Fighting for Avni

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Neil was packing his bags, with his mother and father trying to talk him out of it.  DD was just watching the proceedings without saying anything.

DD received a call from Sunehri.   DD trying to answer the call, accidental put in on speaker.

"Why couldn't you guys just stay away from us!  You guys destroyed our world. Are you happy now?   Just do us one favor:   I need you to take Mowgli to Neil Sir" cried Sunehri.

"Why?" asked DD

"Cause you guys messed everything up.  Avni was trying to protect the Khanna family, Mishty and herself.  Instead you guys show up after all these years, and within a few days, everything gone to hell.  Vidyut has kidnapped Avni and Mishty.    Avni had said if anything ever happened to her to bring Mowgli to Neil.  Mowgli is Avni and Neil's son.    Tara is bring him over to Neil's place just be there!"  yelled Sunehri

Neil grabbed the phone and yelled "Sunehri?"

"Neil? Oh no?" whispered Sunehri

"Sunehri, what is going on? What do you know about Vidyut?  I want to know what's going on!  Right from the beginning.   Meanwhile DD will track both Mishty's and Avni's phones."

"Fine!  You know that Neela Ma was murdered during Avni's welcome back party.  What you don't know is that Vidyut murdered her through Prakash Khanna, your father.  If you remembered that you found your father unconcious when the lights came back on, what you don't know is that he was drugged and Vidyut was aiming for you and Neela Ma got in the way.  She sacrificed her life for yours, and when Avni found out she decided that Vidyut is hurting the family because of her, she decided to take herself out of the equation.   She knew even if Vidyut went to jail, he wasn't gonna stay there long.  The justice system is very corrupt, even if he was charged and sentenced for her murder, how long would he stay there?  Vidyut stayed in jail for 5 years.   I bet you didn't know that he was out and back to his old tricks.   Avni may have faked her death, but that was the only way she could think of saving this family.   Prakash Sir, was the only man that was there for her from the start.  He never hurt her, he was the only one that was one her side from the start.    So how could she destroy this family.  She rather that she have her family mourn her or hate her then have this family broken up.     But congratulations, you broke her. You brought your past in your lives, and she trusted you.  Juhi gets murdered and you send her to jail.   She almost gets murdered in jail, and she still trusted you.  She kept you safe for ten years yet she is at fault.  She may have taken the wrong route but she was trying her best.    You show in up our lives, and Vidyut found out about her!" yelled Sunehri.

Neil fell backwards toward the bed, "Why, Avni, why?" whispered Neil. "I told her that I hated her"

"Mowgli doesn't know that you and Avni are his parents.  Avni wanted to save him from having a bad omen as a mother.  Her wish is that he be never told that she is his mother.  She doesn't want him to be ashamed of her as he grows up."

"What?" questioned a shocked Neil.

"Neil Sir, Mishty's phone has been located at the old abandoned warehouse near the edge of town." interrupted DD.

"Let's go! DD"  Neil spoke to DD, and went back to the phone.

"Sunehri, you come here with the kids and Sitara.    I need you to be protected.  My parents will be here with some guards" stated Neil

"But Neil Sir, I am coming" said Sunehri

"No Sunehri!!  I need you to come here.   We need to get Avni and Mishty out safely." stated Neil as he walked out the door, with DD following him.  "DD,  get your contacts to find out how Vidyut found out that Avni and Mishty are alive."

A couple of hours later, everyone was gathered at the hospital, Mishty had some minor cuts but Avni was fighting for her life.  She was beaten very badly, and the doctors were not optomistic.  The doctors had said that if she pulls through the next 24 hours, they would have a better idea of her injuries.   The only good news to come out was that Vidyut was killed in the encounter along with some of his men and the remaining were arrested.

Neil sat outside of Avni's door with Mowgli in his arms.  

"Tiger, I found some news."

"What news Superman?"

"Your mother, Avni.  She is a brave, beautiful woman.  She hid you to protect you.  In truth, she is Superwoman. "

"I have a mom?"

"Yes.  You have a mom, dad, grandparents.  Do you want to meet them."

"Yes Superman.  I want to meet my mom, dad, everyone"

"Well, your mom is hurt right now.  But she will get better.  Then we will take her home with us.  Your dad's name is Neil Khanna."

"That's your name!"

"Yes, I am your dad.  And your mom is Avni Neil Khanna."

"Who is she?"

"She is also known as your Jaan Di or Neelanjana."

"Jaan Didi is my mom.  But why didn't she tell me?"

"Cause there was a man, he was a monster, he was after your mom.  Even though she was married to me, he tried to get her married to him.  He killed your nani.  He hurt her so much.  Your mum loves us very much.   She would do anything to protect us.  And that is what she did.  Your other grandparents which are my parents have been waiting a long time to meet you.  Do you want to meet them now?"

"Yes, but Mumma will be okay.  She will get better right?"

"Yes, Tiger.  She will get better.   She is a fighter.  Now your granddad is that man over there and your grandma is this lady right here.

"Oh, my Pillu.  My tillu ka pillu.   Listen dear, I am a grandmother and you are a grandfather!" said an excited Shweta.

"Bebe will be so excited to find out about Avni and Mowgli."

"Actually, my name is Aryan Neil.  But everyone calls me Mowgli."

"Aryan Neil Khanna" said Neil.

  "Mowgli beta, come with me.  Let's get you something to eat."  said Prakash

"Ok.  Sayesha, do want to come with us" asked Mowgli

"No, Mowgli.  I want to talk to Neil Sir."

"Ok.  See ya later"   Mowgli left with Prakash and Shweta.

"This is all my fault, Sir." said Sayesha.

"This isn't your fault.  And why are you calling me Sir."

"No.  It is my fault.  I was angry at Jaan Didi.   She had refused the marriage proposal from KK's family.    I yelled at her.    I wanted her to just go away.   I didn't even realized when those goons came and grabbed us.   Then Vidyut came, he called her Avni.    He was so angry at her.    He beat her up so bad, then had his men beat her.   I couldn't even do anything.    He told me that I was his daughter.   Jaan didi yelled at him saying that he was just a sperm donor.  He didn't  know how to be a father, cause he killed his own father.    She said that Neil Khanna was more of a father in the year I spent with you than all the time I had spent with Vidyut.  If she had a choice, she would have left me with you, but I had to be stubborn that day. " said Mishty

"Mishty, you were a child.  You didn't know what Vidyut was capable of. Don't worry about Avni.   Avni is a strong lady, she will come out of this with flying colors.  She is Neil Khanna's wife, she won't dare give up."  said Neil

"Thank you Sir"  said Mishty

"First of all, stop calling me Sir.   Since Avni is your Jaan Didi,  you may call me Jiju like Aman does, or you used to call me Superman and Avni 'Angel' or just call me Neil is you are uncomfortable in calling me Jiju or Superman but don't call me Sir it reminds me of the time when Vidyut made you call him that.  


  "Listen, now there is no issue of hiding.   You will become Mishty again unless you rather be called Sayesha.   Avni will come back home with me and Mowgli.   I am going transfer Sukoon House back to Mumbai, with this house a place for all of us to visit.    I do agree with Avni that we want you to finish school and think about your career.   If your love is true,  you two will make it.  Just look at us,  Avni and I have gone through so much, our love has stayed constant.   She is the only one that I am afraid for and that I will get angry with at the same time.   Even now, I am so scared that I will lose her again, and this time forever yet I am so angry with her, that she took this risk, that we wasted so much time." said Neil

"Superman,  what if Jaan Didi..I mean Avni Didi, decides to stay here-" started Mishty

"Mishty,  Avni stayed away from me, our family, and even our son for 10 years.  She is not gonna stay away any longer.   She has no choice.   Earlier she made the decision to save our family, and now I have made the decision to reunite our family.  We are a family, and we stick together.   We can deal with everything day by day but we have to work together.  Now let's see how long your Jaan Didi will sleep."  said Neil.

"Yes, Superman" as Mishty hugged Neil

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