Downfall # 2B

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A couple of days later,  Neil calls Avni and tells her to be ready because he will be over to pick her up along with Neela Ma.  

Avni  was running out of options trying to discourage this alliance but Neil was stubborn.  He wasn't changing his mind.   The Khanna's had met Neela Pariek previously, and now planned how Neil was gonna marry Avni without tipping off Dayawanti. 

Avni called out to Neela,  "Ma, Neil is coming over to pick us up.  Be ready in twenty minutes."

"Ok, bacha.  I'm ready to go"  replied Neela.

Avni was thinking about Neil while she waited.  The cliff, looking for Neela Ma, sangeet and lastly his accident.  She was in deep thought when Neil shook her.

"Avni, I've been calling you for the last 5 minutes.  What were you thinking?" asked Neil

"Nothing.  None of your business" stated Avni

"Of course, it's my business.  You're my wifey"  stated Neil

"No!" yelled Avni

"Yes!" yelled Neil

"Kids!  Break it up!  You two are grown adults acting like 5 year olds!"  interrupted Neela

"But Ma"

"Let's go.  Shweta and Prakash are waiting for us." 

A couple days later, it was Riya's mendhi.   Neil had stated that the Mehta Family true colors would be revealed in front of everyone since they are having the media at the mendhi party as they were gonna have a press conference regarding the business merger, Neil, along with DD and 123gang had collected evidences to support their claims.  Shweta had mixed something in the mendhi, so it would cause Riya some discomfort.    When the mendhi started to cause Riya discomfort, Riya blamed Avni.

Riya tried to slap Avni, when Neil grabbed her hand before she could make contact.

"How dare you Riya?  What are you thinking?"  yelled Neil

"Why are you stopping me?  She is trying to stop our wedding.?"  yell Riya

"What proof do you have?" asked Neil

"Nothing but I know its her." said Riya  "Who else would do it?" 

"She didn't do anything.  It is all you" said Neil

"How could you believe that!  I am your fiancee.  YOUR would be wife." gasped Riya

"Oye, you silly lilly.  My son is a supercop.   My son is a honest police officer.  He doesn't try to blame anyone needlessly."  said Shweta

"Auntie ji, how could you say that!"  said Riya

"Fine.  Let's start from the start.  Your family is bankrupt.  Your told me that Aman did not cause Neil's accident.  You said that Ananya had purposely blamed Aman.  Diksha had purposely tried to hurt Ananya multiple times with your blessing.  I'm sorry but this wedding is now cancelled!"  said Shweta

"But Auntie ji,  I didn't do anything."  said Riya

"Riya, stop lying.  Do you know that I had my camera recording the puja.  It was for my Bebe as she wasn't going to be here, but she wanted to see the function.    I forgot the camera here afterwards and picked it up a two days ago when I came to pick you up for shopping.  I didn't even check what was on it and I sent it to my Bebe.  My Bebe called me asking me to watch the video and I am glad I did.    I agree with my mom.  I refuse to marry you."  said Neil

"Neil Beta,  whatever it is, we can resolve it.  Riya is very childish, but she will learn."  pleaded Dayawanti.  

"You always blame Avni for trying to break the wedding, now there will be no wedding,  I will not marry you!"  said Neil

"No!" yelled Riya.

"Yes!  No wedding!   Not because of Avni  but because of you!"

"Beta, let's cool down and think calmly.  We don't want to do anything rashly.  We are about to become family and business partners.   Let's not do anything hasty!"  cried a terrified Dayawanti.

"Fine!  There will be no wedding but Amol will go to jail.    Amol could have killed me.  He had no regrets, he didn't even take me to the hospital so looking at your grandchildren I don't want my family to be connected to yours in any way.     And as for business partners, my father will accept any penalty in fault.   We don't want any connection to your family!"  

DD walked in with the other officers "Arrest the Dayawanti Mehta and Ketan Mehta!" 

"What!"  yelled the Mehta family

"Yes.  Neil Sir, we found evidence that Dayawanti Mehta murdered  Ayesha Haider.  Ketan Mehta helped cover up their murder.  We also are investigating the disappearance of Avni Ayesha, Ashish Mehta and Ayesha Haider's daughter.  Dayawanti Mehta had sent her to jail as child by bribing the Judge and the police."     

"That's a lie!  My sister killed my mother!"  yelled Amol.

"Actually, your sister was 1M0 years old who adored her mother so much that she changed her name from Avni Mehta to Avni Ayesha.   She refused Ashish Mehta's name due to his actions.  Kabir had hired a photographer to following Ayesha, because he couldn't trust the Mehta family.  Your father promised to marry your mother multiple times, but never did.   The last time, they had all the functions, and at the last minute he backed out."

"Why wasn't this evidence shown earlier?"  asked Neil.

"Actually, Kabir was out of town before the murder.  When Kabir got back into town, Dayawanti had already bribed the judge.  He refused to listen to new evidences stating it was a closed case.  The police had warned Kabir not to get involved, otherwise he was going to end up in the same place as Ayesha.   Ashish had disappeared by then."  stated DD

"The business deal along with marriage is off"  stated Prakash.

The police had started to drag Dayawanti and Ketan Mehta.   Ketan shouted, "Why isn't Diksha being arrested.  She murdered Hemant Pariek, Neela Pariek's father."

"What!"  yelled everyone

"No!  I didn't"  yelled Diksha

"You poisoned his tea!"

"No I didn't.  It was his water that was poisoned!  Shit!"  Diksha said covering her mouth.

"Arrest Diksha!"  yelled Neil.

The police had taken everyone away.  Riya and Amol were taken to their rooms by Hetal. So the Khanna family and Avni left to go back to Khanna Mansion where Neela was waiting.

As Avni walked into the room, she saw Neela pacing while Nanno was trying to calm her down.  "Mumma!"     Avni ran into her arms crying.  "It's over.    Justice is being served.  They lost!   Dayawanti, Ketan and Diksha have been arrested!    Finally,  Nanu and Ayesha Ma will have justice.  And we can live peacefully together.  Nanno will live us,  just the three of us!"

"What do you mean the three of us?"  asked Neil

"I mean you found another way.  So there's no need for us to get married."

"There's every reason.   We are still getting married.   Remember Amol hasn't been arrested yet.  We are going to be married, that was the deal.  I've done my part.  And I've done it legally.   Now it's your turn"  stated Neil.

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