Love will find a way

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"Mrs. Avni Khanna"

"Excuse me, Sir, Judge.  My name is Avni Ayesha"

"Sorry, Mrs. Avni Ayesha.  It is found be that Juhi Arora is alive, so you are free to go.  Your records will be cleared and deleted.  The courts apologizes for the grave mistake done to you and your loved ones.  Though it does seem like a well thought of plan."

Thank you Sir,  but I do not care whether your court apologizes or not. "

"What do you mean?" asked the Judge.

"Twelve years ago, the courts made the same mistake.  I was sent to jail when I was eleven years old for the murder of my mother which was committed by my paternal grandmother.  Nothing was done.  I have said this many times, the police, the courts, the whole justice system everyone is corrupted.  My grandmother was a pillar of the community.  So she could do no wrong.   All you need is money.  I was shot by my grandmother at the age of 11, nothing was done.   She killed my father,  nothing was done.  My husband's ex girlfriend tries to kill my grandmother in law, nothing is done.  She changed by sindoor with something I am allergic to and nothing gets done.    She slaps a child in plain slight, and I push her away.  I am  being warned cause I am a threat to her life.   The same life I had saved where she spent 5 years in a brothel.  She frames me for killing her, and I get sent to jail.   So tell me,  Mr.  Judge,  why should I care whether your courts have apologizes or not.  Cause I don't give a damn anymore.   So the next I come thru your trusty court system, sentence me for death cause I rather be dead than have another go at being a victim a mistake!!"

"I am sorry, Ms. Ayesha"

Avni gave him a look and went to finish off the formalities.  Once done, she went outside.  She was free after a year.  She looked up towards the sky "Look Ma, I am free.  Your illegitimate daughter had lost her way, but not anymore.  I will stand on my two feet, accomplishing this alone without anyone.  Help me find the way.  Love you Ma"

Avni noticed that the family was outside watching her, but she ignored them.   She walked past Neil, his family, Neela Ma, Aman, Ali and DD.  

"Avni beta, where are you going?  We come to take you home"

"Avni is dead.   I am going home.  I don't need you guys to take me."

"Please don't say that!!"

"I am sorry, but your Avni is dead.  So please don't try to find her in me."

"Di, what about me?"  said Aman.

"Amol, I am glad you are out of jail, and living the life you should be.  But I don't have anything in me to give.   If you can't be your Di, there is no point in continuing this conversation."  stated Avni.

"Avni, don't be stubborn.  Let's go home!" stated Neil.

"Listen Mr. ACP Neil Khanna.  I don't want to argue, but we do not any relationship, so I don't want to come anywhere with you.  So please, stay away from me.  Do not interfere in anything that I do!  It will not be good for you."

 "Well, Mrs. Avni Neil Khanna, you'll be going home with me!"

"Stop calling me that!!  My name is Avni Ayesha!!"

"No it isn't!!  You are Avni Neil Khanna!  My wife!"  stated Neil

"Your wife is dead.  Don't you dare think that I will be your wife after all this..I am not your Avni."

"Avni beta, listen to Neil.  We did the best we could. Neil knew you were innocent, but we had no proof.  We couldn't do anything.  But as soon as we found about Juhi, we did everything that we could and got you out."  said Prakash.

"Thank you for everything but I am going home." said Avni.

"Home.  We are here to take you home." said Neela Ma

"No, I am going home to Avni Ayesha ka Ghar not the Khanna House nor the Pariek House.  Sorry"

Avni left in a taxi.

"Don't worry Neela Ma.  I will bring back Avni.  My Avni.  It will take some time but our Avni will be back.  I will bring her back to me.  I am going to stay with her whether she likes it or not.  I have a feeling she will be going after Juhi.  I don't want her to do that.  Juhi shall get punished by law not by Avni.  I do not wished to loose Avni again.  I won't survive it." said Neil just before he left to follow Avni back to her childhood home.

"I hope Neil can convince Avni.  She is so angry.  Neil was able to change Ananya back to Avni before but I am not sure if he will be able to do it this time."

"Neela ji, don't worry.  Trust in Tillu.  His love will bring back our Avni.  I refuse to accept anything less"

Neil followed Avni to Avni Ayesha ka Ghar.  As she walked into the house, Neil walked in right after.

"What are you doing here?"  asked Avni

"Go away!!!  You are not welcomed here!!!"  yelled Avni.

"No Avni.  You are going to listen to me.  We are going to have a talk.  We are going to fix this." stated Neil.

"No!   It can't be fixed. After all, when trust is broken, it can never  be the same again.  And I am sorry, Neil, but I will never let you or anyone else come close to me enough to hurt me.  REMEMBER, I had said that love is DESTRUCTION.  I hate the word 'Love'  THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS LOVE." spitted out Avni

"No Avni. Our love is true.  Our love is strong, it has been bruised a little bit but it is strong and enduring." said Neil.

"Neil, open your eyes.  There is no such thing as love.  It is a fake emotion that people show to get their way.   I bought into it earlier, but not anymore.  I refuse to be blindsided again.  You can take your love and leave my house."  replied Avni.

"Nope.   You are my wife.  Where you go, I go."

"Really, so you were in jail this past year."  

"Yes, I was.  I didn't go home except showered and eat.  You slept in your cell, and I slept in a cot in the office."


"Really." stated Neil.

"I love you Avni.  I am nothing without you.  Let me help you in everything." 

"You can stay"  Avni said.  As she walked out the room into the her bedroom.

"First step a success!!" said Neil to himself.

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