Chapter 30

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Avni kept looking at Neil with a confused face while he kept driving looking straight.

It was difficult to say wether he was happy, nervous, excited or had any other feeling.

Neil turned to Avni's side while she was still looking at him with a very confused face.

Neil raised his eyebrow asking Avni what, then looked straight while she only looked at him then turned front blinking her eyes a few times.

Avni: What is happening Neil, suddenly where are you taking me

Avni asked Neil in low tone while looking straight while Neil did not say anything for a while.

Neil: U will know soon

Neil said looking straight in low tone, Avni turned to him and stared at him for sometime confused then looked out of the window.

Avni's POV

What is Neil doing, where is he taking me.
Neil is behaving so differently from the time he returned.

He did not even call Riya the way he used to do earlier.

He even bought a dress for me. He said this is for Riya but............... he bought this dress for me.

What is happening. Why I feel something different.

End of POV

Avni rested her head in the seat staring outside the window, while cold air blew, making her hair blow. But Avni was deeply lost in her thoughts.


After sometime the car stopped, Neil slowly got down and came to Avni's side, he opened the door for Avni.

Neil: Avni

Avni looked at him and was about to get down when Neil forwarded his hand to help her come out.

Avni looked at him little shocked and confused at his sudden gesture.

Neil looked at Avni and slowly moved his hand back looking here and there as it was getting little awkward.

Avni slowly got down while her eyes were on Neil with a confused face, but as soon as Avni shifted her gaze she got shocked.

It was a beautiful resort and they were in the parking lot.

Avni looked at Neil confused while he only looked at her.

Avni: Neil why are we here, Neil i can't understand anything, what is happening Neil

Avni asked Neil while she was very confused, Neil only looked at her for sometime then said in low tone.

Neil: Avni actually, i................ i.............. i wanted to have dinner with you................ somewhere outside................. so i brought you here

Neil said in low tone and then bit his lower lips looking while he looked at Avni then right and left.

Avni got shocked listening this, she tried to speak but was short of words, she only looked at Neil shocked and confused.

Avni: Neil, u wanted to have dinner with me, so u brought me here

Avni asked Neil shocked and also little unsure, Neil looked at her and nodded.

Avni: Neil but................. i don't think this is right

Avni said Neil in low tone while she was still confused. Neil looked at her for sometime and then spoke.

Neil: Avni................. its only dinner.............. and.............. i.............. i really wanted to go out with you somewhere................ don't say no

Neil said in low tone looking at Avni, while his words did satisfy her but she was still confused and little shocked.

Neil: Avni pls

Avni looked at Neil while he smiled nervously, Avni nodded after sometime and both went inside.

They both went inside while then the manager came to welcome them.

Manager: Welcome Neil sir and Avni madam

Neil smiled while Avni too smiled but she was still confused.

Neil: The table which i had booked

Manager: Yes this way

Neil and Avni both followed the manager and soon they were in the backside of the resort.

And as soon as Avni shifted her gaze she was completely shocked, the backside was beautiful and it was a cozy place and only for the couples. While there were two three other couples too who were having dinner.

Avni turned her gaze from here to there looking at the place as she was shocked.

The place was beautifully decorated with candles and had tables only for two.

It was an open area with only candles for decoration, and as it was late in the evening the place looked very beautiful under the open sky.

Manager: Enjoy sir

The manager left and Neil turned to Avni who was looking at everything shocked.

Avni: Neil what is all this, why are we here................

Neil: For dinner

Avni: But Neil this place is for.................

Neil: Couples

Neil said and then looked at Avni who looked at him shocked.

Avni: Neil.................. Neil we should not be here this place is for couples......................

Neil: Yes

Avni: Neil, this is not right................. lets leave

Neil: But avni we are here for dinner

Avni: Not here Neil.................. pls

Avni said and was about to go when Neil stopped her.

Neil: Avni.................. avni pls listen.................. i know this place is for couples.............. and we are here only dinner................... what's wrong in it

Avni: It is wrong Neil, because we are not...................

Avni stopped in between and sighed but then Neil completed the sentence.

Neil: We r not a couple................. right

Avni looked at Neil, who was looking at her with a little sad face.

Avni: Yes, and your partner is riya neil................. Neil how will she feel when she will get to know that u had dinner with me...................... its not right

Avni said looking at Neil, while he only looked at her and did not say anything.

Neil: U r thinking about riya

Avni: Yes, it is she who should be here with you neil, not me

Avni said looking down with a sad face, she sighed, and was about to leave when Neil held her wrist to stop her.

She stopped and looked at her wrist then him, he realised it and quickly left her wrist.

Neil: Avni.................  avni............... i know all this are little strange to u but.................. but avni its only about dinner.................. and riya will not feel bad......................

Avni: But neil

Neil: Pls avni................ its only about dinner...................

Avni: Neil but

Neil: Avni pls.................... i asked her................

Avni stopped listen this, she looked at Neil completely confused.

Avni: U asked her...................

Neil: Yes, she said.................... its only dinner................. pls avni.................... don't say no.................... for me

Avni looked at Neil who looked at her with a sad face. After sometime Avni nodded and Neil smiled. They both went to their table.

Neil pulled the chair for her and she sat while after that Neil took his seat.

Neil smiled as the waiter served them glasses of juice, but Avni was still little confused.

Neil took a sip and passed Avni a smile while she passed him a small smile.

Avni: What to order

Neil: I already ordered

Avni: Fine

They both were sitting quietly which was making the situation little awkward.

While Neil wanted to speak but was not able to.

Neil: Avni............... u r looking beautiful

Avni started coughing as the juice got stuck on her throat due to the sudden compliment she got from Neil.

Neil immediately got up and started rubbing her back. After sometime avni stopped coughing and Neil sighed.

But then Avni looked at Neil as his hand was still on her back, he immediately removed his hand, and sat on his place.

They both did not say anything and Avni kept circling the glass surface with her fingers to pass the time.

Neil cleared his throat which led to Avni shifting her gaze at Neil.

Avni: What happen

Neil: Avni r u fine

Avni: Yes

Neil: Avni from the time we came here, u r so quite

Avni: No................... its just................. i am little confused................ you suddenly bringing me out for dinner

Neil smiled a little and looked at Avni.

Neil: Why................. don't u like it

Avni: Yes but.................

Neil: So u like it

Neil said excitedly which let Avni to look at Neil with amuse.

Avni: Neil................

Neil: I want to say................. the place

Avni: Yes................... and................. also the dress

Neil looked at Avni who smiled, he too passed her a bright smile.

Neil: Avni................. i................. i want to say u something....................

Avni looked at Neil with full attention waiting for him to speak.

Neil cleared his throat and moved his eyes right to left thinking something and then sighed.

Neil: Avni................. avni actually i wanted to tell u that................ avni i.................

But before Neil could complete, his hand touched the juice glass and it fell on Neil's shirt.

Avni: Neil

Neil picked up the glass and placed it back on the table while he tried to clean the shirt with his hand.

Avni took out a handkerchief from her bag and gave it to Neil.

Avni: U go and clean it

Neil nodded and got up and went to clean the stain.

While Avni looked at the direction where Neil went then sighed.

She kept sitting for sometime while then Neil's phone started ringing.

Avni then saw that Neil had left his phone on the table.

Avni: Neil left his phone

Avni looked at the direction where Neil went and then shifted her gaze to the phone.

She took the phone on her hand and saw the caller was Riya. Avni only looked on.

Avni: What will riya think when she will know that i am with Neil................ she will feel bad...................

Avni said with a sad face while looking at the phone screen.

Avni then sighed and swiped green. But before Avni could say anything Riya blabbered.

Riya: Neil................ Neil so what happened................. did you say it to avni................ what did she say.................... how did you say her.................... what did she say...................

Riya sounded very curious while Avni got very confused after listening to her.

Avni: Riya what are you talking about

Riya: Av................ avni.................

Avni: Yes.............. Neil went to washroom...............

Riya: O.............. Avni............... i.............. i will call later on

Avni: Hello.................. riya.................... riya..............

Riya immediately cut the call while Avni got very confused.

Avni: What was riya talking about............... why did she cut the call.................

Avni looked at the phone screen confused.
Then Neil too returned and sat on his place.
While Avni only looked on at Neil while he passed her a smile.

Avni: Neil................

Neil: Yes

Avni: Do u want to say something to me

Neil looked at Avni who looked at him with a questioning face.

Neil: What do u mean

Avni: Riya had called............... she was saying did u tell avni, what did she say............... do u want to say something to me

Neil got shocked listening this and then realised his phone was with Avni, while she looked at him confused.

Neil: No.................. no................ nothing

Avni: Do u want to say something Neil

Neil: No avni................. what will i say..................

Avni: But Neil............... Riya..............

Before Avni could continue the waiter came with their food.

He placed the dish on the table and refilled the glasses.

As soon as Avni saw the dishes she got shocked, it had all her favourite dishes.

Avni: Manchurian

As Avni saw the dish her mind suddenly had the flash of Aditya.


Avni had returned home in the evening and was little tired, she was about to go upstairs to her room when she suddenly stopped and turned to the kitchen.

As Avni entered the kitchen she got shocked seeing Aditya cooking.

Aditya looked up and saw Avni standing and smiled brightly.

Aditya: Avni your back 

Aditya said with a bright smile while he kept stirring the gravy.

Avni: Yes................ aditya what is all this.............

Avni said as she looked at the dish and then him confused.

Aditya: Manchurian................ i am preparing for you

Avni: Manchurian.................... but how did you know that i like manchurian

Aditya: That wasn't difficult

Aditya said forwarding her a spoon with gravy, Avni tasted it as he fed her while she was still confused.

Avni: Its tasty but................

Aditya turned off the flame and stood leaning against the kitchen slab then held Avni's wrist and pulled her toward him.

Avni looked at Aditya confused as he smiled and twirled her and she had her back towards him.

He lightly buried his head on the crook of her neck and hugged her from backside.

Avni: Aditya what are you doing  

Aditya: Romance

Avni: Aditya someone will see

Aditya: No one will

Aditya said and lightly placed a kiss on Avni's shoulder while Avni got shocked.

Avni: Aditya

Aditya: Yes

Avni: Aditya someone will see...............

Aditya: No one will................ kamla will come tomorrow, dad is out of town and mom is also not at home......................... so its only you and me

Aditya said as he smiled and twirled Avni. They were now standing face to face while Aditya was happy, Avni only looked on.

Avni: But................

Aditya: Shhh.............

Aditya placed a finger on her lips and then slowly cupped Avni's both cheeks with both his hands.

Aditya: Avni, i love you

Avni: Aditya....................  

Aditya smiled softly and joint his forehead with hers.

But that's when the bell rang, Avni panicked and both quickly parted and then Avni quickly went to open the door. It was Shewta at the door.

Shewta came inside and saw Aditya in kitchen. Shewta got surprised.

Shewta: Aditya u................. u r cooking

Aditya: Yes mom................. today we will have dinner together................

Shewta: Yes chef adi..................

Shewta smiled while she was completely surprised.

Aditya quickly looked at Avni and smiled while she only looked on but also smiled a little.

Flashback Ends

Avni was lost while Neil noticed this, he called Avni several times but she did not respond, he then slightly shook her and then she came to sense.

Avni looked at Neil shocked, while he smiled. Avni blinked her eyes and sighed.

Avni: Neil all this dishes here, are my favourite.................. u ordered all this dishes..................

Neil: Manchurian, your most favourite

Avni: But how did you know...................

Neil: Avni.................. during this past few weeks Neela maa and i have become very good friends................. she tells me everything, your like your dislikes.............

Avni looked at Neil completely shocked while he smiled taking a bite.

Avni: You.................. u called maa

Neil: Yes

Avni: You were asking about me............... u asked maa about my likes and dislikes

Avni said shocked and surprised at the same time. Neil looked at her and nodded then took one more bite.

Neil: Actually i.............. i just asked..............

Avni: Neil..................... all this................. r so...............

Neil: Avni eat something u haven't eaten anything

Avni: But.................

Neil: Avni pls first eat.................

Avni looked at Neil still shocked and also surprised, while he passed her a smiled and continued eating.

Avni took small bites and only looked at Neil most of the time. She unknowingly smiled but she was also confused.


They were done as the waiter brought dessert for them.

Avni smiled seeing ice- cream and looked at Neil happily. Neil winked at her and Avni smiled.

Neil: Avni................... avni.................. u.............. u be here.................. i will just come................

Avni nodded and happily began to eat the ice- cream.

After sometime Neil returned and he had a small gift box in his hands.

Avni did not notice as she was busy having the ice- cream. Neil smiled.

Neil came to her and cleared his throat, Avni looked up and smiled and again was having the ice-cream. Neil smiled.

Neil: Can we go now

Avni: Yes, one last bite

Avni finished her ice- cream and Neil smiled, Avni got up and Neil looked at her.

Neil: Avni, can we go that side, the view is beautiful

Avni looked at Neil then the direction and nodded smiling.

They both went to the side, and the view was indeed beautiful, the moon was shining in the sky. Avni looked around and smiled.


They both stood there for sometime, while Avni closed her eyes feeling the cold wind, her hair blew, after sometime she opened her eyes.

Neil looked at her all this time smiling softly.

Neil: Avni................

Avni turned to him and Neil handed ther the gift box.

Neil: This is for you

Avni looked at the gift box confused and then looked at Neil.

Avni: Gift box.................. but.................

Avni looked at Neil confused while he came little closer.

Neil: This is for you avni................... i searched alot.................... and then finally found this for you..................

Avni looked at the box then at Neil who passed her a small nervous smile.

Avni: But neil..............

Avni looked at Neil, their eyes met. Avni then took the box from him confused.

She looked at the box though she was still confused.

Neil: Open it

Avni nodded though she was very confused but finally untied the ribbon and opened the box.

She looked on confused as inside the box their was a small heart shaped pillow.

Avni looked at it confused and finally took the pillow on her hand, but their was written something on the pillow.

It said 'Lets begin our Journey'.

Avni looked at it shocked and stood at her placed staring at it shocked and confused.

Avni moved her thumb through the writing and looked at it shocked.

Avni: Neil this

Avni turned back and got even more shock.

Neil was sitting on one knee and he had a beautiful ring held between his fingers.

Avni looked at Neil completely shocked as she wasn't able to find any words.

Avni: Ne.......................Neil...............

Neil: Avni......................... i................... i know this is strange but................. can we begin our journey..................... can we being this relationship........................ i...................... like u avni................... infact i lov................... avni.................. i know all this are very shocking for you but................. i............... avni i didn't tell u earlier because i was thinking how you will react..................... but today i had decided i will tell u everything.................... avni will u being this new journey with me.......................

Avni looked at Neil completely shocked she wasn't finding at words, she was only looking at Neil with a shocked face while he kept sitting on one knee, nervous, waiting for her to speak.

Avni was about to say something when suddenly her phone rang. She looked at Neil then at the screen, it was Aditya, calling her.

Avni looked at the screen and then at Neil, avni then sighed and slowly swiped red.


Other side Aditya who was in his room looked at the phone screen confused.


Avni looked at Neil and she was about to say something when her phone rang again. It was Aditya calling her.

Avni again looked at the screen and with a sad and confused face, she shut her eyes and opened them, she again swiped red.


Aditya looked at his phone screen little confused.

Aditya: Why avni is not answering my calls

Aditya said confused and looked at the screen.


Avni shut her eyes tightly and opened them and then looked at Neil.

Avni: Neil..................... Neil................... what are you doing.................... neil this.............. this is not right

Neil looked at Avni confused while she sighed again.

Neil looked at Avni and slowly got up and both how stood face to face.

Neil: Why not avni...................

Avni: Neil pls.................... all this are not right.................. what are u doing................. u................... how can you................... this is not right

Neil looked at Avni who was now getting restless.

Neil: But why not avni....................

Avni: Neil................... this is not right.................. what will she think if she gets to know..................... don't do this.................

Neil: Who she

Avni: Riya.......................

Neil looked at Avni as she shouted her name.

Avni: Riya neil................... the girl whom u love................. the girl with whom u want to get married...................... the condition neil...................... riya.................. what will she think................... u love her neil, u two will soon get married...................... neil.....................

Neil: I don't love riya avni..................

Avni looked at Neil completely shocked as Neil said this.

Neil: I don't love riya neither she loves me...................

Avni looked at Neil completely shocked, she only looked at Neil shocked. While Neil sighed and looked at Avni.

Avni: What...................... what................. are u saying.....................

Neil: Yes....................... i wanted to tell u this.................. but................... didn't know how.........................


Neil and Riya both meet in a cafe.

Riya: Two coffee.................. fine

Neil nodded and Riya smiled, the waiter left with the order.

Riya: Neil...................... u know right.................. why we are here today......................

Neil nodded and Riya sighed.

Riya: Neil................... good that today................ we finally decided to discuss

Neil: Yes.................... good that no more we two will be fooled.................... that we love each other..................... 

Riya: Yes

Neil: U know riya mistake is mine.................. good u asked for time before committing to this relationship....................... otherwise it would have resulted in divorce

Riya: Yes..................... and i would have never realised that i love ali....................

Neil: And i too would have never realised that i.....................

Neil stopped and Riya smiled.

Riya: Avni right

Neil looked at Riya while she smiled.

Neil: I don't know riya................. all this time i was ignoring her but still she............... she was always the same cheerful, helpful, caring

Riya: Yes..................... but good that we realised it soon..................... ali loves me a lot Neil................. and i too do................. we too were mistaking that we love each other................... we like each other but................. don't love

Neil: Yes.................. even i realised this after avni.................

Neil stopped again and Riya smiled.

Neil was stirring his coffee while thinking something.

Neil: Riya we both like each other but don't love................. it took us long to realise what is love and what is liking

Riya: Yes...................... u know when i am with ali.................... i forget about this world................. that feeling

Neil smiled listening to her while Riya too smiled.

Riya: Neil i and ali love each other but................ what about avni

Neil looked down and sighed, Riya placed her hand on Neil's hand.

Riya: Neil avni is very sweet, even after knowing your condition she agreed and she was still so caring, at saisha's wedding i realised this.................. neil try to start your journey with avni..................

Neil looked at Riya and smiled while she too smiled.

Both got up and hugged each other.

Riya: We two are no more lovers but good friends

Neil: Yes, if u need any help call me

Riya and Neil broke the hug and smiled.

Flashback Ends

Neil looks at Avni, who looked at him completely shocked.

Neil: Avni, all this way i thought riya is my love and we both were together, even i placed this condition in front of you................... and i was with her................... but at saisha's wedding i realised that................ riya is not the one for me................... its you...............

Avni only looked at Neil as tears began to form in her eyes and after sometime her cheeks were wet with the flowing tears.

Neil: Avni.................

Neil looked at Avni, he tried to go forward and raised his thumb to clean her tears but Avni moved back.

Neil looked at her who was looking at him shocked.

Avni: U................. u don't love riya.................. u ................... u never did...............

Neil: I did avni but we then realised what we thought to be love was................. only liking................. it was never love..............

Avni looked at Neil shocked while he only looked at her.

Neil: Avni i know this is very shocking for you .................... i placed that condition for u.................. was always with riya.................. loved her but................. avni i realised late that................... it was only liking............... riya and i are good friends.................. she still calls me and we meet but.................. avni the way i feel for u..................... that's different..................... it was never for riya................ i thought it was

Neil looked at Avni who was looking at him shocked.

Neil: Avni................... i know this is very strange for you..................... i was also nervous thinking how i will begin, what will i say..................... but................ i had to................. and avni

While Neil spoke, Avni wasn't paying attention to anything, she was only moving her eyes right and left while her eyes were moist.

Neil: Avni.................... i expressed my feelings, i told u everything, now its up to u.................... i know that i and riya were together but it was never.................. it was always that we two had thought it was love.................. but the way she gets happy with ali, it was never my case, and the way i feel when around u................ it was never she................ avni................

Before Neil could complete Avni suddenly ran away from there, removing the tears with her palm. While Neil looked on.

Neil: Avni................... Avni................

Neil tried to stop Avni but she already left. Neil only looked on.

Avni ran and reached the parking lot, she placed both her hands on the car bonnet as tears kept falling from her eyes and she crying.

After sometime Neil came searching for her and found her, he went to her and slowly held her shoulder and turned her towards him.

Avni turned and saw Neil, she was still crying while Neil got confused.

Neil: Avni.................. why r u crying so much................

Neil asked her confused while she was still crying. After sometime Avni looked at Neil.

Avni: Why................. why didn't u tell me earlier neil............... why................. why................

Avni asked Neil sobbing while he only looked at her.

Neil: Avni few days after saisha's wedding i and riya parted ways, and i wanted to tell u but....................... i was myself confused with my feelings and when i realised.................... i didn't know how to tell u all this................... i thought how will u react.................... i wanted to tell u everything but every time i thought how will i tell u................

Avni was still crying while Neil looked at her.

Neil: Avni when u use to call me, i didn't talk because i coudn't face u..................... i kept escaping but.................. then i realised................. that u r the one................. and i cannot do this anymore................... so i searched for a special gift and decided i will tell u everything................... i did today...............

Neil slowly moved both his hands and placed his hands on Avni's both cheeks , he slowly rubbed her tears with his thumbs. While Avni only looked on at him.

Neil: Avni................... i know all this are very strange for u.................. i know u need space..................... avni i already told u about my decision, i want to begin this journey with you................... i will wait for your decision.................    

Neil moved back as Avni looked at him with moist eyes.

Neil: Its late, we should return

Neil said softly looking at the dark sky, Avni only looked at him.

Neil slowly opened the car door for Avni, but sometime Avni slowly got in and Neil took his seat.


They both were silent as Neil was looking straight while Avni was looking outside the window, with red dry eyes due to crying, cold wind blew.

Neil looked at Avni now and then and then looked straight again.

They reach home after sometime and Neil parked the car.

Neil looked at Avni who was sitting frozen, Neil shook her slightly and she came back to sense.

Neil: Avni, we reached..................

Neil said softly, while Avni only looked at him then slowly got down.

Avni was about to go when Neil stopped her.

Neil: Avni

Neil called her name softly, Avni slowly turned back.

Neil: Avni, till today i didn't understand why u agreed to marry me despite my condition, but................ i told u everything today................and i know u need space...................... i know this is strange for u........................ but avni i will wait for u.................... i will wait for your decision.................... and this ring too will..................

Neil said looking at the ring and then looked at Avni and smiled softly.

Avni only looked at him and went inside while Neil only looked on.

Neil: I will wait avni.................

Neil said and then smiled softly and then went inside.


Avni was sitting on the bed recalling everything, Neil's words. She did not change as well.

Tears were still falling from her eyes as she clenched the blanket tightly.

Neil entered the room and saw her, she wasn't aware Neil already have entered.

Neil looked at Avni.

Neil: Avni

Avni jerked and looked at Neil as tears were still falling from her eyes.

Neil: Avni................ why r u crying so much

Neil asked Avni softly but confused, Avni only looked at Neil and then shook her head and quickly slept taking the blanket.

Neil looked at her confused then went to the washroom.

While after he left Avni cried even more.

Avni: Why didn't u tell me earlier neil.................... neil.............. u and riya.............. i thought.................... why................ neil why.................

Avni cried but she covered her mouth with her hand as she saw Neil coming out.

Neil went near Avni but as she had covered herself with blanket, he thought she felt asleep and went to the sofa.


This was chapter thirty.

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