Chapter 33

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Avni and Neil reached Lonavala and Neil parked the car.

Avni was lost in her thoughts and did not realise they have reached.

Neil looked at her and called her names several times, that's when she came back to sense.

She looked at him as he was looking at her, confused by her behaviour.

Neil: Avni we reached

Avni blinked her eyes and looked around.

She slowly got down and looked at the resort.

As soon as she looked at the resort she recalled Aditya, his love confession and their conversation at the Royal garden.

Avni froze in her place as Neil too got down and came near her. He looked at her confused.

Neil: Avni..............

Neil shook her slightly and she jerked, she looked at him and then sighed.

Neil: Avni what happen

Neil asked Avni as he looked at her while she looked at him then avoided eye contact.

Avni: What...............

Avni said avoiding eye contact while he looked at her.

Neil: Avni what happen............... you are so distracted from the time we left mumbai

Avni looked at Neil and then turned away.

Avni: No............... nothing.............. lets go inside

Avni said and walked in while Neil looked on confused.


They both entered inside and Aman came to them and wished them.

Aman: Hello avni ma'am and neil sir

Neil: How is it going

Aman: Good

Neil: The key

Aman: Yes sir................ shewta ma'am told to give the special room

Aman said and handed over the key to Neil and they both left.


People were sitting in the hall, waiter was serving orders.

While Neil and Avni were going towards their room, Avni was lost in her thoughts.

They both reached their room as Neil opened the door, they both walked inside.

The room was beautiful but then Avni's eyes fell on the bed.

Avni: Single bed

Avni said as she turned to Neil, he looked at her.

Neil: Yes

Avni: But

Avni looked at him then at the bed and was little disturbed, Neil noticed this.

Neil: Avni i know we don't share bed but............... if we take double bed room then............... aman..............

Neil was about to complete but Avni stopped him.

Avni: Neil................. that's fine

Avni said and Neil gave her a small smile.

Avni: But

Neil: I will take the sofa

Neil said as Avni looked at him then nodded slightly.


Avni was in the bathroom, she splashed a lot of water on her face as she looked at herself on the mirror.

Avni: I came here with the decision of telling Neil everything................. but as soon as i look around i recall about aditya.............. the flashes keeps coming in my mind...............

Avni looked on the mirror then shut her eyes then opened them.

Avni had tears in her eyes and they started falling down her cheeks.

Avni: I am sorry aditya................... i know u r very hurt but................ i cannot cheat Neil anymore.............. i still can't figure out wether i cheated neil or did wrong with with u................. i am sorry aditya................ but after Neil confessed i............... i could not stop because i also love him............. and when he said he mistook his relation with riya and wants this relation................ i could not stop

Avni cried a lot as she bit her lower lips while tears kept rolling down her cheeks.

There was a knock at the door and Avni looked at the door. It was Neil shouting from outside.

Neil: Avni................. avni............

Avni looked at the mirror as she splashed a lot of water on her face and then came out.

Avni opened the door while Neil looked at her.

Neil: What happen avni

Avni looked at him then shook her head while he looked at her confused.


Avni was sitting on the bed while hugging her knees to her chest.

That's when the door opened and Neil entered the room.

Neil looked at her while she did not realise he have entered the room.

Neil: Avni............... avni

Avni jerked and looked at Neil while he looked on confuse.

Neil: Avni............. lets go for dinner

Avni looked at him then slightly nodded and both left.

As they were in their table sitting and waiting for their food to come.

Neil kept looking at Avni while she did not realise as she was lost in her thoughts.

Avni's POV

This resort, the place where everything had started.

Whenever I look around flashes of Aditya comes in my mind.

How will i tell Neil everything when i am so distracted. But i will have to, i cannot continue this way anymore, i will have to tell Neil everything soon but............... how.

I don't know how to start, from where to start. What to say.

Neil will be broken but i will have to. I cannot stay with this guilt anymore. I cannot.

End of POV

Avni's chain of thoughts gets broken as Neil called her.

Avni looks at him while he looked on confused.

Neil: Avni what happen............. why r u so distracted

Neil asked her as she looked at him then down.

She again looked up then shook her head.

Neil: Avni

Neil was about to say when the waiter brought their food.

Neil was about to restart when Avni stopped him.

Neil: Avni

Avni: Neil lets eat first

Avni said and started eating, avoiding looking at Neil.

Neil sighed and he too started having his food.

In between Neil tried to speak but Avni avoided him.

After they were done they were walking towards their room when suddenly Avni's phone started ringing.

Avni looked at the screen and got shocked as it was Aditya calling.

Avni looked at the screen then at Neil who was looking at her, then she quickly swiped red.

The phone rang again and Avni again swiped red.

Neil looked on at her while she started sweating.

Neil: What happen avni

Avni looked at Neil and then shook her head.

Neil: Avni what happen

Avni: Nothing............. Nothing

Neil: Avni

Avni: Nothing Neil

Neil: Avni

Avni: I said nothing

Avni shouted while Neil looked at her shocked.

She then looked at him as she realised she shouted at him. Avni then looked the other side.


They both reached their room and entered inside.

They both were avoiding looking at each other.

They both stood silently for sometime then both walked towards the bathroom and then collided near the door.

They both looked at each other then looked down. After sometime Neil spoke.

Neil: U go first

Avni: No u go first

Neil: Avni............. u go first

Avni: Neil............. i will go later.............. u go first

Neil: Avni

They both looked at each other and then down.

Neil then went inside as it was getting awkward.


While Avni was sitting on the bed, Neil looked at her.

As soon as Avni looked at him he looked down.

Avni too looked down, Neil then came near the bed and Avni slowly looked up.

Neil: Aa.................. avni.................. Pillow

Neil said and Avni looked at him then gave him a pillow and blanket.

He took them and went towards the sofa.


It was midnight while Neil felt asleep on the sofa.

Avni was sleeping on the bed but she was awake as she was not able to sleep.

Avni's POV

I am feeling so bad. I never wanted all this.

I have hurt Aditya so much and now Neil.

I want to tell Neil everything but ................... i don't know how................ i don't know how Neil will react but................ i cannot cheat on him anymore...................

But I never wanted all this to happen. I always wanted to make Aditya smile but at last i hurt him................

I only wanted to make shewta maa and prakash papa happy but................. they too will be broken.............. they will hate me................

And maa, what will i tell her.................

End of POV

Avni was lying on the bed covering herself with blanket and had moist eyes.

Avni then slowly got up from the bed as she heard some sound.

Avni looked around then her eyes fell on Neil, it was Neil.

He was shivering as his blanket fell on the floor and cold wind was blowing.

Avni looked at him then quickly got up and slowly went near him.

She looked at him as he was sleeping peacefully.

Tears formed in Avni's eyes looking at him, she properly covered him with the blanket.

She was about to go but then stopped as she looked at him.

She sat on her knees and then looked at him, she slowly moved her hand and caressed his face with her palm.

Tears rolled down her cheeks as she looked at him.

She then got up and turned to leave when Neil held her hand, she got shocked and turned back.

But Neil had held her hand in sleep, she looked at him and sighed.

She then slowly freed her hand and then came back to bed.


The next morning Avni was sleeping on the bed when the sun rays fell on her face through the window.

After sometime she slowly opened her eyes and lazily sat on the bed.

She kept sitting as she was tired but the the bathroom door opened.

As Avni looked at the direction, Neil had come out after bathing and was rubbing his head with a towel.

They both looked at each other but then Avni looked down.

Avni slowly got up from the bed and walked towards the bathroom.

As Neil was standing in front of the door, Avni and he came face to face.

She looked at Neil and he looked at her but then after sometime he understood and tried to leave the way for her.

But as he tried to leave, the way he tried to go, Avni too went that way to enter the bathroom. They both looked at each other.

Avni then tried to go from left, Neil too tried to go from left.

Neil then tried to go through right, Avni too tried to go through right.

They both looked at each other and Neil then sighed and slowly placed his both hands on Avni's shoulders.

He then moved her a little as he then finally left the way.

She then stopped and looked at Neil and then entered the bathroom.


Avni was sitting on the chair and was lost in her thoughts.

Avni's POV

When will i tell Neil and how............... i don't know how............. how to tell him..............

Whenever i see him i.............. i want to tell him but............... words doesn't come out...............

I cannot continue like this.............. I cannot.................

End of POV

Avni sighed but she was still lost in her thoughts.

Neil then came to her and placed two shake glasses on the table.

Neil smiled and looked at Avni but she was still lost in her thoughts.

Neil: Avni................. avni

Neil called her names but she was still lost, Neil then looked at her and shook her slightly.

She came back to sense and looked at him while he was looking at her confused.

Neil: What happen avni

Avni looked at him then slightly shook her head. Neil sighed.

Neil: Avni................ milkshake

As Neil said Avni looked at him then at the shake glasses, as soon as she looked at them flash of Aditya came in her mind.


It was during Avni's Pune visit.

Aditya stopped his car in front of a restaurant.

Avni was sitting beside him. She looked at the restaurant through window then at him.

Avni: Aditya here

Aditya: Yes.............. come

Aditya came out from the car and opened the door for Avni.

She came out but was looking at the restaurant confused.

They both walked inside and the manager came.

Manager: Welcome sir, ma'am

Aditya: The table which i had booked

Manager: Yes sir, this way

The manager guided them and they both followed.

The restaurant was cold and very cozy. The decoration too was classic.

Aditya pulled the chair for her while Avni sat but she was completely confused.

Aditya: Avni what happen

Avni: Aditya.................. nothing............

Aditya looked at her confused but then smiled. She too smiled a little.

Then after sometime Aditya came with a glass of shake. He placed it on the table.

Avni was looking at the decoration but then looked at him, then at the shake.

Avni: Only one

Aditya: Yes.............

Avni: But i also want..........

Avni said and pouted and Aditya giggled seeing her face.

Aditya: This is for us

Avni: Us.................

Avni got confused, but then she noticed the glass have two straws.

She then understood, she looked at him, while he smiled.

Avni: But Aditya.................. we two from same glass

Aditya: Avni, that's fine

Avni: But aditya................

Aditya: Avni................

Avni: No.............. someone will see

Aditya: Avni all have brought one glass only. And no one will see as this place is only for couples

Avni looked at him and then looked around and then noticed that only couples were sitting. Avni turned back to him.

Avni: But................. no............

Aditya: Avni................ relax........... and u have to try this............... this is their special shake......................

Avni looked at Aditya and then finally agreed.

They both drank from their straws at the same time.

End of flashback


Avni looked at the glass frozen while Neil looked at her.

Neil called out her name several times but she was lost. He snapped his fingers in front of her face.

Avni then came back to sense and looked at him.

Neil: What happen avni

Neil asked completely confused while Avni only looked at him.

Avni looked at him as tears formed in her eyes, she shook her head, then got up from her place and ran away.

Neil: Avni................. avni

Avni did not stop and left while Neil looked on completely confused.


Other side Aditya was in the office, in his cabin.

Aditya was sitting on his chair while dd stood on his side.

Mr oberoi and one more person were sitting in front of him while their assistant stood beside them.

Mr. Oberoi: So mr khanna, if you agree for this deal then both the companies will earn a profit of 200 cores

Mr oberoi continued to talk about the deal but Aditya was paying attention to none.

Mr. Oberoi: And your father is looking forward to this deal but we want you to agree as 85% of the work is under you, and this deal will earn a huge profit. So shall we lock the deal

Mr oberoi said extending his hand for a handshake.

But Aditya was lost, mr oberoi looked at him.

Mr oberoi: Mr khanna

Aditya then came to sense and sighed, and then shook hands.

Aditya: Yes.................. prepare the papers............. we will meet in the conference room

Mr oberoi nodded and dd guided them out.

Aditya sat back on his chair and rested his head on the chair looking up.

He closed his eyes then opened them. He then took out his phone from his pocket.

He went to the image folder and clicked on Avni's picture.

He looked at the image and caressed it as tears formed in his eyes.

He then looked the other side preventing the tears from falling.


Avni was in the room, she was standing in front of the window, folding her arms.

Tears were rolling down her cheek as she looked outside the window.

Avni's POV

I am sorry aditya. I know you loved me a lot but.................. i was not the right person for you.................

I realised it very late............... when i was craving for love, u confessed your love for me, i felt wanted, i felt loved................. and i misunderstood my liking for you with love................. i am sorry................

I was behind you so that, i could make you smile but now i have hurt you so much................. i am sorry...............

Neil is trying so much to improve everything but i................ i am not even able to talk..................

I always end up hurting people first maa, then aditya, now neil....................

I never wanted all this to happen never............... i feel so guilty...............

End of POV

Avni kept crying, she placed her hand on her mouth.

But she stopped as she heard the door open.

Neil had entered the room, he looked at Avni while she had her back towards him.

Neil: Avni

Neil said softly, while she closed her eyes hearing his voice.

She quickly rubbed her tears and turned to him but did not look at him.

Neil: Avni

He looked at her confused but she did not make eye contact.

Neil: Avni................. r u fine...............

Avni nodded her head but did not look at him.

Neil: Why did you run away

Avni: No................ nothing............

Neil looked at her confused but then sighed.

Neil: Avni i know................. all this.............. mom forcefully send us.............. u did not even wanted to come................. i know u r upset but avni.................. can we pls try atleast

Neil said softly while Avni still did not look at him.

Neil: Avni i know u need space...........

Neil said Avni still did not look at him. Neil looked at her then sighed and left sadly.

After Neil left the room, Avni looked up as more tears fell from her eyes.


Other side Aditya, mr oberoi, the other person, their assistant, dd, and a few more people were in the conference room.

As one person was explaining on the projector all were looking at the screen.

Aditya too was looking but wasn't paying much attention.

After the presentation ended, mr oberoi turned to Aditya.

Mr oberoi: Great mr khanna................. lets sign the papers then 

Aditya nodded and both Mr oberoi and Aditya signed. They then shook hands.

Mr oberoi: This deal will earn a huge profit

Mr oberoi said and left and then after they left Aditya sighed. He sat back on chair sadly.


The next day Avni was standing in front of the dressing table sadly.

She was brushing her hair but was lost in her thoughts.

That's when Neil entered, she saw him through the window and both looked at each other.

Then Neil cleared his throat and Avni too looked here and there.

Neil: Avni

Avni slowly turned back and looked at him.

Neil looked at her he was little nervous.

Neil: Avni................. can we go for................. for a drive

Avni looked at Neil while he was little nervous.

Avni kept looking at him then looked down, and Neil thought the answer is negative and looked down sadly.

Avni then looked at Neil who was sadly looking down, she too felt sad.

Avni: Fine

Neil looked up surprised and shocked.

Neil: Fine?

Avni: Yes.................

Neil: I will wait outside

Neil said and left smiling brightly, Avni too smiled seeing him smiling.


Neil and Avni both were in the car while Neil drove Avni sat beside him.

Avni was looking outside feeling the cold wind, while Neil looked at her now and then and smiled.

Then Neil stopped the car in front of a huge tree. It was green everywhere.

Neil got down while Avni looked on confused.

Neil: Avni come

Avni: Here

Neil smiled while Avni too got down confused.

Avni: Here

Neil: Yes................ this place is amazing.............. feel the wind

Neil said closing his eyes and opening his arms.

Avni looked at him and smiled. The place was truly cold, as cold wind blew.

Suddenly the weather became cloudy and after sometime it started pouring lightly.

Avni and Neil looked at the sky but then suddenly there was a loud thunder.

As soon as Avni heard the thunder she got scared and hugged Neil. He got surprised.

Khamoshiyan aawaaz hain
Tum sun'ne to aao kabhi
Chhukar tumhe khill jaayengi
Ghar inko bulaao kabhi

Avni closed her eyes and hugged Neil while he looked on.

Beqarar hain baat karne ko
Kehne do inko zaraa

After sometime Avni opened her eyes and realised she was hugging him. Both shared an eyelock.

Khamoshiyan. Teri meri khamoshiyan
Khamoshiyan. Lipti hui khamoshiyan

Avni then quickly left Neil and both looked right and left.

After sometime it got awkward so Neil spoke.

Neil: Lets............ go

Avni nodded without looking and both got in the car, as it poured lightly.

None spoke as Avni was looking out from the window, lost in her thoughts and Neil was driving.


Avni and Neil both were in the room, after returning Avni did not speak a word.

While Avni went to the bathroom avoiding looking at Neil.

Neil was sitting on the sofa reading a magazine.

Avni entered the bathroom and locked the door, after that she splashed a lot of water on her face, as she looked at herself on the mirror, tears kept rolling down her cheeks.

Avni: I cannot continue this way anymore................. i cannot............... i have hurt aditya so much.................. i feel like i committed a crime................ i am sorry aditya................ but.................. the reason for which i broke your heart, i am hurting that person too.................... i feel so guilty............... i want to tell neil everything but.............. how will he react, he will break down

Avni said sobbing as she looked down.

Avni: His family, i love them very much, shewta maa, prakash papa reminds me of papa................... they will hate me too................ and maa she will be broken............... i have hurt everyone............... but i never wanted to.............. never

Avni cried a lot as she shut her eyes as tears kept rolling down her cheeks.


Other side Neil was in the room reading a magazine, when his phone rang.

Neil placed the magazine on the sofa and went to the table where the phone was kept.

He picked it up and saw the caller was shewta.

Neil: Yes mom

Shewta: Neil

Neil: What happen mom

Shewta sounded tensed and Neil's expression changed into a shocked one.

The call cut and Neil slowly placed the phone on the table, shocked.


Avni was still sobbing but then she splashed a lot of water on her face and looked at herself on the mirror.

Avni: But i will not continue this way anymore................ now i will tell everything to neil................. neil i know u will be broken but................. now i will tell u everything...............

Avni looked at herself on the mirror, she rubbed her face with the towel and closed her eyes and opened them.


Avni locked the door and turned to where Neil was standing, he had his back towards her.

Avni: Neil.............. i have to tell u something.............

Avni said and clenched the towel tightly, she sighed.

Avni: Neil................ i cannot stay this way anymore.................. i have to tell u something.................... Neil

Avni called Neil's name as he did not turn.

After sometime Neil turned back facing her, he was still shocked as he looked at her.

Avni got little confuse seeing his expression.

Avni: Neil.............. r u fine..........

Avni asked Neil while confused and worried, as he was looking at her with a shocked face.

Neil: Avni.................

Avni: What happen neil...............

Neil: Avni.............. Neela maa

The towel from Avni's hand fell on the ground, as she looked at him shocked.


It was city hospital, shewta was standing in front of the operation theathre.

She was worried and was clenching her phone. She then dialled a number.


Aditya was in his office cabin, in his chair, going through some files.

Suddenly his phone started ringing.

Aditya picked up the phone and saw the caller was Shewta.

Aditya: Yes mom

Aditya said disinterested but as soon as he heard her, he got shocked.


Avni and Neil reached city hospital. Avni was crying all the way.

As Neil stopped the car, Avni immediately got out and ran inside crying.

She came running and then saw Shewta standing at a distance. She ran to her crying.

Avni: Shewta maa.............. maa.............. how is maa................ where is she................

Avni asked crying as shewta looked at her.

Shewta: She is in operation theathre

Avni looked at the OT door and cried even more.

Neil reached there as Avni kept crying.

Then a nurse came out and Avni stopped her.

Avni: Nurse, nurse................. how is maa.............

Nurse: Her condition is critical, we need more blood

The nurse said and ran towards the blood bank.

Avni only stood there shocked, tears rolling down her cheeks.

After sometime a woman came, she had bandage around her head and hand.

Woman: Avni

The woman said, Avni turned and saw her standing.

Avni: Geeta aunty

The woman was Geeta who works with Neela in the same NGO.

Geeta: Avni................ all this................ there was short circuit in our NGO and fire broke out.................. we all managed to escape with minor injuries except neela ji and Arun................. neela ji too had come out but, two small kids were stuck inside............... she went back to rescue them............... she bought them out but................ before she could come out................

Geeta could not continue as her eyes got teary.

Avni was standing there with tears continuously falling down her eyes.

Geeta: Fire bridged reached but............ it was too late.............. neela ji and arun.............

Then one nurse came searching for Geeta.

Nurse: Are u mrs geeta, doctor is calling you

Geeta left and Avni fell down on her knees.

Avni: Maa............... maa.............

Neil came to Avni and helped her get up.

He took her near the bench and made her sit.

He sat beside her while she kept crying.

Neil: Avni................

Avni looked at Neil and put her head on his chest crying loudly.

Neil only looked at her sadly.


Aditya too reached hospital and walked in.

He saw shewta standing and went to her.

Aditya: Mom

Shewta looked at him, while he too was shocked.

Aditya: Where is she

Shewta: Operation is going on

Shewta said and Aditya looked on sadly. After sometime Aditya asked shewta.

Aditya: Mom, where is avni

Shewta: There

Aditya slowly walked up to the direction shewta told.

As he reached he saw Avni hugging Neil and crying.

They did not see him but Aditya saw them, he looked at them, mostly Avni for sometime, then turned and left sadly.


They were standing in front of the OT when a nurse came.

Nurse: Who is with neela mehta, one form is to be filled up

Shewta: Aditya u go

Aditya nodded and left while Avni was still crying.

After sometime the doctor came out and Avni rushed to him.

Avni: Doctor how is maa

Doctor: Operation is successful...............  but...............

Avni: But..............

Doctor: She has slipped into coma...............

As soon as Avni heard this she was beyond shock, she only looked at the doctor.

Avni: What ..................

Doctor: She inhaled a lot of smoke also her head got heavily injured, we will shift her to ICU, but can't say when she will wake up...............

The doctor left, but all this words were pricking Avni's heart.

She only stood in her place frozen with tears continuously falling from her eyes. Her eyes were red.

Avni got flashes of her moments with Neela while the doctor's words echoed in her ears.

Avni: Maa............... maa................

Avni said and fell on her knees crying loudly.

Neil came and held her as she was crying and crying.

Avni kept crying as Neil held her by her shoulders.


This was chapter thirty three.

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