chapter 56

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Avni looked at Neil with tears in her eyes

Neil:dont think about entering this house if u want to accuse any of them... when u realise your mistake then u can come back

Bebe:Neil r u mad let avni come in

Neil:no bebe this is between me and avni...and now it's up to her

Avni:Neil listen to me.. as soon as she said that.neil closed the door on her face

Tears flowed out of avni eyes as she slowly turned to walk away.

It had been 10 mins since avni was walking away with silent tears rolling down her eyes... she recalled what happened at the Khanna mansion and held her mangalsutra... 5 mins later she stopped a taxi and went to the farmhouse...

Aftrt a while when she reached there she opened the door and got a flashback of hers  and Neil consummation scene ..she slowly walked in and picked up a photo frame which was avneil pic and sat down against the bed with silent tears rolling down her eyes...she hugged the photo frame against her as if she is hugging Neil.

Avni: neilll she whispered

Meanwhile at the Khanna mansion

Bebe: Neil how can u just tell avni to leave like that... u actually did all your best to get her back in your life and now u just kicked her out.

Veer mom: I agree with bebe... I'm angry at avni accusing my son like this but its dangerous for her to stay out like this at night ...and also that stalker must be on the lookout for her 

Neil:please stop it all of u.. I agree that i did all my best  to get avni back in my life...but I'm sorry I cant let her accuse my brother like that... I kept telling her  to stop... u all also told her... she must have misunderstood but still she went ahead... even I know the stalker is out there but dont worry  gps tracker have been kept on all  phones we will know if anything happens to her... I just hope she realises her mistake and comes back 

Prakash:let's go and look for her

Neil:no dad dont worry

Shweta:r u out of your minds

Neil:mom dont worry the guard would have gone behind her to make sure she reaches wherever she wants safely

Sheets:what r we going to tell the metha family...

Bebe:we will see about that later

Sheetal:I guess we should just leave from here once Ali and riya marriage is done

Kabir:I'm still shocked that avni bhabhi said bro is the stalker he said looking at natasha speaking in low voice so that only she can hear

30 mins later Neil was in his room staring at his and avni pic on the wall...suddenly he heard someone knock on the door and turned to see veer

Veer :u ok he said sitting down next To him

Neil:dont know man..although I'm angry at avni for accusing u like this im still worried for her

Veer rolled his eyes

Veer:dont worry she will soon realise she was wrong .. he said

Neil:I hope so and I'm sorry on behalf of avni  he said wiping a small tear

Veer:dont worry ... now get some rest Neil.

Neil; yh he said nodding...once veer left Neil locked the door 

An hour later avni stood up and headed to the kitchen to get some water...she poured out some water in a glass and took few sips when she felt a presence behind her...she turned slowly and was about to scream when a hand covered her mouth..

After few secs she removed the hand from her mouth looking at the person

Avni: Neil she whispered as she relaxed seen him.

Neil:sorry I scared u

Avni smiled and hugged him tightly.

Neil:gosh u left and I already started missing u 

Avni:I told u na too much dose of me will effect u

Neil:well yh in a good way though he said rocking her in his arms

Avni broke the hug

Avni: Neil what r u doing over here...this was not a part of the PLAN she said

Neil smiled...

Neil:dont worry nobody has found out not even that veer. He said

Avni: what if our plan goes wrong on us

Neil:u promised u wont think negative...we all have planned this and u cant lose matter what happens veer truth will have to come out he said 
remembering how when he was in office and how dd had called him from Goa to give an information

(Chap 45 when Neil was at the office and received a call from dd and after the cafe scene when avni reached home )

Meanwhile Neil was at the Khanna office when he received a call fron dd

Neil: hello dd..dd r u there?..y cant I here this guy he said cutting the call and tried to call back again and finally connected.

Dd:hey Neil

Dd:hey what happened

Dd:I found out something but I'm not sure if its connected to this stalker

Neil:what is it dd tell me

Dd:  during our college days your cousin had came over right and his name is veer right

Neil:yes it was veer but what about that?

Dd: first tell me how long did he stay for ?

Neil:for a week and then he left after that as I went to drop him of at the airport

Dd: ok...through one of the staff I got to know a guy had come saying his name was veer but he gave a huge amount to the worker to not disclose this information... it was hard to get information out of this person..had to double the amount to make him Give me this much information..

Neil:but I had gone to drop him off at the airport myself

Dd:well I Guess once u left he came back probably.. do one thing send me a pic of veer and I'll show it to this worker.

Neil:ok hold on he said and searched for a pic of veer and sent it to dd 

Dd showed the pic to the staff



Dd: he is saying it's the same person

Neil:ok dd...see if u get anything else

Dd:Will do and make sure that veer doesn't know anything

Neil:ok he said and ended the call in a thinking mode.

Neil had reached home

once he was in the bedroom with avni he looked at her to see her putting clothes in the wardrobe

Neil: avni dd had called today he said sitting on the couch and saw avni turn around to face him

Avni:really? What did dd say she said coming and sat next to him

Neil was about to speak when he saw a shadow near the door veer had stopped near the door hearing dd name

Neil: he said he couldn't find anything and is coming back he said clasping avni hand which she held and gestured her to look ahead near the door..

As Avni did she frowned and then looked at Neil

Neil:veer he whispered which only av i heard .while she remembered seen Monica at the cafe with veer.

Avni:atleast he tried she said after a min.

Avni:, chalo dont worry. at least the stalker hasn't contacted us since then.

Neil:u r right

Avni: its peaceful  na no phone call from him and us enjoying our normal day

Neil:, absolutely ... anyways y r we even giving the stalker so much importance.. tell me how was your day.

Avni got up walking towards Neil's table placing his files properly.. Neil came from behind hugging her and saw
that she took a pen and pad and was writing something as she spoke

Avni:my day was good had so much fun  .. seen certain places in Mumbai again felt so good.. she said.. what about yours? She asked as she finished writing

Neil looked at the note to see  what avni had written

Avni:I had a doubt that I saw Monica with veer but when I asked veer he said Monica wasnt there ... after I went to the cafe washroom and when I was about to leave i saw Monica driving licence  Neil finished reading it he nodded and then looked at avni

Neil: pretty much the same 

Avni:that's good but chalo now go and get ready I'll sort out your table she said.. Neil nodded and gave her a kiss on the cheeks before going to the washroom

avni went to close the bedroom door and looked out to see veer moving away

Avni:Neil it was veer she said knocking the door

Neil came out and got a little thoughtful

Neil:why is veer listening like this..

Avni:, what did dd tell u...Neil looked at avni and took her to balcony closing the door and told her what dd told him

Avni:we cant jump to the conclusion sometimes what we see may not be the truth

Neil:u r right but dd is  saying this and u seen Monica with veer and the proof is that she was there because u have her driving license

Avni:we have to know more Neil...he looked at her seriously and nodded.

(Chapter 46)
During the last day of navratri when avni had felt the stalker and as the lights turned on he had gone while she saw Neil appear but when he touched her she found it the same as the stalker

Afterwards when avneil were in their room



Avni:when the lights went off the stalker came.

Neil looked at avni

Avni:but as soon as the lights came back he disappeared but veer came...when he placed his hand on my shoulder for a sec I felt it was the stalkers touch... i dont know if I'm thinking too much but that's what I felt also how I told u the other night how I heard veer talking to Monica at night but he said it was a client

Neil:let's just pray dd gets more information and I just hope veer doesn't have anything to do with all this


Precrap:none as u all know avneil planned flashback will be continued in the next chap

this much is enough for u all

I hope u remember how avneil plan scene was shown in the show like from one scene to another... I want u guys to imagine it like that

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