Good over Evil

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As the wedding procession had started, a couple of people had ran into the hall, with various stages of injuries, shouting, "Stop!!!  Stop this wedding!!"

Neil looked up and saw that Avni was injured.  Neil ran from the mandap, to grab a hold of Avni.

"Avni!  Are you okay?  What the hell happened?  How injured are you?  Someone call the doctor?"  yelled Neil

"Neil,  I'm okay. We all are okay."

"Neil" yelled Juhi.  Neil ignored Juhi.   She was getting frustrated.

Bebe saw that Maddy  and Kareena came into the hall with Avni, along with Ali, DD and Neela.

Once Vidyut and Ragini Pandit saw that Maddy and Kareena had escaped their cluthes, they tried very discretely leave the venue, only to have DD noticed them and got his men to detain them.  They were quietly arrested and taken away to the police station.   Prakash asked Neil "Beta, what is going on?  What has happened to everyone that they are so hurt."

"Papa, I think Avni would be the person to explain all this.   So wifey, want to tell us everything" replied Neil.

"Wifey!!!  But I'm going to be your wife"  yelled Juhi.

"Actually,  Juhi, the marriage you tried to break, the couple must be divorced before the man can marry someone else otherwise it is considered an illegal marriage.  And two, for the marriage to be real, a pandits must be real and this pandit is an actor, which in Mumbai is not hard to find." explained Avni.

"What do you mean?" asked Juhi

"Well, that pandit is fake.  If you guys can fake a DNA reports to state that Neil is the father of your child, when in reality Vidyut R. Pandit is the father of your child, we can fake a wedding."  stated Avni.

"What?"  asked a shakened Juhi.

"Yes, we know that you are together with Vidyut and Ragini Pandit.  I know that Ragini and Vidyut blamed me for their losses but I couldn't figured why you had joined hands with the same people that used and sold you.  Until I figured out that you wanted my place in Neil's life."  said Avni.

"So.  He loves me!" stated Juhi.

"No.  He used to love the Juhi that you had showed to him.  Isn't that right Meher Arora."

"What!!  How do you know that!"  asked Juhi.

"You only had to deal with Avni.  That Avni that who had empathy with your situation.  Felt for the child that was taken away from you.  But I didn't realize that you were playing a game with us.   That Avni would have put her life on the line, just so another Ananya Verma isn't created."  said Avni

"Ananya Verma.  Isn't that the name you used to get Misty" asked Juhi

"Yes.  Ananya Verma.  The name I had taken when I first woke up with a gunshot wound in my chest.  The name I had taken when as a teenager, instead of having crushes on boys, I became a black belt in Karate.  Instead of learning of how to cook, put on make up like the other girls my age did, I was learning how to shoot.   That is the name I used when I met my family for the first time,  the same family you tried to take away from me!!" yelled Avni as she slapped Juhi.

Juhi grabbed her cheek.  "You slapped me, you illegitimate-"

"And what are you?" asked Avni

"What do you mean?" asked Juhi

"I mean, you were the Kohinoor of Rang Mahal.  I don't want use language that dirties my mouth.  But we all know what Rang Mahal was."  said Avni

"You tell her Avni beta" said Shweta

"Did you think that Maddy Bhua and Kareena would be kept away forever.  If I can get myself kidnapped to save you from Rang Mahal, saving Maddy Bhua and Kareena is child's play for me.  Yes, we did run into some issues but it worked out in the end."  said Avni

"What issues Avni?  What happened?" asked Neil.

"I accidently triggered a bomb as we were leaving."   said Avni

"What?"  yelled Neil.  "I knew I shouldn't have let you go alone."

"Neil, it's okay.  We got all the evidences out before the bomb.  You might want to give a copy of Ragini Pandit's diary to her son, Vidyut.  Ragini manipulates people around her very well.   Vidyut thinks that he killed his father, and Ragini took the blame on herself.  But the truth is that Ragini had killed her husband, not Vidyut.   She even sent Juhi/Meher to Vidyut.  Meher/Juhi was paid to break his heart so he would be vunerable to her manipulations.   She then changed her name to Juhi.  Then Juhi found Neil.  She created a situation where Neil would meet Juhi and be impressed by her.    When she found out that she was pregnant, she thought she would marry Neil but when Neil rejected her proposal cause he was planning to go to London.  When he stated that they would get engaged and get married when he came back from London, she went with plan B.  Pretend to sleep with him.  You see the story would have more merit, if all parties gave the same version of the story"  stated Avni

"What do you mean" asked Neil.

"Well, Neil, you told Neela Ma that the night all this happened, you don't remember that night, except that you came home in the morning, but Mommy ji remembers that night you came home in the middle of the night.  And she clearly remembers, cause it was the night of your engagement.  I think Juhi drugged you, but nothing happened that night.  You have very strong principles.  Remember, you are a true man"  

"Damn you, why couldn't you just die in that bomb blasts.  You been shot, used as a bonfire, been in two bomb blast and you still won't die.   I am so sick of you!  All I hear is Avni, Avni, Avni!  My daughter hates me, Neil won't let me come close,  and the rest of the family thinks you can do no wrong!!"  shouted Juhi

"That's because Avni is special.  She has a pure heart. One in million.  But you wouldn't understand.  Avni is my reason for breathing.  But what you know about love.  Even your love for your daughter is fake"  said Neil.

"How can you say that Neil"

"Well, why not.  You know she was traumatized from Vidyut's care so Avni became her constant., her angel, cause Avni was the first person to treat her with love  You could have been, but you were too scared to face Vidyut so Avni had to face him alone.  You told Misty that you were her mother without any care of how it would affect Misty.  Because you were jealous of Avni.  Avni would make sure that your feelings weren't hurt even when she was the one being hurt.   But it's was always about you;  a mother would put her issues to the side, just to make sure their child is taken care of first.  You let Ragini Pandit meet her"  said Neil.

"How do you know that?" asked Juhi.

"CCTV cameras"

"But Vidyut disabled them" said Juhi.

"He disable the ones he knew about but not the ones I had installed in every room in the house.  Some rooms have visual and audio, others had audio.  I am ACP.  I have many enemies.  Surprise, surprise when I heard Vidyut in your room.  So we tapped your phone, also, Vidyut and Ragini Pandit's phones.  And we're given a shock of Maddy Bhua and Kareena's kidnapping.  So Avni returned to her Ananya avatar.  The result is what you see.  Constables, take her away."  said Neil.

"Neil, you can't do this!  What will happen to Misty" cried Juhi.

"You don't worry about Misty, you silly lilly" implored Shweta.

"Avni beta, now that all the explanations are done, how about all get you guys checked out at the hospital." said Prakash.

"Papa ji, we are all okay.  Just have a doctor come by and see Maddy Bhua and Kareena.  They need their rest.  I don't know how well they were treated.   I think the rest of us, just need showers."  said Avni.

"Okay beta, until the doctor gets here, why don't all of you take showers and freshen up.   Ali, DD just grab some clothes from Neil or from me."

As Avni started to walk away, she felt a tug on her hand.  She turned around and saw that Neil was on his knees.

"Neil, what's going on?"

"Avni, will you marry me again?  Will you let me complete the 3.5 pheras and you complete the remaining 3.5 pheras.  Will you be my partner?  My lifeline.  Let me show the world that I want to marry you and only you."

"I don't know.  I am a married woman.  My husband won't appreciate that another man is proposing marriage but if he agrees, then sure, why not!"

Everyone started to laugh as Avni ran from Neil with him chasing her.  Avni started to loose her balance when Neil caught her.

  "Avni, are you ok?"

"I'm fine."

"Papa, lets get the doctor here quickly.  Make sure everyone is fine.  I'm going take Avni to our room.  There's has been enough excitement for the day" said Neil.

"Neil, I love you"  said Avni touching his face.  

"And I love you." said Neil kissing her forehead.

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