College Love Story (Last Part)

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Next Day in College

Avni and Juhi are sitting in Staff room as they are free for 2 hours as they don't have any lectures
and Vidhyut had a lecture so he is busy with his work.

Avni and Juhi are talking on random topics
that time someone knocked the door and they both looked at the door and Saw Neil who was having beautiful smile after seeing Avni

Juhi and Avni got up from their seats Neil came inside with that beautiful smile

And said

Neil : Hey

Avni : Hie

Juhi : Hello

Neil gestured them to sit and asked

Neil : May I ?

Avni/Juhi : Ofcourse (with a smile)

Neil smiled and sat beside Avni and said

Neil : So what are you doing here

Avni : Actually we don't have any lectures for next one hour so we thought to stay here

Neil smile and replied

Neil : Ohh that's nice

Juhi and Avni smiled

There was silence for few mins and Juhi break the Silence and said

Juhi : So Neil us about you (with a smirk)

Avni gave shocked look

Juhi smiled seeing Avni's reaction

Neil smile and replied

Neil : Well I did my schooling from Mumbai and even college too But for MBA I went to London and was there for quit long time I came back to India Last month only and when I came back My dad and mom wanted me to join college as a Dean and I agreed to it because they also need me and now I am here

Juhi smiled and said

Juhi : That's really great you are thinking of your family

Neil replied with a smile which impressed Avni

Neil : Well whole life our parents are with us for our success so why can't we be with them when they are really in need of us and Apart from this I started loving this place (He said while looking at Avni)

And this was noticed by Juhi and she smiled seeing this.

They talk for long time like this and then there was a lecture of Avni so got up and said

Avni : Hey Guys I should leave as there is my last lecture so I need to complete soon

Neil smiled and Said

Neil : Avni if you don't mind can I join you for this lecture as I want to see how teachers here teach and how they handle their student (He smiled Nervously)

Juhi Chuckled seeing him

Avni looked at him for a few secs

And Neil is waiting for her reply

Avni replied him

Avni : Yes Why not you can surely join me

Saying this they left but no before saying bye to Juhi

Class Room

Students were talking and making noise as Avni and Neil Entered

Students got silent and stood up on their place and wished them..

AvNeil Replied back and smiled and Avni said

Avni : Students today Neil sir will sit with you and so behave well

All students said yes

And girls were drooling over Neil

Avni noticed that and she cleared her throat and Said

Avni : Neil sir Please have a sit and Students open your books and now we will discuss about social topics...

Like this she started teaching and Neil was lost in her

She use to smile in between in the sessions and Students were also enjoying the way she teaches and
When Neil noticed her on of the student saw this and chuckled seeing Neil like this but he didn't reacted and started focusing on lecture
And lecture ended but Neil was busy in Avni so he didn't realized it but when Avni called him he looked at her and controlled his embarrassment and said

Neil : Ya Avni

Avni : Neil lecture is over and now we should go out

Neil smiles Nervously and said

Neil : It ended soon

Avni Chuckled and said

Avni : lecture is of One Hr only so class is over

She said this showing her watch and Neil smiled and Said

Avni : You are so Amazing professor you teach them so amazingly I was just listening you and I feel you should not stop

Avni smiled and said

Avni : Thankyou Sir

Neil : Avni only Neil

Avni laughed and saif

Avni : Haan only Ne

While talking they came out of the class

Vidhyut and Juhi were waiting for them as its time to leave

Vidhyut waved to them and they went to Vidhyut and Juhi

Juhi : Hey

AvNeil Replied

Vidhyut asked

Vidhyut : Neil how did u feel about Avni's lecture ?

Neil smiled and said

Neil : She is an amazing professor she makes students understand in simple way I felt she should go on and on...

Vidhyut and Juhi Chuckled

Avni Smiled

They were talking and coming out of the college that time Avni's phone rang

Avni received...

Here Vidhyut and Juhi and Neil were talking

While Avni came to them and said

Avni : Guys I have to go there is some important work will meet you tomorrow byee

Juhi and Vidhyut smiled and said Bye

Neil didn't want her to go but he couldn't say anything he just said

Neil : Bye Drive safe

Avni smiled and said

Avni : Yaay Thanks Byee

Time Skip

After a while avni had reached home a little late due to traffic on the way

When she entered she saw neela arranging new flowers in the vase while workers were cleaning up the place

Avni: maaa what is going on? She asked walking towards neela

Neela: Bacha the khanna family is coming along with dd, vidyut and juhi in 2 hours

Avni: how comes all of sudden? I mean what's the occasion?

Neela: because I have invited them for dinner that is why.

Avni: I see

Neela: now come on go and change and I'll get things ready

Avni: I'll help first and change after she said

After some time once neela and avni got all of the arrangements ready and then both went to change.

Neela had come down and went to the kitchen to give a final check

At that time avni came down and headed to the kitchen to get some water to drink when they heard the door bell ring

Neela:I'll go and see she said

As neela opened the door she saw the khanna family along with dd

Neil and dd took neela blessing and after that neela greeted shweta, bebe and that time avni was coming out of the kitchen sorting her that time vidyut and juhi also arrived who greeted everyone

Avni came and stood next to neela while neil was shocked seen avni coming from behind all of  a sudden

Avni smiled at all and folded her hands at bebe, shweta and prakssh while vidyut and juhi gave her a hug and smiled at dd and Neil to see him looking at her blankly

Neela invited all in while prakash tapped neil on the shoulder and gestured to walk ahead who slowly nodded

As all sat down the elders chit chatted while neil was wondering about what avni was doing at neela place...he looked at her to see her talking to juhi, vidhut and dd while the workers served them some drinks and all

After chit chatting for a bit all decided to have dinner

Neela: avni beta we elders will eat here downstairs why dont you take your friends and eat upstairs on the terrace ..I'll get food sent upstairs she said

Avni: ok maa she said getting up while neil looked at avni getting another blow

As they reached to the terrace all sat down and that is when neil spoke

Neil: what is going on avni? Neela aunty is your mother but  you have kept it hidden...y?...what are you up to

Avni smiled and looked at neil

Avni: I'm not up to anything neil... only your family, juhi and vidyut know the truth about me been neela parikh daughter she said

Neil:but y? What is the need to hide it ?

Avni: because I actually want to achieve everything with my own hard work mumma has done a lot for me been a single mother...and I wanted to achieve something in my life just for her and for myself because I have seen how much hard work she has put in our life to reach this position that we are in... I was going to tell you soon but it came out like this she said

A small smile spreaded through Neil's cheek which slowly widened...he was literally proud of avni even more and his love for her doubled

Neil: well I guess that clears everything then avni..and we are proud of you...its good to know that you want to be on your feet and achieve something with your own hard work he said making avni and everyone smile

As time went by avneil were actually spending more time with each other be it at college or out of college....and somewhere avni had realised she is actually in love with Neil with the way he treats her, his caring nature and how he helps people in need and his personality was something that can make anyone fall for him...none had confessed their love for each other yet

Mithali who was an assistant professor in the college would often see avneil together and that is something she never liked as ever since she had seen neil she had a liking for him and she made sure to separate avneil at any cost so that she gets to spend time with neil

One day there was going to be an event that was going to be held at the college and mithali decided to use that as a change and secretly got a news spreaded that avni was dating neil who was the dean of the college.

Juhi and vidyut who was there already saw avni and waved at her while as avni started walking she noticed how students were giving her a dirty look...she frowned but ignored and continued walking while she again noticed other students giving her the same look while some were laughing while pointing towards her

Avni reached to her friends and greeted that time someone threw a note towards avni who picked it up to see something written when her eyes widened ...juhi and vidyut noticed her expressions and took the note of her to see it say

*Professor Avni dating the dean neil khanna to reach a higher position *

Avni looked around to see why all were looking at her like that when neil came towards them and smiled and saw the tensed faces of them 3

Neil: what happened?

Vidyut handed the note to neil who read it and was angry

Avni decided to leave and was about to walk away but neil held her hand stopping her

Neil: who did this he shouted loudly grabbing everyone's attention showing the paper to everyone

None spoke and looked at neil while the hall was completely silent

Neil:i am asking again he said with a warning Tone ..

one of the students spoke

Student: we dont know who wrote it but we think it's true as avni ma'am is spending time with you which we all have noticed

Neil: do you even know who she is he said frustrated

Avni: neil please she pleaded but neil looked at her and shook his head

He took her towards the stage and looked at all the students angrily while mithali was thinking what is going to happen

Neil: she isnt any random person..she is avni parikh the daughter of neela parikh who is the trustee of this college...if she wanted to she could have used her powers to reach any place but she didnt and worked on her own to reach the position she is in right now...and no we are not dating but yes I do love her not because of her been neela parikh daughter but for the person she is

Neil looked at avni to see her looking at him shockingly while the rest were shocked to know that avni was neela's daughter

Neil smiled and went down on his knees while avni eyes widened and her heartbeats started to increase fast

Neil took out a ring and looked at avni

Neil:avni parikh...ever since I have seen you my heart fell for you then and there... you have made me fallen in love with you so deeply that I cant imagine my life without you...I want to enjoy each moment with a part of your success and love you forever..will you allow me to be a part of my life and allow me to be a part of yours he said

Avni smiled while there was tears in her eyes

All the students shouted "say yes" followed by juhi and vidyut while mithali huffed  and left the place.

Avni: yes...I love you neil...and I would allow you to be a part of my life and would love to be a part of yours for the amazing person you time went by I started to fall in love with you and enjoyed spending time with you...the support you have given me and been with me is something that I had always wanted my partner to be as...I want to share every part of my life with you and enjoy each and every moment  she said

All cheered and smiled while neil put the ring on avni's finger and got up...both looked at each other and hugged each other

Avneil:I love you both said at the same time  while the rest clapped

The End

The new journey begins of AvNeil

Love ❤
Meera ❤

Well I am extremely sorry for this much delay

As now i have lost my interest in writing so I just want to complete this os as its really special and close to my heart and I planned something else but it ended being worst....

Well its not upto the expections I may disappoint you with the update

Happy Reading

Thankyou ❤

Love Meera ❤

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