Chapter 29

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Avni looks at Neil as he chuckles and automatically a smile appears on her lips.

Neil stops chuckling he looks at her and then smiles.

Neil: Avni

Avni gives a smile and then she looks at him confused.

Avni: U here

Neil: Yes, i took leave for a few days

Neil smiles softly while Avni too smiles.

Neil: I think we should sleep now

Neil says looking at the clock hung on the wall. Avni nods and then goes to the bathroom.

As Avni enters the bathroom she washes her face and looks at herself on the mirror, she was unknowingly smiling.

Avni: Neil is back

Avni says smiling but then gets sad and looks down.

Avni: Avni what is wrong with u. How many times should i remind u Neil loves riya

Avni says with face down with a sad smile. Then she looks up at the mirror.

Avni: I am happy for them, n soon i will have to leave after divorcing him and he will marry the girl he truly loves

Avni says with a smile then she washes her face once again and comes out.

As she locks the door and turns she sees Neil staring outside the window feeling the cold air, she smiles.

Avni: Neil

Neil turns back towards her and raises his eyebrow questioning what.

Avni: Neil i think we should sleep

Neil nods and goes to change in the bathroom, he comes out after changing and sees Avni sitting on bed. He smiles.

Neil: Avni

Avni looks at him and he gives his charismatic smile, he slowly starts moving towards Avni taking baby steps with his hands in his pockets.

Avni looks at him then realises he is coming near her, he reaches near her and bends to her level their faces were inches apart, Avni looks at him confused by his sudden action.

Avni: Ne............. Neil

Neil doesn't reply and only smiles softly, they both share an eyelock.

He then moves his hand towards Avni's waist, she looks at him shocked.

Avni: Neil................ what r u doing

Neil: Preparing to sleep

Neil says softly, then moves his hand near Avni's waist while Avni looks on shocked.

Neil then passes his hand and touches the pillow which was behind and picks it up while Avni only looks on shocked and confused.

She then realises he was taking the pillow, he winks at her and turns towards the sofa while trying to suppress his smile while Avni only looked on confused and then sighed.


The next morning Avni was sleeping peacefully on the bed, while the sunlight felt on her face directly causing her to wake up from her sleep.

After sometime she slowly opened her eyes and got up from the bed and sat on the bed while she looked around, her eyes then fell on Neil who was sleeping on the edge of the sofa.

Avni looked at him and quickly got up and went near him, she stood their at first but then slowly moved him from the edge of the sofa and then covered him with the blanket.

He was in deep sleep as Avni stood their looking at him and smiled, she then went to the bathroom to freshen up.


Neil finally got up from the sofa lazily and opened his eyes. He looked around and saw Avni brushing her hair standing in front of the dressing table. 

He kept staring at her and smiled while Avni did not realise he was looking at her as she had her back towards him.

After sometime Avni turned and saw Neil still staring at her. She passed him a smile.

Avni: Your awake

Neil smiled and then got up from the sofa and then went to freshen up.

Avni took his pillow and blanket and arranged them properly and kept on the bed. She then went downstairs.


She went to the dinning where shewta and prakash were already present. She sat down after wishing them.

She served herself while shewta and prakash were busy chatting.

Prakash: Avni the pune project is going on swiftly, good work

Prakash said as Avni smiled brightly hearing this.

Shewta: Avni is Neil awake

Avni: Yes

Prakash: Neil came back

Shewta: Yes, yesterday

As they were saying Neil came downstairs with a smile wishing them.

He came and sat beside Avni he was about to take when shewta stopped him.

Shewta: Wait, Neil what r u doing, avni............... serve him

Avni looked at shewta confused as she smirked.

Shewta signalled Avni to serve Neil, Avni got up from her sit confused and took the bowl to serve Neil.

As Avni was serving Neil, Aditya came out from his room adjusting his shirt sleeve.

Aditya: Morning

Aditya wished them with a bright smile but as soon as he moved his eyes to Avni he saw Neil sitting beside her.

He only looked at them as his smile dropped unknowingly. He looked at Avni but shifted his attention to prakash as he called him.

Prakash: Aditya

Aditya looked at prakash then came and sat on his place, avni too sat down beside Neil.

Prakash: Aditya mr oberoi of oberoi constructions wants to do a deal with us, he will be in india soon............ so u look after the meeting.............

Aditya: Ok

Aditya said and had his breakfast, while he stole glance at Avni in between. Avni looked at him but did not respond.


As they were done, prakash left for work while Aditya went to Neil.

Aditya: Neil

Neil: Bhai

They both hugged each other and aditya smiled.

Aditya: After so long, when did u return

Neil: Yesterday

Neil smiled while Aditya too smiled and then left.

Aditya came outside and got in his car. He was about to start the engine when he stopped and took out his phone.


Otherside Avni was in her room she took her purse and was about to go when Neil entered. Both collided with each other.

Avni: Aah.............. Neil

Neil: Avni............

They looked at each other then Avni was about to leave when Neil stopped her.

Neil: Avni r u going to office

Avni: Yes

Neil: Avni................ avni

Avni saw Neil hesitated a bit she looked at him waiting for him to speak.

Avni: What happen neil

Neil: Avni................ avni can i drop u

Avni looked at Neil shocked while Neil looked at her.

Avni: U want to drop me till office

Neil: Yes

Avni looked at Neil shocked and confused while Neil looked at her.

Before Avni could say anything her phone beep, she opened the message, it was from Aditya.

Will you go to office with me?

Avni looked at the message and she was about to reply yes but stopped as Neil called her.

Neil: Avni actually we both never even spoke properly after marriage, so i thought................. i could spend some time with u

Avni looked at Neil shocked and confused. She only looked at him as she could not find any words.

Avni: Neil

Neil smiled softly. Avni looked at him then back at the phone screen, after a few seconds she typed No and send.

Avni looked back at Neil and nodded. He smiled.


They both came down while Neil was happy, avni was confused.

They both got inside and drove away.


Avni lowered the glass as fresh wind was blowing, Neil smiled then looked straight.

Avni was still confused, she looked at Neil.

Avni: U look very happy

Neil smiled at Avni then looked straight, avni smiled seeing him smiling.

Avni rested her head at the sit and smiled softly.

Avni's POV

What is happening............... why i feel like Neil is behaving little different..............

No............. i am over thinking............... neil loves riya and they both love each other...............

Soon i will have to divorce him and leave..............

Why are you over thinking avni............

End of POV

As Avni was thinking she finally came to sense as Neil was calling her name.

She turned and looked at Neil who smiled softly.

Neil: Avni what happen

Avni shook her head in negative while Neil smiled.

Neil: We reached office

Avni looked outside and they were in front of Khanna building.

Avni turned to Neil and smiled softly. She then came out from the car and was about to go when Neil called her.

Neil: Avni

Avni turned back and Neil slowly waved his hand at her. She smiled softly and went inside the building.


Avni entered in her cabin and went near the table and sighed.

Avni: What is happening

Avni then slowly sat on her chair and looked at the files kept on the table.

Avni started going through the files and typing in her laptop.


After sometime there was a knock at the door, it was dd, he came inside with some files.

Dd: Bhabhiji this r some important document, pls go through them

Avni nodded and dd placed the files on the table and then left.

Avni looked at the files and took one file she started going through it and after sometime she was done.


Avni stood up from her chair and stood near the table for a break.

Suddenly someone hugged her tightly from behind.

Avni turned back shocked but saw Aditya standing with a bright smile.

Avni: Aditya you

Aditya: Hey sweetheart

Avni: Aditya why do u come in my cabin

Avni said little panicked but she also knew this had become a routine.

Aditya: Relax sweetheart, no one will know

Aditya said with a smile but then his smile dropped and he became sad.

Aditya slowly held Avni's both the hands in his hands while she only looked on.

Aditya: Avni pls don't leave me ever. I cannot imagine my life without u

Avni looked at Aditya who looked at her with a sad face and moist eyes.

She only looked at him for sometime while he smiled softly.

Avni looked at Aditya as he again hugged her tightly smiling.

Avni too placed her hands on his back but was lost somewhere.

Aditya then broke the hug smiling while Avni only looked on.

Aditya: What happen, u seem lost

Avni looked at him then shook her head in negative.

Aditya smiled and was about to say something when there was a knock at the door. The person entered and he was dd.

Dd: Bhabhiji, your signature is needed in this file

Avni nodded as dd entered, Avni signed and dd left.

Dd: Sirji the meeting will start in 10 minutes

Aditya nodded and then left after dd but as he reached the door, he turned and winked at Avni then left smiling.

Avni only looked on confused and lost somewhere.


It was late in the evening. Avni was sitting on her chair resting her head. She got up ready to leave after shutting down the laptop.

She picked her purse and left. She came down the building and then realised she didn't bring her car.

Avni: I did not bring my car, now what.............. should i tell to aditya to

Avni stopped in between and shut her eyes then opened them.

Avni: What is happening

Avni was about to go when a car stopped in front of her. The person inside lowered the glass and he was Neil. Avni got surprised.

Neil: Avni, lets go

Avni: Neil............ u here

Neil: I came on time

Neil smirked and Avni only looked on confused but then she got in the car and they left.


Both of them did not say anything and Avni looked outside. After sometime Neil finally spoke.

Neil: Avni, i................ i..............

Avni shifted her gaze from outside to Neil. She looked at him but he was finding it little difficult to complete his words.

Neil: I..............

Avni: What happen neil

Neil shook his head and looked straight while Avni looked at him confused but then again looked outside.

As no one spoke Avni looked at Neil then at the FM.

Avni: I will play something

Avni turned on and Khamoshiyan played, avni looked at Neil and then avni went to turn it off.

Avni: I will turn it off

Neil: No

As Avni tried to turn the fm off and Neil tried to stop her, he held her hand with his hand. They both looked at each other and then Neil left her hand.

Neil looked straight while Avni looked at him then outside while Khamoshiyan kept playing.


They both reached home and both got down while Avni quickly went inside and went to her room.

She placed her purse on the table and immediately went to the bathroom, she splashed a lot of water on her face and shut her eyes tightly then opened them.

Avni: What is happening. Why i am feeling like this. This was not earlier. Why i feel like............... i am in some kind of dilemma................. why i am getting affected by Neil's presence, earlier too i was with him but.................. now................

Avni looked at herself on the mirror in front and shook her head.

Avni: No. I am over thinking. Neil loves riya and both will get married too. I............... i came in between them.................. soon i will leave................... whatever i did with aashish papa after that, i cannot get any love...................

Avni said looking down and then looked up at the mirror. She splashed some more water on her face and then came out.

As she came out Neil entered the room, she looked at him and he passed her a soft smile.

Neil then came up to her and stood in front of her.

Neil: Avni, is everything fine

Avni looked at Neil as he looked at her concerned. Avni nodded and then Neil left after passing her a soft smile.


Few days had passed that way, Neil started focussing on Avni which surprised Avni most of the time.

While sometimes he used to drop her and pick her but both coudn't make any conversation except casual talk.

Avni was little lost as she started feeling the difference in Neil but most of the time ignored it.

Aditya too couldn't meet or talk to Avni as she mostly used to refuse him and stay away from him, but he did message her.


Avni was in her room standing in front of the window feeling the cold air.

Suddenly her phone beep she went to the table and took her phone, she saw there was a message from Aditya.

Good night sweetheart. Love u

Avni smiled softly and replied him good night and then kept her phone down.

Then the door of the bathroom opened and Neil came out rubbing his wet hair with a towel. Avni looked at him then at the sky.

Neil came and stood beside her, Avni found him staring at her and turned to him.

Neil: I think we should sleep

Avni nodded and went to the bed, Neil followed her.

Neil: My pillow

Avni gave him his pillow and Neil took it and looked at Avni.

Neil: Avni

Avni turned to him and he smirked.

Neil: What if i sleep on bed

Avni looked at him confused while he raised his eyebrow.

Neil: I will sleep on bed

Avni: What.................. but we decided u will sleep on sofa

Neil: Yes but not anymore.............. i am taking the bed

Avni: What Neil

Neil placed the pillow and laid on the bed while Avni looked on.

Avni: Neil but we decided............... neil

Avni said with a pout while Neil looked at her then stretched his arms and again laid on bed.

Avni: Neil

Neil: What i am sleeping on bed

Avni: Neil

Neil closed his eyes while Avni pouted. She then saw a pillow and took one pillow and threw it at Neil.

Neil opened his eyes and looked at her she folded her arms. Neil smirked while Avni got scared seeing him smirk.

He took one pillow and threw it at Avni. Avni looked at him and threw the pillow back, same did Neil.

And they both started hitting each other with pillow, Avni ran as Neil chased her.

They both laughed and kept hitting each other with pillows.

As they were near the bed Avni threw away Neil's pillow with her pillow.

Neil looked at her as she laughed, he then suddenly dragged her towards him by her wrist and as she lost balanced she fell on top of Neil who fell on the bed.

They both shared an eyelock as Neil slowly tucked her hair behind her ear with his hand.

But then both realised and both got up with a jerk. They both looked here and there as Avni was shocked due to his sudden action.

Neil: I................. i will take the sofa

Avni nodded without looking at him as he went to the sofa. She quickly got in the bed and closed her eyes.


The next morning Avni came out from the bathroom rubbing her hair with a towel when her eyes fell on Neil who was sleeping peacefully.

Automatically a smile appeared on her lips as she recalled about last night.

She slowly went near him and placed the blanket properly on him, she looked at him for sometime then slowly moved her hand towards his face but then stopped suddenly.

She recalled his condition, him and riya, aashish, and aditya she shut her eyes tightly and opened them and left the room.


Avni came down and went to the kitchen, shewta and kamla were already present their.

Shewta: Avni, u came

Avni gave her a smile and started helping her with the cutting of vegetables.

Shewta: Avni is Neil awake

Avni shook her head in negative and shewta pouted.

Shewta: I had to send u with him for a day out

As Avni heard this the knife from her hand felt down, she quickly picked it up.

Avni: Day.................. day out

Shewta: Yes

Shewta looked at Avni who was looking at her confused but then smiled.

Shewta: Avni i know that Neil and u still need time, after your marriage he was mostly out................. but now he is here, so i want u two to know each other well

Avni: But maa.............. maa Neil........... neil should take rest.......... and i also have to go to office

Shewta: I told Adi today u cannot go

Avni looks at shewta confused and little shocked.

That's when Neil came down stairs. Shewta smiled while Avni only looked on.

Shewta: Neil r u ready

Neil: Yes mom

Shewta: Ok avni leave all this.............. go

Avni looked at shewta very confused then at Neil.

Avni: Neil u knew

Neil smiled and Avni looked at him shocked.

Shewta: Avni now go

Shewta dragged Avni till the car while Neil followed.

Avni got in the car while Neil sat on the driving seat.

Shewta: Tata

Shewta waved them as they left, shewta smiled happily.

Shewta: Now i will get a grandchild very soon

Shewta giggled and went inside.


Other side Neil and Avni were in the car, Avni sat silently, while Neil drove looking straight.

Avni: Neil u knew about shewta maa's day out

Neil: Yes

Avni looked at him little shocked and confused.

Avni: Why did u agree

Neil: Because i wanted to spend some time with u

Avni looked at him shocked and confused.

Avni: Neil, u..................

Neil: What happen avni

Avni shook her head and looked outside and after sometime they reached a mall.

They both got down and went inside. While Neil tried to talk, Avni was not much interested as mostly she was confused over Neil's behaviour.

They randomly roam around the mall while Avni smiled seeing Neil happy.

Neil: Avni, we can have something

Avni nodded and both went to the food court.

Avni sat down as Neil bought ice creams.

Avni smiled seeing the ice cream and took it.

They both had their ice cream while most of the time Avni looked at Neil and smiled.


They both roam around as Avni now started feeling free and both had some talk.

Avni: Neil

Neil: Yes

Avni: Why did u agree to shewta maa

Neil: Means

Avni: Neil i know u love riya but forcefully u have to be with me

Neil stopped and looked at Avni, he was about to say something when his phone rang.

He took out his phone and looked at the caller id, it was Riya. Neil looked at Avni who passed him a smile.

Avni: Take it

Neil gave a small smile and went to receive the call.

Avni stood near the railings as she saw Neil speaking to Riya, she gave a soft smile.

But then suddenly her phone rang, she took out and it was Aditya calling. She looked at the screen for sometime then swiped green.

Avni: Aditya

Aditya: Avni mom said u cannot come today, is everything fine

Avni: Yes

Aditya: What happen avni

Avni: No............. nothing

Aditya: Avni, r u sure............... avni this days we did not even meet properly

Avni: Ye............. yes

Aditya: Avni

Avni: Aditya i will call u later on

Aditya: Avni

Avni quickly cut the call and held the railings with both her hands and sighed.


Other side Aditya was in his office cabin standing near the huge glass window, he looked at the phone screen for sometime, then placed one hand at the glass window, he looked outside.

Aditya: Why i feel like u r going far away from me avni

Aditya closed his eyes then opened them and sighed looking outside.


Otherside Avni was standing there for sometime now as Neil did not return.

Avni: I don't understand what's happening.................. aditya.................. i.............. don't know.....................

Then after sometime Neil came with a shopping bag in his hand.

Avni: Neil

Neil: Sorry, stopped to buy something

Neil showed the bag while Avni got confused.

Avni: What is it

Neil: Surprise

Avni: But neil................. what is it

Neil: That's surprise avni

Avni: But Neil for whom

Neil: Ri.............. Riya

As soon as she heard Riya she looked at Neil and then smiled.

Avni: Lets go

Neil nodded and both head out from the mall.


It was at night shewta, prakash were already in the dinning while Neil and Avni came. They sat down and served.

The doorbell rang and shewta went to open it. Aditya smiled and entered inside.

Aditya passed by to go to his room when he looked at Avni, who looked at him, he smiled and went to his room.

While Avni looked down at her plate. After sometime Aditya came and sat in his place.

They were having their food while shewta, prakash and Neil were talking.

Avni was silently having her food when Aditya looked at her and smiled, Avni did not notice aditya looking at her.

Aditya slowly under the table moved his foot on avni's leg back and ford slowly.

Avni jerked and looked at Aditya shocked, he smirked at her.

He continued moving his foot on Avni's ankle slowly under the table. Avni looked at him as he smirked.

Aditya then stopped after sometime and had his meal. Avni too quietly had her meal.


The next day Avni was in her office cabin she was standing and going through a file when someone placed his hands on her eyes covering them.

Avni: Who............. who is it

Aditya: Me sweetheart

Aditya removed his hands from her eyes as Avni turned back. She looked at him.

Avni: U

Aditya: Yes

Aditya smiled brightly he held Avni's wrist and slowly pulled her towards him and then snaked his hands around avni's neck. He smiled brightly at her.

Avni: Adi............ aditya............ what r u doing

Aditya: Spending time with u

Avni: Aditya what if someone comes

Aditya: Avni no one will

Avni: Aditya pls................ someone will come

Aditya: Ok................. ok

Aditya removed his hands and smiled at her.

Avni: Aditya pls leave

Aditya: Fine sweetheart

Aditya gives her a flying kiss and leaves from there, while Avni only looks on.


It was in the evening when Avni was standing in front of the window feeling the cold air.

That's when Neil entered the room and saw her standing. He smiled.

Avni's POV

I don't know what is happening but all this are so.................. i feel like i am in dilemma.................... i will have to leave Neil soon.................. he will marry the person he loves................... i am happy for him but my only fear is.................... what will i tell maa................... she will break down.................... and aditya................. i like him but.....................

End of POV

Avni shut her eyes tightly, she had her back towards Neil.

Neil goes near her and clears his throat which brings Avni back to sense.

She turns back and finds Neil standing.

Avni: Neil, u here

Neil: Avni, get ready............... we r going somewhere

Avni: What............... where

Neil: U get ready................... that's a surprise

Avni looks at Neil confused while he smiles.

Avni: But where

Neil: Avni get ready................ that's a surprise

Neil then goes near the cupboard opens it and brings out the same packet of the mall.

Avni: This

Neil: Yes, pls wear this

Avni looks at the packet then at Neil confused.

Avni: But

Neil: Avni pls don't ask questions, get ready fast

Avni: But this is for riya

Neil: No, this is for u

Avni: But

Neil: Avni

After sometime Avni takes the packet and goes to the bathroom.

Avni: What's happening

Avni opens the packet and sees a beautiful gown inside it.


After sometime she comes out of the bathroom wearing it, while she did not find Neil.

Suddenly Avni's phone rang, it was Neil.

Avni: Neil

Neil: Come downstairs

Neil cut the call before she could say anything. She went down and then outside confused and found Neil waiting for her near the car in formal wear.

Avni: Neil all this

Neil: Get in avni

Avni asked confused , Neil opened the car door for her.

After sometime Avni got inside and Neil too sat and they drove off.

While Avni was completely confused, Neil smiled softly.


This was chapter twenty nine.

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