chapter 21.

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their journey came to an end.

they reached the island.

a beautiful smile appeared on avni s face .

Neil is admiring her.

it is the first time she is smiling. .happy like this.Neil thought.

avni Ali screamed in happiness.

avni:our paradise.

avni was the first one to came out.

she  is walking slowly .enjoying the beauty of the place.

suddenly something strikes in Ali s head.

he hold both juhi s and avni s hand.

juhi :what ?

ali indicating towards his watch.

ali: 6:10   what if we have scenery of sunset.

avni and juhi smiles.

mishti :me too.

kk:ok guys lets go.

neela :u can go tommorrw first take some rest.

avni:maa plss.

nanno:neela let them go.

ali: u guys can Also come.

looking at Neil mithali and vidyut.

mithali :u guys go I am tired.

youngsters walks towards cliff  region.

avni:what if we have a race.

juhi :super.

ali picks mishti in his arms.

ali:so 3.2.1.go.

ali juhi and avni started to run.

vidyut and Neil looks at them

neil: I think we also should.

they also run behind them.

avni reached first.followed by Ali mishti juhi Neil and vidyut.

avni: I won.

ali:oh hello I had mishti in my hands.that why.

avni :really?

juhi:of course avni otherwise he won't have failed all these years.

avni and juhi hi fis and burst into laughter.

neil and vidyut admires them.

ali:not so funny.

mishti :LOOK...

pointing towards sky.

everyone stood their.looking at it.

neil:its so beautiful.

avni: it is that's the magic of my paradise.

looking at sky.

neil looks at avni.

he felt like her face is more beautiful than any thing in this world.

avni turns to face Neil.

both shared a eye lock.

avni broke it.

ali came and stand in between juhi and avni.

ali:May be a last sunset from paradise....all of us together.

juhi understands what he is trying to say.

juhi: we will come again. I getting  married. that doesn't mean we r going to break our relations....we will be together as always.

avni smiles.

avni:that's can we live without our jaan.

the trio hugs.

neil admires their bond.

vidyut smiles faintly but inside its burning hard.

everyone moves back to home

they entered inside the house.
they found everyone sitting their having tea.

prakash:how was it my boys.

neil:awesome dad.

neil looks neela.

neil:thanks neela aunty for bringing us here .it's really beautiful. I loved the place.

neela :it is.because it's all avni s master mind.

neela smiles looking at avni.

Mrs sharma:come join for tea.

everyone sits.except avni.

avni:u guys carry on.I will get fresh up.

neela :u and juhi need to share the room

avni goes upstairs.

prakash :the place is really nice.

neela :thank u

shwetha :shall we discuss about marriage.


juhi gets up and started to go .

neela :where r going.

juhi:upstairs. need take some rest.

ali:what happened r u ok?

juhi smiles

juhi :yaa I am fine just tired u guys carry on.


screams avni from up stairs.

everyone gets panicked.

and hurried towards her room.

juhi nokked the door .

juhi: avni what happened open the door.

avni opened the door.

she stood there wearing a bathrobe.
(it's long one ok .don't think too much😂)

neela :what happened?

avni goes near bed and shows the dresses in her luggage.

avni :this is not the things I have packed

neela:yaa I know .

avni:did u changed it.

neela nods.

avni:maa u very well knowthat I don't wear this kind of cloths.

neela : what is the problem in this. it's pretty good .

avni :I don't want ur pretty anarkalis and Kurtis.

neela : why can't u wear it.r u going to wear this shirtsand pants through out ur life.

avni: what s the problem in that.

neela : no more shouting. u r wearing. no other options.

neela goes out followed by everyone. except juhi.

everyone came out of the room.

neela :I am sorry. she is something like it.

bebe:it s ok .

everyone went down

they decided to start functions by day after tommorrw.

they saw avni coming down wearing. a jacket and track suit.

ali:this is my dress.

avni:yaa it is.

neela :avni...

in a warningtone 

avni:maaI already told u I am not gonna wear that.

neela sighs and goes from there.

kk:avni ur r impossible.

avni shrugs her shoulder.

later everyone had dinner.

neela : its getting. I think we should sleep now.

kk: no way .I travelled to here not to sleep guys lets have some fun.

nanno: u children have fun spare us .

ali:ok .

ali : back yard would be best place.

kk: let's move.

they reached back yard.

ali: I really missed here a lot.

juhi : me too.

avni: and we r back here after 5 months.

mithali : this place wouldn't be safe.

everyone looks at mithali.

mithali : I mean wild animals.

ali: ms Sharma. for ur kind info they won't come here.

kk: let's play some thing.

ali: truth or dare.

avni : argh...don't U know anything else.

juhi:come on avni.

avni :ok fine.

ali spinners the bottle.

it pointed kk.


juhi: so Mr karan kapoor. truth or dare.

kk: of course dare.

ali: ok fine bro .I will give so have to do proposal scene. I mean how u r going to propose ur future gf.

kk: ooo

mithali : wow it is brilliant one.

kk stands up pluck a flower from there a sat on his knee.

kk: I am not hero.and I don't what is love. but the moment I so u I felt like. u r the one who make me realize the meaning of love.ur the best thing that my eyes always wanting to see. heart may pumb blood. but when ur near me all sense turns up.will u marry me .will take risk to bear me.I feeling as if I wouldn't be able breathe .......if didn't I LOVE U.....I REALLY DO AND WILL ALWAYS.

everyone claps.

juhi: I hope u may find it girl soon .

bottle spinned
now it is pointing our Neil khanna.

neil: I will go with truth.

mithali :I will ask u.

everyone nods.

mithali :so do u have any gf.

neil: no.

mithali smiles.


avni looks Neil.

Neil :I don't know.

juhi: what u meant by I don't know?

kk:come man don't say the ur planning for an arranged  one.

neil:not at all. will love to be in love...... I hadn't felt that special feeling for any one.

avni:what if u can't find.

neil :of course. I will if not today the other day for sure.

mithali :May be soon.

neil : huh..

mithali : nothing let's continue.

this time it's on ali

kk:perfect . truth or dare.

ali:unfortunately truth.because I know ur not gonna leave me.

juhi:fine. who is going to ask.

avni : Ali did get drunk on last year college party?

ali :yes.

avni: then u lies to me.

ali:I am sorry yaar I didn't mean to do it I accidentally drunk it .promise I won't repeat.

avni turns her face away.

ali holds his ears
ali: plss ..

juhi : avni .....just forgive him.

avni: fine

ali smiles and hugged avni.

neil looked  at them.

he clenched his fist.

now it's avni turn.

avni: I will go for truth

juhi:then I will ask.

juhi:why did u reject amit.

neil looks at avni.

somewhere in his heart he also wanted that answer.

avni:no juhi not such things

juhi:u have to say.

avni fiddles with her fingers.

kk:I really don't have an idea.why u always say no.

avni sighs.

avni: I.....

sorry guys.
I know  I am really late.

plss forgive p lsss.....

as I already told I am in Glasgow now.

its my cousins marriage.

busy with preparation.

and I was not in a mood because  I got some private message .something really hurted me.

so readers my story my wish if u didn't like just don't read .and pls so spare me .

thanks for all the support guys.

keep voting and commenting.
sorry for grammatical errors

stay bless.

I promise I will update on coming Sunday.

with love

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