chapter 14

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The next day avni woke up with a smile on her face but then she remembered tomorrow  was the day she will be attending a party with neil and she was very nervous as to how neil is going to behave... would he introduce her?, talk to her?, forgive her ?... so many questions like this was running in her head. She decided to have a shower ....after 15mins she came out in a robe only to see her phone ringing to see it was mithali calling

Avni : hey mithali

Mithali: hey....By the way y didn't u answer your phone before.... I tried to call u

Avni: sorry I went to have a shower and just came out now only to see your call.

Mithali: that's fine then. So u ready for the party?

Avni: to be honest no im really nervous

Mithali: don't feel nervous avni vidyut will also be there but just away from u and bhai and if u really feel left out then just give me a call

Avni; ok

Mithali: by the way have u decided what u r going to wear

Avni: no not really

Mithali: good then don't because I have a perfect dress for u so I will come around 6pm tomorrow to get u ready

Avni: uhh mithali hold on a sec im getting another call from some other number... she put mithali on hold and answered the other call

Inspector; hello miss avni this is inspector suraj speaking if u remember I took juhi statement

Avni: yes inspector how can I help u?

Inspector; well over here mr raj singhania is in our custody although he is trying to get a bail but he  keeps on saying that he wants to meet u

Avni: im sorry inspector but im not ready to meet a person like him

Inspector: we could understand but u also need to sign on some documents for the statement that u r going to give against mr singhania so maybe u can meet him one last time and knock some sense into him

Avni: ok im coming now

Inspector: thank u so much and with that he cut
the call. Avni got back to mithali

Mithali: finally u r back but when she didn't get any answer from avni she asked again... avni u there ?

Avni: yh I just got a call from the police station and she narrated the conversation between her and the inspector

Mithali; so u going ?

Avni : yh

Mithali: do u want me to come with u?

Avni: no dw I will manage and I don't want u to get into this whole raj mess I will take abhi bhai

Mithali: ok don't take too much stress and let me know how things go.

Avni: will do... I'll see u later as I need to get ready and leave. after saying bye to each other both cut the call.

Avni quickly got ready into something comfortable and went downstairs to have breakfast to see everyone sitting there already. Except abhi as he was getting ready and riya was sleeping as she had to finish a design of for some client and due to that she stayed awake the whole night...she took her seat and smiled at everyone.

Dayawanti : gd morning beta

Avni: gd morning dadi erm where is abhi bhai?

Dayawanti ? beta he is probably In his room.

Avni nodded and texted abhi about going to the police station  and also about juhi probably getting discharged today and after few mins she got a reply from him  that he will come along with her... after about 5 mins abhi came down and sat opposite avni.

abhi: dad I will come later  to office if that's k

ashish: that's fine beta but r u planning to do something today? if u want u can take a day off

abhi: well I have to go and give statement against raj at the police station.

Avni didn't expect abhi to say this  Yes her family knew about raj's bad work now but she was hoping ashish doesn't plan to come with them

ashish: beta shall I come with u?

avni closed her eyes thinking her doubt would be coming true

abhi: no dad I know u r angry with him with the way he was using us so I don't want u to get into this mess he said drinking his juice quickly

neela: beta if anything do give your dad a call.

Abhi: dw mom. Shall we go avni?.... Before they could get up. Dayawanti  stopped them

Dayawanti : beta where r u taking avni

Abhi: woh dadi I erm... yh well one of my friend has bought a new flat and he wanted to redesign it so I told him I wll bring avni and he could share his idea with her so she will come with me to the police station and from there we will leave to my friends place. Dayawanti  nodded and both left for the police station.

Once they were in the car abhi looked at avni and spoke after few mins.

Abhi: avni will u be ok seeing raj? Avni looked at abhi and gave a sad smile.

Avni: I have to be ok abhi bhai and for me he is not the person I loved he is a stranger... someone that broke my trust... someone that changed mine and juhi's life especially juhi... and someone  who was trying to do a fake business deal with u and papa so his illegal work stays hidden... For me his only raj singhania and juhi's culprit.

Abhi looked at her for a second and took the route to police station ..

Soon they reached to the police station and both got out of the car

abhi went towards avni and put his arms around her shoulder and started walking in.

Raj who was sitting in the lock up was keep on looking at  inspector suraj who was writing something down about a case.. he wanted to get out of the police station fast and was also thinking what is taking his lawyer so long to get his bail papers ready.... another reason was to go and see avni as he wouldn't let her go so easily....He was looking angrily at the inspector and the people sitting next to him in lock up making faces.. he got up and started walking from one corner to the other and was in a thinking mode when he heard inspector say avni's and abhi's name and looked up to see them sitting down opposite the inspector.

Avni and abhi had walked in and they located inspector suraj however abhi was the only one who located raj and got angry and tightened his grip on avni shoulder.

Avni who was a little lost in her thoughts looked at abhi when she felt his grip tighten.  saw  him looking ahead when she followed his gaze she saw raj after so long but the only difference was things were not the same between them and will never be... she was looking at him sadly remembering all those lovely moments spent together when juhis word came running back and anger took over the sadness  making her look away from raj who was still staring at her... both abhi and avni ignored him and went towards inspector suraj.

Inspector: thank u so much for coming and mr abhi its good u came too as u can sign on these papers too . . As u know for such case  we nee u to sign these papers which states that whenever required u will communicate with us and answer all the question asked. Avni and abhi nodded and avni started signing first

Abhi: inspector I hope juhi name doesn't come out in the open especially at the court

Inspector suraj: u don't worry about that and we will make sure miss juhi sharma name doesn't come out so u can relax he said smiling. Abhi nodded and started signing after avni finished...

Raj was still looking at avni. He went near the lock up bar with his fingers tightening around them.

Raj: avni I need to speak to u.

avni ignored raj...

Raj: Give me a chance dammit he said angrily and now abhi looked angrily at raj

Abhi: u don't deserve any chance Mr Singhania so its best if u stop your drama and forget my sister.

Raj: u know I love her abhi just listen to me once. Abhi ignored raj completely.

Abhi: inspector when would this case reach to the court

Inspector: we have registered a fir against him and the case hearing is after 3 days.

Abhi: thank u so much he said shaking hands with the inspector and he and avni got up to leave.. abhi held on to avni hand and was about to move.

Raj: avni u cant go without hearing me out. this time avni stopped in her track and abhi looked at her... she turned around and looked at raj.

Avni: what do u want to say? She asked walking towards the lock up with no emotion for the guy in front of her

Raj: avni look we have been together for 5 years. Do u think its easy to forget a 5 year old relationship? no right... u will be hurt and even I will be....Like I said for us I will say sorry to juhi ...just tell her to take this damn case back and then I will come and ask for your hand I will even say sorry to ashish uncle for thinking about of doing a fake project  with him. We will be happy like before don't u think I deserve a second chance..

Avni; 5 year old relationship? U will be hurt? Sorry to juhi? We will be happy? Us? Asking for my hand?...second chance?... I don't think any of these things mean anything to u. to be honest im happy that im not with a person like u anymore. u were saying we were happy together. But were we really? Because  at that time u were hiding your true face. The raj that I loved doesn't exist for me anymore because behind that raj face was a evil monster face who had done really bad things in the past. but as they say truth always wins and your truth came out.... about asking for my hand I don't think thats possible because even u know im engaged and soon will get married she said showing her engagement ring to raj and continued speaking... and about second chance u think I will give u a second chance for these type of things u have done?... I would have gave u a chance if u was a nice guy or if there was any type of misunderstanding between us but over here the case is totally different and u don't get second chance for crimes like this... Bye Mr raj singhania its time for u to pay for your crimes.

Abhi smiled the way avni spoke to raj. Avni turned around and started walking towards abhi and both left  while raj was in rage... nobody dared to speak to him like that and he continued looking at avni and abhi walking out of the police station.

Raj: now I will show the real evil side of me avni baby....U r only mine and I wont let anyone take u away from me. He thought looking angrily into space.

As soon as avni and abhi got out avni hugged abhi tightly. Abhi was surprised as inside she was all strong and now she was hugging him.

Abhi: u ok avni. Avni nodded her head and after few minutes broke the hug.

Avni: I really hate him. He still considers all this as a small mistake and asks for a second chance for all the things he has done. Abhi bhai if it was something small or something like normal problem in our relationship then yes I would have gave him a second chance but here he has done something really bad with everyone and doesn't even show guilt on his face.

Abhi: I know avni... but he was like a complete psycho and its good he is behind the bar now only court needs to punish him and then he will be away from your life for gd he said cupping her face ...avni smiled at him

Avni: I love u
Abhi: I love u to  my chotu sa sister . Shall we go now.

Avni: one minute

Avni  called on lalit phone as she knew juhi would have his phone. After few rings juhi answered.

Juhi: whats up sexy... avni smiled hearing juhi speak like before.

Avni: nothing much just wanted to know what time r u getting discharged

Juhi: after 30 mins u coming?

Avni: yes I'll be there soon

Juhi: cool see u bye... both ended the call...

juhi smiled sadly she was trying to behave normal for her loved ones ...she still didn't tell anyone how that one night still haunts her and scares her in her dream.. but she had to forget it and she wants to forget it and live life like before although she knew it would take a little time.

Meanwhile avni and abhi sat in the car and avni told abhi about juhi getting discharged.

Abhi was happy that finally juhi would be going home but also he was getting excited to see dr shilpa. He started driving.

After 20 mins both reached the hospital and headed to juhi room.

They soon entered and saw juhi sitting in her normal clothes with lalit next to her as dr shilpa was talking to them. But three of them looked towards the door to see avni and abhi walk in.

abhi was happy seeing dr shilpa but tried to keep it normal. Lalit went and hugged abhi and avni

Abhi: hi dr shilpa how r u? avni looked at him weirdly

Dr shilpa: erm im gd thanks how r u.

Abhi: all gd thanks. Erm how is juhi now

Dr shilpa: she is fine but still need to take full rest. also I made her a chart that she should follow everyday she said handing the file to avni.

Avni: thank u so much dr shilpa. The way u treated juhi in all these years I don't know how to say thank u and shall I be honest im happy I met someone sweet like u who takes care of her patients really well.

Dr shilpa: then don't say thank u... she said smiling and then placed her hand on avni shoulder ... I was more than happy treating juhi and I loved seeing the bond u shared with her it just shows how much u love her and I can also see how much she loves u she said smiling

Lalit: dr the discharged papers r signed so can we leave

Dr shilpa: sure but please bring her to me after 1 week and make sure she follows the chart I made her... all nodded and shilpa left.

abhi kept looking at her but what made him smile was when dr shilpa was about to leave the room she turned and looked at abhi and smiled before going.

Avni: so madam shall we leave she said holding juhi and helped her to get up.

Juhi: yes lets go... abhi helped lalit carry juhi bag and they walked out of the hospital while avni and juhi were walking slowly with avni holding on to juhi shoulder as juhi was adjusting to walking back normally.

When they reached outside lalit told his driver to go as they decided to go in abhi car ...avni and juhi sat in the back while lalit was sitting at the front with abhi

After an hour they reached to juhi house and walked inside and sat on the couch while the maid bought water for all of them.

Lalit: avni beta yesterday I forgot to tell u that I met ashish yesterday..

Lalit and bank we told metha family that juhi had decided to stay in New York so nobody knows about her condition .

Avni: haan uncle but did papa say anything?

Lalit: yes beta he asked me when juhi is coming back since  your wedding is coming near and also she didn't attend your engagement plus I couldn't come as I was with juhi but I told him that I was out of town for an urgent meeting. ..Beta its best if u tell them now that juhi would be coming back from New York after two days

Abhi: lalit uncle is right avni plus they know how close u and juhi r and they might find something fishy if juhi is missing from other functions now... only we knew that juhi was in coma but we cant give them any more doubts

Lalit: exactly and this is gods blessing that juhi came out of coma just on time it seems that even god didn't want my daughter to miss your big day he said caressing juhi head who smiled.

Abhi: I agree with u on that uncle

Lalit:But tell me something juhi u lied to me when I asked u who that person was that was responsible for your state Everyone looked at lalit shocked especially juhi.

Juhi: how do u know ? she still couldn't believe that lalit knew.

Lalit: beta I found out the day u came out of coma... I left as soon as possible when abhi called me and told me that u got out of coma and I was about to enter the room only to hear the last bit when u said avni bf was responsible for your state but when I asked u and u said u don't know about who did this to u I didn't want to force u to tell me.

Juhi: im sorry dad I didn't want u to worry plus avni didn't know about this so I didn't want u to think that she knew about raj been the culprit. She said holding onto lalit hand.

Avni got up from her seat and kneeled in front of lalit and took one of his hand holding it tightly

Avni: im really sorry uncle if raj wouldn't have been in my life then all this wouldn't have happened to juhi. She tried to help and knock some sense into that person head but all he cared about was himself... because of me he did all that to juhi and got away for so many years. But believe me I didn't know he was the cause for all this. Lalit smiled and placed his hand on avni head.

Lalit: it was not your fault beta. Juhi did what she thought was best for u. im not blaming any of u. maybe this was meant to happen so all of u know raj true face this way.

Abhi: lalit uncle is right and there is no point in thinking about the past... what happened was for the best. But uncle please don't let anyone at home know that avni and raj were in relationship as nobody knows about this.

Lalit; dw beta I wont. Now u all talk I will be in my room... with that lalit got up and went to his room while avni sat down next to juhi.

Juhi: so has that duffer vidyut made any plans yet.

Avni; well yh neil called him yesterday when he was at the office and neil mentioned about some client inviting him for a party who happens to be a gd friend of neil so he told vidyut to join him and then mithali got the idea of me tagging along.

Juhi: so did that work ?

Avni: yh vidyut told neils dadi to convince him to take me but I think even prakash uncle told him too because when he called yesterday he said prakash uncle wants me to go with him

Abhi: so that's y he called?

Avni: yh

Juhi: lets hope things go gd at the party between u and neil.

Abhi; ok girls I have to leave as i need to go office as well... avni u not going to work?

Avni: no abhi bhai me and mithali r still working on the same client and she has gone on holiday for few weeks so till then there is no office until we don't get another client.

Abhi: ok do u want me to come and pick u up later on

Avni: no its k I will take taxi

Juhi: wt do u mean taxi u don't worry my driver will drop u. abhi bhai u can go i will take care of this girl. Abhi nodded and left while avni and juhi were alone. Avni noticed juhi thinking about something.

Avni: juhi u ok?... juhi came out of her thoughts

Juhi; yah I was just thinking about how happy we were but then 1 night changed everything

Avni: true ...but we r happy right now as well in fact much happier than before.

Juhi: avni u cried your heart out in front of abhi bhai that day but wont u share your pain with ur friend. Avni looked at juhi and slowly gave her a tight hug. After few mins avni spoke.

Avni: I saw him at the police station today.

Juhi opened her eyes when avni said that and broke the hug for avni to continue with what happened

Meanwhile at the police station raj was sitting on the floor and was thinking when his lawyer mr Ahuja called out his name. raj looked up to see mr Ahuja who nodded at him. Mr Ahuja went towards the inspector.

Mr Ahuja: inspector saab I need to speak to my client privately so please can u allow us.

Inspector gave Ahuja a look and then told one of the constable to take raj to a different room. Where criminals get to talk to the people that come and visit them.

Once they were in that room the constable gave them few mins and went out.

Raj: mr Ahuja what has taken u so long?

Mr Ahuja: I was thinking of how to get u out. because right now bail probably wont help in this case.

Raj: so u expect me to stay here my whole life he said gritting his teeth. Mr Ahuja gave a sly smile to raj

Mr Ahuja: mr singhania I wouldn't have come here if I didn't have a solution but I have a way of getting u out of here only if u agree to it.

Raj: what is that he said leaning forward looking at Ahuja and waiting for him to speak.

Mr Ahuja; that solution is...

Constable came in and took raj out who looked at Ahuja one last time before getting into his cell while Ahuja left after assuring him.

Back to juhi house. avni told everything to juhi that happened at the police station.

Juhi : this guy is a monster. She said angrily.

Avni held on to her hand

Avni: forget about him. But if u ever need me u know im always here.

Juhi; I know. Avni but?

Avni: but?

Juhi; it still scares me... that night if neil hadn't come that day raj would have done more damage to me by... and she left her sentence hanging which avni understood...
juhi continued speaking again after few secs... but u know avni I want to forget that night and think of it as a bad dream.

Avni: that day will come soon juhi it will take a little time but it will... ok now I have to go as everyone at home thinks I was with vijay bhais friend.

Juhi: ok chal I will tell the driver to drop u.  she was about to get up but avni stopped her

Avni: juhi don't move right now I will go and tell the driver to drop me.

Juhi: pakka ? she said pointing her fingers at avni

Avni: pakka she said smiling and kissed juhi on the cheeks and both hugged each other and avni walked out of and told Juhi's driver to drop her...

once avni reached home she quickly told the driver to go so nobody at home knows she came from juhi house as her family member knows juhi's driver very well.

When she entered inside she saw riya sitting on the couch watching tv and went towards her and sat next to her.

Avni: whats up riyu? U didn't go office today? She asked drinking riyas  juice that was on the table.

Riya: nothing much didu...I was looking for something to watch on tv and nope there was not much work at the office so I didn't go but I told pinky that if im needed then she should call me. By the way where were u?

Avni: I was with vijay bhai his friend needed to interior his flat so vijay bhai recommended me. Riya nodded.

neil and avni were at a party... neil was busy talking with some ppl while avni was standing alone in a corner moving her gaze around the hall and also kept glancing in neils direction... some guy came to her asking for a dance and she declined feeling uncomfortable because of the way he was looking at her ...

man: come on beautiful one dance wont harm u he said sipping a glass of whisky and looking at avni from head to toe making her uncomfortable.

Avni: i said I don't want to dance so please don't force me said moving away from the guy a little and kept looking in neils direction but he was busy talking to others. But when she was busy looking at neil she didn't notice the guy come more closer to her and held her hand.

man: if u don't want to dance we can go somewhere else he said holding her hands tightly and dragged her away from the hall  taking her into another room While avni was trying free herself  but culdnt as the person was strong and kept looking at neil but no luck.

Phew so here is an update

Thanks to those who voted and commented for the previous chap

Will be waiting for comments and votes so keep them coming

Lots of love

Hey guys please do read my mansu two os and also the other work she has done

Also please do follow messythoughts34 Nd give all your love and support

Also also also u can miss this story out I mean my saaru is the craziest and I mean the craziest as in craziest ki leader hai but when it comes to writing then u will be shocked that this crazy girl writes so well even better than me so dont miss out one of her finest work on avneil called the billionaire's bride craziest24

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