Wanting to be loved (Part 1)

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"How dare you show me your face first thing this morning?  You just love to ruin my day!" yelled Dayawanti Mehta.

"Sorry Dadi" whispered Avni

"Don't call me Dadi unless I tell you, you useless girl!" yelled Dayawanti

"Ma, calm down.  It just a few months more, than she will be the Khanna's problem."

"Fine.  Let's have our breakfast"  said Dayawanti as Avni ran out of the room.

Avni had tears in her eyes.  She has been treated like a nobody since the day her mother died.    Her father had blamed her for her mother's death, as she died saving Avni.  Her father hated her.  Her father had remarried Neela soon after, but he never forgave her.  Neela cared about her, but not in front of the family.  Her family hated her.  They didn't care about her.   Her fiance didn't care about her.   Her inlaws knew how her family treated her and they didn't care.   

She had no escape, not at home nor did she have at school and now...the only time she felt normal was when she was working at NGO that her stepmother supported.    She started working there after finishing university, she was happy with the people at the NGO, the children and the ladies.  They were all like her somewhat.  Alone.  

She used to think that Neil would help her but he never cared.   She was beaten by one of husbands of the abused women at the NGO.    She ended up the hospital, but he never even came to see her, instead he sent his inspector, DD, to take her statement.  He was the ICP, and her fiance but he never even cared.    She didn't know what to do, but she knew that she didn't want to marry Neil.   She couldn't go against her family, nor could she run away.  She was stuck.  

A couple of days later, Avni was admitted to the hospital in serious condition.  She had fallen down from the top of the stairs.    The doctors were optimistic of her condition, the only people that had arrived at the hospital were Neela, Aman and Riya.    Aman had informed Neil and Ali, as they had arrived shortly after they were informed.

Later, they were informed that Avni was out of danger and they went to see her.   As they crowded around her room, Avni had looked up and saw that Neela, Aman and Riya.    Ali, and Neil were having a quiet conversation outside her room, when they heard Neela  yell Avni!  Neil quietly opened the door so he could hear.

"Sorry to disturb you all" said Avni.  "You can all go.  I am fine"

"Avni!  How could you say that!  We are worried about you!"  said Neela

"No need!  I know how much everyone cares.   No body cares.  I wish I had died.  So yes, I am sorry that all your wishes weren't granted, but no worries, next time they will be."  said Avni

"Avni!" yelled Riya

"Please, don't be so shocked.   Whether I live or die, it doesn't matter.  So please take Neela Ma and go home."   said Avni as she looked away from them.  

A few minutes later, Neil and Ali along with the Doctor walked into the room.

"How's our patient doing?"  asked the Doctor

"I am fine.  When can I get release?" asked Avni

"You are out of danger.  We need to figure out how you fell down the stairs?  Maybe have a psychologist speak to you?" said the doctor

"There is no need.  I fell.  I was at the top of the stairs, and I mistook the step.  I fell down the stairs.  It was an accident.  I will be more careful in the future."  said Avni

"Okay.  Fine.   I can release you in the morning.  You were very lucky.   It could have been worst.  You have some scrapes, and bruises.  The worst of your injuries is the concussion,  we will keep an eye on it tonight, and then you just have to take it easy for the next few days."  said the Doctor.  The doctor left the room as soon as he gave the update on Avni's health.

"Ma, you guys go home and rest.  I will stay with Avni"  said Aman

"Aman, no.  I will stay with Avni and you go home.  Besides the family will be worried" stated Neela.

"Everyone go home.  Nobody is staying.  I am fine."  stated Avni.

"Actually, everyone will go home, but I will stay with Avni." stated Neil

"No.  It's not needed." said Avni

"I said I was staying." Neil's response was so firm that nobody argued.

Avni looked at them and shook her head.  "Good night"  she covered her head and went to sleep.

Everyone looked at her, Neela Ma shook her head at her sadly, "Ok, Avni.  I will be in the morning."  Everyone left except Neil.    Luckily, Avni was in a private room, so there was a couch in her room that Neil rested on during the night.

The next morning, Neela along with Riya and Aman came to the hospital with breakfast.   Avni was ready to leave but had to wait for the Doctor to release her.

After Neela came with DD, Aman and Riya, they had breakfast while waiting for the doctor.  Avni was anxious to leave.    As soon as the came, the doctor had released Avni.  Avni was finally smiling.  She quickly got up to leave, when she heard, "Wait one moment Avni." 

Avni froze.  She looked backed towards Neil, she looked around the room.

"Yes" said Avni quietly

"You're moving into the Khanna House today.  We will be married by the end of the week" said Neil

"What" said everyone.

"Avni is moving into the Khanna house and we will  be married  by the end of the week.  My parents know and have started the preparations."  repeated Neil.

"What about Ashish.." said Neela

"That's a non-issue.  Avni is my responsibility and I can't take care of her if she is at the Mehta House.   We will be married in four days.  It will be a small intimate wedding, and when Avni recovers fully then we can have a big reception but we are getting married." stated Neil

Avni opened and closed her mouth a couple of times.  Trying to say something, but in the end she kept quiet.

"Aman, I need you and Riya to grab everything of importance to Avni and bring to the Khanna House, Avni can let you know exactly what that is.  Anything else that she needs, I will provide for her.  Avni will not be going to the Mehta House unless I am with her."  stated Neil.

Shortly, DD drove Neil and Avni to the Khanna House.  Whereas, Neela went home with Aman and Riya.  As she walked in, she was instructing them to pack everything of importance to Avni.

"Neela, what is going on?" asked Ashish, as Neela walked into the house.  

"Avni is getting married in four days.  She will  be staying at the Khanna House from now on.  I hope you are happy.   You just lost your daughter" said Neela as she walked out of the room.

"Thank you God.  We don't have bare that bad omen anymore"  said Dayawanti

"Ma, let it go"  said Ashish

Everything happened so quickly that Avni was confused about what was going on.  One day she is in the hospital and the next, she was living in the Khanna House in preparation of her wedding.   She was amazed at how fast everything was happening.   She was getting married and she didn't know how to stop it.

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