chapter 13

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Avni: so it means u forgive me.

Vidyut: I guess so... friends? he said forwarding his hands.

Avni: no she said smacking his hands playfully

Mithali: avni?

Avni: mithali I was always friends with vidyut its just that I came back to india due to juhi and lost contact with him... I never had any problems with u vidyut.

Vidyut: haan but I did end the friendship from my side so friends again? He said forwarding his hands again... Avni smiled and shook his hands

Ali: what r u guys talking about he asked loudly...

the three looked ahead to see riya and ali looking at them curiously.

Avni: nothing just became friends with vidyut.

Meanwhile at the office neil was in his cabin but he was not able to concentrate as he was remembering what avni said to him at the hospital yesterday and what she said to him today at the temple.

His heart was telling him to forgive avni but his mind was against it

Neil to himself: I don't know what to do ...for a sec I did feel like forgiving her but then her bitter words keep coming back to me... how could she blame me for something like that... yes I did flirt with girls but I would never take advantage of them in the wrong way... no I am not going to forgive u avni not so easily.

Later on abhi came into avni room with his phone and he looked at avni before speaking

Abhi: avni I just received a call from the police station and they told me that the police in paris arrested raj and now ... before he could continue avni completed his sentence

Avni: and now the police over here has arrested him.

Abhi looked at avni and caressed avni hair before leaving her room while avni looked on remembering juhi's word about what raj did to her.

Around 18:30pm

At the khanna mansion shweta had already came back with bebe long time ago but ali, mithali and vidyut had stayed back with avni... also neil and prakash had come back from office.

Neil: mom where is vidyut, mitali and ali

Shweta: beta they stayed back with avni... but they should be coming soon.

Bebe: prakash I think u should let neil have some days off from work so that even he could spend some time with avni... what do u think shweta ?

Shweta: absolutely right otherwise bechari avni has to wait for her husband attention like me.

Prakash : bebe I always tell neil to take some days off but he doesn't so what can I do... and shweta ji I always give u attention he said looking at shweta lovingly...

shweta gave a shy smile while bebe was trying to stop herself from laughing... she turned to neil smiling and saw that he was busy on his phone

Bebe: have a look at this here we r talking about neil thinking that he is listening to us but no he is busy on his phone... she then snatched the phone of neil and that's when she got his attention.

Neil: bebe please give me my phone back... I was looking at some important email

Bebe: neil bachu get useto of not having your phone because after u get married u will have to give your full attention to your wife not this phone. Neil looked away uncomfortably

Neil : sorry bebe... if u think I will give my attention to someone else then u r wrong.

Prakash : oye that someone else is called avni... right now u r acting like this but after marriage u will be eager to spend your time with her 24/7 so stop pretending that u r not interested in talking about her.

Neil smirked looking at prakash and at that time vidyut ali and mithali walked in and ali felt like teasing prakash a bit.

Ali: dad did u do the same thing.

Prakash : do what he said looking at ali

Ali: be with mum 24/7

Prakash : bachu if I was with your mum 24/7 then the business I created wouldn't have gotten us onto this position.

Ali: forget about that but when u were young did u have more hair or has your hair lessend he said caressing prakash hair .

Prakash : ali ke bachien wait he said going after ali

ali ran towards the stairs But turned around to say something to prakash again making everyone laugh seen these two

Ali: bebe ke sunny don't run too much u have become old now and im not married yet so I don't have kids he said and quickly went to his room while prakash. stood near the stairs and then went and sat on the couch

Bebe: what happened prakash u r tired already she said teasingly.

The others sat down as well. Vidyut thought this was the best chance so he spoke.

Vidyut: mithali I forgot to get avni number of her can u tell me what it is he said taking his phone out of his pocket and pretending to type the number as he had taken her number when he was at her place.

Mithali: yah sure she said reading the number out and looked towards neil who was looking at vidyut carefully.

Shweta: come on everyone go and wash your hands till then I will go and see if the dinner is ready all nodded and left to go to their room neil stopped vidyut when they were near their room

Neil: vidyut wait

Vidyut: what happened dude

Neil: y did u want avni number?

Vidyut: not bad already feeling insecure that I took avni number he said teasingly

Neil: vidyut he said sternly.

Vidyut: oh come on neil I just took her number and besides I told u I think she regrets for her past behaviour towards u. now if u don't want to forgive her then that's fine as its your decision but I decided to forgive her because I can see how honestly sorry she is he said looking at neil who was in a deep thought.

With that he went into his room while neil looked into space and then went into his room trying not to think of what vidyut said. ..

Everyone came down to have dinner and sat
down. While eating ali remembered something and asked.

Ali: mithali when all of us were at the metha mansion avni Bhabhi took u to her room

Mithali: what about that she said putting a spoon full of rice in her mouth while looking at ali

Ali: no I mean what did u guys talk about.

Mithali: nothing she just wanted to tell me something

Ali: and what did she want to tell u.

Mithali: something u don't need to know about she said looking at ali while prakash was smiling because of the way mithali answered ali back he still was going to get ali back for teasing him.

Vidyut: by the way choti maa me mithali and avni r going out tomorrow.

Shweta: that's gd... neil y don't u and ali go with them...

When shweta said that vidyut and mithali looked at each other with tensed face but soon that vanished making them relax

Neil: no mom tomorrow me and ali would be busy as there in an important client coming to see us.

Ali: by the way where r u going to go.

Bebe: ali they will go wherever they want to ...stop asking too many questions and finish your food u eat less and talk more.

Prakash : u r absolutely right bebe he said glaring at ali.

Shweta : and u stop glaring at ali and eat your dinner...

after dinner when everyone had finished eating the elders were busy talking while the youngster were together.

However mithali was waiting for a chance to speak to vidyut about the next day but since neil was there she couldn't but to her luck neil received a call on his phone and he excused himself... she quickly saw this as an opportunity whispered vidyut name who looked up from his phone and raised his eyebrows asking her what? She looked at ali to see him changing the tv channel and luckily he was sitting a bit far away and looked towards neil to see he was still on the phone.

Mithali: have u told bhai that me u and avni r going to see juhi tomorrow

Vidyut: no not yet but I know he will ask me tomorrow where we went so I will let him know then

Mithali ; and wont he question how I found out.

Vidyut: its best to tell him the truth mithali so he doesn't take avni in the wrong way and think that she told u for her own benefit. He said looking into space while mithali looked on

The next day everyone was getting ready and doing their work like a normal day

vidyut was getting ready he was happy to meet juhi again as she was a dear friend to him but poor guy didn't know that his heart felt something else for her.

Once he came down he was waiting for mithali to come as they were going to meet avni outside the hospital.

Shweta: vidyut beta come and have breakfast vidyut nodded and sat down on his seat and looked up to see neil walking down with some file.

Neil good morning mom he said giving her a side hug and sat down next to vidyut

Shweta: gd morning beta. Neil and vidyut wished each other and both started having their breakfast. soon prakash , mithali, ali and bebe came...

Everyone finished having their breakfast

Prakash : neil, ali we should get going so we can discuss some important matters before the client come both nodded while bebe mithali and vidyut were still eating

neil got up and kissed mithali on her head before leaving, all of a sudden mithali received a call from avni and she answered it

Mithali: hey avni

Avni: hey mithali I just called to say im about to leave in 5 mins so when I get to the hospital I will call u

Mithali: that's fine avni even we r about to leave and if we get there before u then I will call u

Avni: ok bye see u soon. Avni cut the call and smiled still not believing how understanding and a gd friend mithali is.

She took her purse and left her room and was walking down the stairs

Avni: ma I am leaving now

Neela: beta have breakfast

Avni: no ma im getting late...bye and with that she walked out of the mansion and got into the car.

Avni was stuck in traffic and was waiting for the signal to turn green and was looking at the builders do their work... her hair was moving about due to car window been open and she kept putting it back behind her ears when she heard a small girls voice. She turned her face to the other side to see a small girl with so many flowers.

Small girl: didi please take some flowers

Avni: sorry beta not today some other time.

Small girl: didi please my mum told me to sell all the flowers and if I don't then she will be upset...

Avni got angry hearing this how could parents make small age kids work like this

Avni: beta y would your mum get upset if u were not able to sell so many flowers.

Small: girl: because if I don't then we wont get enough money and then she will get angry and think I didn't sell these flowers on purpose

Avni: can I ask u something

Small girl: haan didi...

avni looked at the traffic light to see it was still red she turned her attention back to the girl. She didn't know y but she wanted to know about this girl as she was too cute and so small to work like this.

Avni: y don't u go to school

Small girl: we don't have enough money and my mum says girls don't school... they only get married. But I know my mum doesn't agree to that... my dad makes her say all that.. avni looked sadly at the girl

Avni: that's not true ...ok tell me something if u r given a chance would u like to study...

the girl smiled at avni and nodded her head...

Avni: Ok then im ready to buy all these flowers.

The girls smiled brightly and avni took out about 20 thousand rupee out of her purse and wrapped it around a handkerchief so the girl doesn't lose it and also nobody can take it off her.

Avni: here u go if I had more I would have gave u that.

Small girl: thank u so much didi she said getting emotional avni patted her cheeks

Avni: what is your name ?

Small girl: munni

Avni: ok munni now I have taken all your flowers and now u go and give your mum all this money and haan this is my card ...over here is my number so tell your mum to call me ok

Munni; y didi?

Avni: just I have some work for her ok now u go.

Munni smiled and went away all happily while avni felt she did something good.

Finally the lights turned green and she drove off...

after 30 mins avni car came into the hospital parking area ... she got out and thought of calling mithali when a sec later she saw a car coming in with mithali and vidyut in it and waited for vidyut and mithali near her car.

Once vidyut parked the car. He and mithali walked near avni and she hugged mithali first and then vidyut.

Vidyut: shall we go he said looking at both of the girls and they nodded and headed inside the hospital.

Three of them headed towards the lift and got inside... after few mins they reached to the 1st floor and started walking towards room 101.

Avni opened the door followed by vidyut and then mithali .

Juhi and lalit who were speaking turned towards the door to see avni.

lalit only knew avni as he never met mithali and vidyut before while juhi was thinking who is the other girl (mithali )

Lalit got up and hugged avni.

Lalit : how r u beta

Avni: im fine uncle she said breaking the hug and smiled at him.

Lalit: hi he said shaking hands with mithali and vidyut.

Vidyut: hi uncle I am avni friend. Avni looked confusingly at vidyut thinking y didn't he take juhi name.

Avni: and this is mithali my friend.

Lalit: its nice meeting u all he said genuinely. Accha beta I'll get going and will come back later on he said to avni and juhi and left from there ...once lalit went avni asked.

Avni: vidyut y didn't u mention that u r also juhi friend.

Juhi:that's because I had told him that me and u will act like we don't know vidyut and neil from before  and if they find out we were at the same uni then we will say we didn't see each other because we were put in different campus.

Avni: when did u decide this.

Juhi: when I told u about raj truth and u left the room in shock. Avni remembered that day and composed herself

Avni: thank god I know that otherwise what if I told everyone... by the way juhi this is mithali neils sister and here take this flower she said handing it to juhi.

Juhi: avni said a lot about u. whenever she came to visit me she would speak about u she said smiling at mithali .

Mithali : and u don't know how happy I am to meet u. juhi im really sorry to hear about what happened to u but I must say u r really strong.

Juhi looked at avni and she nodded

Avni: mithali knows the truth and she started telling juhi how yesterday she was trying to tell mithali everting but only got to know that mithali knew about this since a year.

Mithali : but the main problem is bhai he doesn't even talk to avni properly.

Juhi: so what is this duffer doing then she said pointing at vidyut.

Vidyut: what do u mean duffer and what am I supposed to do he said confusingly

Juhi: see u proved that u r duffer... vidyut u r neil best friend cant u try and knock some sense in his head.

Vidyut: I can but he wont admit it ...but don't take me wrong neil is right in his place and he would need some time to forget everything and forgive avni

Juhi: by the way mithali does neil know that u know what happened

Mithali : not yet but vidyut said he will let neil know. Juhi nodded

Juhi: where is neil?

Vidyut: he had an important business meeting

Juhi: the way avni im getting tired of staying here I feel like going home.

Avni: don't worry that day will come soon dr shilpa will check if u r fully ok and will get u discharged

Juhi: I hope so. I just want to get out of here asap... after a bit dr shilpa came in with juhis report and saw avni along with vidyut and mithali .

Dr shilpa:hi avni

Avni: hi dr shipa.. by the way juhi wanted to know when she can get discharged.

Dr shilpa: well she can get discharged by tomorrow only if she promises to take rest properly

Juhi: *phew* finally

Dr shilpa: so you can get discharged by tomorrow morning but before that I just want to give u some medicines and yes I also would like u to come to hospital for regular check up

Avni: dw doctor she would do everything u tell her.

Dr shilpa: ok then I will leave u guys alone she said smiling at all of them and left the room.

Vidyut: shall we leave now. Avni and mithali nooded and they all hugged juhi

Juhi: it was nice meeting u mithali

Mithali : same here I could tell I have made another friend

Juhi: same here I would love to know more about u.

Avni: juhi take care I will come tomorrow to the hospital to see u

Juhi: arien but what time will u come I haven't got a phone on me... oh wait I wll take dads phone when he coms later on.

Vidyut: girls shall we leave otherwise your talks would never end ...

Avni and mithali slapped him playfully and they said bye to juhi and left the hospital.

When they were outside they stopped near their cars

Mithali : hey avni y don't u come to our place

Avni: mithali I ... but she couldn't complete

Vidyut: no avni... come it would be fun plus we do need to do something that neil forgives u and starts talking even if it is small things... avni thought for a while and agreed

Avni: ok

Mithali : vidyut u go I will come with avni.

Vidyut nodded and he got in the car and started driving off while mithali sat in avni car and soon they left the hospital parking lot.

Avni told mithali about the small girl munni and how she wanted to do something for her.

After 30 mins both car reached to khanna mansion and all 3 walked inside the mansion.

Bebe who was sitting in the hall was reading a book while shweta was sitting next to her cutting vegetable.

Vidyut: we r back beautiful ladies. Shweta and bebe looked up to see vidyut and mithali walking in but they also were happy to see avni along with them. Shweta got up

Shweta: u came back early. I thought u lot will come in the evening. How r u avni beta she said hugging her.

Avni: im fine aunty.. she went and took bebe blessing who also hugged her.

Bebe: avni beta how is dayawanti

Avni: she is fine bebe.

Bebe: by the way neil is not at home u will have to wait for him till he doesn't come back she said teasingly... avni got awkward

Avni: noo I came to see u guys... bebe smacked her forehead while shweta was stopping herself from laughing

Bebe: u and neil both r the same from inside u both r eager to meet each other but from outside both r not ready to accept it.

Avni: no I seriously mean it I came to see u guys

Bebe: ok fine sit she said laughing. While avni looked at mithali and vidyut who were also laughing at the way bebe slapped her forehead

Avni: bebe can I say something

Bebe: haan beta

Avni: u just looked like dadi when u smacked your forehead. She said

Bebe: that's y we r best friend and shall I tell u one thing I can give u one guarantee that u wont miss any of your family members once u come into this house because I will love u just like dayawanti ... U will get parents love from shweta and prakash just like how ashish and neela love u. and a brother in ali just like abhi and a sister in mithali who would love and adore u just how riya does even though mithali is your best friend... (Avni smiled when bebe was saying all that but soon her smiled slowly started to vanish when she heard the next bit...) and a caring husband like neil who would love u a lot... avni felt uncomfortable with that.

Shweta: u guys talk I will go and get juice and snack for u.

Mithali : mom can u send it to my room...

shweta nodded and headed towards the kitchen. While mithali , vidyut and avni left towards mithali room.

Avni: vidyut thank u

Vidyut: avni stop saying thank you and lets think of how we can make neil forgive u. They all were in a thinking mode when vidyut got a call from neil.

Vidyut: whats up neil already missing your friend. Neil who was sitting on his seat smirked

Neil: no don't get to happy.

Vidyut: ok then what happened anything serious or u just called like that.

Neil: well today one of our clients called and they have invited us to one of their parties saying we could bring our close friends... dad wont be coming but I told our client that I would be coming with u plus that client is a good friend of mine

Vidyut: that's fun the way when is the party?

Neil: day after tomorrow so u better be coming

Vidyut: that's fine dude.

Neil: ok anyways im leaving the office now as there is not much r u back yet or still out

Vidyut: im back he said not telling neil that avni is at khanna mansion.

Neil : ok see u soon then bye

Vidyut: yep bye

Mithali : what happened what did bhai say.

Vidyut: he was saying that one of the clients invited us to a party that is held day after tomorrow and wants me to tag along mithali nodded and till then the food came and they started eating when mithali got a idea

Mithali : vidyut what if avni also attends the party with bhai then she would be with bhai all the time I mean even though u will be there but u can pretend to be busy

Vidyut: not a bad idea mithali see by staying with me u have started to become intelligent

Mithali : how mean of u

Avni: guys wait how do u expect me to go to a party where I don't know anyone except neil and vidyut and on top of that vidyut will disappear from there.

Mithali : avni to gain bhais forgiveness u have to start from somewhere.

Avni: yeh but im nervous

Vidyut: avni neil wont eat u he said smiling at her

Avni: u think he will allow me to be next to him during the party

Vidyut: don't worry avni I will also be there but just a little away from u both.

Mithali : vidyut how would u convince bhai to take avni to the party. Vidyut smiled as he knew who could help them

Vidyut: I will be back guys just wait and with that he left mithali s room leaving the two girls confused when after 5 mins they could see him walking with bebe

Bebe: vidyut what is so important that u bought me here...

vidyut made her sit down and sat in front of her

Vidyut: bebe we need your help

Bebe: what help

Vidyut: well u know how avni and neil rarely spend time together so what u can do is convince neil to take avni to the party that neil and me would be attending

Bebe: so y cant u say this to neil yourself

Vidyut; ufff bebe u should know how stubborn your grandson is and if u say then he will take avni along but if I say then he would just take it lightly

Bebe: ok I will tell him and with that she was about to get up when vidyut made her sit down

Vidyut: but bebe just say that when neil called me at that time I was sitting with u and I told u about the party and that's how u thought avni should tag along

Bebe: ok baba now let me go and help shweta... .once bebe had gone vidyut and mithali and avni laughed..

After 30 mins avni decided to leave and vidyut and mithali were walking downstairs to drop her off... They stood near the couch and avni was facing them and talking to them when she was about to leave she turned around only to bump into someone making her lose her balance slightly and she had closed her eyes but when she didn't feel her head hit the ground she slowly opened her eyes to see someone looking at her so seriously but there was also concern in that eye which slowly started to vanish only to realise neil was holding on to her. He made her stand properly.

Avni: thanks. But she didn't get any response from neil as he ignored her and went towards vidyut and mithali .

Mithali didn't like this and glared at neil completely ignoring him

Mithali : avni u k?

Avni: yah um I will get going now... mithali smiled and with that avni left...

mithali slowly turned around to see neil walking towards his room. Vidyut looked at her before going up to neils room once he entered he sat on the bean bag.

Vidyut: juhi was asking about u. neil who was taking his tie off looked at vidyut

Neil: u went to see juhi

Vidyut: haan y?

Neil: but mithali was with u then how? Before vidyut could answer mithali walked into his room

Mithali : because I knew about this a year ago when I was at avni house I saw her diary but then your name caught my attention and I started reading whats in her diary but I was not sure if that neil was u. however when u both met at the temple thats when I knew that u and avni knew each other from before and when my doubt was correct I felt like confronting avni and ask her how dare she accuse my bhai of something like this but I couldn't I didn't want her to know that I knew the truth because of the friendship we share bhai I was just not able to hate her. in fact avni wanted to tell me everything yesterday and she even did as she was feeling guilty and bhai I think u should forgive her

Neil: mithali its best if u don't get into this

Mithali : i have already gotten into this and I wont back out.. u know y?... because avni should get a chance and also I didn't like the way u treated her downstairs and with that she left neils room...neil watched mithali go and turned away annoyingly

Meanwhile avni reached back to metha mansion after a gd 30 mins but the only thing that was in her mind was that when she was in neil arms she could see concern in his eyes but then it seemed like he was trying to hide it. She was walking in when she saw ashish and abhi sitting in the hall and discussing about some important deal. Avni went towards them

Avni: hey guys. She said sitting next to ashish.

Ashish : hey angel how was your day.

Avni: not bad papa it was ok.

Abhi: avni where did u go he asked casually as he didn't know she went to the hospital

Avni: I went to see a friend with mithali and vidyut. Ashish nodded while abhi understood after a while neela and dayawanti came back after doing some shopping and they also came and sat down next to them while madhavi came and gave them some water

Dayawanti : avni beta when did u come?

Avni: just few mins ago... She looked towards ashish who was still busy talking with abhi but after few mintues when they came to a decision abhi closed the laptop and sat on the sofa properly. While ashish was looking at some files

Avni: papa I need to ask u something.

Ashish : sure avni?

Avni: today when I left to meet mithali and vidyut I was stuck in traffic when a small girl came to me selling flowers at that time she started telling me things... I really felt sorry for her as she is too small and has to work at this age. by her talks I could tell her mum is not happy with this but she is tolerating all this because of her husband. But I gave that girl my card and told her to tell her mum to call me. I don't know y papa but I want to do something for this girl I mean cant we give her mum a job somewhere and sponsor that girl for her studies.

Ashish: ok beta but first we need to see what that lady is capable of doing and we can only decide this after she calls u. avni smiled and hugged ashish but soon she broke the hug

Dayawanti : brij what about we give the lady a job in the small business that me and neela started of making pickles and sewing

Ashish : we could do that maa but we have to see if she knows any of this. Dayawanti nodded.

Later on at the khanna mansion

Neil was in the hall sitting with his laptop however he still couldn't believe mithali knew everything. He was scrolling through some documents on the laptop and at the same time sipping some whisky. Vidyut and mithali were watching him from upstairs as they told bebe to put their plan into action now.

Bebe: neil beta what r u doing?

Neil: nothing bebe just going through some documents he said looking into his laptop

Bebe: arien haan I forgot to ask that u called vidyut while u were at office right... neil looked at bebe and nodded

Neil: yh y what happened

Bebe: no I asked him what u both were talking about as I heard him mention what time the party is and he said u have invited him for a party at a clients place

Neil: haan be e he said I could bring other peopl along with me so thought y not vidyut plus the client is one of my good friend...till then prakash came and sat down and was about to turn on the tv when he heard bebe speak

Bebe: beta y don't u take avni to the party too u both will get to spend more time there with each other... neil looked away before answering

Neil: no I don't think so... I mean she wont enjoy as she would hardly know anyone there plus she might have other things to do

Prakash: how can u say that without asking fact I want u to ask her now... vidyut and mithali who heard this were happy as prakash made it easier for them.

Neil: I will call her later

Prakash: no call her now I want avni to come with u and that's it

Neil: fine I will call her now.. he took out his phone only to realise he hasn't got her number he didn't know what to do for a sec when he decided to call abhi. After few rings abhi answered

Abhi: hey neil whats up

Neil: hi abhi can I speak to avni.

Abhi: avni? (Abhi was surprised when neil asked about avni).... yeh sure just give me a min I'll give her the phone. Abhi ran to avni room and quickly gave her the phone when she looked at the caller id she was surprised that it was neil and place the phone near her ears

Avni: hello?

Neil: day after tomorrow I am attending a client's party who is one of my friend dad was asking if u want to come.. he said mentioning prakash name so avni knows he is not interested in taking her but because of prakash he is asking.

Avni: erm sure... before she could ask what time he continued

Neil: I'll come and pick u up around 7pm be ready with that he cut the call only to see prakash and bebe staring at him weirdly

Prakash: where did the bye go.

Neil: I forgot to say it and with that he took his laptop and whisky glass and headed upstairs
...when mithali and vidyut saw him get up they quickly ran

Thank u for those who commented and voted for the previous chap

Also loved reading the reviews

Will be waiting for all the comments and voted for this chap

Lots of love

Also please do read ShizaAhmed4 work and give her all the love and support

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