chapter 55

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Vidyut placed mishti on her bed as she had slept an hour ago due to her nap juhi covered mishti...vidyut couldnt wait any longer and picked juhi in his arm walking to his room room and  closed the door as both drowned themselves in their passion

Outside the Khanna  mansion

Veer mum:God knows where veer keeps on disappearing

Kabir: I guess busy with work mom what else he said and stopped in his track as he entered inside

Avneil smiled seen kabir reaction along with his parents reaction too

While bebe shweta and prakash looked at kabir, his parents and then ahead.

Kabir:natasha he whispered

Sheetal:natasha she said with a smile

Kabir:omg bhabh even u can see natasha too

Sheetal:that's because she is really here

Kabir:someone pinch me please he said still looking at natasha as if he is dreaming

Shweta came and punched kabir while he shouted in pain making all crack up

Kabir:finally u r here he said moving to hug her

Natasha:well yes it was all Neil bhai and avni bhabi plan.. they had called me to surprise u

Kabir:Neil bro..avni bhabhi I love u. He said looking at avneil who smiled.

5 mins later all were sitting down ... the rest asked natasha how she was  while they also told how she came at the right time

Natasha:so the people that r getting married r both your friends

Avni:yes also riya is my cousin

Natasha:I see

Kabir:thank u once again for this wonderful surprise he said holding natasha hand and looked at avneil

Natasha:, where is veer bhai

Hearing veer name avni looked away as she hated that name now

Sheetal:your veer bhai keeps disappearing due to work

Natasha:even here

Veer it's best if u rest as u must be tired

Avni:come natasha I'll take u to your room.

Kareena:I'll come too she said and went along with avni and natasha.

Meanwhile at the Pandit mansion...mishti woke up from her nap ...she rubbed her eyes getting out of the bed seen herself in her room and then headed down

Mishti: mama she said calling out to juhi but didnt get any response she called out few more times and then headed to her parents room..

after few difficulties she managed to turn the door knob and walked inside...after few secs when she reached near the bed she saw juhi and vidyut she was about to turn and leave she stopped and then turned back looking at them when she noticed that vidyut and juhi wasnt wearing clothes as even though they had blanket covering them  till a little  below their shoulder.

Mishti:I guess mama and papa dont have enough clothes I'll tell dadi to give them money she said whispering and left the room.

Later on vidyut woke up finding juhi in his arms ....however due to the movement juhi woke up and looked at vidyut looking at her..she smiled at him

Vidyut: evening mrs Pandit he said

Juhi : good evening to u too Mr Pandit 

Vidyut: how about another round he said naughtily

Juhi: No way ...we need to get ready it's nearly time for dinner and maa and mishti will be waiting for us.   Vidyut pouted making juhi laugh

20mins later they were sitting down to have dinner mishti looked at her parents and then saw their clothes

Mishti: dadi

Ragini : haan mishti doi

Mishti:can u give mumna and papa some money she asked

Juhi and vidyut frowned looking at mishti while ragini was surprised

Ragini : money for what beta she said looking at mishti first and then at vidyut and juhi

Vidyut : even I want to know that

Mishti : when I went to their room they were sleeping  just with blanket.. I saw mumma and papa shoulger(shoulder) they didnt have any clothes left to wear so can u give them money so that they can buy some clothes. Juhi and vidyut eyes  widend while ragini understood and stopped herself from cracking up

Ragini:its nothing like that beta...your mum and dad were feelings hot  she said teasingly while vidyut and juhi were embarrassed

Juhi:I'll get some water she said excusing herself while ragini looked at vidyut and cracked up.

At the Khanna Mansion in avneil bedroom.

Avneil were sitting in the balcony with avni on a chair and Neil was sitting on the floor infront of her  as she was applying oil on his hair & messaging it a little

Neil:u know when mom and bebe massage my head it feels so good but now I know u have that touch too.

Avni: arien wah tillu praising his wifey

Neil: dont call me tillu please

Avni: y ?.. it's such a cute name..tillu

Neil:cute my foot I wonder what made mom come up with that name

Avni: maybe because she found u like a tillu so she named u tillu..understood tillu she said standing up

Neil: avniiii stop

Avni: y ?

Neil:because it just sounds odd

Avni:ok....tillu she said after few secs

Neil:that's it u will get punished for this now...he said getting up avni ran into the bedroom

Avni: come on Neil..tillu is such a sweet and cute name u should be happy that i accepted your name tillu

Neil: continue continue he said running behind her...

Avni grabbed the cushion and threw it at him while he dodged the aim

Avni was about to run in the washroom when Neil got a hold of her

Neil: now where will u go

Avni:Neil leave me she said

Neil:now when I have caught u  that's when u remember my name 

Avni:I can never forget your name...tillu she said cracking up 

Neil smiled seen avni laugh..he cupped her cheeks making her stop and look at him

Neil: always be happy he said slowly...both looked at each other getting lost in the moment...they slowly moved their face closer to each other and sealed their lips...neil picked avni in his arms while she moved her hands around his neck not breaking the kiss..he walked towards the couch and sat down making her sit on his lap as their lips pace increased ...Neil bit on her lower lip making her gasp and with that he entered his tongue in her mouth finding hers..he then stopped and started to place wet kisses on her cheeks, jawline and then slowly moved towards the sensitive spot on her neck able to feel her move in his arms...her grip on his shirt collar tightene able to feel the sensation 

Shweta:TILLU  COME DOWN she shouted from downstairs

Avni:everyone loves to call u tillu

Neil:very funny he said biting her shoulder moving her away and walked to the door... he turned around seen her pout while rubbing her shoulder

Neil:dont pout wifey otherwise I may not let u sleep for the whole night...avni's eyes widend as her cheeks turned bright red...she picked up the cushion  to throw at him but he ran away while she covered her face laughing at what Neil said

The next day after breakfast  avni had gone to the salon with riya, juhi, Sheetal and kareena...... it actually took them few hours as the were spending half the day in the salon due to all the pampering they were getting done 

While at the salong avni made sure to text Neil to come back early since he had left early in the morning for a meeting

Once reaching home sheetal, kareena and avni went into their respective room to change

Avni made sure she had the matching accessories to her outfit.. she was about to go and get the lengha out her wardrobe when she saw neil video calling  her

Avni:Neil? .

She answered it while walking to the wardrobe and opened the door taking out her lengha

Neil:hey wifey what r u doing

Avni:Neil r u still in office she said seen the background

Neil:haan I'll be leaving in 30 mins or so

Avni:Neil what r u doing there still... u do know na that we have a function to attend in few hours

Neil:arien relax wifey he said seen her expression

Avni:what do u mean relax u should have been on the way but no Mr Neil Khanna is still in office she said entering the washroom and elbowed the door not knowing it didn't close fully

Neil:wifey r u in the washroom

Avni:haan I thought to freshen up and then change she said

Neil:Arien wah means I chose to video call u at the right time

Avni:very funny....I need to get read so I'm turning off the camera she said

Neil: not fair avni.. u dont have to turn the camera off after all I have undressed u many times.. he said winking while avni eyes widen

Avni:Neil u r such a besharam  ... I'm turning my video off she said ok 

Neil:avni yaar not fair he said seen her smiling

Avni wanted to laugh so badly...she felt she should tease Neil a little and placed the phone on the slab turning on the outer camera..

Neil thought avni turned off the camera when the screen went blank but then he saw the camera was on still as she had switched it to the outer camera

Avni smiled knowing Neil must be thinking she doesn't know the camera was faced the other way ... Neil couldnt see her smiling as her back was facing towards the phone...avni then moved her hair to the side showing her back... and then slowly moved her hand up...while neil was able to see her milky skin... he saw how her hands traced on her back moving  towards the hook on her blouse

Avni:gosh u know this hook is stubborn like u Neil khanna she said smiling

Neil:if only I could see he lied ..  thinking avni doent know he is watching her

Avni smiled and undid one hook

Meanwhile veer had thought to check on avni as he didnt find her downstairs..he entered her room but found it he was about to leave he heard her voice from the washroom and wondered who she was talking to

He walked slowly towards the washroom when he saw avni undoing another hook on her blouse...his eyes lingered on her back seen her milky skin

Neil frowned seen the video call saying poor connection and couldnt see anything

Neil:this poor connection had to happen now.. great

Dd:Neil chal we have to give Ali his sherwani

Neil:chal he said getting up

Meanwhile back in the washroom

Avni was about to undo her last hook when suddenly she felt a hand caresse her back... avni eyes widened and she turned around instantly and felt veer pull her close to him 

Avni:leave me she said trying to get out of his grip but he pulled her back in his arms

Veer:God u dont know how much i was craving to touch u he said caressing her back like this while avni was trying to move away..his hands were on her blouse and was about to undo itn when veer received a call from kabir

Avni:leave me she said feeling disgusted the way his hands were on her back

As veer answered kabir call...avni pushed him with full force ..covering her back with her saree

Veer:yes kabir he said not happy that his so called moment got destroyed

Kabir: bhai where r u I'm waiting for you in the car..come on Neil bro and the rest will be waiting for us as we r going to have a small party before the function

Veer:I'm coming he said eyeing avni seen her how she covered her back with her saree pallu holding it tightly

He moved closer to her seen her eyes welled up and saw her shaking slightly

Veer:if i didnt have to go..I would have spent more time with u.. dont worry my wish will be fulfilled soon he said cupping her cheeks while avni pushed his hands  away ...once he left avni quickly locked the washroom door and slided against it  while tears rolled down her cheeks...right now she only needed one person and it was Neil.

She then remembered how she was on a video call to Neil and the outter camera was on she quickly grabbed her phone from the slab to see that the call had ended...she tried to call Neil but wasnt able to get through 

Later on avni came out of the washroom... she was putting on her earings...her mind was disturbed with with what veer did in the washroom as it still creeped her out...

Suddenly the door open making her jump ...avni saw Neil  closing the door and was walking with a bag towards her ...she got up and walked to him and hugged him


Avni: just stay like this please.. for sometime she said hiding her face in his chest

Neil: as u say he whispered wrapping his hand around her tensed body which relaxed in a min or so after feeling his protective arms around her

After a while

Bebe:avni puttar r u ready she said knocking the door

Avni unwilling left Neil

Avni: u go and change ok ..Neil nodded and left

Avni went and opened the door

Bebe:arien wah puttar u look amazing

Avni:thank u bebe she said with a small smile.

Bebe:chal we ladies r leaving all now while the gents will come later on

Avni:ok bebe I'll just get my phone and let Neil know.

Bebe:ok she said leaving ...while avni walked towards the washroom and knocked the door

Avni:neil I'm leaving with bebe and rest  she said letting him know

30 mins later avni and the Khanna ladies reached to the venue with sheetal, natasha and veers mom.

Avni went up to a Room where riya was getting ready..she smiled seen how happy her sister was looking breath taking beautiful..

Soon she was bought down...all gathered seen her come ...daywanti applied kala tika on riya and made her sit

Riya:where is juhi..she asked avni

Avni: she should be here soon.

Monica:hey riya she said moving to hug her and eyed avni to see her looking at her sternly 

Riya; I thought u will be late

Monica: of course not.

Avni: Ri juhi and vidyut r here she said gesturing ahead

Mishti ran and hugged avni while giving riya a kiss on the cheeks

Vidyut: AM where r the rest

Avni:they should be coming soon we left early.

Juhi:look think of the devils and here they r.

All looked to see Neil along with the rest of the boys.

Veer looked at avni from head to toe while she was getting uncomfortable with his gaze...she moved and stood next to Neil wrapping her hands around his arms

Dd:, ok ok attention he said going on the stage while Neil joined him 

Neil: so usually Ali decides he will do all the hosting on the stage but poor guy cant do it in his own wedding function right so then we thought y not help our friend and and for once take over... he said which made all crack up

Vidyut placed his hand around Ali shoulder laughing.

Veer stood next to avni trying to touch her hand...avni stiffened and looked at him..she moved away slightly standing next to sheetal who smiled at her

Dd: so let's start the mendhi function of Ali and riya... Ali will draw something on riya hand as a ritual but all the men will make sure to draw something on their partner hand so chalo chalo go and collect your mendhi   cones from there he said pointing at a table.

All the men went to get their cones and went back to their partner

While some dhol ladies were bought  to dance and make the atmosphere more vibrant

Neil took avni hand caressing it

Avni:what do u plan to draw Mr khanna

Neil: my heart which has u captured in it

Avni: really .


Avni: go ahead then.

Neil smiled and held avni hand bringing it closer and started to draw slowly...avni was staring at Neil with a smile...the way he was so into putting mendhi on her hand.

Avni:I love u..she said still staring at him

Neil looked up at her and saw the love in her eyes for him

Neil:I love u too...and here I place my heart in your hand which has u in it he said

Avni looked at her hand seeing how Neil drew a heart on the middle of her palm which had her name written in it...avni smiled and took the mendhi cone..Neil frowned seen her draw something on her hand...once she was done he slowly smiled seen how she wrote his name in the heart too

Avni: our heart is one right so it should have both of our names she said smiling.

Neil:my idea was great na

Avni:what idea

Neil:usually they say even the groom draws on the would be bride hand I did that too he said winking at her

Avni: thank u she said

Neil:dont.. I'm glad we r doing this.

Dd took neil to dance along with avni while juhi and vidyut joined in too....aliya looked at their friends dancing  happily at their mendhi function

Avni had excused herself and went to the washroom...she made sure her mendhi wasnt ruined in any way...she was sorting out her hair with her free hand when she suddenly saw a figure in the mirror

Avni:what r u doing here she said turning around  to face veer

Veer:well i thought we could finish of whatever was left in the washroom he said taking a step closer to her...avni gulped and moved back

Avni:dont touch me I swear I will tell everyone about u been the stalker

Veer:really avni ...again the same old threat as far as I remember u have no proof against me

Avni:but I have faith that they will believe me

Veer:is that so

Avni:yes she said and was about to leave when veer grabbed her hand...avni heart was beating faster when veer pulled her against him..while veer could see that same fear again in her

Veer: let's see what is drawn on your hand he said looking at her mendhi design

Avni tried to move her hand away..

Veer:hmm your name is perfect but instead of Neil name my name should have been worries I will write my name on your heart he said taking a cone out...avni saw he was about to wipe Neil name ...she released his grip from her wrist and slapped him hard on his face.

Veer placed his hand on his cheeks and slowly looked at avni  dangersouly

Veer:how dare u he said

Avni:your countdown time begins veer I'll bring your truth out to everyone today.. she said leaving from there quickly while veer smirked

Veer:, let's see how long u will beleive your faith. Because I know I will win he said looking at himself in the mirror with a evil smile.

Avni went down and shweta pulled her for a dance...she somehow smiled while dancing...all took pictures with each other and then left

Avni hugged riya and Ali and then left

At the Khanna mansion avni was in the kitchen when she felt a presence which made her uncomfortable and knew who it was..she turned around to see veer there.

Veer:what happened ...dont have the courage to tell everyone the truth or realised that nobody will believe u 

Avni ignored veer and was leaving the kitchen when veer blocked her way

Veer:, what happened ... u know that I'm saying the truth

Avni:, dont fly so high veer

Veer:u know I'm going to take u away from here  very soon and I'll make sure to erase Neil's touches and mark u as mine

Avni: enough is enough... now I'm going to tell Neil everything she said going out where the whole family sat

Veer came out after few mins seen avni going near Neil

Avni:I need to tell u all something she said getting everyones attention.

Veer made his eyes teary

Veer:avni look I'm sorry I dont know y u  r thinking this but it's not the truth

All frowend looking at at veer..avni looked at veer and then the rest

Bebe: what happened

Avni: the stalker is none other than veer

All got up suddenly

Neil:avni? U both r playing some prank right

Veer:, I wish if it was a prank Neil but avni is accusing me like that

Avni:I'm not.. he is the stalker and he even confessed it to me

Shweta:but beta..avni walked to shweta

Avni:maa that day when the stalker called talking as Neil it was none other than veer he can actually speak in different voices which nobody is aware about

Sheetal:that is not true avni...u r mistaken it's best if u dont accuse veer without any proof

Avni:I'm not please believe me... Neil ...veer can harm anyone he is very evil and cant be trusted.. I'm telling the truth he is the stalker and can Speak in many voices.. he also doesn't leave a chance to come close to me especially with what he did today

Veer dad:enough avni... doesn't mean just because we r silent that means u accuse my son like this.

Avni:i dont know how to prove my point but I'm saying the truth... y would I accuse anyone like that  ... neil veer is nothing but a threat to us

Neil:, stop avni

Avni:please neil ..u know I wouldnt lie

Neil:i know u wouldnt lie but u have been misunderstood .. y would veer do all this after knowing that u r my love.

Avni:because its the truth.. it's the biggest truth that he is the stalker who has been keeping an eye on us and..before she could continue Neil stopped her

Neil:avni please stop

Avni:, I kept quiet but not anymore Neil... I have no proof but yes he is the real stalker..those things i felt before when the stalker was around was all because it was none other than veer

Neil:stop Avni stop before I regret anything

Avni: y dont u just tell the truth and end this hide and seek game she said walking to veer

Suddenly there was glass pieces on the floor as Neil broke a glass while all were silent and looked at him shockingly

Neil:leave avni he said angrily with tears in his eyes

Avni looked at Neil helplessly...

Avni:Neil I'm telling the truth

Veer mom:so then is my son lieing?... u think u can create a rift between two brothers and family and get away avni.... Neil knows veer since childhood and he also knows veer will never do such thing.

Avni eyes were just on Neil...while veer was smirking silently but quickly wiped it away

Avni:Neil.. u know na I would never point my fingers at anyone like that na.. veer is the stalker.

Neil: mom tell her to leave I cant hear another word against veer... without any proof she is accusing him...

Shweta:neil beta..calm down..avni probably had a misunderstanding..but that doesn't mean u tell her to leave she said trying to sort things out.

Sheetal:I trusted u and told u about my life but I didnt except u to accuse my husband like that avni

Veer:I love sheetal a lot avni...I dont know what problem u have with me all of a sudden that u r  accusing me of been the stalker

Neil:veer u dont need to give her any justification...I'm not going to tolerate anyone saying bad about my family member even if that is my own wife

Avni:I'm not going to change my answer . I meant what I said and still do

Bebe: bas Karo tum log

Neil:u r right bebe now its enough.

Neil grabbed avni wrist and started walking ...the Khanna family started to walk behind them

Shweta:neil what r u doing

Prakash:neil stop I said

Neil was taking avni towards the main door and made her stand out

Avni looked at Neil with tears in her eyes

Neil:dont think about entering this house if u want to accuse any of them... when u realise your mistake then u can come back

Bebe:Neil r u mad let avni come in

Neil:no bebe this is between me and avni...and now it's up to her

Avni:Neil listen to me.. as soon as she said that.neil closed the door on her face

Tears flowed out of avni eyes as she slowly turned to walk away.

It had been 10 mins since avni was walking away with silent tears rolling down her eyes... she recalled what happened at the Khanna mansion and held her mangalsutra... 5 mins later she stopped a taxi and went to the farmhouse...

Aftrt a while when she reached there she opened the door and got a flashback of hers Neil consummation..she slowly walked in and picked up a photo frame which was avneil pic and sat down against the bed with silent tears rolling down her eyes

Precrap:writer doesn't want to leak information 😂😂

Thanks to those who commented for the previous chap

Will be waiting for all the comments and votes for the next chap

Lots of love

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