chapter 4

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at night.
khanna mansion

Neil enters the house .prakash shwetha .be be were at hall.
"look .tillu came."says shwetha.
Neil smiles at them.
he hugs bebe .
"how was the day ?" asks bebe.
"good "said Neil and smiles.
"where is Bhai mom.? "Neil asks.
"don't ask me about him .I am angry at him "says shwetha.
"why?what happened? "asks Neil.
"same like everyday .we found a good match for him .and he not even ready to look at the girl 's photos. "states bebe.
"I don't know when will be we able to have our daughter in law and grandchildren. " says prakash.
"mom ,dad .bebe give him some more time. "says neil
"how much time tillu?  he has been avoiding it for more than 5 years. "said shwetha angrily.
"ok mom .let me talk to him.and u know what u guys are world's best and he can't deny u for so long."says Neil
his words brought smile on their face.
Neil goes up and enter inside vidyut 's room.
when he opened the door he saw vidyut sitting on the couch .lost in some deep thoughts.

Neil goes towards him and infront of him.
vidyut saw Neil. vidyut tried to weep out his tears. he was looking at his phone and was crying.
Neil grab his phone.
"Neill. .."
"what ?Bhai it still crying for her."
"Neill how can I forget her .I love her.I had only loved her."
Neil gets sad seeing his brother like that.Neil sits beside him.
"I knew it Bhai.we don't know about her.u searched her for years .Bhai she left. and u should move on. "
"how can I Neil. she is everything to me. "says while tears comes non stop.
"Bhai u have to. our family want u to get married.they had done a lot to us Bhai.stop thinking about juhi and think about our  family. "
saying this Neil went out.

nxt morning

at dinning area .
prakash shwetha and be be is present. Neil comes and greets them.they started to have break fast.
prakash :Neil. I really forget to ask yesterday. did u helped neela. is her daughter fine.did the case got cleared?
Neil : I didn't help.
prakash :what? I told u to.
Neil :yes dad but. ...they didn't need it,
prakash :what r u saying .?
Neil explains everything that happened.
shwetha and bebe :wow
bebe : every girl must learn it from her
shwetha : if she were my daughter in law.
rest sighs because of shwetha 's melo drama.

just then vidyut came.
"mom dad bebe .I am ready for marriage. "
everyone got happy and leaves to their respective works .

it's Saturday so no college for avni and Ali.
today khanna s and neela have an important meeting related to their partner ship.
vidyut never went for any meetings at parikh industry.

now prakash and vidyut reached parikh industry.

at neela s cabin.
"everything set?"asks neela to her employees.
"yes mam every thing is ready".
juhi enters the cabin.
"neela maa prakash khanna reached. we should start the meeting. "
neela nods her head.
"ok go arrange the file. and inform them its private meeting .only me and prakash. ok." says neela looking at her employee.
he nods his head and left.
"juhi u should come along with me for meeting. "
"but  maa u told its a private. "
"yaa so what u will come along. u r my daughter. "
juhi and neela smiles at each other and left to the conference hall.
as they entered they greet each other.juhi opened the lap to show the presentation.
"juhi "
juhi looks towards the owner of the voice.
her heart skipped a beat.tears started forming in her eyes.
"vidyut ...u...."
neela and prakash got confused.
vidyut goes towards her and hugs her .juhi stand a there as a lifeless soul.
she pushed him.and run out of the cabin.
neela and vidyut runs behind her with calling her name.

same time at abc road.
avni and mishti is in her bike.
avni was wearing a blue shirt and jeans.
Neil was there in traffic too.
"Angel Angel ..I need that "says little mishti pointing towards a stall near road side.
"ok come let's have it."says avni.
avni and mishti goes towards the stall.
Neil also went there to have tea.
accidentally avni collide with him.
"I am so..."
before avni could complete.
avni looks at him .she remember him.eventually she moves away.
Neil goes towards her.
"thatsso rude actually. "says Neil.
avni didn't reply. she was behaving as Neil doesn't exist .
Neil goes in front of her.
"what do u want "yells avni.
"why r u shouting Angel don't disturb mishti .I am eating. "says little mishti.
"Angel who?"asks Neil
"u r bigger than me .don't u knows. 'asks mishti with her mouth full of food.
"mishti don't talk while having food "says avni.
mishti stop and continues her eating.
"Angel is the one who is sweet calm and I think she got mistaken right, ?"says Neil.
"what it problem. ?why r interfering in our matters? "ask avni giving her angry glares.
"oh angry bird."says Neil and smiles
"why do u care ..?"asks avni.
"why r u so rude .?just chill when I saw I thought to talk that's it."says Neil
"but I don't want to"avni says.
as the road is crowded some one collides with avni .due to sudden for she landed on Neil who was standing. with her hands on his cheat.
Neil stood there staring at avni's face .which now so close to him.
he was lost in her beauty and was looking at her without blinking his eyes.
avni pushed him.and moves away.
Neil came out of his dream world. she smiles looking at her and goes towards dd.
"sir tea "says dd handing neil the cup.
"traffic under control? "asks Neil.
"JI sir"says dd
Neil again looked at avni she now feeding mishti and eating.
Dd saw Neil staring at avni .dd smiles.
"what happened? why r u smiling? "asks Neil
dd composes him self and says "nothing "
"no some thing is there tell me."says Neil.
"actually sir ....stop staring st avni.she don't like it."says dd hesitantly
"why?"aks Neil out of curiosity.
"umm...because she hates boys ."says dd
Neil was about to say something. but he saw a car speeding towards avni 's direction.
Neil runs towards avni .he calls out "AVNI...AVNI.."

what had happened?
did avni meet with accident ?

vidyut? ??
Neil? ?

ok guys so chapter is done
hopes u LIKE THIS.
coming chapter  will  have a lot of twists
aman. .......ashish....marriage. ...
and a lot.

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love u all.
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with lots of love
urs dearest
wattpad friend

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