chapter 32

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Reached Delhi.

Everyone is present at pareikh mansion.

Bebe : chalo let's prepare for bidayi.

Sunehri Tara and sitara is helping juhi to get ready.

Neela enters.

Neela : kisiki nazar na lage. U look so beautiful.

Sunehri: I know U all are going praise my make-up talent.

Tara : oh hello madam aunty praised juhi's beauty not u talent.

Sunehri: that's because of my make-up.

Neela: bas karo tum log .

Judi smiles .

Neela: juhi,listen to me.just forget whatever happened in past a new life is waiting for u. new family. I am sure u will be very happy there.I am sure they good people and they will care and respect u as daughter in law.

"Its daughter neela"

Bebe  said while entering to the room with shwetha and nanno.

Juhi  smiles and stood up.

Shwetha: u looks gorgeous. I am sure vidyut is going to have though time.

They all laughs and juhi blushes.

Elders left.

While they are moving down stairs.ali came.

Ali: maa where is avni?

Neela: I don't know.

Ali: is she not with juhi.

Nanno: no.

Neela: k ya hua?

Ali: nothing. She said to vidyut that she is going to give him a surprise.

Neela shwetha : surprise?

Ali: yeah but she didn't  told about it to me.

Nanno: not even to us.

Ali: ok fine let her do it. It's getting late is juhi ready.



Vidyut and juhi is made to sit and some rituals are being performed.

After it was over.

Avni came.

Kk: where we're u?

Avni: somewhere.

Kk  and Ali gave her not so funny look.

Avni: ok fine where was I ?u will get to know it soon.

Avni went near juhi and vidyut.

Vidyut: so ?

Avni: surprise. ....

Vidyut nodded his head.

Avni : ok everyone close ur eyes.

Ali: why everyone?

Avni : close ur eyes means close.

Everyone closed their eyes.

Juhi and vidyut felt something around their neck.

" happy married life mamma papa"

Everyone was shocked .they opened their eyes.

They saw mishti hugging vidyut and juhi.

Juhi: what did u say.

Mishti smiles

Mishti: mamma aur  papa

Juhi  hugs her it was first time mishti is calling her mamma.she always wanted to hear .she felt that her life is complete.

Vidyut and khannas were in tears.

Vidyut: mishti.

Mishti: yes papa.

She gave him a kiss on his cheeks.

And hugged him.

Avni: so how is surprise.

Vidyut Left mishti. And stood before avni.

Vidyut : I don'tknow how to thank u .ur really an angel .u gave me back my love and now my life.I am so thankful to u.I can't even say or express how happy I am.thank you so much avni.

Vidyut hugs her.

Avni : u r most welcome Bhai.

Avni  broke the hug.and went to juhi she is still sitting at the same position.

Avni : juhi...

Juhi:if it's a dream I don't want to wake up.

Avni: it's not a dream now it s ur life .and I am sorry it was my decision to hide it from mishti.and I promised u right I will make everything fine. Look everything is fine my jaan  is going to start a new life of a wife daughter in law and a mother.u r going to have a perfect family.

Juhi smiles through her tears.

Neela : but what did u said to mishti.

Mishti: no we will not say's angel-mishti secret.

Avni: yup secret.

Mishti : I know  Everyone. It's my Dadi(.pointing at shwetha.)Dadu (pointing at prakash)badi dadi (bebe)and my superman chachu(neil).

Khannas were beyond happy.

Neil (in mind): I have never seen my family this much happy it's all because of avni .ur earning my respect day by day avni.

It's time for bidayi.juhi took blessings from nanno and neela.
A tear slipped from her eyes.

Neela  rubbed it off.

Neela: no no more tears.all ur bad days and sorrows came to an smile.

Vidyut: I promise u neela aunty I take care of her and mishti well.

Neela nods

Juhi hugged avni Ali and kk and left.

After they left.

Avni looks around the house.the memories of juhi and mishti flashed in her mind.

Ali: our house became so silent.

Avni: it's incomplete without them.

Ali holds avni by her shoulder.

Avni  sighs

Sunehri Tara and me sitara left.

Kk  too he is going back to London the flight is at night.

Next day.

Mehta house.

In call
Aman: hey dude.
Frnd: hi.
Aman: I have something important withu.
I have send u a picture of a girl.follow her capture her pictures when she is interacting with any men.and especially a guy his name is Neil Neil khanna actually he is a police officer. So be care full
Frnd: I am not afraid of any police.and is the matter any serious.
Aman explained everything to him.
Frnd: ok no worries if we couldn't find them I have some cheap methods too.
Aman: I know that's why I called u.
Frnd: but I too need favours in return.
Aman: it will granded  if the plan worked out.

Avni  and Ali Is going to college.
They are struck in traffic.

Avni: what the hell ?

Ali:calm my dear.

Ali: look who is there.

Avni  looks.

Avni: Neil..

Ali: what he is doing.

They saw him bending down .

Neil is helpinga disabled to cross the road.

Ali: oh how cute.

Ali ride towards him.

Ali: hey Neil.


Avni smiles .

Neil: what are u both doing here  ?

Ali: way to college.

Neil: oh.

Avni: how is mishti and juhi.

Neil: they good actually mishti is missing u a lot.

Ali: even we do .our house became quiet  u know.when mishti was their it's filled with her laughs shout and gigglesand now.

Ali sighs.

Neil: hey I think u should visit our house often.

Avni: no it's not needed we will meet up after

Neil: she took leave for 2 days.and what's the problem in visiting our home.we are know family friends I think.

Ali: haa I think Neil is right.I also think we should go.

Avni :ok.

Neil: ok done then I will inform mom about this.dinner would work and bring nanno and aunty too.

Ali: ok bye then.

They left to college.

Neil informed this to shwetha.

At khanna mansion.

Shwetha : juhi....

Juhi: yes mom.

Shwetha : Neil called .neela ji and and everyone will come at night.for dinner.

Vidyut: that's pretty good. They hadn't visited our home.

Bebe: I think we should prepare special items.

Shwetha: yeah what is their favourites?

Juhi:nothing specific avni and Ali loves poha that too nanno special. So we can't end up like that. And they will have anything  mom.prepare food as u wish.

Mishti : but angel like ice cream

Juhi smiles

Bebe: so let's start preparation.

" what preparation "

Asked mithali.entering through main door.

Bebe : neela and her family is coming tonight for dinner.

Mithali: oh.

Shwetha: u also inform it parents to join us

Mithali: sure

Juhi shwetha and bebe to kitchen.

Mithali is just screwed .

Vidyut : what happened u okay?

Mithali: yeah.

Vidyut got busy with mishti.

Mithali climbed the stairs and went to Neil's room.

She touched his photos which were hanged in the wall.

Mithali: u are only mine .

Mithali calls someone.

" I just need every single information about her"

Other person : mam neela pareikh is not married and avni is not her daughter.

Mithali : what?

Other person : yes mam she just her guardian. And her full name as per college documents is avni ayesha.

Mithali: avni ayesha?

Otherperson:yeah it's only current info .will check it deeper mam and wil give u report on day after tomorrow.

Mithali; ok.

Call ends.

Mithali: avni ayesha. ..... Fatima ....neela....Ali..
Ali is her cousin.F athima is nanno.

Mithali smirks.

She looks at Neil's photo.

Mithali: I think u got a bad girl Neil.she don't have an identity. Be ready Neil to hate her.come on avni I just wait.

Precap:it's pakka  avneil marriage

So guys how is it.?

What is mithali and aman  up to.?

Are they going to mess up avni's life?

How are avneil going to marry in just one day?


And romance lovers pls be patient after marriage it's going  to be roooomaaaannnnttticccc😉

So be patient

Keep reading.

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Take care

Stay home
Stay safe.

With love.


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