chapter 31

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Juhi :my head is going to break.

Vidyut : hey it will be fine.

Juhi sighs.

Vidyut : ok let's go and grab something hot it will make u relax.

Juhi : yeah let's go.

Juhi and vidyut came and sat at restaurant side of the ship enjoying the sights of sea.

Vidyut : it's too beautiful.

Juhi smiles.taking her drink in her hand she just went and stand near trails and took a sip of her drink.

Suddenly she noticed something sinking in water little away.when examined it.she noticed that it look like avni's dress.panick raised inside her.

She dropped her drink out of shock.

Vidyut : juhi what happened?

Vidyut came close to her.

She not in a state to answer she was frightened.

Juhi: vidyut look someone is there.

Vidyut looks on and he saw someone struggling. As the ship is moving they and away from it.

Juhi : I think its avni vidyut plus do something.

Vidyut became alarmed.genus towards the control room.

Vidyut : STOP THE SHIP .

Captain : why sir any problem.

Vidyut took 2 life jackets.
Wore one by himself and jumped of to sea.

Captain : sir,no it's highly dept area.

Vidyut didn't hear anything he moved his limbs faster.

Judi saw vidyut going to rescue avni.

Juhi wasn't at peace.

It's second she is feeling the same to lose avni .She can't afford it.
When that everyone thought avni was in fire the same feeling was there .avni is not just a friend for her.avni is more than that.

Vidyut reached to avni he made her wear.avni was unconscious by now.with difficulties he started swim back to the ship.

When they are about to reach near ship .

Juhi shouted

Juhi : hey some body help.

Hearing her voice Neil ali kk dd and mithali along with some workers came.

Workers helped vidyut to climb up.

Ali was taken a back when he saw avni unconscious.

Vidyut is panting heavily.

Ali: Avu avu. How does this just happened?

Juhi patted avni's cheeks and pressed her stomach.

Avni spilled out the water and started to cough.

Kk: avni u fine.

Avni  just nodded.

Ali: avni how does this happened will care to explain. ?

Ali shouts on the top his lungs.

Hearing Ali shouting and hustle bustle of the workers.
Rest of them also.

Sunheri: oh my God what is this?

Neela: avni why r u all wet.

A servent came with towel.

Judi took it and wrapped around avni .
Avni  is shivering .

Neela: I am asking something.

All this time Neil is in shock.few minutes before he was happily chatting with but when she saw her unconscious. He forgot to's like he does need anything that time but avni to open her eyes glance him.his throat went dry.and he couldn't form words.

He left a sigh when he saw avni awake. He was confused himself what just happened with avni and deep what happened to him for the mere seconds.

Juhi : who maa. ...

Shwetha : vidyut r are also wet.what had happened. And why r u panting like this .

Ali: aunty I think avni fell in water and vidyut helped her.

Neela and nanno: WHAT?

neela came and touched avni's cheeks.

Neela: avni u r ok right lagi toh nahi.

Avni : maa relax I am fine.

Ali: what fine? How did u just fell down.

Fear arosed in mithali but she composed her self.

Mithali (in mind): relax relax no saw that u shouted intentionally to make avni fall.u shouted because  u r afraid of water bodies.u hadn't seen avni....offffff  this creep avni why can't she just die and give some peace.

(Dont do anythingto her now time will come)

Avni :  I was talking in phone from but suddenly just slipped .

Avni  says and shrugs her shoulder.

Juhi: what u just slipped. U just way my heart beats avni.

Avni  smiles  sheepily.

Avni: mm sorry.

Ali: now get up and get changed before something worst.

Avni nods

Neil: bhai u also get changed.

Vidyut went accompanied by juhi.

Every one dispersed from there.only neela nanno shwetha and bebe was left.

Neela kept her hand above her heart.
A long tear appeared from eyes.

Shwetha touched her shoulder.
Shwetha: hey calm down she is fine.

Neela: no shwetha ji I was having some negative vibs .I don't no why but I am feeling like...something is going happen to my avni. She is already. ...

Shwetha: shhh nothing like u r just  over thinking.

Bebe : nahi shwetha.I too feel so her life was in danger two times.something is not right.

Nanno: yes harleen ji is right.

Neela: God pls save my avni pls.

Avni got changed and came out.She wanted to meet vidyut 

She spotted him with Neil and kk.

She went near them and cleared her throat.
Kk: avni ...

Kk side hugged her.

Kk: all good?

Avni nods.

Avni: thank you.

Vidyut : hey Don't be too formal.urlike my si..........

Before vidyut could complete his sentence.

Avni  hugged him

Avni: sister..  thank you Bhai.

Vidyut hugged her back smiling.

They broke the hug.

Kk:ooo how cute

Neil smiles at kk' s comment.

Avni : yeah

Saying this she rolled her eyes.

Kk: but I tell u neela was so afraid.

Neil: even bhabhi is.

Avni; I know.ok leave what happened is happened  actually I came to say something.

Kk: what thank you.

Avni : u just shut up.

Avni looks at vidyut.

Avni there is a surprise for u Bhai.

Vidyut : what surprise?

Avni: surprise is surprise and is for surprising.

Vidyut: ok what is it?

Avni: no no I am not gonna say it .

Kk: ur too lucky vidyut  her surprise must something best u know.

Neil: really then we should get a look.

Avni: Mr super cop tillu surprise not for u.

Neil: avni I told u don't call me that.

Avni :why tillu ?

Neil: I am going.

The burst to laughter.

Mithali  was in a room.

Mithali: thank God she didn't atter about my shouting.but shebso lucky. I have do something that she be away from my and neil's life.but how?

" u have to make Neil hate avni"

Mithali turned towards the voice.

It was her mother and her father is also there.

Mithali: mom I..was...

Mrs sharma: I know u like Neil.

Mrsharma: and we r happy about.

He sighed

Mr sharma : I was thinking to discuss about u and neil to prakash after marriage but I think u r right Neil likes her avni.

Mrs sharma : and we know u tried to kill her.

Mithali : mom I ..I just can't imagine it.he is mine.

Mrs sharma : he will be only your but how can u so stupid what if some one found u attempted to murder u image in front of whole Hanna farm will be ruined.

Mithali: I am sorry mom I didn't think about it.

Mrs sharma : now drop all ur stupid plans and listen try to impress khannas and very important thing we have do something that will make Neil hate avni.

Mithali: hate?

Mr sharma : love can be only oppose by hate.

The trio smirks.


Riya and aman in there house.

Riya: what's our plan aman.

Aman: not decided yet.

Riya : what the hell

Aman: calm down .

Riya sighs.

Aman: ok tell me do avni have any friend who is boy other than ali.

Riya: in college no

Aman: how do that acp know her.

Riya: how do u know that.

Aman: come tell me and I know remember I told u about that night incident.

Amman have shared about it to riya.

Riya : I don't really know and he has been in college two times.

Aman: two times ?then how did she end up with at night.

Riya  thought for some second.

Riya : yes they r friends.I remember him saying that on the day when amit proposed her.

Aman : I think now I got the plan.

Riya: what?

Aman: wait and watch.

Precap: avneil marriage.

So what is avni's surprise for vidyut
Any guesses?

Now how is avni going to escape to evil plans?

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With love
Is a.

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