Chapter 28

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One week had past since they were back in Mumbai.

Though Avni had joined the business she officially wasn't a part of the company as Prakash wanted to make it grand.

But Aditya did not leave any time he could spend with Avni but had to limit meeting her due to various reasons. He mostly used to message her.

Though Avni was happy because of Aditya still she used to miss Neil but let it go. They use to talk sometimes.


It was at night, Avni was in her room sitting on the bed, she was staring at her phone screen, it was the contact list section.

Neil's name was on the screen and Avni smiled softly looking at it.

Avni: Even when i miss you, i can't call you

Avni smiled sadly but suddenly there was a knock at her door. She looked at the direction confused.

Then she kept her phone and went to open the door.

As she opened the door she got stunned, while the person smiled.

Avni: Aditya you

Aditya: Shhhh

Aditya kept his finger on her lips as he entered and closed the door. Avni was still stunned.

Avni: Aditya, what are you doing here

Aditya: Avni, i did not meet you properly from the day we returned. So i came

Aditya said with a bright smile while Avni was scared.

Avni: Aditya what if someone sees

Aditya: Mom and dad both were tired after returning from the wedding, they are sleeping

Avni: But aditya

Avni was still scared she tried to look outside but Aditya pulled her towards him.

He tucked her hair behind her ear. He smiled while she looked on.

He then rested his head on the crook of her neck. He held her shoulder tightly.

Aditya: Avni i wish we met earlier, then it would have not been necessary to hide and meet 

Avni: Aditya

Aditya: Shhhh

Aditya stood that way closing his eyes while Avni smiled softly but she was very scared.

Avni: Aditya i think u should go

Aditya broke the hug and looked at her.

Avni: Aditya if someone sees you then

Aditya looked at her while she was still scared.

Avni: Aditya

Aditya: Ok. But not like this

Avni looked at him confused. While he smirked.

Aditya: Tell me i love you once, then i will leave

Avni looked at him while he sat on the bed and smiled.

Avni: Aditya

Aditya: Otherwise i am not leaving 

Avni looked at him for sometime then smiled.

Avni: I love you

Aditya smiled hearing this and got up from bed.

Aditya: Say once more

Avni: Aditya

Aditya: Otherwise

Avni: I love you

Aditya smiles and finally leaves while Avni smiles.


Two days later Prakash and Aditya and Shewta were on the dinning table on their sits while Kamla served them.

Soon Avni came down and sat on her usual place.

Prakash: Avni puttar, hope u r ready from today u will officially join our company

Avni smiled and then turned when she caught Aditya smiling at her. He winked at her because of which she started coughing.

Shewta: Avni r u ok

Avni: Yes

Avni looked at Aditya who giggled.

It was time for them to leave while Prakash got in his car. Avni and Aditya went in Aditya's car.


Aditya was driving while Avni looked outside the window.

Aditya: Avni, good u joined our business. Now most of the time i will be with u

Avni looked at him and smiled then again looked out of the window.


Soon they reached Khanna Company they got down and went inside.

As they entered all the employees were waiting to greet Avni some bought bouquets as well.

Avni greeted them and took the bouquets.

Prakash: As you all know Avni is officially joining from today to take our business to higher levels. She will be looking after our resorts and hotel business

All clapped while Aditya smiled. After that all got back to work.

While Avni entered her cabin which was decorated with all the bouquets she had received.


Avni was very happy she sat on her chair.

Then there was a knock at the door, it was Dd.

Dd: Hello bhabhiji............... ma'am

Avni: U can call me bhabhiji

Dd smiled and gave her some files after explaining he left.

Avni looked at the files for sometime while then she took her phone and searched Neil's number. As Neil's number came on screen she only looked at the screen and sighed.

Avni: All this r so irony. They think we r happy in our relationship. While i don't know for how long i will be in this position. U love someone else and i..........

Avni stopped in between as she could not complete the sentence. She shuts her eyes and opens them.

Avni: Neil............. why this............ i know one day i will lost all this. That day when you will declare your love for riya............. i am fine............ but my only worry is what will i tell to maa............. how i will............. tell her............

Avni's chain of thoughts gets broken with a knock at the door. Avni looks up as Neela enters.

Avni: Maa

Avni gets surprised, Avni runs to her and hugs her.

Neela: Baacha how r u

Avni: Maa u r here

Neela: Yes, my avni is starting a new journey in her life, i had to come

Avni smiles and again hugged Neela tightly shutting her eyes.

Neela: Baacha what happen

As they break the hug, Neela looks at her.

Neela: What happen baacha, r u fine

Avni nods yes while Neela cupped her face.

Neela: Baacha i am very happy for u. Today wherever aashish is, he is very happy. U r finally starting your life again avni

Neela gets emotional as Avni looks on.

Suddenly the door opened and as they turned it was Aditya who entered.

Aditya: Avni

But he stopped seeing Neela while she only looked on. But Avni panicked.

Avni: Aditya............... ji.............. maa

Neela: Aditya

Aditya: Aunty i came to see if everything is fine

Aditya said while Neela smiled as Avni looked on.

Aditya: I will leave now

Aditya said and left before taking a final glance at Avni.

Avni: Maa will u have something

Neela: No baacha, i will have to leave now. One kid from our ngo is very sick

Neela got ready to leave she cupped Avni's face and kissed her forehead.

Neela: I am happy for u baacha

Avni smiled while Neela left the room.


Avni was working on some files when there was a knock at the door and as the person entered he had a beautiful bouquet in his hands.

Person: Ma'am this is for you

Avni: Me

Person: Yes ma'am

The person placed the bouquet on table and left while Avni looked on confused.

She got confuse for a while then sighed, rolling her eyes playfully.

Avni: Aditya

Avni said and took the bouquet then she saw a small chit attached to it, but as she read the name on the chit her smile dropped, she got shocked.

Avni: Neil

Avni muttered as she held the chit between her fingers. She was completely shocked.

There was a small message written on the chit.

For you Avni

From Neil

Avni was beyond shock reading it she looked at the bouquet for sometime.

She then took her phone and dialled Neil's number but it was not available.

Avni kept the phone down and again looked at the bouquet.


Avni was standing near the table lost in her thoughts when suddenly someone hugged her from behind.

Avni: Neil

Avni said as she turned back but stopped as it was Aditya, who was looking at her confused.

Avni: Aditya

Aditya: What happen avni

Avni looked at him then shook her head while he looked on.

He again hugged her from backside while Avni panicked.

Avni: Aditya............... what if someone sees

Aditya: No one will avni

Avni: But aditya

Aditya only hummed in response as he was still hugging Avni.

After few seconds Avni finally freed herself.

Avni: Aditya.............. i have a lot of work............ pls............

Avni said while Aditya agreed and then left.


Two days passed since Avni joined, while most of the time she is busy with her work, Aditya still manages to come to meet her while only for few minutes.


Aditya, Avni and Prakash and few other persons were in the conference room as a meeting was going on.

After the meeting ended all came out from the room.

While Avni was in her cabin going through some files there was a knock at the door.

As the person came inside he was Prakash.

Avni: Papa

Prakash: Puttar is everything fine

Avni nodded while Prakash smiled.

Prakash: Avni puttar i have to tell u one thing. Avni tomorrow can u go to pune for a few days. To our construction side, there is some problem, so u check the paperwork. U can stay at our hotel there. I will inform the manager

Avni: Ok papa

Prakash left as Avni took the file from him.


It was at night Avni was in her room standing near the window feeling the cold air.

Avni took her phone and dialled Neil's number.

Neil: Avni

Avni: Neil

Avni got surprised as he answered her call.

Neil: Avni

Avni: Neil how r u

Neil: Good. How r u avni and your work

Avni: Fine. Neil............ i ........... neil the bouquet which u send for me

Neil: Yes, how was it

A smile came on Avni's lips hearing this.

Avni: Neil............. u send the bouquet for me

Neil: Yes

Neil says with a smile. Avni smiled hearing this.

Avni: Why

Neil: Avni u were starting something new............... i............ had to wish

Avni smiled hearing this. She looked outside the window.

Avni: Yes............

Neil: Avni................ i will keep now

Neil hung up and Avni smiled looking out of the window.

As Avni was looking out feeling the cold air her phone beep.

She looked at the screen and it was a message from Aditya, it was a romantic poem which he send.

Avni smiled reading the poem and then send him a heart emoji which he returned with many more heart emojis.


Avni smiled as she kept the phone down.

She looked outside as the wind blew faster.

Avni: All this............... i don't know what to say................ I am happy for Neil that he found his love but ................ i don't know should i be happy that Aditya............... loves me .............. i like him but............ one day Neil will declare his love for riya............... everything will be alright but my only fear is................. maa............... what will i say her.............. aashish papa.............. sometimes i can't think of anything

Avni said to herself as she got lost in her thoughts.  


Next day in Pune.

Avni was in her hotel room unpacking her clothes when her phone rang.

She saw the caller id and it was Neil. She got surprised.

Avni: Neil

Neil: Avni, where r u

Avni: Pune

Neil: Pune

Avni: Yes, dad send me for some work

Neil: Oh

Avni: Neil how r u

Neil: Good

Suddenly there was a person calling Neil from behind. It was Riya.

Riya: Neil

Avni: Is that riya

Neil: Yes

Avni smiled hearing this.

Avni: How is she

Neil: Good. Ok avni i will call u later

Avni smiled as Neil cut the call.


It was in the evening Avni was in her room, having a cup of tea when there was a knock at the door.

Avni looked up and then went to open the door and as she opened the door she got completely shocked.

Avni: Aditya

Aditya gave her a bright smile while Avni was shocked.

Avni: Aditya u............... here 

Aditya: Yes

Aditya said still smiling brightly as he entered inside. Avni was still confused.

Avni: Aditya

Aditya: Avni............ how can u do this

Avni looked at him confused while he looked at her angrily and then busted laughing.

Aditya: Avni u got so scared.............. avni why u did not inform me that u will be in pune for a few days

Avni: Aditya

Aditya: Avni i will also stay here in pune with u

Avni got shocked hearing this while he smiled.

Avni: But how............... shewta maa and prakash papa.............

Aditya went to her and hugged her from backside.

Aditya: They will not know anything because i told mom that i will be in Chandigarh for a few days because of my friend's wedding 

Avni: But aditya

Aditya: Shhhhhh

Aditya put one finger on her lips as she looked at him confused, he smiled softly.

Aditya: Avni i want to spend some time with you. N i think this is a good time, don't say no

Aditya said with a sad smile while Avni only looked on.

Avni: Aditya but

Aditya: Don't worry not in the same room. My room is right next to u

Avni: But aditya if someone finds out

Aditya: No one will as the manager of this hotel doesn't know anything beside mine and dad's name

Aditya said with a smile while Avni looked on.


Next day Avni was in the construction site checking everything and going after the paperwork.

Avni: Ok everything is checked, u can keep working. It must be completed soon

As avni gave few instructions and after few hours she came out and she got surprised seeing Aditya there waiting for her.

As he saw her he smiled she walked up to him.

Avni: Aditya

Aditya: Where r u heading

Avni: Hotel

Aditya opened the car door and Avni got in.
They both reached the hotel and went to there rooms.

After Avni had changed she was brushing her hair when there was a knock at the door.

She went and opened the door and found Aditya standing there. Aditya smiled brightly and entered inside.

Avni: Aditya

Aditya: Avni i want to show you something

Avni looked at him as he turned to her and then started to unbuttoned his shirt. Avni got confused and looked at him.

Avni: What r u doing aditya

Aditya started walking towards her taking slow steps while she started moving back nervously.

She kept walking back and he kept coming closer till her back hit the wall. He too came and stood infront of her blocking her way.

Avni: Aditya

Avni was looking down but both could feel each others breath.

Aditya had unbuttoned the first three buttons of his shirt.  

But soon Avni's eyes fell on Aditya's left chest and she got shocked.

She looked at him shocked as he smiled softly.

Avni: Aditya

Aditya smiled. It was a tattoo on Aditya's left chest with Avni's name inked in bold.

Avni: Why did u do this

Avni looked at him still completely shocked as he smiled.

Aditya: So that u always stay in my heart

Avni: Aditya

Avni looked at him with a sad face. Aditya smiled and then cupped Avni's face.

Aditya: And with this tattoo, your name is written on my heart forever

Avni looked at him still shocked while Aditya smiled.

Aditya joined his forehead with hers, both closed their eyes. Both could feel each others breath.

Avni: Aditya

Aditya: I love u avni................ i love u.............

Avni slowly opened her eyes, she had tears in her eyes. She looked at him as he smiled softly.

Avni hugged him tightly as her eyes were moist. Aditya hugged her back smiling.

They kept hugging each other for a long time, till finally the hug was broken and Aditya kissed Avni's both the cheeks.


Avni was in her room when there was a knock at the door. She went and opened the door and Aditya stood there, she smiled as he entered.

Aditya: Had your breakfast

Avni: No. Was waiting for u

Aditya smiled, they both sat on the bed as they ordered.

After sometime the waiter bought the breakfast in Avni's room.

Avni was about to start when Aditya stop her.

Aditya: Avni u cannot eat like this

Avni looked at him confused while then he placed a piece of pastry on his mouth pressing between his lips.

He looked at her and winked, she gasped.

While she too held the piece from other side and both ate while then Avni laughed and Aditya smiled.


The next day Avni came down and saw Aditya waiting for her, they both got in the car and drove.

They stopped outside one mall and both went inside.

Avni: Aditya ice cream counter

Avni said and Aditya smiled both went and ordered ice cream.

They both sat on the chair while avni was having her ice cream, some of the cream stuck near Avni's lips.

Aditya saw that and he looked at her. Avni stopped seeing him looking at her.

Aditya smiled and started leaning near her.
Avni looked at him moving back.

Aditya: Stay still

Aditya said and began cleaning the cream with his thumb.

Suddenly Avni stopped as she suddenly recalled the day when she was having ice cream with Neil and when he had cleaned the cream like Aditya.

Aditya moved back as it was done but Avni was still lost in her thoughts.

Aditya looked at her and called her name but she was lost in her thoughts and did not respond.

Aditya then slightly shook Avni when she came back to sense. She looked at Aditya. 

Aditya: What happen avni

Avni shook her head and both got up to leave.


Avni and Aditya were walking when Aditya turned to one side and thought for sometime and then he stopped her.

Aditya: Avni i will come back

Avni nodded and Aditya left while Avni stood near the railings.

She recalled about Neil, there ice cream moment then about the condition, his confession for Riya.

Avni sadly looked at one direction then smiled sadly.

As Avni was standing someone tapped on her shoulder, she turned and got shocked seeing Saisha standing with harleen.

Saisha: Bhabhi, u here

Avni was still shocked seeing them while saisha hugged her.

Saisha: What r u doing here bhabhi

Avni: I.............. i came because of some work

Harleen: Puttar u r here in pune and u did not visit us

Avni: No.............. actually

Harleen: Nothing u come with us

Avni: No

Saisha: What happen

Avni: Nothing

Suddenly Aditya came from behind calling Avni.

Avni got shocked while Harleen and Saisha turned but then Aditya saw them in the nick of time and hid.

Aditya got shocked seeing them and Avni too sighed seeing him hide but then panicked.

Harleen: Wasn't that adi's voice

Saisha: Yes

Avni: No............... its not him

Harleen and Saisha looked at Avni but then agreed.

Harleen: Yes what will he do here

Just then Abhi (saisha's husband) entered.

Abhi: Saisha we r getting late

Harleen: Oh, meet avni

Abhi: Hi avni bhabhi

Avni smiled and greeted him. Then saisha hugged Avni and they left the mall.

After they left Avni sighed heavily still little scared and Aditya too came out.

Aditya: They left

Avni: Yes

Aditya: Today we would have got caught

Avni looked at him and sighed again while aditya too sighed but then smiled.

Aditya: Avni i have something for u 

Avni looked at him and he took out a small box from the bag.

He opened the box and it was a beautiful pendant. While Avni got shocked seeing it.

Avni: Aditya this

Aditya: For u

Avni looked at him and then the pendant then shook her head.

Avni: No no................ i cannot take this

Aditya: But avni

Avni: No aditya............. i cannot take this

Aditya: Avni i bought this for u............... u will have to take............. for me.............

Avni: But............

Though Avni refused many times but then Aditya made her agree.

He slowly made her wear it and both looked at each other as their faces were very close. Aditya smiled at her.


As they were going a sales girl stopped her.

Girl: Excuse me sir, u can participate in our contest

Aditya: Contest

Girl: Yes sir, as our mall has completed 25 years so this contest is organised. People who shop for more then 5000 can participate. This contest is for couples

Avni: But

Aditya: What contest

Girl: We will enter your name with your partner and give u a number. At last if your number matches then we are giving six days seven nights trip to Bangkok

Avni: No actually

Aditya: We will enter our name

Avni looked at Aditya shocked while he smiled.

Avni: But aditya............ why

Aditya: Avni i am only entering........... not that we will go

Avni: But

Aditya makes Avni agree and fills the form. After that they both leave from there.  


Few weeks had past after they returned from Pune.

Avni was busy with her work while Aditya too was busy with his work, and conference meetings.

But still Aditya used to message her and call her often.


It was at night Avni was in her room when her phone rang.

She saw the caller id, it was Aditya.

Avni: Aditya

Aditya: What r u doing

Avni: Just

Aditya: Avni

Avni: Yes

Aditya: I love u

Avni smiled while Aditya too smiled.

Avni: Aditya

Aditya: Now u say

Avni: Aditya

Aditya: Avni say it

Aditya said and Avni chuckled, she knew he always calls her for this.

Avni: Aditya

Aditya: Avni, say it

Avni: I................ love..............

As Avni turns while saying it she hears someone calling her, it was Neil.

Neil: Avni

Avni got surprised and stunned seeing Neil while he entered the room and smiled at her.

Avni: Neil

Avni muttered under her breath while Aditya who was on phone got confused.

Avni: You

Avni said to Neil, but as she was holding her phone Aditya thought she said to him and he cut the call smiling.

While Avni stood there looking at Neil who walked up to her and snapped his fingers and Avni came back to sense.

Neil: What happen

Neil said and laughed looking at Avni's condition.

Avni: Neil

Avni said but he still chuckled and Avni too smiled.


This was chapter twenty eight.

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