chapter 3

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Neela: so who is your new boss then.

Avni stopped drinking water and looked at neela

Avni: y does it matter maa she said after a while

Neela : arien what sort of answer is that

Avni:maa u r the one who says dont talk about office Matter during family time and u r doing that ...anyways I'm going to freshen up 

Neela watched avni leave and shook her head..

Avni walked into riya room to see she wasnt there... she needed someone to talk to Right now and after riya the next person she could think of was juhi.

As avni reached to her room she dialled juhi number

Meanwhile Neil was standing in the office balcony while the party was still going on ... he had seen the shock on avni face seen her after so long. It was the same just like when he had announced he wanted to break up with her but he had no choice as he had to take this step after a lot of thinking and he knew he had to make some changes to the company contract because he was sure once avni finds out he is the boss she will have something running in her head.


Few days ago

Neil: manoj uncle I thank u once again for allowing me to take over this company..

Manoj: come on neil u r prakashs son I have known u since u was a child who else could have been a better person to take over this company.

Neil: thank u so much.

Manoj:these r few documents about the company also this is the contract file for all employee.

Neil opened the contract file and then looked at manoj .

Neil:I want to make some changes to this contract if that is ok .

Manoj:certinally I'll talk to the union to get the contract changed for u and I'm sure employees wont mind. ..but what changes?

Neil: that I will tell u in a bit but how long will it take to get it changed  .

Manoj:I know few people we can go there now and it all will be done u just need  to explain what changes u r making 

Neil:I'm ready to do that...manoj nodded and left with neil.

End of flashback.

Neil : I had to keep u away that time avni but now I wont let u go far away and that is a promise he said to himself.

Back to the metha mansion

Avni waited for juhi to answer and was about to cut the call when she answered on the last ring.

Juhi:hey avni sorry was helping maa get food ready  

Avni: it's ok.. r u free ?

Juhi: yh what happened ? y u sounding low ?

Avni:woh actually my boss has decided to hand over the company to someone else

Juhi:ohh but y?

Avni:he felt he has done enough and now is the time to rest.

Juhi: dont worry avni I'm sure your new boss will be good too

Avni:NO she said annoyed

Juhi:y u saying that u met him she said sitting next to vidyut

Avni: yes he came today and it's none other than  she paused

Juhi: y did u stop continue

Avni: its  Neil she finally said

Juhi: neil? Neil is back she asked

Avni: yes and now my boss

Juhi:ohh... did u both speak then ?

avni:no and I have no intentions too ..

Juhi:I understand y u dont want to avni but now u will be working with him

Avni:I dont want to work him therefore I'll just hand him my resignation letter

Juhi:u still feel for him na..

Avni gulped while juhi waited for her to answer

Avni:maa is calling I'll speak to u later she said ending the call while juhi sighed.

Vidyut: avni feels if she wont answer that question we wont realise that she still has feelings for Neil he said

(Juhi had kept the phone on loud speaker)

Juhi: I know vidyut but she wont accept it... we cant even tell her that we knew that Neil was back long ago but showed to others that he came back recently

Vidyut: I know but we all know y neil took that step and hopefully neil has got some clues. If only avni knew that neil never wanted to leave her but....

Juhi: I know...even despite knowing when he had came...where he was... we have to act like we were clueless.

Vidyut: lets hope for the best

At khanna mansion

Shweta:tillu come sit for dinner she said as she saw him come down and sit with them

Bebe: I'm happy to see u back after so many years neil now it feels this family is complete

Neil smiled

Prakash:no bebe the family is still incomplete after all neil's better half is still left he said making neil smile more

Bebe: kya baath hai neil puttar smiling just thinking about your better half....shweta... seems like your son has found his would be wife she said playfully

Shweta:Tullu who is she ? She asked excitingly

Neil: well for that u will have to wait I promise I will tell u about her soon

Prakash: hein? That means u seriously have someone in my mind

Bebe:of course he does cant u see the way he is smiling she teased

Neil:ok ok that's enough can we eat now I'm starving he said.

At the metha mansion

While everyone was eating and talking avni was busy playing with her food not paying attention to what others were saying as her mind was just occupied of seen neil

Riya: avniiii r u listening she said shaking her arm brining avni back to present

Avni: haan what were u saying? she said looking at riya

Riya:u wasnt listening na? she said raising her eyebrows

Avni: sorry I was just busy thinking about work...riya smiled knowing what exactly avni was thinking about but couldn't tell she knew

Riya: well leave your work for now and listen to me

Avni:haan bolo

Riya:so I was saying u will be incharge  of making the cake as u r actually amazing at it

Avni: that's fine I dont mind doing that but what type of cake

Riya:well ali loves chocolate cake so do that one just dont add fruits as u know how he doesnt like it


Neela :Riya, avni u both r talking more and eating less chalo come on finsh your food of she said

Dayawanti:neela is right and u can continue your discussion later on too..

Ketan: avni r u not Hungry

Avni: not really

Ashish: that is y u haven't ate properly na come on finish of your food

Avni nodded...later on she told riya about neil been her boss who gave the same "shock" reaction to avni

The next day

Neil was busy looking at avni's pic when he heard a knock on the door

Neil: come in he said placing his phone down to see avni walk in with her gaze down 

He saw her walk towards him standing in front of him without saying anything when he saw her forward an envelope knowing what it was as vidyut had informed him last night

Neil: what is this avni ?

Avni: here is my resignation letter she said handing it neil without looking at him

Neil: what makes u think I'll accept this  he said smirking

Avni: by contract rules if a employee wants to leave they can she said finally looking at him to see that smirk on his face which was not doing any good to her

Neil: seems like u haven't read the contract rules properly

Avni: maybe u haven't read it properly she said seriously 

Neil: well I have read it clearly but seems like u r still unaware about the new contract

Avni: new contract? she said to herself

Neil: haan new contract...which all the employees signed recently ...remember shruti had given u to read and sign

Avnis eyes widened not realising they were new contract

Avni: I wasnt aware about it... u should have informed all the staff she said trying to spill it on him

Neil walked towards avni

Neil:, well everyone was aware about it as shruti was telling everyone and she even tried to tell u but u didnt read it and signed it which actually is an advantage for me he said while avni looked at him angrily.
Avni watched as neil take the resignation letter and ripped it

Neil:sorry but I cant accept it as been your new boss I wont be allowing anyone leaving  this company until they have worked for 6 month with me  ( what the fuck did I come up with 😂)

Avni: what type of contract is this

Neil:its my type of there is no point of waisting your time. U have signed the contract so now no backing out

Avni was angry and turned to leave when neil held her wrist and pulled her close which she didnt expect from him

Neil: how r u avni he said softly while avni watched him...

for a sec she was lost and closed her eyes when he tucked a strand of hair behind her ears
She slowly opened her eyes and reality got back to her of how he left her...

Neil saw the anger in her eyes and within sec he was pushed back

Avni: u r a boss of this company so remain one dont try to get personal she said giving him a angry look and left the cabin

Neil watched as avni left and Sat on his chair .

The reason y he wanted to change the contract as he knew avni would try to take such step and his doubt was confirmed when vidyut called yesterday


Neil just changed his clothes when his phone rang to see vidyut calling

Neil: hello

Vidyut: neil how did it go?

Neil :it went as I thought she was shocked but she covered it up...

Juhi: well I'm happy about one thing is that we will be seen u after 4 damn years...despite been here since the past 2 years u had to stay hidden from all of us

Neil:I know juhi but u all know I couldnt risk coming in front of everyone that time

Juhi :that i know but at least we will see u in ali's bday party. But yes tell us did avni read the contract papers

Neil:nope she actually signed them without reading it and didnt know it was new contract papers

Vidyut: avni had called juhi today...she mentioned u been back and also decided she will resign 

Neil:it would have been an issue if she had read those contract papers but she actually didnt so her resignation wont work.

Juhi: neil y dont u tell avni that u still love her.

Neil: not yet juhi I'll tell her soon ...maybe at ali's bday party or after that let's see how things go

Vidyut: did u figure out who was behind all that ?

Neil:I have a doubt but not proper proof and I dont know if avni will believe me when I tell her the exact reason

Juhi : she is stubborn but I'm sure she will understand once u tell her.

Neil: she is too angry to even talk... as I tried to go near her she just left.

Vidyut: well dont worry avni wont be going anywhere she still loves u but is hiding it... but yes good luck for tomorrow

Neil:thank u I will definitely need it he said chuckling

End of flashback.

Neil: sorry avni but If i hadn't changed those contract rules u would have left by now and I know this was the only way I can keep u close to me as I know I have hurt u in the past but trust me I had no intentions too.. I had to do it for u, for your loved ones and for us. He said to himself

Precrap: ali's bday party

Thanks to those who commented and voted for the previous chap..will be waiting for all the lovely comments and votes so keep them coming

Lots of love

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