting ready...while the goons looked on

Goon 1: boss what is going to happen to nandu

Boss: nothing

Goon 2: boss what if nandu reveals ?

Boss: he wont...nandu wont open his mouth at any cost. I trust him

Back at vidyut mansion

Avni looked at neil and placed her hand on his cheeks making neil look at her instantly...the anger was clearly visible in his eyes

Avni:If nandu is caught then the real truth will be out soon as everyone always says the truth comes out one day

Neil: and this truth seems to be very mysterious which is frustrating me even more

Avni sat on her knees and placed a kiss on Neil's cheeks

Avni: I hope this isnt frustrating she said smiling seen neil relaxing a bit

Before she can move away neil pulled her close making her land on his chest..their lips almost touching

Neil: I guess u have forgotten other places too he said .. as he was speaking avni was able to feel his lips touching hers now and then

Suddenly Neil's phone started to ring...neil leaned his head backwards as his moment got disturbed with the love of his life ...avni moved away allowing Neil to get his phone from the side to see a video call from juhi

Avni was tucking a strand of hair behind her ears when neil answered the call

Gang:hello they all shouted together surprising neil while avni looked up as she heard their voice and moved, sitting next to Neil leaning her back against the wall

Vijay: ahaan avni is next to u means things r sorted he said teasingly as he noticed avni

Riya:of course things will be sorted but we wanted to know how it went she said referring to the confession

Avni: things went the way it did she said shrugging her shoulder while controlling her laugh seen the smile drop from riya face for a second

Riya: diii u know what I mean so stop playing

Vijay: come on tell us na

Avneil looked at each other and then at the gang

Vidyut: u all r too much ...understand na neil confessed avni forgived him... otherwise do u think neil would have answered if his work wasnt completed?

Ali: agreed and even avni wouldnt have sat next to neil

Juhi:the big smile is saying everything haan she said teasingly

Riya: acha so tell us how did neil jiju confess she said

Avni: y r u so eager to know

Riya: because I want to know after all we made so many efforts in arranging everything

Avni: well then wait

Vijay: waisen neil y r u quiet he said raising his eyebrows

Neil: because I'm enjoying the show he said shrugging his shoulder

Vidyut: na na the actual reason is my best friend is probably cursing us for disturbing his time with his lady love

Avni: aisa kuch nahi hai (its nothing like that)

Neil: actually it is like that he said to tease avni a little

Avni:Neill she said glaring at him

Neil: what ? wasnt we having some fun time together he said ignoring her glare making the gang chuckle

Vidyut: wasien there is so many advantage of having many residence and one of them is u can lend it to a friend for such special occasions like this he said while juhi smacked him playfully

Riya: didu dont worry about coming home today we told the elders that u r spending romantic time together she said proudly

Avni: riyaaa she said with her eyes widened

Vidyut: riya is right by the way...u can enjoy the night over there without any disturbance to your romance he said

Neil: if u guys r done now I'll love to spend time with princess now

Ali: ohooo itni jaldi yuvraj neil he said teasingly

Neil: byeee he said ending the call while avnis mouth was wide open

Avni: Neillll y did u cut the call like that now what will they think

Neil: they will think that we r eager to spend some time together..simple

Avni:haan and like usual they will tease me she said glaring at him

Neil: princess I know I love hearing u speak but y do u keep on repeating the same thing everytime he said playfully while tucking a strand of hair behind her ears

Avni smacked his hand away

Avni: because u keep doing such I'm going to make dinner because I'm hungry she said and was about to head down when neil grabbed her hand and pulled her close

Neil:well if u want we can have something else and I'm sure u wont mind that either he said tracing her cheeks with a playful smile on his face...avni raised her eyebrows and placed her hand on his chest

Avni: well for now I only want food just like a normal human she said pushing him slightly and headed down while neil watched her go

Avni headed to the kitchen and wondered around thinking what to make...there was no staff as vidyut had told the staff to leave since neil and avni was going to spend time there

Avni: chal avni get started she said and decided to check the fridge first

As she was looking she heard Neil speak

Neil: how about we order something online

Avni: might as well make something as ordering will take the same amount of time she said noticing few items in the fridge and freezer giving her an idea of what to make

Neil walked up to her and stood behind her as he wrapped his hand around her stomach and rested his chin on her shoulder

Neil:well that would be great as until food comes we will get to spend some time together right he said

Avni turned her face to look at Neil

Avni: that we can do now too right she said moving him away from her as she walked over to the worktop and grabbed a chopping board and placed the pack of chiken fillets, tomato, onion , jalapeno on to the worktop and walked back to the fridge

Neil:how? He said leaning his back against the worktop as he watched avni grab few things from the fridge

Avni: by helping me cut all this after all we will be spending time together right she said bringing the rest of the items and placing them on the worktop while she grabbed the fillets and placed them in a bowl and washed them

Neil: well I didnt mean that sort of spending time together he said

Avni: well for now this is how we will spend time together so help if u want to otherwise sit quietly she said splashing some water on his face

Neil smirked as he dried his cheeks

Avni had warmed up the pan and placed the fillets on too the fan while she started to cut the onions when she felt neil wrap his hand around her stomach again

Avni: yuvraj neil Khanna I told u if u want to spend time then it's only going to be by helping me cook and not any other way

Neil:, so that is what I'm doing yuvrani avni

Avni: dont call me that it sounds so weird she said as she removed the skin from the onion

Neil:well for me u will always be my princess he said making avni smile

Avni:now come on move and help me chop she said as she grabbed a knife

Neil:ok he said but instead of moving he moved his hand onto the knife that avni was holding

Avni: neil what r u doing she said as she turned her face to look at neil

Neil: 2 in 1

Avni:what? She said with a confused expression

Neil:u want me to spend time with u by helping u and I want to spend time with u in my way so I just combined both the things together he said

Avni raised her eyebrows giving him a " are you for serious look"

Neil: come on u dont want the fillets to be burning right

Avni instantly turned around and looked at her fillets and flipped them

As she grabbed her knife again and started chopping she felt neil hand on top of hers as they both chopped together making avni shake her head with a smile playing on her face.

Once cutting the onions in that position
Avni actually moved neil away as she didnt want either one of them to cut their finger while neil smiled checked the fillets to find it cooked...

Neil:avni shall I season this ?

Avni: haan but before that cut it into small pieces so that it's easy to mix all this while seasoning it she said as she was cutting the cucumber

Neil took another chopping board and before he could take the fillets of the pan he heard avni speak

Avni: dont forget the fillets r hot

Neil: like me he said

Avni looked at Neil to see him smirking

Avni: I dont compare food with human she said playfully and continued cutting

Neil:I'll take that as a yes then he said as he carefully started cutting

Once all was done neil seasoned few ingredients together giving it a few stirs while avni was cutting the lettuce and took out few spicy jalapeno from the jar ..if someone had seen them then they would have felt as if a normal couple were in the kitchen cooking not giving a slightest clue of them been royal

Once done avni warmed the tortilla wraps slightly and then she started to add everything in it while folding the wrap...once done she placed Neil's wrap on a plate and handed it him who was sitting on the seat next to her

Neil: thank u he said while taking the plate

Avni: welcome yuvraj sa she said teasingly and sat on the kitchen counter grabbing her wrap

Neil Took a bit of his wrap and chewed on it

Neil: this tastes good princess the jalapeno is hot but i love how the wrap has a sweet and spicy taste he said looking up and was about to take another bite but stopped when he saw the way avni was engrossed in eating her wrap while her hair was blowing slightly due to the kitchen window been open

As avni took another bite a peice of cucumber with some mayonnaise on it was sticking out from her mouth when neil stood in front of her...avni looked at neil and was about to put the rest of the cucumber in her mouth when neil held her hand and leaned forward...avni was confused for a sec when her eyes moved to see how neil had bitten On the other side of the cucumber and suddenly he licked her lips due to some hot sauce spreading on her lower lip

Avni was startled due to that and she went still with her wrap still half way up while neil moved away and smirked

Neil: that cucumber was hot and amazing he said wiping the corner of avni lips with his thumb

Avni looked at neil and opened her mouth to say something but she wasnt Able to...she cleared her throat

Avni:y dont u eat your wrap then she said trying to be normal and licked her lips and bite her lower lips for few secs as she payed attention to her wrap

Neil looked at how avni licked her lips and then biting it...he instantly moved forward claiming her lips while avni wrap aimlessly fell on to the plate kept on the side as she tried to catch up to neil rhythm...

Neil made avni lay down on the kitchen counter without them breaking the kiss...he hovered on top of her while avni hand moved around his shirt collar and pulled him closed leaving a small gap between them while their lips mingled with each other

Neil moved his hand under avni shirt and squeezed her waist earning a moan out of her...neil took that as an opportunity and entered in her mouth both playing with each other tounge

After a min so avni pushed neil away breaking kiss trying to catch up with her breath as her chest moved up and down with her eyes closed while Neil stayed on top of her

Neil:I told u na princess that u wouldnt mind having something else instead he said as he traced her lips

Avni slowly opened her eyes and looked at neil Able to feel her cheeks heat up

Avni:I was clearly enjoying my food but like usual u love to Disturb it she said sitting up as she pushed him away making him stand up...

Neil smirked and moved closer to her as he placed his hands on worktop...avni looked at neil as she held her wrap

Avni: what ? By standing like this do u expect your wrap will come to u she said looking at neil and then her wrap about to take a bite but stops when she sees neil face so close

Neil: I dont feel like eating from my wrap as yours seems to be more tempting he said smirking not moving away from her

Avni: well it's the same thing I made so take yours

Neil: nope feed me from yours he said staying in the same position

Avni shook her head at neil

Avni: u r really stubborn but u know what ...u r lucky today as I wont say no since I'm really hungry

Neil:well if u r really hungry we can continue what we left incom...before neil can finsh of his sentence avni shoved the wrap into his mouth

Avni: u r right we left something incomplete which was eating our food she said taking a bite from her wrap after

While neil stood up straight and grabbed his plate eating his wrap.

After 10 mins when both finished eating neil washed his hands while avni was clearing up the worktop

Neil: princess leave all that na when the staff comes over they will clean it tomorrow he said turning towards her as he dried his hand with the napkin

Avni looked at neil as she walked towards wash basin and placed the plates inside

Avni:neil I love doing my work not everything should be left on the staff besides that is what me and juhi useto do in abroad she said shrugging her shoulders and started washing her plate

Neil leaned his back against the worktop near where avni was standing and watched her with his arms crossed

Neil: u know one thing?

Avni: what? she said looking at him as she turned of the tap and dried her hands

Neil turned towards avni as she was looking at him curiously

Neil: u will be an amazing yuvrani

Avni: and what made u think this suddenly she said smiling

Neil : because of the way u you are...selfless not one of those greedy types of yuvrani

Avni: so u trying to Say the ladies from our family r greedy she said laughing

Neil chuckled

Neil: they r not greedy they r also loving but u r way to loving he said cupping her cheeks

The playful smile was replaced with a genuine smile on avni face she cupped neil hand which was on her cheeks

Avni: everyone is loving in their own way neil...for instance look at you u might seem to look like a yuvraj who is all serious and may not be kind at all but those who r close to u can see the kind hearted person who loves his family and his people...haan though I agree u r kadhoos sometimes especially with me

Neil: achaaa so I'm kadhoos haan he said pulling her closer to him with his hand around her waist and hers on his chest

Avni:haan especially when it comes to annoying us with your orders

Neil: that is because it's for your betterment so no argument is going to happen on that weather u like it or not

avni:, u mean to say hate it or not she said pushing him away and started to walk out of the kitchen

As avni stepped out of the kitchen within sec she was lifted up from the ground

Avni:neilllll what r u doing put me down she said

Neil: put me down otherwise someone will come...princess dont even think of saying this as nobody will come

Avni: haan toh doesnt mean you can pick me up whenever u want I can walk

Neil:, well it's my choice to carry u like this any problem ? He said as he started to walk

Avni: haan a big problem

Neil: that's your problem then not my problem

Avni: neilllll... I can walk up the stairs what has gotten into u all of a sudden

Neil:, well I thought since we r spending time together might as well make some use of it

Avni: ohhh but I want to go home she said teasingly

Neil:I know how much u want to go home he said with a teasing smile as they reached up the stairs and headed into one of the bedroom

He placed her down but avni pushed him away and ran into the washroom

Meanwhile at the metha palace

Vijay and riya had come back to The palace after meeting the gang at the restaurant when they had called avneil.

Riya: vijay bhai tommrow is mom and dads wedding anniversary

Vijya: dont worry all the arrangements will be done before the party

Riya: haan but dont forget the cake and gifts they r the main thing

Vijya: acha ? What about the guests and decorations isnt that the main thing

Riya: that is your department as u said to leave all that to u she said cheekily and walked away

Vijay: riya is too much sometimes I TEll YOU

As vijay was about to go up neela called him

Vijay: ji mami sa?

Neela: vijay is avni Still with neil?

Vijay: haan mami sa as we told u they will be spending some time together so she will come tommrow morning... but what happened do u want her to come back as I mean she is there alone with Neil and ...vijay couldnt continue as neela intturpeted

Neela:no no its nothing like that I was just making sure...besides we trust both of them and also know that she is safe with neil

Vijay: absolutely mami sa now chalo go and sleep after all tommrow is your wedding anniversary and also party in the evening and I want my mami sa to look beautiful though she already is

Neela:vijayyyy...she said pulling his ears

Vijay: ok ok sorry he said

Neela: u also go and sleep

Vijay: night night mami sa he said hugging her from the back and Gave a peck on her cheeks as he headed up

Neela smiled shaking her head and headed to her room

Meanwhile back to vidyut place

Avni was in the washroom since few mins while neil was sitting on the bed scrolling through his she came out she saw neil comfortably on the bed

Avni: neil

Neil:hmm he said looking at her and then back at his phone

Avni: y dont u go and sleep

Neil looked at avni for a sec and then placed his phone down

Neil: princess did I say I want to sleep because as far as I remember i said we r spending time with each other.

Avni came and sat down on the other side of the bed

Avni:ohhh so this is how we will spend time together actually this sounds fun she said grabbing her phone and comfortably sat on the bed

Neil: what r u doing ? He asked frowning

Avni: we r spending time together been on our phone she said sarcastically looking at neil while showing her phone

Neil smirked and leaned on his elbows

neil: I must admit been with me you are learning to give such replies princess not bad...and if u r getting so eager to spend some time then let's spend some time he said pulling her closer to him making their lips touch slightly due to the pull

Avni closed her eyes for a sec while neil looked at her teasingly

Avni: y do u always think of one thing

Neil: who said I was thinking about that? Ohhh wait so u want to spend time in that way well I dont mind then as I had something else stored in my mind he said nuzziling her Cheeks with his nose

Avni sat up straight as she felt ticklish too that gesture

avni: not at all yuvraj neil khanna...and if u have thought of something else then y dont u tell me

Neil: this he said showing his phone as he unlocked it

Avni: movies she said happily as she saw Netflix page on Neil's phone

Neil: ahaan

Avni: so put on a movie what's taking u so long then

Neil: so much excitement for a movie or because u will be watching it with me

Avni:u know u need to stop your selfpraisning plus my excitement is for the movie only

Neil: ouch my poor heart he said

avni:yes your poor heart now chalo put on a movie

Neil: you are an ajooba princess

Avni: think whatever u want to she said getting comfortable on the bed

Neil loaded a movie by connecting it on to the tv and dimmed the lights...he then moved closer to avni and pulled her closer to him with his one hand around her while avni comfortably leaned her back against his and rested her right elbow on to his thigh as they enjoyed the night like this in each others arm with no tension and only love

Precrap (same as before)

neela and Ashish were inviting the guests when suddenly they saw someone walk in making the metha, khanna family go still

The person walked towards them with a smile.... a smile which wasnt pleasant at all

Hey guys thank u so so much for all the birthday messages that I had received it really means a lot

Hope u all like this chap

Will be waiting for comments and votes

And also sorry for taking time to update

Lots of love

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