Fight for Love

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Bebe decided that Neil and Juhi should get married to secure Mistys's future.

"That's a great idea. We can do that for Misty's sake" said Juhi.

Neil was very upset.

"Fine!" said Neil. Bebe and Juhi were surprised, but Shweta and Parkash were not happy. Avni looked like she was gonna cry. Avni got up to leave the room, when Neil grabbed her hand to stop her.

"What about Avni?" asked Juhi

"What about Avni? Avni is my wife. I will never let Avni leave me. I will die without her." answered Neil.

"Neil, we are going to get married. Avni has no place in our marriage." answered Juhi.

"Wrong! Avni and I are married. You have no place in our marriage. If you need to get married, then why don't you get married to Vidyut." said Neil.

"Vidyut??" asked a confused Juhi

"Yes! Vidyut. The father of your child. Did you think that I don't remember that night when you supposedly said we had crossed our limits. Nothing happened that night. And two nights later you supposedly had that accident. I've known since the day you had told me. I wanted to know why, what your game was. I wanted to know how involved were you with Ragini Pandit and Vidyut. And I wanted to know what your involvement was. For you, my wife and I lied to our families. My wife, without any care to her safety, went to Rang Mahal, to save you. I am glad that you came back into my life, just to show me that my first love was an illusion. My first love is Avni Ayesha. This woman right here." Neil said, as her grabbed her hand to reassure her.

"Did you know that I have CTV cameras installed everywhere in this house and do you know what was seen?" asked Neil

"No" stammered Juhi.

"You used Mom's phone and texted the Media here, you put the candle in with the firecrackers, after putting Mom's phone in thng e box. You mixed Avni's sindoor with rangoli colors after finding out that she is allergic to colors from Ali. You have been meeting with Ragini Pandit and Vidyut. Did you know that your phone has been tapped, and you have someone following you since day one. My officers has been reporting your every move?" replied Neil.

"What! How could you do that Neil?" Juhi was shocked.

"You can hurt my family but I am not allowed to protect my family. Great Standards! You ruined my credibility as a police officer. We thought we were protecting you from Ragini Pandit and Vidyut so we faked your death. I yelled at Avni cause I thought she was being careless. You tried to cause misunderstandings. I thought you were confused that is why you stated that I am the father of your child. I thought its okay, things will get cleared up. But no, you were helping Ragini Pandit and Vidyut. This was the last straw. You think I would marry you. Never. I would arrest you before I would marry you."

"Shameful is what you are Juhi!!! I am ashamed that I threw you in Avni's face stating that you are Tillu's love. I am glad Avni is my Tillu's wife. She is Tillu's true love. She is my daughter. A strong beautiful being. Not like you!" stated Shweta. Avni looked at Shweta with a grateful smile.

"You have been saying that how much you love your child. You didn't think for a second before throwing her out to the wolves. You let the Media label her. Do you know how hard it is to live with a label. My Avni knows and that is why you thought to take advantage of her goodness. But I won't let anyone hurt my Avni. I am not as good as Avni. I won't live without her. And that is where you made a mistake. I wouldn't care if you had attacked me, but attack my Avni and there is no place in this world that you would be able to hide from me. So you have three choices: Marry Vidyut, jail or let Avni and I adopt Misty and you leave. Either way, you will be leaving this house. Think about it and choose wisely. Cause afterwards you will be making a statement to the press and clearing up your lies" said Neil.

"Well done, Tillu" said Parkash.

"You heard him, make a choice and get out of our lives. " said Shweta.

Neil grabbed Avni's hand and left the room. Neil let go of Avni's hand as they walked into the room. Neil turned around and locked the bedroom door.

"Avni, why are you crying? Don't you trust me. We will fight for our love. I will never let anyone hurt you. Remember our vows, I will never let you leave me nor will I leave you. Nor will we let anyone to come between us. " said Neil, with Avni's face between his hands, with their foreheads touching each other.

"I know Neil, but I was afraid that Juhi's trick might work. " cried Avni.

"Nope. Where you go, I go. " said Neil.

"Neil, I am confused about one thing. Why did Bebe bring up the marriage issue. She was fine till two days ago. There is something going on?" pondered Avni

"Vidyut is blackmailing Bebe. What he doesn't know is that I have taken Kareena and Maddy Bhau to a safe place, so he can't hurt them. We will discuss this matter tomorrow."

"Okay Neil. I think we should change and rest. Its been along day and you have to go the office tomorrow." said Avni.

"Yes, it has been and I do have to go the office tomorrow. I need you to extra careful. I have extra officers around but I still need you to be careful. Don't go anywhere without me. If I am not available, call DD."

"Yes Sir." replied Avni


"Yes Neil"

"Once everything is resolved, you and I are going on a trip. We have been on the go since we have been married, first Dayavanti, the bomb blast, Rang Mahal, Juhi, Misty and now this. So how about it? Are you willing to go on a trip with your husband? To relax and be worry free?" asked Neil

Avni walked up to Neil, put her arms around his neck and said "I would love to go on a trip with you. Remember "Wherever you go, I go" As long as we are together, I don't care where we are."

"Love you Avni" murmured Neil as he hugged Avni.

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