chapter 5

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"AVNI .....AVNI....."Neil shouts.
he run towards them.
he pushed avni and mishti. he also jumped off.
avni couldn't understand what just happened. when she looked up she saw her bike is crushed.
Neil and mishti lying beside her.
fear engulfed her .she immediately moves to mishti made mishti to sit.mishti is unconscious. she patted her cheeks.
"mishti ...mishti. ur eyes."says avni while tears comes out.
Neil saw this he moved towards them.
"I think we should take her to the hospital. "says Neil.
avni nodded her .she crying nonstop.
avni Neil and dd took mishti to hospital.

at hospital.
doctors took mishti for treatment. avni is sobbing badly. Neil felt his heart clenching .
avni stands there resting her back at the wall.
Neil moves towards her.
"don't worry she will be fine."Neil assures.
avni looks at him with teared eyes.
Neil  (in mind ):I don't what is happening. I can't see her in tears. its breaking my heart.

"it's my fault. I should be more.careful because of me my mishti is suffering. "avni crys.
Neil felt really bad.Neil touches her shoulder.
"it's not ur fault. it was an accident."Neil says.
next moment Neil was shocked. he felt his heart beat rise.
avni was hugging him so tight.
"I didn't do anything right? "while hugging him .
a smile appeared on Neil 's face.
"no.relax..."says Neil

at parikh industry.
juhi came out of the building. stands at the parking region.
and crys badly.
neela vidyut and prakash also reached there.
vidyut : juhi....
juhi looks at vidyut.vidyut was about to go near and hug her.
juhi stops him.
"don't u dare to touch me."juhi yells.
"juhi plss.I know I was wrong. it's my mistake. pls forgive me."vidyut pleaded.
"forgive. for what shall I forgive? "juhi says.
"juhi ......"vidyut crys.

all the time prakash and neela is confused.
before vidyut could continue. juhi's phone rings.
juhi rubbed her tears and composed herself and attendedthe call.
"what?"says juhi .tears formed.
neela got tensed.
neela goes towards juhi.
"what happened? "neela asks.
"mishti......"says juhi and sobs.
"mishti. ..what?"asks neela again. "she met with an accident. "juhi crys.
neela was shocked to hear this.she covered her mouth with her hand.
"I should  go."by saying this juhi runs away.
neela looks at prakash.
"prakash ji. sorry we won't able to continue our meeting. really sorry. "
"it's ok neela ji. ......"prakash says.
"I need to go .juhi needs me."neela says.

neela also goes.

at hospital

juhi and neela reached there.
they found avni sitting in a chair near ICU.
juhi moves towards avni.and was about to says something. the doctor came out of ICU .
avni goes to him and asks.
"doctor. how is she now? "
"she is completely fine. she became unconscious because of sudden shock.don't worry.she is on sedation now.will be fine .u can take her home Whenshe agains consciousness. "says doc
after doctor left. Neil and dd comes there.
"juhi I am sorry. I should have been more careful. ......"
before avni could speak.
"shhh. I know. "juhi says.
"juhi I..."
"avni stop accusing urself. its not ur fault and u know what? more than me u had always took care of her."says juhi smiling.
avni hugsjuhi.
Neil recognized juhi . as he had seen her photos.
dd:mam we need complaint and signature of avni and mishti's mother.
dd hand over a FIR which he had written.
avneil  took it and signed first and then juhi .Neil got confused.

khanna mansion
at night.
all were assembled at hall just then Neil enters.
Neil moves to vidyut.
Neil :Bhai I saw juhi.
Neil notice no  change in vidyut's face.
Neil :bhai. ....
Vidyut : I also saw her......and she hates me ...
tears comes out of his eyes.
Neil touches his shoulder. both of them hugs.
prakash :do any of u care to explain us what's happening?
prakash shouts.
prakash :what happened to u vidyut? and how do u know juhi.
Vidyut : she was my gf
everyone gets shocked except Neil.
vidyut says about his and juhi's relationship. .

    vidyut completed his studies at London.he was in love with juhi.
one day he saw juhi hugging a guy and  kissing his cheeks.
at the same night.he met her at a pub.
"where were u vidyut. any ways I have a goodnews for u .we r going to be pa......"
before juhi could complete he slaps her hard .
"u cheat....u bloody *** how dare u ?"vidyut yells.
he insults her in front of everyone.
juhi left.
later he came to know that the guy whom is kissed was her cousin brother.he searched for her a lot in London. but he fails to find her.

after vidyut completed everyone was in tears.
be be:where is our daughter in law I need to see her.
Neil : its not possible.
vidyut :why?
Neil : I think she moved on she have a child.
vidyut :child?
vidyut goes towards his room.

at parikh mansion
everyone is in mishti's room and mishti is asleep

neela : is vidyut mishti's father?
juhi:no maaa no ...he don't even  deserve to be to call as human .then it is far apart to call him a father.
avni:juhi relax.
Neela :do he knows about mishti?
juhi :no ...I will never let him know.


juhi was pregnant when the incident happened. when her parents came to know about it.they asked her to abort it.she didn't. they left her.then along with neela avni and Ali she came to India.

I know the update is more about vidyut and juhi.
but rest updates will not be like that.
they both r just person's connecting avneil.
I love vidyut?handsome right?do u?
but juhi...hate her.
coming updates it will be about vidyut juhi marriage. and avneil romance and fights.and little portion of riya.

my target was not completed but I updated because I got a personal request.

guys plss do vote and comment. if my story is not good. u guys can say.I won't mind.

u can have suggestions.
u can says whether I need to stop writing.

khanna's at parikh mansion
avneil meeting at college.
jealous Neil.
poor riya (😆😆😆)

do vote and comment

with love

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