Avni's Destiny

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Avni had lost everything: her home, her family, her friends and her love.   She lost the custody case to Neil.    Mowgli had moved into the Khanna household.  Kamini Kapoor had tried her best to defeat Avni, but lost.  She had tried a few underhanded deals for Avni to lose the orphanage but was defeated.    Avni had realized that for everyone betterment it would be better if she had left.    Mowgli was well situated.  Neil and the family adored him,  she needed to think what is better for her child and the orphanage.      She realized that she had made a big mistake, an unforgivable mistake.  The family was angry at her, they would never forgive her.  Neil's wedding was delayed til all this was figured out.   She figured if she left, everything would get back to normal.    The orphanage wouldn't be targeted.  Mowgli would be safe and happy.  And Neil will move on.

She had asked Mitali to meet her at the Khanna house so she could meet Mowgli for the last time.

"Avni, what do you mean the last time" asked Mitali

"Mitali, I am leaving.  I want to see my son before I leave." responded Avni.

"Where are you going?"  asked Mitali

"Mitali, I don't know.  I just know that I need to leave. But before I go, I want to see Mowgli but I don't want to wait for the courts to give me permission.  That is why I am asking you to meet me there.  I won't go inside their home but I would like to see my son in the courtyard one last time. Please"  pleaded Avni.

"OK.  I will meet you there.  I will inform Neil that we will be there."  said Mitali.

"Can you make sure that Papaji is there.  I would like to meet with him too"

"Will do." stated Mitali.

Avni gathered everything she needed and headed towards the Khanna House.   She waited till Mitali arrived.  Mitali brought Prakash and Mowgli out to the lawn.

"Papaji.  I am so sorry.  Cause of me, everything is going downhill."  said Avni

"No, Avni Beta, it's not you.  It is the situation.   Let's wait it out, by then calmer heads will prevail" said Prakash.

"Actually, Papaji.  I came to give you a few things, and to say goodbye."  replied Avni

"Goodbye?  Where are you going?"  asked Prakash

"Actually Papaji.  I don't know.   I have handed the responsibility of the orphanage to Sunehri.  Can you help her if she needs."

"Sure Beta.  When will you be coming back?" asked Prakash

"I don't think I will.   I am tired of fighting, Papaji.  Do you know I have been fighting since I was a child.   I used to fight with my Ayesha Ma regarding my father.   Then I was fighting with society was I was illegitimate.  My grandmother tried to kill me multiple times.  My brother tried to sell me.  My Neela Ma was constant. Neil and this family was my support.   But where am I now: my Ayesha Ma and Ashish Papa are dead, my grandmother is dead, my brother is dead, my Neela Ma is dead and my support is no longer there.    I don't my bad omen to touch my son."

"Avni, how could you say that!  You are not a bad omen."

"Papaji.  Please.  I have a few things to give you."  Avni grabbed the box that was behind her and said, "Papaji.  This box has everything of importance to me.  Please give it to Mowgli when the time is right.  It has my truth.   I don't want Mowgli to feel ashamed of his mother.   I want him to know that I love him very much.  I would do anything to keep him happy.   And his happiness lives in his father."  said Avni

"I don't understand, Avni?  What are you trying to say."

Avni gave Prakash a few files."Papaji.  These files are for you.   The red file is the Divorce papers that Neil wanted me to sign.  I have signed them.  Please give them to Neil.  The yellow file is Mowgli's birth certificate.   Mowgli name is "Aryan Neil Prakash Khanna. " The blue file is Mowgli's birthright.  I have also issued a power of attorney till his is of age.  The power of attorney is for you and Neil jointly.  Pariek Industries will be his when he comes to age, but til then, you and Neil can handle it."

"But Avni.."

"Papaji, please don't refuse.  I have lost everything.  I don't want him to hate me.   I know I have no right to ask but please.  Mowgli should never feel that his mother didn't love him."

"Ok, beta.  But please let me know where you will be.  You need to keep in touch with me."

'That will be impossible Papaji cause where I am going nobody comes back from there' thought Avni.

"Mowgli Beta, come here."

"Yes Mumma."

As Avni and Mowgli sat on the bench in the courtyard, she didn't realize that the rest of the family was watching from the windows.  Mitali was also in the courtyard with a puzzled look on her face, same as Prakash.

"Mowgli, you know you are very lucky" said Avni


"Yes, lucky.  You will have two mummas like I did.  My Ayesha Ma died when I was young.   Neela Ma became my second Mumma.   Whereas, I am your mumma but Mitali will become your second Mumma.   Always love her.    Listen to your Papa.  Always know that I love you the best.  You are the best thing that came into my life.   You are both your Papa and me in you."

"Mumma, why are you saying that?"

"Cause beta, I am going far away."

"Where are you going?  I want to come!"

"No Mowgli.  You know how you now have a family: a Papa, Dadu, Dadi, Badi Dadi and soon a new Mumma.  Well, I am going to see my family: My mummas, papa and my brother."

"I will come with you."

"No Mowgli.  Only Mumma.  They are very angry with Mumma.  They left Mumma alone.  But now I will make it better.  But I need you to help me.   Be a good boy for your Papa.  Never leave Papa.    I have given Dadu some things for when you are older but promise me that you will never ask for me.  It will only hurt Papa and the rest of the family."

Mowgli ran inside, while Avni with a shakey smile left the Khanna house without saying anything to the rest of the family.  Neil, Bebe and Shweta questioned Prakash regarding Avni.  Prakash mentioned that Avni was planning to leave the city.   This city had taken alot away from her.

"But Uncle, something is wrong.  We are missing something."

Just then, DD had appeared at the door, looking very solem.   "Sir, Ma'am.  I have some news.  I have been trying to get a hold of Avni Bh--, I mean, Ms. Avni, but she seems unreachable.   We were going thru Vidyuts' effects, we were able to locate a locker which had a few things, one which was a pen drive.  I found out why Ms. Avni left the family 10 years ago.   She left to protect Prakash Uncle."

"What do you mean, DD?

"Vidyut had drugged Prakash Uncle and had him shoot you, but Neela Auntie sacrificed her life to save yours.  Vidyut had made a video and was blackmailing Ms. Avni into marrying him but Ms. Avni sacrificed her happy life so Prakash Uncle wouldn't go to jail."

"What?  I killed Neela ji.   I am the reason for Avni's state."  said a shocked Prakash.

"What?  Avni was protecting us and all we did was hurl abuses at her?"  whispered Shweta.

"No, no" whispered Neil

"DD!  Try to track Avni's phone.  I think she is gonna try something?   Hurry!!"  said Mitali

"What do you mean Mitali?"  asked Neil

"Neil, she signed the divorce papers, she lost custody of Mowgli, she signed over the orphanage to Sunehri, she given the power of attorney to you and your dad.  She cleaned up loose ends.  She has nothing to lose now"  said Mitali

"But Auntie, Mumma is going to see my Nanis.  She said they were mad at her and left her alone, but she was going to visit them, and bring them back so I can meet them.   She said I have two nanis, a nanu and a mama.   They all live far away, so she would have to go to them."  said Mowgli.

"NO!  Avni can't do this to me again!  DD, did you track Avni's phone."

"Got it.    She is heading towards Lovers' End."  said DD

"Let's go.  Before she does something"  as Neil ran towards his jeep.

As Neil and DD left to find Avni, Mitali stayed behind to keep the Khannas company.   She took off her engagement ring off and handed it to Shweta.  

"Auntie, this doesn't belong to me.  Neil was always Avni's, never my love.  He rushed into this engagement as he was hurt and wanted to hurt Avni.  I was hoping that he loved me as I loved him."

"Sorry, Beta.  I pushed Neil cause I thought he was over Avni."

"Don't worry.  Neil will find Avni in time and he will bring her home.  Uncle" as she walked over to Prakash as he was still in shock that he had killed Neela. "Uncle, please, tell me about what you remember from the day that Neela ji died.

Neil and DD rushed to the cliff where Avni was heading.   "DD, I hurt her so bad, and she was protecting Papa.  She will never forgive me.  I took Mowgli away from her cause I was so angry with her.  She wouldn't tell me anything."

"But sir, Ms Avni, has always been like that.  She will go to the end of the earth to protect someone she loves.  And she loves you and the family.   And considering her childhood, it no wonder she keeps things to herself.   She had a rough childhood and her life as an adult has been one drama after another.  I am surprised that a person who has lived a awful life can be so nice and wonderful."

"I know DD."  he glanced out the window.

"Look DD, there she is.  Stop the car."  The jeep had barely stopped before Neil jumped out, and ran towards Avni.  Avni was standing on the outside of the barrier.    If she fell, she would fall straight into the river.   Neil slowed down as he got closer to Avni, he didn't want to make any moves that would make her fall.

"Ma, Mumma.  I am coming.  I want to sleep in your laps and arms.  Your daughter is so tired of fighting.   Everyone and everything is taken care of.   Now, I want to come home.  Home to you."  as she went to jump, and at the last minute, she felt herself dangling from the edge with Neil and DD holding on to her arms.

"Let me go!!!  DD, let me go now!  Otherwise I will beat you!" said a struggling Avni.

Neil and DD ignored her, and slowly pulled her struggling body over the barrier.  Once safely on the right side of the barrier, Neil grabbed DD's handcuffs, and cuffed Avni to himself.

"How dare you!  Release me!  DD, let me go now!" yelled Avni

"Shut up!" yelled Neil.

"DD, let's go home.  We will discuss everything at home"  stated Neil

"I am not going anywhere with you.  Now let me go." 

"Sorry, Ms. Avni.  Either I take you with us or I will have to arrest you"

Avni became quiet.  She didn't say a word.  Both Neil and DD asked her if she was okay.  She didn't respond to either.   Neil received a text from Kareena letting him know that she had taken Mowgli out for abit.

They arrived back at the Khanna house.  As they entered the house, they noticed that a doctor was checking on Prakash.  As Avni saw that, she ran towards Prakash and was dragging Neil with her.  

"Papaji.  What happened?  Are you okay?"

"I am okay.  My BP just was high.  It will be okay.  But Beta, why?  Why did you not tell me about Neela ji's murder. "

"Why should I, Papaji?"  asked Avni.   "I have dealt with the issue my way,  I rather have a family that hates me, than have my father wallow in guilt for a crime did not do.  It was my choice.  Now, if that is all, I will leave as soon as DD takes off these handcuffs."

"Um" stammered DD

"Avni Beta, I am sorry..." started Shweta

"Why are you sorry.  I have made mistakes. I have paid for them.  I have paid for them even when I have not made them.   I would like to leave now" stated Avni

"No!  I will not let you leave!" yelled Neil

"Who are you to stop me?" yelled Avni

"Your husband!"  yelled Neil

"I think you are confused.  We are divorced.  You are going to get married to Mitali.  We have no relationship.  The only connection we have is of strangers."

"We are still married.  The papers haven't been submitted.  You are still the Khanna's daughter in law.  You are Mowgli's mother."

"I have made my peace with that.  We are divorcing.  Khanna's will have a new daughter in law.  Mowgli will have a new mother.  He will forget me.  It will be for the best."

"Excuse me, Avni, you can not leave.  You have been remanded into the Khanna's custody.  The courts think you will be a flight risk."  interjected Mitali

"What?  HOW DARE YOU?" yelled Avni, punching Neil.   She kept on punching him, and he took it.  "You are starting your new life, but you won't let me be free.  Everything is finish.   I lost everything and you still keep on punishing me.  You have been doing that since the day I met you!  I hate you" yelled Avni.

"Calm down, Avni."  stated Prakash.  "We all need to talk, but not now.   Everyone needs to calm down and we will talk about everything tomorrow morning.  Until then everyone will stay here.  Kareena will be back with Mowgli in about an hour, I would like everyone to behave themselves.  I don't want Mowgli to see the scene that everyone was subjected to."

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