chapter 4

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Neil watched as avni left and Sat on his chair .

The reason y he wanted to change the contract as he knew avni would try to take such step and his doubt was confirmed when vidyut called yesterday


Neil just changed his clothes when his phone rang to see vidyut calling

Neil: hello

Vidyut: neil how did it go?

Neil :it went as I thought she was shocked but she covered it up...

Juhi: well I'm happy about one thing is that we will be seen u after 4 damn years...despite been here since the past 2 years u had to stay hidden from all of us

Neil:I know juhi but u all know I couldnt risk coming in front of everyone that time

Juhi :that i know but at least we will see u in ali's bday party. But yes tell us did avni read the contract papers

Neil:nope she actually signed them without reading it and didnt know it was new contract papers

Vidyut: avni had called juhi today...she mentioned u been back and also decided she will resign 

Neil:it would have been an issue if she had read those contract papers but she actually didnt so her resignation wont work.

Juhi: neil y dont u tell avni that u still love her.

Neil: not yet juhi I'll tell her soon ...maybe at ali's bday party or after that let's see how things go

Vidyut: did u figure out who was behind all that ?

Neil:I have a doubt but not proper proof and I dont know if avni will believe me when I tell her the exact reason

Juhi : she is stubborn but I'm sure she will understand once u tell her.

Neil: she is too angry to even talk... as I tried to go near her she just left.

Vidyut: well dont worry avni wont be going anywhere she still loves u but is hiding it... but yes good luck for tomorrow

Neil:thank u I will definitely need it he said chuckling

End of flashback.

Neil: sorry avni but If i hadn't changed those contract rules u would have left by now and I know this was the only way I can keep u close to me as I know I have hurt u in the past but trust me I had no intentions too.. I had to do it for u, for your loved ones and for us. He said to himself

As soon as avni reached to her cabin she closed the door annoyingly and sat on the couch covering her face....she recalled how shruti had come up with the papers to sign and how she signed it without listening to her fully

Avni: y didnt I read those papers...shruti was telling me to read it before signing and tried to tell me what it was but I just completely cut it off...I'm a big fool to dig my own grave. Ab I have to work here till 6 month and see his face.

1 hour later shruti walked into avnis cabin who was busy typing away annoyingly on the laptop

Shruti: oye kya hua y do u seem annoyed?
(Oye what happened y do u seem so annoyed ..

Avni: nothing has happened she said not been happy at all

Shruti: look I know u that much where I can tell when u r happy and not and your face clearly shows u r annoyed.

Avni closed her laptop and looked at shruti

Avni:y did  Manoj sir have to step down? and if he had to step down couldnt he ask us if we were happy for the new boss to join on top of that he should have informed us about the new contract rules

Shruti:uff avnii what is there to be annoyed about? I mean we all r still working in one company and manoj sir must have seen something in neil sir for him to hand over the company to him..and about the contract then i had come to tell u about it but u wasnt ready listen to me and signed it 

Avni: haan so couldn't u stop me then?

Shruti: y avni? I mean just a new contract rule where we cant leave until we have worked under neil sir till 6month so what is the issue with that?

Avni: there is no issue ok.. I just felt a meeting should have been announced regarding this

Shruti: avniiiii... ok come on forget all this u r getting annoyed for no reason now chal

Avni: where ?

Shruti: conference room...Neil sir has called us now come she said taking avni out of the cabin

As they reached to the conference room avni sat down near shruti while other colleagues started to join

Avni: y has he called a meeting now? Wonder what other bomb he would want to throw at us.

Soon neil came and all stood up while avni got up  reluctantly too seen others get up

Neil:please sit he said

As all sat down neil sat on the wheel chair in the middle

Neil:I'm sure most of u Willl find it hard to get useto me and some probably have gotten useto me... now that I'm the boss of this company I actually wanted to get to know u all employees properly and thought how about we have an interaction session where one by one all of u will introduce yourself to me so in that way I get to know more about u.. I'm happy that all of u signed the new contract papers without any questions and I thank all of u for accepting me completely he said looking at the rest and then at avni who looked away .

One of the employees : sir we believe in team work and we had to accept u becuase we know manoj sir would hand over this company to someone he trusts the most.

Neil: thank u so much.. so now before introducing yourself I request all of u to treat me just as your friend as  we all are near to the same age and I want all of u to be comfortable with me so please just address me as neil and not sir...ok so let's start of with u he said turning to a staff member..

Like this neil turned around in his seat as the employees were introducing themselves as neil was facing on avni side he saw her looking down while playing with her fingers while avni was able to feel neil gaze on her but she wasnt ready to look up...soon avni turn came...

Avni looked at all and then at neil who was looking at her keenly...she slowly got up and started to speak and looked at others completely not looking at Neil

Avni: my name is avni metha I have been working here since the past 3 years..I usually prepare all the presentations for the meetings that manoj sir or the senior employees have.... she said quickly and  sat down

Neil: that's perfect I would love to see all your presentation he said looking at her while she didn't even glance at him

Next was shruti and few other employees turn 

Neil: ok sooo as this is done I have another announcement to make and that is u dont have to work on Saturday and Sunday as it will be holiday for u.

All the employees looked at each other happily while avni felt a relief but also was doubtful as to y neil took that step

Avni (to herself) : whatever it is at least I wont have to seen him on weekends. Chalo thank god its Friday today...but wait he will probably be at ali bday party tomorrow..god please somehow keep neil away from the party

Shruti: thank u sir u dont know how happy we r... thank u so much

Neil smiled and told all employees to leave while his eyes never left avni 

The next few hours it was busy for Neil as he had to attend meeting since he was the new boss other dealers  had to be introduced to him

It was 5pm and avni was walking past his cabin to see him still talking to other clients... she was happy there was no encounter with neil and left the office..

An hour later avni had reached to a store to buy all the ingredients for alis cake and then had picked up riya from the gift store and both headed home

While Riya and aman were making sure all things r arranged for ali bda, avni was checking what sort of chocolate cake she can make for ali

Finally after a while avni found a good chocolate cake and decided to make it the next day

The next day

The party was going to be held at 5pm

While avni had started to make the cake early from scratch as she has to get all the icing and stuff ready and didnt want to rush last min


Later on

Riya: avniii I'm...but she stopped near the kitchen door seen the hardwork avni was putting  into making a cake for ali

Avni: how is it? she asked seen riya expression

Riya: babes this is damn amazing...wait let me take a pic of this...avni shook her head as she knew how riya loved sharing posts on social media .

Avni: the cake still has last min touch left so dont take the pic

Riya: it's ok..I'll take another one once it finishes otherwise u send it to me

Avni: cool but dont post it now otherwise ali will see the post and all my efforts will go in waste as we wont get to see his reaction together.

Riya: ok now I'm leaving...u also get there on time she said wiping the flour from avni cheeks

Avni: I'll be there along with the cake..but is aman coming with u?

Riya: nope aman will be going to his friends house...I'll see u soon bye babes  she said walking out the kitchen while avni said a bye

An hour later

Riya had put all her efforts in for alis birthday and seen the place all decorated made ali feel

Ali: thank u so much riya this is so sweet of u he said

Riya:haina now chalo everyone will start coming soon so come on birthday boy go and get ready

Ali: that is fine but is everyone coming?

Riya: elders r not coming but haan maa and badi maa said u have to come home for dinner one day

Ali: that I'll do for sure but it would have been fun if they had come too

Riya: they themselves denied saying we youngsters should enjoy ab go and get ready she said pushing him to a room on his left 

Meanwhile at the metha mansion avni finally was done with the cake and had placed it in the box with the help of neela and hetal 

Avni had taken a pic before placing It in the box and had sent it to riya.

Neela:bacha now go and get ready as u will be late avni nodded and left

Hetal: bhabhi shall we give avni the gifts we bought for ali

Neela: hetal I gave that to riya as she had said she will take it

Hetal:that's fine then

Neela recieved a phone call and excused herself while hetal closed the lid of the box and took it out of the kitchen.

After a while avni was all ready and applied kajal once she was done she put on her bracelet and took her phone and car keys.

Once she reached downstairs neela and hetal said their bye to her while dayawanti put kala teeka behind avni ears and soon she left with the cake

At the party hall vidyut and juhi had arrived

Vidyut: happy birthday bhai he said hugging his friend

Ali: thanks bro

Juhi: happy birthday aliiiii she said moving to give him a brotherly hug whole ali hugged her back

Ali:thanks juhi

Vidyut: where is dd ?

Ali:he should be coming soon as he said he was on his way.

Riya: what about Neil?

Juhi:he did say he has left when we called him

Vidyut: but Make sure none of us reveal that he had come back 2 years ago... just keep it as its been 4 years... as we only know he was back but was hidden from everyone.

Riya: exactly because if avni finds out then god knows how she would react and one thing is for sure that her reaction wouldnt be good.

Ali:I agree but speaking of avni where is she.

Riya: dont know let me call her and ask her

Juhi: arien look there she is juhi said seen avni walk in with a box of cake.

Vidyut took the box from her and gave her a side hug while she moved to hug juhi and then ali

Avni:happy bday Ali she said giving him a light punch on the arms

Ali: thank u so much my future sister in law he said and gave her a side hug

Avni:u haven't proposed so technically I'm not your future sister in law she said and winked

Ali:we will see about that he said while riya smacked him

Avni: where is dd and the rest ?..hasn't anyone arrived yet ?

Ali: nope I guess they will come soon he said

Few mins later avni and juhi went to take the cake out and place candles on it wheras few friends of ali had started to come along with few of their college class was like a small reunion along with alis bday and dd also had arrived then

Riya who was talking to few classmates saw neil walk in and grabbed ali attention who saw neil and gestured dd and vidyut who nodded

Few secs later

Dd:omg Neil's here he said...avni who was talking to other people stopped when she heard dd speak and went still for a sec as she was just near the gang

Riya: my god neil its been so long since we r seen u she said and walked past avni to hug him followed by others..while neil hugged the gang... happy to them face to face after all these years he kept on looking towards avni who was standing side ways.

Neil:it feels great to be back riii and u look even more beautiful

Riya: that I am.

Neil then moved to hug ali

Neil:happy birthday man.

Ali: thank u and tbh this is one of the best gift for me he said and hugged him again

Neil then moved to hug dd

Neil:u still r clean shaved he said jokingly

Dd: what can I do I have to look innocent and young right he said jokingly

He then moved to juhi

Juhi: it really feels great to have u back she said as she hugged him

Neil:it feels great to be back too

Neil lastly hugged vidyut

Vidyut: kya entry hai boss he whispered which only Neil heard and smiled.

Neil started to say hello to few of the other people he knew from college while he watched avni talking to others and on the other hand avni was able to feel his gaze on her now and then

The gang saw Neil approach avni and prayed that avni doesnt walk away from him...avni stopped speaking to the person in front of her when she felt neil behind her but soon he stood beside her.

Neil:sorry could u excuse us for a sec he said to the girl that avni was speaking to...

the girl nodded and left them while avni was playing with the bracelet on her hand. Neil stood in front of avni while she as usual was looking elsewhere except him.

Neil:avni I wanted to speak to...but before he could complete she walked away from there...the gang looked at each other and then at neil who walked back to them.

Dd:no luck right

Neil:nope whenever I try to talk to her she walks away

Riya:dont worry try again after sometime and I have a perfect way

Vidyut: what do u plan to do

Riya: after cake is cut u will know for yourself 

As the cake arrived everyone started to gather around while the gang stood at the front.. Juhi pulled avni to stand at the front with her while neil was opposite and for a sec she looked towards him to see him already looking making her look away

Ali:avni yaar this cake is beautifully made thank u so much.

Avni:all for u ali she said giving him a small smile

All were singing happy birthday for ali as the candles were lighted and he blew on it while there was glancing going on every few sec between avneil where one was with anger and the other with love.

Ali cut the cake and fed riya first and then followed by the gang and other guests present there

Ali: thank u to each and everyone who came to celebrate my really means alot... this bday will surely be memorable with all love and gift given to me and most importantly everyone's presence of been here

Riya: right so now that the cake cutting is here before the dinner let's have some fun she said eyeing everyone

Juhi: what type of fun

Riya:dance baby and not any type of dance....everytime the music changes u will have to swap partners and dance with the person next to u...I mean come on there is a DJ in this party so lets make it even more exciting.

The gang looked at each other understanding what riya was trying to do and nodded their head at each other slowly

As all started to move to the dance floor avni was about to walk to in the other direction when riya pulled her on to the dance floor.

Ali:avni come I'll dance with u...avni nodded while riya moved to neil.

The gang had made sure to stand next to avneil as a song started to the music changed avni moved to dd while neil with juhi......dd and juhi had nodded...while juhi and neil went closer to dd and avni...dd had made sure avni wasnt facing them so that she cant see neil dancing behind her ...

as the music was changed dd twirled avni around making her face neil...her hands stopped in mid air seen neil and saw how all were dancing with others while the gang pretended to not notice anything seen avni look around and at them....

Neil moved close to avni seen her stand and she looked at him when she felt Neil's  one hand slide around  her waist and the other hold her hand which was in the air..seen her not place her other hand on his shoulder neil spoke

Neil:for ali sake dance please... his day shouldn't be spoilt with our issue..

Avni stared annoyingly at neil and slowly placed her hand on his shoulder while she made sure not to inerwine her finger with his which showed only he was holding her hand

The gang smiled slowly seen avni staying back and dancing...avni made sure to keep some distance but everytime she would try and make that space neil would try to erase it a little...

Avni was looking here and there while neil was just staring at her which avni was not liking at all as she didnt want to be effected by it...Neil then twirled her around and this time wrapped both his hand around her waist while hers rested on his arms barely touching...neil slowly lifted his right hand and placed it on her  cheek making avni look at him...for a sec she was startled but then quickly moved away

Avni:excuse me she said annoyingly and moved out of the dance floor while the gang watched....

avni reached to a corner and tried to control her heartbeat which was beating fast when suddenly she saw neil walking towards her via the bar mirror ..but before she could move away he reached close to her and pulled her towards him

Neil: I need to talk to u avni

Avni: leave me she said trying to move away

Neil:no first listen to me he said pulling her more closer

Avni: I dont want to listen to anything understood now leave me she said trying to free herself

Neil:Avni ! He said a little loudly making her go still for a sec

Avni looked at neil and then looked away as she continued to try and free herself from his grip

Neil: avni please listen to me...

Avni:what do u want me to listen to ? Y r u acting all normal neil? Y all this fake concern and all now she said bitterly

Neil sighed and placed one of his  hand on her cheek

Neil: it's not fake concern avni I genuinely care for u... I do...because I still love u...I always did..for a moment avni looked in his eyes and wanted to believe all he said but the way he behaved in the past played in front of her eyes

Avni: wrong! U dont...u never did!... u know what neil...whatever u said is false and baseless...neil closed his eyes taking a deep breath

Neil:I know u wont  believe me but avni trust me I do.... that time do I say it...look avni due to a situation i had to take such step and at that time I....before he could complete Avni pushed him with a full force.

Avni: cut the crap neil..just cut the crap she said and walked away from him

Neil: avni listen to me... atleast hear me out... he went behind her but before he could get to her one of his class mates stopped him while he watched avni walk out

Avni had gotten into the car...she was angry while her mind was playing with what neil had said to her inside

Avni:no neil Khanna u have already hurt me once and I'm not going to believe your lies and end up getting hurt again...

Back inside..the gang walked  up to neil

Ali:neil where is Avni  ?

Neil:she left he said

Dd: did u get to tell her what happend?

Neil:she didn't even let me complete... as I told her my feelings she said it's not true and before I could reveal y i had to take such step she left and i couldnt stop her as others came and stopped me.

Juhi:now what shall we do.. I mean we lost a chance....

An hour later

Avni reached home  she was annoyed and was about to walk up the stairs when neela stopped her...avni closed her eyes and tried to calm down before facing neela

Neela: bacha u came back early

Avni:haan ma woh party was about to finsh so I thought I'll come back she said lying

Neela:where is riya

Avni:she will come soon...with that she was about to walk away

Neela: bacha suno


Neela: bacha i will come straight to the point actually I wanted to say that there is a ristha that came for u and maybe u should see and think about it

Avni who was still annoyed got Neil's image flash in front of her eyes  along with his words from the past and also what he said at ali party

Avni: maa I trust u all and if u feel this person is suitable then I'm ready to marry wherever u want as I know u guys wont make the wrong decision she said seriously and ran to her room

Neela: avni agreed...finally she did and I thought she would say no...neela said to herself and was happy and surprised that avni agreed

Neela walked to the garden area where daya and hetal were

Neela:, maa, hetal listen

Hetal: what happened ?

Neela:, avni agreed to get married

Dayawanti: what ? How did this miracle happen she said jokingly

Neela:even I dont know maa but I'm happy ...I'll just call them up and inform them

After few rings the phone was answered

Neela: hello...SHWETA Ji avni has agreed and we should get started with the engagement and all other prepration.

Oh baap re ye kasien ho gaya.
Kuch toh gadbad hai boshhh

So finally back with the update

Thanks for all the lovely comments and votes for the previous chap
Will be wait for comments and votes for this chap

Lots of love

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