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Neil won the case, he had Mowgli's custody.  But he wasn't happy.   His lawyer had completely destroyed Avni.   He call Avni a characterless, immoral, illegitimate person.  Why didn't he say anything before Avni disappeared.    He didn't know how he would find Avni, in which state.

Neil gave up, he couldn't find Avni anywhere.  He went to Sakoon House, he went to Ayesha Ma's grave, Nanno's house, the cliff, he even went to Avni's childhood home.  He told Tara and Sitara if they hear anything about Avni, to give him a call.   

He went home, only to find chaos,  Bebe and his mother were crying, his father in shock getting treated by a doctor along with Avni.  The doctor was doing the check up in one of the rooms, while Bebe and Shweta were cursing.  Mitali looked scared. 

"What's going on here?  Where's Mowgli?  What happened to Papa?"  asked Neil

"This is all our fault!" said Shweta

"Ma?" asked Neil

"Your Papa got a phone call from Avni, a few hours ago" started Shweta

"A few hours ago, why didn't anyone call me?" interrupted Neil.  

"Because your father didn't want you to know.  He wanted to help his daughter not destory her." stated Bebe

"Bebe, I am sorry.  What happened in court wasn't my fault.  I don't even why the lawyer went after Avni like that.  I didn't authorize that.  I was looking for Avni, to explain but I couldn't find her."

"You may have not authorized it but Mitali did.  Prakash found out from the lawyer that Mitali authorized him to go after Avni.  I had promised Avni that I would stand by her side as a shield but I never could because I always thought my Tillu could do no wrong.  I was wrong, I lost.  Now I have lost my son and my daughter in law is broken cause of you Tillu!" cried Bebe

"What do you mean Bebe?"

"I mean, that we found out why Avni hid 5 years ago.   When Neela ji was murdered, we made assumpations.   Five years ago, Neela ji was murdered by a drugged up Prakash.  Your Avni, hid herself from her family so her family could live in peace.   Vidyut drugged Prakash and got him to shoot at you, when Neela came in between and was shot.   Either way, Vidyut won and Neela died trying to protect you.  And what did we do, we cursed Avni, you divorced her, and took away her son.  And Mitali helped you destroy Avni.  Very good!"

"How?" Neil fell on the sofa in shock

"You forgot everything that Avni did: she saved your life not once but 3 times.  She was humilated by you multiple times and yet she always stayed by your side.   How many times did Mitali bring you back from Death?" asked Bebe as Shweta just cried.

"But Bebe-" said Mitali

"Don't ever call me Bebe.  You destroyed Avni cause you loved Neil.   You knew the truth.  Neil never loved you.  Instead of helping the situation, you got the lawyer to destroy Avni for your cause.  What did you think that Mowgli would appreciate you, would love you for destroying his mother."

"Bebe, I did what I had to do to win.  Avni was gonna win the case."

"Enough!  Mitali, you did wrong.  I was only marrying to prove to Avni that I was over her.  But what you did, not only destroyed her, it has destroyed our relationship.   I can't believe that you would even think of doing underhanded tricks to win.    I forgave you before cause I was angry at Avni but no longer.  If I can't trust you, how can I marry you.  As of now, I will not be associated with you.  You no longer my friend, and my fiancee."  

"Neil, just listen to me"

"Go away Mitali!" yelled Shweta.

Mitali left.  And Neil sat down with Shweta.  "What have I done?" whispered Neil

"Tillu, this is my fault.  I thought that you were over Avni, so I encouraged Mitali.  But believe me I didn't encourage her to do this."

"Ma, it's not your fault.  It is my fault" stated Neil

The doctor came out Prakash's and Avni's rooms.  Shweta and Bebe questioned the doctors.

"One at time, first let me tell you about the patients, then I will answer your questions.  First, Mr. Prakash Khanna, has received a major shock, he is fine whereas, Ms. Avni Ayesha, is suffering from shock, but her mental situation is not good.  We need to keep an eye on her.  I prefer her to be admitted, but Mr. Prakash Khanna, had refused that option, stating that his daughter will stay home.  He would take care of her." said the doctor

"Enough Doctor.  My daughter's condition is not be talked about with strangers?" yelled Prakash

"Strangers?  I thought that Ms. Avni is your daughter, meaning she is-" stammered the Doctor

"She is my daughter, but she is not related to them" stated Prakash

"Papa, Avni is my wife.  I have a right to know what's going on?" said Neil

"Wife?  I think you are mistaken.  My daughter has no husband." said Prakash

"Papa, please, don't do this to me.   I need to talk to Avni."

"Which Avni will you talk to?  Cause the one I just saw is broken beyond repair.  I don't know if she can even rise above this.   I told you to think before you did anything.  Did you, no you let your anger affect your actions.    You should have found out what made her run,  you could have talked to Vidyut before he died, cause no matter how much we hid, the truth does come out in the end, doesn't it?" said Prakash sadly

"Papa, I am sorry" said Neil

"Why are you sorry?  You should be the happiest out of all of us.  You are marrying Mitali, you have taken Mowgli from his mother, your revenge is complete."  said Prakash

"Papa, it isn't like that" cried Neil

"It is!  My daughter is a shell of her former self cause of you, the man she loved.  I killed her mother, though I was drugged, it was still my fault.    She has lost everything cause of the Khanna family.   This family that I was so proud of, has destroyed an innocent woman.    Did you know that she still had faith in you.  She said that you wouldn't try any dirty tricks to get Mowgli but what did you do?"

"But Papa, I didn't do it?"

"Mitali is your soon to be wife.    She should know you after all these years.   And it seems that both of you have the same thought.  Destroy Avni.   Congratulations.  You guys have won.   Between Shweta, you and Mitali it has finally happened."

"Papa, please"

"Why don't want to see the results of your hard work" Prakash grabbed Neil by his arm and dragged him to Avni's room.  

Avni was sitting on the chair by the window caressing her Neela Ma's photo.   Not acknowledging anyone or anything in the room except the photo.  

Prakash went towards her and said "Avni Beta, look who's here?  There is someone here to see you?"  no response from Avni.

"Avni Beta, Mowgli will be here in abit, do you want to see him?" no response from Avni.

"Prakash ji, Avni?" asked a shocked Shweta

"Why do you sound so shocked?  You guys won.   You guys were so angry with her, but none of you took the time to find out why she did what she did?  This was the girl who fought to find Neil a liver when she was kicked out of the Khanna House.  She did not have help but she did.   She was in jail, cause of Neil, when he was buried alive, she broke out of jail so she could save him.  She could have let the authorities deal with it.  But she did not, she saved him even though she had hated him for betraying her." said Prakash.

"YOU should be so happy.  Avni doesn't even know who she is now.  So Mitali can be Mowgli's mother without any interference or objection from Avni"

"NO Papa!  Avni is Mowgli's mother and she will always be Mowgli's mother.  Not Mitali.      I made a mistake, Papa.  And I will be the one to fix it.    Mowgli will have his happy family.  I will--"

"Neil, you will stay away from Avni.   I mean it!   You have caused enough damage." stated Prakash.

"Papa, Avni is my wife, you-" said Neil

"She was your wife, not anymore" interrupted Prakash.  "I am her Papa.  And I will protect my daughter.  I may have been lacking before but not anymore.  I will not let you or anyone else to hurt my daughter.   The only reason I haven't left with Avni is because of Mowgli.   Even though she doesn't know it, she is his mother, and I will not separate a child from its Mother." stated Prakash.  

"What have we done?"  questioned Bebe as she just watched her son protect his daughter from his family.

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