Avni's Destiny vs Neil's Stubbornness (Part 2)

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"Fine!"  yelled Avni as she stomped to the sofa chair and sat down.   Neil had no choice, he either stood by the chair or had to sat on the arm of the chair.   Avni didn't say a word, Prakash and Shweta tried to talk to her about Neela ji's murder, but stated that she won't talk about that issue ever.   It was a closed issue, and there is no need to open up old wounds.

"No Avni.  We will talk and get to the bottom of this.  Why do you need to deal with everything yourself. "

"No!  I refuse to deal with anything with you.  I hate you!" stated Avni

"NO! You love me and I love you!" stated Neil as he pick her up in a bridal style.

Neil took Avni to his bedroom and unlock the cuffs only to lock the cuffs to the beam of the bed.  Neil wanted to say something to Avni but she refused to look at him.  

"Avni, please look at me.  Talk to me!  I know I had hurt you, that was never my intention.  Things just got out of hand."

"When can I go?" askedly Avni. 

"Avni, you can't leave, you have been remanded into our custody.   And I won't let you leave."  said Neil

"Why?  Why do I need to stay?   YOU are getting married in a few days.  I have been classed characterless by you.  You had Juhi, myself and now Mitali in your life.  And I was classed characterless by you,  your lawyer.   You were the only man in my life, I never even had a boyfriend yet I am characterless.   I want to leave.  I wouldn't want my characterless manner to affect anyone in the Khanna House."  yelled Avni

"Avni, please,  I am sorry.  So sorry for everything."  cried Neil

"It doesn't matter.  When can I leave?" asked Avni

"Why are you harping on leaving?  Why do you always try to leave me.  Ever since we have gotten married you try to leave me.  Well, guess what?  You are never leaving me!  You married me and you will stay married to me!" yelled Neil 

  "No!  You are getting married to Mitali.  You have moved on!  Let me live my life as I see fit!" yelled Avni

"No way in hell!  YOU tried to kill yourself!  If we didn't make it in time..." said Neil.   

"So it is my life.  Live or die, why do you care?  I don't need your pity."  said Avni

"Pity, you think all this is pity!  I love you, you stupid girl!  I loved you when we married and I love you now.  I can't live without you!  I refuse to live without you!  It's not pity!"

"Then why are you getting married to Mitali? You hate me and that's the truth!  I will leave as soon as I can"

"Like hell you are!  It is useless to talk to you! We will talk when you are calmer!" yelled Neil as he walked out the door.   What Neil didn't realize that Shweta had overheard their talk.  He just shook his head and said, "Mum, talk to her!  Either she stays with us and Mowgli or she goes to jail."   Neil left and Shweta went inside.   Her heart broke at the sight of Avni crying and handcuffed.

"Avni Beta," said Shweta

"Mummy ji, aap."  said a tearful Avni

"Avni, I am not here to take sides.   Neil is my son, and you are my daughter.  I had promised Neela ji that I would never let you feel the absense of a mother.  That I would be your mother, your Neela Ma.  I didn't fulfill that promise.   I was very angry that we missed 10 years of you and Mowgli.   We missed seeing you pregnant.  Hearing the first time that you were gonna be a mumma, Neil a papa.     I was very angry and I did take it out on you.  I am sorry.    Did you know that when I found out that you were alive the first thing I wanted to do was hug you."

"I am sorry Mummy ji.  I know it is my fault, but I didn't know how to figure out a way that would save everyone." cried Avni

"I know Beta, you were stuck.  But you must realized that the truth never stays hidden." said Shweta.

"But Mummy ji, it was for the betterment of the family, that I did what I had to.   I had no choice" cried Avni

"I know, Beta, but you do realize that you lost 10 years with Neil, with the family.   A family with Neil, that is why Neil is so angry.  He missed out on alot of things, things that he is trying to reclaim.   This whole custody case was his anger acting out.  This engagement with Mitali is another thing of his acting out.   He doesn't love Mitali.  He has always loved you.  Juhi was an infatuation.  You have always been Neil's love.  His one and only.  I am sorry.  I had encouraged Mitali to propose to Neil cause I wanted him to move on.  He had refused Mitali when she brought up the subject but he was so angry that you had lied to him, that he took the route that he knew would hurt you the most and he wanted to show you that he has moved on.  Neither of you have moved on.  You have made the orphanage your life, but you aren't living.  Neither has Neil, he has left the police force and become an RJ, but he isn't living.  Both of you, are doing the motions of living your life, but there is no passion, no emotion and no living.   You two are like living corpses.   I have spoken to Sunehri, and we both concur that when both of you are together, whether it is taking care of each other or fighting each other, there is passion.  Before you met each other, you were full of revenge and Neil was going thru the motions of life.   After he met you, he was a different person.  I thought that Riya was the reason for this change but it was you.  You and Neil bring the best in each other, but also the worst.   Bebe told me once that Neil had said the you are the only person that he ever gotten furious with, but also scared for.  He said that you would go to any lengths to save the people you love.  You would protect them without any thought of your own life.  He said that you are head strong, impulsive and you never listen to him, but those were the reasons that he fell in love with you.  I want you to think about what is important:  Mowgli.  Just Mowgli.  Don't think about ego, or what has been said.  Just think about the future.  What do you want your future to be like.   What is best for your family.  You, Neil and Mowgli.   Think calmly and rationally."

Meanwhile, Bebe and Neil were talking.   Bebe told him that Mitali had returned the ring and asked Prakash about the day of Neela's murder.

"He doesn't remember much from that day and what he remembers doesn't help."  said Bebe

"Bebe, that was expected.  Vidyut had drugged Papa.   We found him unconcious.   We should have looked into the situation at the time, but with Neela Ma dying and trying support Avni, that issue got ignored.   I should have looked into every detail of what happened, instead Avni paid the price." said Neil

"What are you planning to do now?" asked Bebe

"First of all, I am going to talk to Mitali and apologize to her.  I won't marry her.  I am going remarry Avni even if I have to force her.   I won't lose her a second time.   Bebe, do you know she jump off the cliff, if we didn't reach her in time..." cried Neil

"Tillu, you reached in time.  Keep faith in God."

"Bebe, this time, we will have a proper wedding with all the blessings.  I know that Avni is angry but I will fix this.  I will fix everything.   She will have her perfect family."

Shweta had come down the stairs and heard the last portion of the conversation.  "Neil, I spoke to Avni.    And I am going to tell you the same thing.  Think calmly, think about your future and what is important.  Mowgli."

"I agree with Shweta.    Mowgli is important.  His wishes.   Figure out a way that will keep everyone happy.   I don't want this house to become a war house with you two fighting and Mowgli being the prize.   I want both of you to talk calmly and figure out a way out of this situation." said Prakash.

"Papa, I have figured it out.  Avni and I will get married again.  With all the traditions and blessings.   I can't live without Avni.     And Avni still loves me.    There is no one to protect anymore so she doesn't need to stay away from her perfect family.    We will have our perfect family.  Bebe, Ma can you look after Mowgli when he comes home, I will be with Avni." stated Neil

Neil left the room and went upstairs to his room where Avni was locked up.   As he walked into the room he saw that Avni had fallen asleep.   He went and changed into his nightsuit.  He went to make Avni comfortable.  He unlocked the handcuffs from the beam and changed the hands.  He handcuffed himself to Avni so that she couldn't leave during the night.     During the night, Avni shifted and threw her leg over Neil while her hand had fisted his shirt.

Early morning, Neil woke up and noticed that Avni had her leg over him and fisted his shirt.  He smiled, and thought that she hasn't changed.  She still thought to have him close to her.  He moved her hair out of her face when he noticed that she was waking up. 

"Avni" said Neil

"Hmm" replied Avni.  She looked up in shock when she figured that Neil slept with her.  "Neil, you--"

"Avni, we need to talk.  Why don't you freshen up and we will go for a drive." said Neil as he unlocked the handcuffs.

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