Love will always Stay

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This Os starts when Mitali tells Avni to stay away from Neil and Mogwli

Khanna House

Avni kissed Mogwli's cheeks and forehead and told him to take rest...

Avni : Mogwli baby you take rest and don't trouble others okaay...

Mogwli like a good boy agreed his Mother...

After explaining Mogwli she left the room and she reached to hall and about to move out Mitali stopped her...

Mitali : Avni wait i want to talk to you.

Avni looked at her and said

Avni : Yea say

Mitali : Avni I know you might feel bad but I want to suggest you that stay away from Neil and Mogwli.

Avni was shocked

Mitali continued

Mitali : Me and Neil are going to get marry soon and Mogwli is now with Neil so if you come here regularly how will we come close to him and he was ill and you should not come for this small thing and  I was their for them you just not need to come.

Avni got shocked and really angry

Avni : Mogwli is my son. And i don't give a  damn about your and Neil's marriage as it his decision about getting marry to you but dare you stop me coming near Mogwli he is my son and for you its a small thing that Mogwli us ill but not for me he is my son.
He is not well just because of you so please don't dare to come between me and Mogwli...
I don't want to come between you and Neil but if my son needs me i will be always there so please stay away from my son....

Mitali sarcastically smiles and said

Mitali : Oh really your son he is Neil's son too and i am going to get marry to him and i have equal rights on Mogwli.
Well you already kept away Mogwli from Neil and again you doing the same thing just because of you Neil suffered and Mogwli too staying away from his father.
And Neil is Mogwli's father whatever he decides it will be done and i don't think Neil wants you to be around Mogwli.

Avni was really hurt but she didn't said anything as tears started coming from her eyes....

And Some one from behind kept hand om her shoulder and Avni turned and got shocked including Mitali.

And that person was Neil and his eyes were red due to anger...

Neil moved to Mitali's side and said sternly but in low voice

Neil : Mitali dare you speak a word again and you will face my worst.
Avni is Mogwli's mother and whenever she wants to me Mogwli she can come. I am not gonna stop her ever.
He was not well i only called Avni and told her to come.
He 10 year old child he definitely needs mother so be away from Avni and you have no rights to stop her from coming in this house.
I might get marry to you but you will not dare to stop Avni and Mogwli to meet each other.

Mitali gets scared but she speaks.

Mitali : Neil she kept Mogwli away from you still you are taking her side.
You know right what she did with you still you are allowing her to meet Mogwli and giving her rights come in this house.
She is your ex-wife i am gonna be your wife so...

Before Mitali could continue Neil stopped her and said

Neil : Mitali enough of your non sense its my and Avni's matter stay away from this.
Mogwli is Avni's son also she can meet him whenever she wants
Is that clear ?

Mitali didn't said anything so Neil raised his voice

Neil : I said Is that clear ?

Mitali got scared and said

Mitali : Yess...

And she left from that place.

Avni was looking at Neil only all this time.

Neil Came close and said

Neil : i am sorry on Mitali's behalf...

Avni smiled sadly and said

Avni : Its okay I am habitat by all this its not new to me...

Neil felt bad as of someone stabbed his heart

Avni : well now i should please take care of Mogwli if he need something and you need help regarding Mogwli you just call
Anyways bye...

Saying this Avni left from  there..

Neil also went inside and saw Mitali crying and Shweta was consoling her...
Bebe and Prakash were also there but they didn't payed any attention to her talks.

Shweta came near Neil and said angrily

Shweta : Neil why did you hurt her just because of Avni ?
Mitali is right why should Avni come her regularly.
Mitali is going to be you wife if she is not comfortable than let it be na.
And Mogwli is now her responsibility so tell Avni that Mitali will take care.

This time Neil Bebe and Prakash got really angry.

Bebe got up and shouted...

Bebe : Enough Shweta ! If she is not comfortable than its her problem. And if someone had kept you and Neil away how you gonna feel she is a mother so its her right to meet her son and about being uncomfortable..
I would definitely like to tell you one thing when Neil bought Juhi in this house with his name sake daughter how Avni felt she went through lots of things did feel her pain no...

Neil was very much guilty
Now Prakash said

Prakash : Shweta ji I cant believe you are saying this all things and Mitali Avni is my daughter so she can come whenever she wants to come.

Mitali was shocked as well Shweta...

Prakash was about to speak something but door bell rang.
Neil went to open the door and saw an inspector
Neil was quite surprised..
Neil said

Neil : Yes ?

Inspector : Sir actually this all things are of Vidhyut we went to Mishti Kapoor but she was not there so thought to give you please can you handover her later on...

Neil : Okay !

Neil was about to take the box but it fell from Inspector's hands and all the things came out and one thing took attention of Neil was shocked to see
And it was Avni's Picture he bend down and took the frame and something fell down which again took Neil's attention and it was a memory card.
He was surprised and very much curious about it.
He immediately took it and thought

Neil : what it might be ? I need to check it out.

Neil took all the things and signed the paper.

And went inside....

All were looking at Neil and Prakash asked as he was holding  box in his hands

Prakash : Neil what is this ? (Pointing towards box)

Neil explained everything that this things are of Vidhyut..

Saying this he immediately ran to his room...
All thought why he did this but shrugged of their thoughts.

Neil's room

Neil entered in his room and locked the door and took his laptop and connected the memory card

And saw that video which made him broken very badly he cried his heart out...

Neil thought

I am so bad person she did all this to save my father.
And what i gave her so much hatred.
She always stood by my side.
And what i did i always insulted her.
In court room
My mom always insulted still she stood by my side Mitali did so bad to her still she forgive her.
And what i did i took everything from her.
She loved me so much and what she did.
Avni I am sorry i am sorry..

He cried for sometime and said being determined

I will bring my Lady don back at any cost for that whatever i need to do i will surely do for her but i will bring my Avni back to me...

Neil took his phone and called Avni...

Sukoon Ghar

Avni was reading some files that time her phone rang and she saw callers name and received it...

Phone conversations

Neil : Hello

Avni : Hello

Neil : Avni can you please come at Khanna house i want to talk with you something...

Avni : What happened is Mogwli okaay ? Anything happened to him ?

Neil : Avni nothing has happened to him you come here i wants to talk to you please come fast.

Avni agreed and was quite stress...

Neil was waiting for Avni in his room.
And others were sitting in hall

After half an hour so Avni came to Khanna house...

Mitali saw her and immediately asked her

Mitali : Why are you here ? Mogwli is all fine so now what you want ?

Shweta : Avni why you here ?

Before Avni could reply Neil came and said

Neil : I called her is there any problem ?

Raising his voice which made shocked Mitali and Shweta...

Still Mitali said

Mitali : But Neil Mogwli is all good now what she wants ?

Neil got irritated and said

Neil : this is her house i gifted her as wedding gift so she can come whenever she wants to come you better be quiet...

All were hell shocked by Neil's reaction.

Neil came close to Avni held her hand and went to his room.

All were looking at them with Shocked expressions.

Neil's room

As they entered Neil locked it and bend and hugged Avni's waist tightly and cried as he was controlling since so long....

Avni got worried and asked

Avni : Neil please get up please get up.
What happened Neil ? Neil is everything okaay ?

Neil cupped her face and said

Neil : Avni I am so bad. I had hurt you alot in past. I always made mistake but you always had forgiven me but i am not a good person as you.
Just because of My ego i made all the things so messed up Avni....

Avni was veru much confused and said

Avni : Neil I am not getting confused what are you saying ?

Neil smiled sadly and opend his laptop and shown her the video...

Avni was hell shocked and asked Neil

Avni : how did you got this ? And please don't tell anyone about this please Neil I am requesting youuu

Neil told him everything...

And asked her

Neil : Avni what had happend that day ? Please tell me please

Avni's was crying and said everything what Vidhyut told her what threats he was giving her.

Neil was shocked that how much she suffered just because of him just because of his stupid decision....

Neil joined his hands and said

Neil : Avni I am sorry please foregive me just to save my dad you did all this and what i did to you always had forgiven me wheather its aboht Juhi or Mishti or putting you in jail you always stood beside me and what i did to you i am sorry Avni i am sorry...

And he cried his heart out Avni immediately pulled him and hugged him tightly and said

Avni : it is not your fault my fate is like that only whosoever i love they are in trouble or will leave me. And i really didn't wanted to give any pain to anyone and He is my dad so whatever i did for my dad only Neil and please don't feel guilty.
Its our destiny that all this things happened now just forget everything and live your Life with Mitali...

Neil was supper shocked and said

Neil : I am not gonna marry anyone.

Avni was looking at him with shocked expressions

Avni : Neil you Promised her  so you will not take any wrong decisions now and she loves you...

Neil : What about you Avni you also loved me you had always been my Strength and what about the Promises i made to you giving you happy family what about you Avni

He said in serious tone

Avni cupped his face and said

Avni : Neil i am used to it and about your promise you have given me bes5 gift that's Mogwli and is enough...

Neil : But its not enough for me i love you and i can't give your place to anyone else so i am not gonna marry Mitali....

Angrily and in very serious tone...

Avni was somewhere ready to be with Neil...

Avni : Neil I lovee you but what about Mitali ?

Neil cupped her face and said

Neil : I will handle it and infact now you are beside me i can face anything...

Saying this he hugged her tightly..

After sometime they came down and all were looking at them surprisingly

Shweta asked

Shweta : What made you took so long ?

Neil : I want to tell you all something !

Bebe : Is everything okay ?

Neil : Yess !

Prakash : Than ?

Neil : Dad Bebe i don't want to get marry Mitali.

Bebe and Prakash were very happy hearing this but Shweta and Mitali were shocked...

Mitali got angry and shouts

Mitali : Neil what the hell is thie Neil you promised me to marry me ? And now what made you to take this decision ?

Neil : I know but i won't be happy with you and will not be able to give you such happiness.

Mitali started crying fake

Mitali : I know what made you took this decision i know that.

Shweta : Avni why you doing this to her ?

Neil : Not a word to her

Mitali : oh really now you taking her side i know she made you to take this decision she is forcing you right ?

Mitali came near Avni and was about to slap but Neil held her hand and shouted

Neil : Dare you come near her !

Shweta : Neil is this the way to talk ?

Neil smiles sarcastically and said

Neil : Oh really ! Mitali what you did was way more bigger than my tone
You made Avni scared by making her believe that Dayawanti is alive and you made her feel same pain and fear in her heart which i tried to heal if i am not saying anything so be quiet
And its my final decision...

Bebe : Shweta what you want Neil's happiness  or not ?

Prakash : Can't you see his happiness is in Avni

They were talking Mogwli came there and he Avni he immediately ran ti her and Avni hugged him...

Neil smiled and said to Mitali

Neil : Mitali you leave from here i don't want to see your face again...

Mitali : Neil just because of her you doing this right and just tell me one thing is Mogwli really your son ?
As she was away from you for 10 years you never know with whom Avni slept ?

That was it Neil immediately slapped her said

Neil : Just get the hell out of here or else i will forget that you are a lady so just go (he shouts)

All were shocked to see Neil like this specially Mogwli

Mitali felt way much insulted so she left...

Shweta felt guilty and said sorry...

They talked for sometime and sought out everything...

Neil Mogwli and Avni went to Cliff where they met...

Neil : I loveee you Avni

Avni : i love you Neil

Mogwli :  I love youu Mumma papa...

And Neil picked Mogwli in his arms and kissed his cheeks and Avni also kissed his cheeks...

And after that they live happily....

Well Avni and Neil love is so pure no one can doubt on them but sometimes ego also covers up the love so.
Avni made sure not to bring her ego in her love but Neil did as he was really hurt but atlast he understood everything...

Avni and Neil can never ever get separated from each other as their love is binds with trust and respect.
No matter what they will always beside each other.
As Avneil never can stay away from each other...

Their love is binds with respect and trust...

Well I am not able to tag the person who told me to write this os

Well i hope i matched your expectations...

Well i tried my best for this !

Please vote and comment....

Thank you


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