Avni's Emotions

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This os starts after Avni and Neil come back from Goa.

Here Avni and Shweta already comes to know that Juhi is somewhere hiding something from them.
But they need proves for exposing her.

Shweta Neela Avni Bebe and Ali are trying their best to find proves against Juhi...

Avneil's room

Shweta : Avni we need to do something about this beta she on our nerves.

Avni : Mummy ji don't worry we will surely do something so that she tells us truth.

Neela : Avni bacha but we have to do it as soon as possible otherwise she will create problems between you and Neil.

Bebe : Avni puttar do what ever you want to do but please sought out all this as i can't bare her now.

Avni smiled and Said...

Avni : My dear bebe don't worry we will do it...

Bebe cupped her face and kissed on her forehead and said

Bebe : I trust puttar you will do it...
And my blessings are always there with you...

They talked for a while...


Dinner table..

All were sitting and having there dinner except Avni as she is waiting for Neil...

After few mins Neil came home Avni opened the door and went to bring water for him
And he drank and said hii to all.

And side hugged Avni and kissed her forehead...
All were adoring them...

Juhi was fuming in anger and Jealousy...

Avni : Neil you go and get freshen up and than come fast for dinner...

Neil : fast why ?

Avni : I am hungry... (pouts)

Neil : Aww but Avni you have your dinner...

Avni glared at him and said

Avni : Neil you know right i will not have my dinner without you so go and come fast...

Bebe : Neil she is saying she will have her dinner with you just go and fresh and come fast...
Don't keep my daughter more hungry now..

Bebe said with fake anger...

Neil : Yess now no loves me (pouts sadly)

Prakash : Yess no one loves you now you and come is that clear otherwise go in garden and sleep...

All laughs at this Neil pouts and left to get fresh.

All laughed at him...

After 10 mins or so Neil came downstairs...

Avni was serving food into Neil's plate...

Neil sat and asked Avni to sit...

Neil : Avni now i came so you also come and sit..

Avni nodded and sat beside him...

Juhi was looking all the was little jealous and angry on Avni.

Neil starts serving Avni.

Avni smiled at his gesture.

They started having their food...

After having dinner they all went to their rooms...

Avneil's room...

Avni was sitting on bed and is applying night cream.

Nei is sitting beside her and Neil was doing something in his phone...

After Avni was done Avni kept her head on his shoulder and wraps her hands around his arms...

Neil kissed her forehead and said...

Neil : Avni how was your day ?

Avni still in same position said...

Avni : Good not bad but...

Neil frowns and looked at her and said

Neil : But ?

Avni : I missed youu !

Neil pulled Avni more closed to him...

Avni's head was on his chest now...

Neil : Achan My baby missed me...

Avni : Yess..

Neil : I also Missed you alot...

Avni smiled...
Neil kissed her forehead and both layed down...

Neil was caressing Avni's hair...

Avni slept after few mins..

Neil also slept after sometime...

Both slept in each others arms...


Avneil's room

Neil was getting ready

Avni was in washroom...

Neil was combing his hair...

Avni came out wearing yellow one piece

(The one she wore in serial when Juhi was threatening her she was exactly dressed same)

Avni came near him and he turned towards her and pulled Avni towards him...

They shared small eye lock...

After few seconds they broke Avni close his vests buttons...

Neil smiled and kissed her forehead

They both came down and sat on dinner table...

They had there breakfast...

Neil left for the police station he said bye to everyone and kissed Avni's forehead and left...


Avni was planning to take Mishti's hair sample...

She tried but was not able to do so...

Somewhere Juhi comes to know about this and started doing her drama...

Avni and Mishti are very much attached to each other
They were sitting together..
And playing...

Juhi : Mishti come and play with me also please..

Mishti : I don't want to play with you...

Juhi tried for sometime and Now she got frustrated and shouts on Avni...

Juhi : Avni just because of you she is not coming to me I don't know what black magic you did on my daughter...

Avni : Juhi you should try to talk to her make her feel comfortable and she is just a small chid she needs time...

This argument was going on Neil came there as he forgot some file at home...
And was quite irritated due to some reason in his office...

He came there and saw this....

Juhi saw Neil and started her melodrama

Juhi to Neil

Juhi : Neil This Avni is not letting Mishti to come near me...

She is crying (fake)

Juhi : Neil I know she did alot for me but she should understand right I was away from her 5 years and now Mishti is not playing with me she is ignoring me...
She is our daughter...

Avni was hurt when she heard our daughter....

Neil : Avni let them be close... don't interfere...

Saying this he left to his room...

Avni went behind him

Avneil's room...

Neil was already irritated...

Avni : Neil ?

Neil looked at her

Avni : Neil due you really think that i am interfering between them.. ?

Neil : Avni she was away from Misthi for 5 years and she was all alone...

Avni : I agree...

Neil : Avni Juhi was alone in Rang Mahal and she suffered alot...
And with you atleast Neela maa was their but for her no one was their....
Stop hurting her she is a person and you don't have rights to take any decisions about Juhi and My daughter
That's it...

Neil said all this irritatingly and didn't realise what he said....

Avni was having tears in her eyes...

Neil saw this and immediately closed his eyes in frustration...

He was about to hold her but she ran from there...

Neela heard this conversation and got angry on Neil including Shweta...

Avni left the house....

No one went behind her as they all know about her where she will go...

Avni went to Ayesha's grave...

Avni hugged Ayesha and said...

Avni : Mumma I miss you so muchhhh please mumma i need youu...
Mumma why i always been neglected by everyone.
Why i always have to face such stupid things which is not done by me..
Mumma if you were here with me no one would ever do anything to me...
Today Neil also said that Juhi suffered alot alone and I was having Neela ma atleast she was all alone...
Mumma me and Neela Maa suffered alot we haven't said anything to anyone.
We didn't said and shown our pain to anyone...
We were fighting a battle of justice still everytime people will tell you never surfed..

She cried her heart loud and Mumma i need you mumma please...

She was hugging and crying that time someone came and kept hand on her shoulder...
She looked at the person and hugged that person and cried her heart out...

Avni : Mumma i am not interfering...
I am not separating anyone mumma you know right...

Neela : My bacha I know very well my baby will never do such things.

Avni : Mumma I miss Ayesha maa.

Neela : Avni Ayesha ma is in you heart and she will not like if you cry like this....

Avni : Mumma you are also there right ?

Neela kissed her forehead and said

Neela : Mumma is always there...
Now stop crying...
Chalo lets go home...

Avni nodded

Neela bought Avni to Khanna house...
As bebe said Neela to bring her....

As Avni entered all smiled...

Bebe hugged her
Prakash hugged her
Shweta hugged her...

Neil was about hug her but she said...

Avni : Mummy ji should i sleep with you bebe and Neela maa please..

Shweta : yess beta you can...
You don't need to take any permission...

Neil tried to talk to her but Avni was ignoring him..

Avni Bebe Shweta and Neela slept in bebe's room..

As Avni said that she need them

Time skip...

Next 2 days...

Avni ignored Neil she just stopped talking to him..

Even Bebe Prakash Neela and Shweta also stopped talking to him

All started ignoring him

Only Juhi talks to him and Mishti..

In this 2 days Shweta somehow got Neil's and Mishti's hair sample and she sent it to lab for DNA tests...

They planned to expose Juhi in front of Neil....

In this 2 days Juhi tries to gets close to Neil as Avni is completely ignoring Avni....


Avni's one man came with reports and handover to Avni...

Avni saw report and gets shocked...

This scene was seen by Bebe Neela and Shweta...

They immediately took the report and got shocked...

Neela said

Neela : now its time to reveal about Juhi....

Neela called Prakash Neil Juhi in hall....

They all came there !

Neil was shocked to see Avni's eyes red in anger...

Avni came near Juhi and asked calmly

Avni : Is Mishti your and Neil's daughter ?

Juhi got irritated and said

Juhi : Avni how many times i need to tell you...

Avni got more angry and said

Avni : will ask you as many times i want and you need to answer...

Juhi got shocked and scared by Avni's tone...

Neil came there

Neil politely

Neil : Avni Mishti is my daughter...

Avni got angry as well as Shweta and Neela

Neela couldn't control and she threw paper on Neil's face and said

Neela : Just see this paper and if you still doubt than you only go and  check again..

Juhi was hell shocked but didn't reacted...

Neil read the reports and got Shocked

He looked at Juhi angrily and asked...

Neil : Juhi is this true that Mishti is not my daughter ?

Juhi got scared and stammered

Juhi : Ne..il Mishti is our daughter...

Neil again asked

Neil : Tell me the truth...
He said in high tone...

Juhi got scared and said the entire truth...

Neil and other members of family got really angry

Neil said..

Neil : Juhi just get out of my house right now...

Juhi : But ?

Neil : i said get out and don't take Mishti with you...

Juhi : Neil you can't do this...

Neil : i can now just get out right now...

In high tone Juhi left from there....

Neil was really guilty as the way he talked with Avni...

He needs to say sorry for everything but Avni just ignored him and left from there...

Its been 2 days everything got normal Mishti stays with Khannas and Juhi was in jail as she tried to do illegal things so she got caught...

But Avni is not at all talking to Neil she is just ignoring him...

He is trying his best but she is not ready to talk...

She is really hurt by his words deeply that she is not ready to forgive him...

Avneil's room...

Avni was sleeping her side and Neil other side...

Avni is back facing Neil...

She is crying silently...

Neil  is really guilty for what ever he said  and trying his best to talk to hef but she is not at all replying to him....

Neil is thinking something and slept Avni also slept....

Next day also went same Neil tires his best to talk to her but she keeps herself busy in house work or goes at Neela's place...

Same Night...

Avni was sitting in garden and looking at sky..

Avni's pov..

Neil i so wanted to talk to you but whatever you said its still hurts me...
You were like she is alone and i was having atleast Neela ma...
But did she faced humiliation
My own dadi tries to kill me and you are saying she was alone she suffered alot...
Wow just wow...
This time i am not gonna forgive you easily...
It hurts for name sake daughter i went there i kept myself in danger you can't see this and you are saying i was interfering...
I am not gonna talk to you....

After sometime Avni went to her room...

Neil was sitting on bed and doing something on his phone as Avni came
He tries to talk to her...

Neil : Avni (smiles)

Avni just ignores him and went inside the washroom...
Taking her clothes.

Neil's pov

Avni I am sorry..

Please come to me yaar i miss being beside you wants to cuddle you love you i know i did wrong but please forgive me...
How many days you will be like this yaar...

He thought this..

His eyes got teary

Avni came outside and lyed at her side...

She closed her eyes...

But after few seconds she opened as Neil back hugged her tightly..

Avni was struggling in his grip and was trying to free herself.

Avni : Neil leave me i am not interested in talking to you right now...

Neil tightens his grip and said..

Neil : I am sorry babyyy you right i lovee you please forgive me please..

Neil's tears fell on her shoulder and she turned to his side and saw his eyes teary...

Neil immediately hugged her and said

Neil : Avni please forgive me i didn't mean to say that but i don't how it bursts out..

I am sorry please foregive me..

You know right I loveee youuu and will never ever think like this please forgive me....

Neil was crying badly as he cant stay away from Avni anymore

Avni's eyes got teary and she also cried and hugged him tightly and said...

Avni : Its okaay Neil i was i hurt by your words...
That's why i needed time...

I lovee youuu....

Neil broke the hug and smiled widely...

Neil : Am i forgiven ?

Avni nodded her head..

Neil kissed her forehead and said...

Neil : I loveee youuuuuu !

Avni : I lovee you too !

They sealed their lips and went into blissful world...

Neil and Avni how much they fight the fact is they can't stay away from each nor stay angry..

As their loveee is pure !

I am extremely sorry for updating late....

avneil000 i hope you liked this story

I tried my best...

I hope i matched you expectations

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