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Hey Guys hope you all are doing well...

Well here is an small os from Naamkarann
I hope you will enjoy reading this os

This os starts when Avni was insulted in court and Neil went in search of her

So Lets Start 🤍

Avni went from the court like a wind everyone was calling her but she wasn't ready to listen Neil tried really hard to stop her but she left.

Everybody was upset and were standing really upset

Neil moved his hand in hair being frustrated on himself he was continously saying

Neil : This shouldn't have happened !

He was about go towards his car but Mitali stopped

Mitali looked at him and said

Mitali : Neil she needs time and today you have to come at my place for dinner as my friends are going to come to meet you so please don't ditch me and Avni is not your priority right and she needs time so leave her alone....

When she said this Neil got angry and said being frustrated

Neil : Firstly Mitali Avni needs me I need to give her clarity about today's incident I wasn't at fault and about her being priority let me inform you that she is my priority she is my child's mother so she is my priority and yes about the dinner i will surely be there to entertain your friends but for now I need to be with Avni.

Saying this he left from there

And Mitali was looking at him...

Neil sat in his car and drove off while driving he was calling Avni continuously but unfortunately her phone was out of coverage

Neil was hell stressed he was searching her like a manic

He went to every possible place she could be but she wasn't there even he went to Neela Ma's house but she wasn't there...

He stopped his car at isolated place he got out of his car and hit his leg on tyre and said

Neil : Avni for god sake please come to me I am sorry It was not my intention to hurt you Please come to me where are you where are you ?

Saying this a tear came from his eyes and suddenly something strikes in his mind and thought.

(Flash back same as show)

He came back to reality.

He said

Neil : always remember whenever you don't get answers just go back to from where it all started...

Saying this he immediately sat in car and drove off...

Neil reached to cliff where he saw Avni standing alone he sighs and saw she was in deep thought.

Neil starts walking to her

And Avni is in deep thoughts

Everything is coming in her mind her and Neil love life
Court room incident
Neil taking stand in court in rang mahal in front of his family all her beautiful memories with Neil Everything was coming in her mind

Suddenly Neil called her

Neil : Avni

She looked up in tears Neil's hearts pains he was also having tears they shared deep eye lock which was broke by Neil

Neil said

Neil : Avni why is your phone off why did you left without saying anything Avni how much we all are tensed do you even realized?

Avni in tears said

Avni : Neil today I couldn't control myself I couldn't be strong enough this time I am broken from inside.
Neil I am strong but I too have heart which pains alot alot...
(She points to right side on her chest)

A tear slips from Neil's eyes...

Neil : Avni i am sorry It was not my intention to hurt you I didn't knew that lawyer will use this all things in court I am sorry I always supports you but this time I broke you

Avni smiles in pain and said

Avni : Neil I know its not you today whatever happend it was not you your lawyer is at fault so please don't be sorry Neil...
Whenever I run from this all things unfortunately this all come in front of me no matter how much I try to run my destiny doesn't wants me to stay away from Pain...

Neil nods his head in Nooo and said

Neil : Avni we were the ones who used to be with each other and today we are against each other why ?

Avni : Neil its our destiny we don't why this all happened with us I know I did a huge mistake but I was myself in pain that time and to protect our family I took that step but atlast Whosoever I love will always go away from me be it Ayesha Maa Neela Ma you and now mogwli...

Neil's tears were not stopping and said

Neil : Avni you kept my kid away from me that's why I took this step and my intention are not to hurt you.

Avni nods and said

Avni : I know and its my mistake that you took this step and tomorrow Mowgli will be with one of us till then we should wait....

Neil nods they stood there silently after 10 mins Neil said

Neil : Avni its late let me drop you its not good to stay here for long time.

Avni : Neil its Okay i will book the cab.

Neil : Avni your phone is off and even mine also so please come with me...

Avni nods and because she is not having energy to argue

They sat in car Neil connected his phone is car charger....

And started driving while they were on the way Neil got a call from Prakash

On call

Prakash : Neil where are you why your phone is off where is Avni did you met her

Neil : Papa Avni is with me we are on the way to sukoon Ghar...

Prakash: Neil we all here only come fast...

Neil : Ji papa....

Avni asked

Avni : What happend Neil ?

Neil : They are at sukoon ghar they are calling us there...

Avni just nods...

They reached Sukoon Ghar

Avni came out of car Neil was about come out his something strikes in his mind

Neil : Avni you go I will be back

Avni nods and she went inside

As Avni goes inside she was bombarded with lots of questions from everyone who was there

Mogwli came running and hugged her.

Out Side Sukoon Ghar Neil Is talking on call
He looks really angry

Neil : Today whatever you did is really very very wrong you should Have not insulted Avni this who ask you to question her like this ?

Lawyer was scared and said

Lawyer: Neil sir Someone told me to ask Avni mam this question

Neil fist his fingers and asked

Neil : Who said ?

Lawyer was stammering

Lawyer: Si_r sir umm_

Neil got frustrated and asked

Neil : Tell me who told you ?

Lawyer immediately replied

Lawyer: Mitali

As Neil heard he cut the call and was looking shocked...
He ran his hand in his hair and got angry

He dialled her number

At Mitali home she was sitting and her phone rang it pop up Neil's name she immediately picked up before she say anything she heard Neil's voice

Neil : Mitali at Sukoon Ghar in 20 mins

Saying this Neil cut the call and Mitali was confused she immediately got up and left for Sukoon ghar....

Neil came inside and saw Bebe is holding Avni's hand tightly...

Neil smiles....

Neil sat beside Shweta who was sitting opposite to Bebe.

They all were talking on random topic as they don't want remember whatever happend today...

That time DD came with tensed face

All looked at him
And got confused what happend to him

Neil got up and was about to ask that time Mitali came...

Neil saw her and got really angry...

Everyone looked at her and smiled but Neil gave angry look

Mitali spoke

Mitali: Neil Why did you called me over here but before that answer me why didn't you show up to me today i was trying to call you but you were busy with you Ex wife

Neil got angry and said Directly

Neil : Why the hell you asked Lawyer to Insult Avni...

Mitali was shocked and Everybody stood up and looked at Mitali with Shock

Neil didn't got answer he again said

Neil : Mitali don't test my patience why the hell you did

Mitali Stammered and said

Mitali : Neil Me_ Um Me_

Neil : Speak up damit (loudly)

Mitali flinch with his voice

Mitali : Neil actually vo Neil you...

She was not able to speak

Between this Shweta spoke

Shweta :Neil how come you accuse her ?

Neil eyes got really red before he speaks DD said

DD : If she can hide big proof regarding bhabhi taking this big step she can bloody do anything....

All looked at him with shocked expressions and Avni started getting nervous and started sweating in stress
Neil looks at her with shocked and confused expressions

Mitali was sweating badly as she knew now no body can support her...

Neil : DD what are you saying ?

DD looked at him and walked towards Avni and said

DD : Bhabhi I will tell them everything and you will not stop me...
I know you got it what I am saying but not this time I always supports you because its better for you but not today not today please... let them all know why you took this step...

Neil was looking more shockingly...

Neil said

Neil : DD tell us what are you trying to say ?

DD looked at them and said

DD : Sirji

He was about to say but Avni interrupted

Avni : DD please no

DD nods his head in no and said

DD : Bhabhi as I already said that I am not gonna listen to you today everytime I do what you say but today No I am not gonna listen...

Avni Pleads him but he is not listening

DD : Sir Vidhyut Blackmailed Avni Bhabhi

Neil Looked at him and said

Neil : what ?

DD then told them everything how Vidhyut Drugged Prakash and all

Neil was shocked

DD : I will just bring laptop

DD went out and bought his laptop he played the clip all were looking at Avni in shock

As clip ended DD said

DD : I got to know this on Sir ji's engagement...

All looked at him

DD : As i was stuck in some case I need to find out some files and the case Me and Mitali were doing together and the file I wanted was in Mitali's cabin so I went there and in search I saw Bhabhi's frame.

Mitali was sweating badly she was tensed now everyone will get to know everything

DD looked at Mitali and continue

DD: I got curious and by mistake the from slip from my hand and got broken and I bend down to see what is that and out of curiosity I attached with my laptop and saw this video.

Neil said

Neil : DD why didn't you inform this before ?

DD smiled sadly and said

DD : Sirji I asked you to meet me and told you wanted to tell you about bhabhi but you confronted me as you were with Mitali

Neil closed his eyes tightly

DD : And then was busy with case...
And this Mitali she knew before me but this bloody didn't said any of us and infact she is the one who is behind Bhabhi's Insult in jail.... sirji is right she is the one who planned everything....

All were shocked including Avni

Neil eyes were blood shot red and said

Neil : Why the hell you did this why the hell you did this ?


Mitali flinch and said

Mitali : You always do Avni Avni you run behind her you only care for her so what shall I do and I saw you tensed for Mowgli's case so for you I did this...

With fake tears she said all this

Neil got really angry and broke the cup which was on the table...the glass pieces shattered on the floor

Bebe: sunheri take mowgli inside she said who nodded and took a curious and scared mowgli inside the room

neil: you knew how I was without knew how much pain i had gone through without having avni besides knew what place avni has in my life yet you kept such important facts hidden from me...been a girl you didnt care about the humiliation avni would face of hearing the same thing again and and again he said slowly raising his voice

Mitali: neil...but she couldnt complete

Neil:I considered you my friend but you became too selfish that you didnt even show me your real face... not only avni but you didnt even think about mowgli and here you pretend that you did all this for me because I was tensed...if you did all this for me so that i feel better then tell me one thing mithali...y the hell didnt you tell me each and everything before so that I could of had my son and my wife back in my life without any problems.... just look at you on one side it's you who hid the truth for your own benefit and on the other side it was my avni who hid the truth for others... and here you act all innocent as if you havent done anything wrong bravo mitali you should receive a medal he said sarcastically

Mithali closed her eyes frustratingly and spoke

Mithali:haan I'm selfish because I think about myself..I'm not avni and I don't want to be like her...yes I am the one who did all that to avni in kashid making her believe dayawanti is back, hiding her identity from you, hiding the secret that avni had kept to herself to save your family, telling the lawyer to insult avni...this is what you wanted to hear right...happy now...If i became a little selfish to have you in my life I dont believe i did anything wrong because everything I did was to get you only. She said frustrated

Neil glared at avni while the family looked at mithali in shock and anger...

Neil: you know what mithali...get out from fact get out of my life before I get you arrested he said burning in rage.

Mithali felt insulted and nodded her head leaving from there

As soon as mithali left the tears that Neil was holding behind his anger finally came out and he dropped on his knees crying his heart out.

Avni heart ached to see neil like that

As all moved towards neil avni reached near him first and bent next to him

Neil: this happened because of me...all this is my fault otherwise this wouldnt have happened..

Avni:neil noo that is not true she said trying to control her tears as she wiped his tears and cupped his cheeks

Neil took one of her hands and kissed the back of it as his tears flowed nonstop

Neil: if I had tried to understand why you had taken such step and digged into this matter then maybe things would have been different but been blinded in my anger and ego I took such steps to hurt you for leaving me alone for the past 10 years thinking I deceived you...I always claimed that I love you and I can understand you better than anyone else but I failed avni..i failed to keep those promised..I failed to protect you he said the last bit with his tone cracking

Avni:no neil no...its your love that had kept me strong...despite you not been there mentally you was there to give me that support whenever I needed you...your advice on life on how to deal with things in life motivated even more and gave me the support for everyday day that I woke up to... you was just angry becusse I appeared out of nowhere and at that time you just didnt know how to gave me a reason to live and love by just been in my heart neil so dont ever think you failed because neil can never fail..avni wont allow him to fail she said as tears rolled down her cheeks

All had tears in their eyes

Neil looked at avni and pulled her in a hug

Neil: I'm sorry for every pain that I caused you I am really sorry avni please forgive me

Avni: I was never angry on you neil...I can never there is no need for you to say sorry she said

Neil broke the hug and held avni hand

Neil: please allow me to be a part of your life avni...please give me a chance to correct my mistake and be the father and husband that I want to...I promise not to hurt you...I promise that I would be the best father and husband but please accept me back in your life he said pleadingly

avni heart melted more seen the way he said...she smiled as now happy tears rolled down her cheeks

Avni: you never left from my life neil...your place is the same in my heart just like how it was ever since I fell in love with you she said

Neil cried happily and kissed her forehead and bugged her tightly while all smiled happily wiping their tears

Shweta: mowgli beta look at your mumma and papa they will live together now she said loudly

All laughed along with avneil while they still stayed in a hugging position

Mowgli came out as he heard shweta and ran to his parents when he saw them hug

Neil and avni broke the hug feeling avni and both looked at each other

Neil: our happy family

Avni:yes our family which is completed now she said looking at everyone and then at mowgli and neil who pulled her in another hug with mowgli between them.

So here is an OS

I hope you guys enjoyed reading this one do let me know how it is !

Thankyou ❤

Love ❤

Meera ❤

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