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Suddenly someone banged on door trying to break it.

"Ugh..ho... Need to go darlings meet you next time"said mischievous man.

The door opened and the red eyed man pushed Tara and Zara towards the door causing them to fall and vanished from the place.

Before falling two arms warped both of them before hitting the ground.

Tara and Zara looked at the person who held them in his arms.

Both got shocked and surprised to see him and shouted "you?!!!"

Neil said his weird feeling to Avni and she said nothing will happen.

Avni thought to tell the good news to Zara and Tara. So they went to their class.

There they saw the scene of a guy holding Zara and Tara in his hands and facing in opposite side.

The guy made both of them stand straight. Avni recognised him and straightly gone towards him and hugged him from back saying "missed you so much Aarav bro". " Missed you too so much " he said looking both Avni and Zara.

But Zara didn't give any expression much to his surprise little he know was something unpleasant thing happened.

"Hey man! long time no see ..." Neil hugged him after Avni.

Zara and Tara didn't get out from their shocks and their face were fully sweated. Neil found it and "anything wrong princess" asked them.

They didn't answer anything and Aarav spoke "actually, I thought to give surprise you all , so I came without informing but when I came here I heard them shout and rushed to them, dont know what happened" he said in a panicked tone and being disappointed that he couldn't give surprise.

"What happened? " Asked Avni and went to both of them held and make them sit. Neil brought water so that they can calm and relax. He was too panicked seeing them like that.

Both didn't utter anything and stayed silent.

Then slowly Tara said what happened the moment before Aarav's arrival. Avni was lost all the while went Tara said about the incident and she tried to find something from it but couldn't... finally her reverie were broke by Neil and Aarav.

Aarav and Neil got angry to hell and wanted to find that man and kill them but somehow Avni calmed both of them.

Then Zara and Tara stopped them saying they are fine and they dont want anyone to know about it.

Avni asked them to stay strong " we should never fall weak so that someone can take advantage of us." She said making them agree to find the culprit who want to get near to them.

"Lets go to home, its too much for a day, let's get some rest"Aarav said and held Zara. Avni and Neil slightly know that they both have feeling for each other but they didn't ask them anything leaving it to themselves.

They reached Neil's home and all went inside. Swetha saw Aarav " what a pleasant surprise.. when did you return Aarav?" She came and welcomed him and others.

"Just now I came maa" Aarav said. Aarav also call Swetha as maa because they all are close to each other.

By the time Avni and Neil took both Tara and Zara to their room. As they dont want Swetha to about the things happened in college.

Aarav too went to see Zara and Tara after speaking with Swetha.

Tara slightly got hurt when she moved inside the room absent-mindedly... All four came to her immediately and Avni scolded her for her carelessness... Neil took her and placed her on the bed...

Neil asked her to be careful. "I will take care of her Bhai... You all go and take some rest" a small voice came from Zara. Finally she spoke and came out from her frozen zone.

Zara tried to get back to her normal mode and struggled to showcase it finally tears flowed out from her eyes. All gathered near her asking her to calm down.

Aarav and Neil sat on the sofa either side which was placed near the bed holding her both hand and saying her not to cry. Avni went to bring water. Tara was lying on bed simply dont know what to do and her leg was also paining a little.

Neil and Aarav couldn't able to stop her crying. Finally Avni came and gave a big lecture to stay strong. Zara became silent so as the room. No one doesn't know what to speak so to change the environment, "you both are selected for the project which is at National level" Avni announced.

"Really!, thats awesome" Tara tried to sound like surprised....

"Do you both trust your brother or not?" Neil asked at his twin sisters...

"Yes bhai" said Zara in murmur.

" Then smile please... I will take care of every thing, I wont let that damn it to come near you... I promise... Its your brother's promise" Neil said keeping Zara's hand in between his hands promisingly.

They both smiled a little and calmed down.

"You dont worry Zara, I wont leave that rascal that easily... I will show him who he have dashed with" He said seriously.

"You not ... we" Neil said and hi fived Aarav.

Zara and Tara smiled...

"So what about the project? Are we in the project, seriously?" Tara asked curiously.

"Yes Ofcourse babe" Avni winked

Aarav got a call and he left saying best of luck to all for the project and left.

Neil called Ali, Ria and Sha to tree house in the evening.

Avni asked both of them to take rest and moved with Neil to his room.

"Avni " Neil said nervously" I dont know what to do but if I saw that man then that will be his end." Neil said in anger.

"Tillu calm down for now the thing is we should find who it is and I feel somewhere the same incident happened" Avni tried to remember what she has forgot...

"What?! Is this incident happened before too" he asked not getting any clue of what is happening...

"I think you, me and bro should have a discussion" Avni said in conclusion.

"Yup.. I too thought that... Now this project also there and we should focus it.... Avi, actually you concentrate on project and I'll find the culprit... You dont involve in these things... Its not safe" concerned Neil said.

"What are you saying Tillu? I can manage both. They are like my sisters too so I cant leave the culprit just like that... So I will also help to find the culprit" Avni said sternly...

"Avi..." Neil was cut by Avni... "No Tillu not anymore, now lets concentrate on project as Ali,Ria and Sha would have came by now and we will tell them afterwards as if we say now they may get distracted and at midnight bro, you and me have the discussion" Avni said in a go...

"Now go and call your princesses to the tree house" Avni said and moved to tree house.

@ Tree house:

Everyone gathered in tree house...

"Why did you guys came without saying to us?" Ali asks concerned.

All became silent for few seconds...

"Actually Ali lets discuss it later and now our focus is on project ... Principal said that we need to do another creative project as the robot project is taken as sample model for state level and for National level we need to give more creative model than the present model" Avni said the matter to all...

"Ok so what we are going to do?" Ria asked ....

" Hey for that only we are here" Sha the great monkey peeped in...

Neil rolled his eyes not able to here Sha's blabbering....

"Guys concentrate" Avni sounded serious..." Now 7 members are there in our gang, our team is big , our goal is big and..."

"Management expectation is also big" Neil finished the sentence of Avni.

Avni glared at Neil and nodded her head... All started to think for the project...

They were discussing for the project and it became late so all returned to their homes.

At night

Avni, Neil and Aarav met in tree house for the planning.

Avni was trying to figure out something related to the incident and Neil and Aarav were very angry and shouting about what to do...

Suddenly something striked in Avni's mind....


Finally updated the chapter...

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