chapter 20.

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story continues.

avni and Ali reached home.

without saying a word  avni went to her room.

neela: what happened to her?

ali: nothing just a proposal. .

neela : who?

ali: Amit verma.

neela : what did she do?

ali: nothing dangerous. Neil was there.he managed it.

hearing Neil s name neela smiles.

juhi: why r u smiling maa?

neela : nothing.

ali: I knew it long before. that Amit likes avni.I thought she will agree.

neela : May be she will get a perfect family soon.

ali: huh?!

neela smiles.


at khanna mansion.

every one is settled at drawing room.

prakash: so vidyut and juhi s marriage will be on nxt week.
bebe: nxt week. ....sunny it's not easy as saying we need to do a lot of preparations.

shwetha : bebe is right.

prakash : delaying marriage is not good too.

neil: but dad ...

prakash : I have talked to neela.she is having an private island in Andaman. marriage will be from there.she will arrange every thing.

vidyut: but dad..mishti.

prakash :first marriage then the rest.they promised to sort it out right. keep patience.

neil: dad is right. ur her father .it will be and always.

at same time .
parikh mansion.

neela informs everyone.

avni: paradise ...

ali: no maa we can conduct marriage some where else.

juhi: yes maa Ali is right.

neela : we have already decided.

avni: urghhh....

neela :do packing. we will leave on tommorrw evening.

neela leaves to her room.

ali avni and juhi looks on.

juhi:what will we do now?

avni shrugs her shoulder.


nxt day.

everyone is ready for the journey.

khanna s along with mithali s family also reached.

they wished each other.

neela: we will move to airport now.we r going to Chennai. from  there to Andaman via ship.

everyone checked in.

mishti :I will sit with jaan.

juhi:ok fine come.

juhi picked her in arms.

bebe made vidyut and juhi sit together.

everyone settled down.

ali: avni ...I want to sit in window side.

avni was sitting with nanno.

avni : ok fine.

she got up and looks around for another seat.

she found a seat near Neil.
other seats are full.she was left with no other options. so decided to sit with Neil.

avni went near Neil

avni: can I sit.

Neil : sure

with a smile.

opposite to them vidyut and juhi is there

juhi: u were sitting with nanno.

avni : yaa ...but Ali came.u know him right.

juhi smiles and nods her head.

mishti : Angel...surprise ready? ??

juhi looks on.

juhi: what surprise? ?

mishti : surprise is surprising. so don't ask.

avneil. juhi and vidyut smiles at her antics.

avni turns towards Neil. but he looks out of the window.

avni (in mind ): Neil. .why he is behaving like this.

avni was feeling tired so she closed her eyes.

juhi was feeding mishti biscuit.

vidyut is looking at them lovingly.

vidyut: you changed a lot .

juhi looks at him.

juhi: yaa u r right. I have changed.inside feelings too.

vidyut understood what she meant.

vidyut : I am sorry juhi.pls forgive me.

juhi didn't say anything.

mishti : come on jaan forgive him.

vidyut and juhi looks at her.

mishti : Angel.use to say if any one asked for forgiveness we should accept it. because one will say sorry if he really mean it.

both of them are surprised by the words of mishti.

mishti : I know he is asking sorry because he made u angry on picnic right.

vidyut : no mishti ..I have done a big mistake. which juhi is not going to forgive.

mishti : my jaan is r u really sorry for ur deeds.

vidyut nods.with tears.

mishti : then..

she looks  at juhi.

mishti : jaan will forgive u.u know what jaan wiil do whatever I say.

vidyut looks at juhi but she kept a stern face.

mishti : but one condition.

vidyut : what ...

mishti : secret. ..

mishti leans to his ears.

mishti : u need to buy lot of chocolate for me.

vidyut : ok fine I will give u what ever u want.

mishti smiles.

juhi: mishti. .

mishti : noo jaan let me speak. u forgive him right.

juhi sighs and nods.

mishti claps her hand.

mishti : yaayy...then frnds...

she joined both their hands.

mishti then satin vidyut lap.
both of enjoyed each others company.

Neil who saw this smiled.

Neil looks at avni and saw her with closed eyes.

Neil : avni...

avni opens her eyes.

Neil : sorry I thought u hadn't slept.carry on

avni : no it's ok.why u called.

Neil : woh. ...actually. .I.....

avni: I am sorry.

Neil looks  at her .

avni: I am sorry I..shouldn't have talked to u like that.

Neil smiles.

there was a silence.

avni : and thanks

Neil :thanks for what.

avni: for considering me as ur frnd and for helping me.

Neil : but yesterday. ..u yelled at me asking did I asked ur help.

avni sighs.

avni: I was not in a good mood plus he was a good friend of mine.

Neil : ohh

Neil; ur performance was nice and congrats.

avni: thanks.

Neil :avni...

avni: hmm.

Neil :why didn't u accept his proposal .

avni looks at him.

Neil :I am sorry. ....I didn't mean to interfere in ur personal matters.

avni: its nothing like don't believe in such stuffs.u know it's useless things.

Neil; useless?

avni : yaa.

Neil : that means u had a bad experience with love.

avni: love or what ever.I don't believe's real meaning is just cheating.

Neil : I think ur opinion is not. right. love is just another word for trust care.....

avni raised her eyebrow.

avni: I wish u will change this opinion soon.because I have seen a lot of people.

Neil : same pitch. I also want u to change ur opinion. because I am seeing it since have been in this world.

avni: huh...

Neil smiles.

Neil :my parents. ..they had a love marriage.

avni: oh...

Neil :I will always believe in love because I have seen them.

avni smiles faintly.

avni: u have a happy family.

Neil :even u have.

after pause

Neil : I must say a unique one.

both smiles at each other.

Neil got busy in reading buut his mind wanted to talk to avni more and more.

avni is thinking about whatever Neil have said.

slowly she closed her eyes.

the flight landed in Chennai.

avni and Neil were sleeping.
avni s head on Neil's shoulder and Neil s head above avni s head.

juhi saw this.

mishti : Angel and superman is looking so cute.

her comment draw everyone s attention towards avneil.

avneil woke up.

they looks on.

vidyut: Neil r u ok?

Neil : yaa bhai..why.

vidyut : no I mean u had an injury on ur shoulder.

Neil : yaa but it's ok.

avni: I am sorry

she whispered and run out.

Neil : bhai..u shouldn't have told.she must have felt bad.

juhi: u brother never cares about what others feels.

vidyut :juhi stop accusing. I do care for my brother.

Neil : bhai...both of u stop.
it's just a small injury. and on top that I don't feel any pain.

juhi: mishti .chali let's go.

mishti: I won't walk.

juhi: ok fine .I will call Ali.

vidyut : no need I will pick her up.

vidyut picked mishti .

everyone is now present out of the airport.

everyone was happy seeing mishti in vidyut s arms.

ali: maa where is avni?

neela:she will be back .she just went to wash room.


suddenly someone hugs juhi from her back.

person : I missed u a lot.

juhi turned to face the person.

juhi: kk.....

with tears she hugged him.

juhi : I missed u too.

thay broke  the hug.

neela: oh so u went washroom for this.

avni: come on maa it's a surprise.

neela:how r u beta?why u appeared all of a sudden.

kk:I am fine aunty.and about my visit .it's my jaan getting married.

ali: wow u r it will be a lot of fun.

avni: yaa yaa fun.. ..

prakash: who is this neela ji.

neela :this.....

kk:I will introduce my self.I am kk  .karan kapoor.juhi s cousin.

bebe:oh happy that u came.

kk smiles.

mitali;I am feeling much tired .we have lot to travel .

neela : let's go.

everyone reached the seaport.

one by one they r entering inside the ship.

neil mitali and avni was left now.

mitali : Neil. .I am scared of water bodies.

Neil : its ok yaar I am with u nothing to worry.

Neil holds mitali by her shoulder.

Neil looks at avni.avni didn't look at him.

the voyage started

youngsters  is present at roof top.

kk:so happy to see u all.

ali:same have been more than 5years we met. who is mom and dad.

everyone s attention turned towards juhi.

kk:They r fine.

juhi :hmm

avni felt really bad for juhi.

ali decided to divert the topic.

ali:how is ur life going young man.

kk smiles

kk:though yet sweet.

ali:any girlfriend?

kk: come on Ali ...u already know my girlfriend.

kk winks at avni.
avni throw a cushion on kk.

avni:u will never change.

kk: yes baby.

juhi smiles.

mitali :that means avni is ur gf

kk:yes she is my gf.

Neil was beyond shocked.

kk:gf ...good friend.

kk smiles at avni which she returned.

Neil : oh.

vidyut:so what r u doing?

kk:Ali can u get me a drink sure.

kk avoids vidyut.

vidyut gets up and moved to a corner.

Neil goes behind him.

Neil :bhai....

vidyut looks at him.

Neil : is he the guy whom u saw juhi hugging.

vidyut nods his head.

avni came there.

avni:Mr khanna. bebe is calling u.

vidyut :u can call me by name or bhai.

avni; at present I don't need any external brother.

saying avni went away.

Neil :bhai don't take it seriously. I will help u.

vidyut :how?

Neil :wait and watch.

thanks for all the lovely comment and votes

guys i am gone fly Glasgow. my dad's place

it's onam vacation.

yay much excited

no worries I will update soon

keep voting and commenting

with love


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