OS 1 : Nashe si chadh gai

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Hii guys

After a long time i am writing something so please forgive me if any mistakes are there.

Hope you all will enjoy.
Happy reading

A girl was seen making coffee in the kitchen humming a song. Her rythem got broken by the doorbell. The person outside the door was so impatient that he was ringing the doorbell without stoping. It happens every morning so she didn't give much attention to it.

"Just two minutes" she replied from kitchen itself.

"Open the door Avni" the person outside the door screamed impatiently.

Avni took her coffee and went to open the door. "Stop pressing the doorbell" she said irritatingly in her way.

Avni open the door and there he was standing drenched in sweat. He immediately took the mug from her hand and started drinking it and went inside.

" Neil !! you can't do that everyday. it's mine and wash your face atleast you are sweating." Avni said trying to snach the mug from his hand but couldn't.

He put the mug on centre table. "Don't enen think of drinking that coffee, it's mine now" he said and went to washroom.

He came back and shaw that Avni was siting there waiting for him. He sat beside her and started drinking the coffee.

"Don't look at me like this i am not going to share it with you" said neil when he noticed that she have not made coffee for herself.

She looked at him in disbelief. "Neil you can't snach my coffee everytime." Said avni while pouting.

"Avni you no that i came here everyday and drink your coffe then why don't you make two cups of coffee??" he asked her sipping his coffee. 

"Don't forget that you don't come here daily okey" she said making faces.

"That's becoause i have to go in different cities for my job and you know that whenever i am here i always come to you for my morning coffee." neil said defending himself.

"That's not my problem." She said glaring at him who was enjoying coffee which she made for herself.

"what?? go and make another coffee if you want to drink or i don't mind if you want to look at this handsome guy" Neil said praising himself.

Avni went to kitchen for making another coffee for herself not before muttering "mr. self obsessed " which was audible to neil. Neil smiled hearing this and continued to dring his coffee. Avni came back after making coffee. Then both had their coffee chit chatting with eachother. After that Avni went to her room to get ready for her office.

Avni and Neil are childhood friends. They are from delhi. There houses are just next to each other and their family are business partners. Right now Neil and Avni are staying in Mumbai because of their job. They studied together and their family suggested them to join their family business but they denied said that they want to get some experience from working at some other company as a normal employee. After that they will join their family business. In Mumbai they are working at different companies. Neil used to visit different cities regarding his job. While avni's job is stable. She just have to go office and from office to home. Right now she is staying in apartment given by the company. Neil's house is at walkable distance from her house. Whenever Neil is in the city he would directly come to avni's home after his jogging for his morning coffee which actually avni had made for herself. After that she would get ready for her office and they go to Neil's house. Then Neil would drop her to her office and he too would leave for his office. This is their normal routine whenever Neil is in the town.

Avni come out from her room changing in her office wear and the first thing she shaw was neil reading a diary that to her personal diary.

" NEIL" she screamed on top of her voice. "How can you read someones personal diary??" she said snatching the diary from him and went to her room.

" It was on the table only and i had nothing to do so i thought to read it" He said following her to her room.

" But it was personal Neil!!" She said turning towards him at the door.

"But it was yours so what's wrong in reading it??" he asked standing in front of her.

"But it's personal.  You can't read it."

"why? We know eachother from childhood. We share every thing that happen in our life. Then what's the problem?"

" You can't read it and that's it." said avni and closed the door on his face.

She put the diary in the cupboard and
come out from her room.

"Now let's go" she said dragging him.

But neil stopped her.

"Sorry avni if you didn'tlike it. I didn't mean to hurt you" he said feeling that he hurted her.

"It's ok neil. I just overreacted and that too because some crazy things of my mind were written in it and i didn't want you to make fun of it or me." she said last line laughing.

"ok so you are not angry on me right?"

" no baba now let's go."

" Avni..take some spare clothes today you are staying at my home."


"nothing special. after two days i am going to Bangalore so we will spend some time together. what say?"

"okay. i am just coming in 10 minutes. you wait for me downstairs. " said avni and went to her room for packing her stuff.

after that they went to Neil's house. Neil to changed his cloths and they headed to Avni's office. Neil said avni that he will pick her after office and went to his office.

In evening Neil picked Avni from her office and they went to Neil's home. They talked for a long time. Neil tell her about his journey and avni tell him about her office work. They had their dinner recalling their childhood memories.

At night Avni was sitting in the balconey attached to the room just staring at the beautiful sky and drowned in her own world. She came to reality when neil came and sat beside her putting two glasses filled with something that she didn't know.

"Avni.." he called her loudly sensing she is lost somewhere.

"why are you screaming??? i am here only" she said putting her hand on her ear.

"because i love irritating you" he said laugh dramatically. "now take this" he said forwarding her one glass which he brought.

"what is this?" she said looking at the glass trying to identify it.

"I want to try alcohol once in my life" Neil said mischievously.

Avni's eyes winded at his statement. "Neil... i will kill you. How can you do that. it was personal. " she said glaring at him.

"I said no i am sorry for that. i just read 2 - 3 things from your diary that you want to try in your life and then you snatched it from me. And again i am sorry." he said and avni just look at him with the expression like 'i will not spare you'.

neil ignored it and continued "now listen. what i am saying is now i know this thing then why don't you try it. you always wanted to try no. then why not today?" he said excitedly.

Avni looled at him trying to understand his words. he was right she thought but suddenly said no to his idea.

"No neil i will not try it."

"Avni yaar try it na" he pleaded to her.

"NO" she said ane turn her face.

"Okey. don't.. i will drink. but don't tell me afterwards that you wanted to drink it." he said and acted as he is gonna drink.

And the very next moment avni looked towards him making a pout.

"what? you want? he asked offeringher a glass. She just shook her head in denial.

"okey" he said and again acted like he is going to drink it. Before he could drink Avni held his hand.

"Now what happened? you are not drinking its fine but let me drink atleast" he said trying to control his laugh. She just look at him and then the glass. His plan was working.

"listen. I am telling you. you won't get this chance again."

"but don't tell anyone.okey??" finally she spoke and he replied immediately.


"Are you sure"

"yes. now drink"

She slowly took the glass from his hand and look at him. He gesture her to drink it. She close her eyes and took a small sip of the drink.

"yukk" she yell at the very next moment putting the glass on the table. "it's not good."

" it's not juise. It taste like this only."

"How can anyone drink this!!" she said making faces. Neil was just laughing looking at her childish behaviour.

"Don't laugh at me." She said trying to act strict.

"okey i will not. Now finish the whole glass.

"no. i can't drink it." she said making faces.

"common avni you can drink it." he said. avni looked at him and then glass and she drunk the whole glass in one go.

"well i didn't expected that" neil said surprised looking at her.

Avni sat there silently and then run inside the room. Befor neil could understand and follow her she locked the door from inside. Neil panicked seeing this.

"Avni what happened? are you okey??" he asked her from outside banging the door.

"I am okey neil, but i will get drunk in sometime." she said.

"That's what you want to experience right?"

"yes, but i am nervous now. excited also." she said in confusion.

He chuckled hearing this and said " open the door now"

"no, i will not" she said being afraid that she would do something wrong after being drunk.

"Avni i said open the door"


"i will tell neela ma whatever you have done right now" he said threatening her.

"No..you promised me"

"then open the door"


"then i am calling her"

Finally she opened the door and started walking towards the bed.

" are you mad??" neil yelled at her entering the room. Avni didn't replied to his question and sat on the side of a bed. neil too sat beside her.

"what happened??" he asked calmly.

"i am afraid " she said looking down.

"afraid of what??"

She ignored his question and asked him curiously "will i be able to remember all this??"

"well it depends" he said

"i am so nervous" she said getting up from the bed and started walking from one corner to another corner of the room muttering something in nervousness which was audible to her only.

Neil tried a loat to calm her down but it was of no use. So he decide to stay quiet. He sat on the sofa and looked at Avni's antics.
Next Morning

Avni wake up with a slight headache next morning. She hold her head with hands and directly went to the washroom. She was about to open the door when she found a note sticked on it.


Good morning avni

I hope you are okey after last night.

Your head must be aching at this time. Lemonade is kept on your table. Drink it you will feel better. Don't go to work if you are not feeling well.

I have some important important work at office. See you in the evening.


After reading the note she remember what blunder she made last night. She hurriedly went to freshen up after drinking lemonade and then went to her office directly. The whole day she was so worried thinking about last night. Thankfully her work was over soon so she returned home early than usual.

Late evening her doorbell rang and she got worried thinking who might have come.

After a long sigh she went to open the door and there he was.

"umm...Neil...you here?" she asked him nervously.

"I told you 'see you in the evening' now let me come inside" He said and came inside. He sat on the sofa. She went to him but was unsure of what to do. Do she offered him coffee.

"Neil you wait here i will make coffee for you" she said looking everywhere except him and hurriedly went to kitchen before neil can reply.

After some minutes when she didn't come back from kitchen neil decided to check on her. When he entered the kitchen she was lost somewhere while making coffee. He stopped her by holding her hand.

"Avni" He said calmly.

"Hmm?" She said and looked at him for millisecond and then looked at the coffee mug which was on the kitchen counter.

"What happened Avni? Why are you behaving strange?" he asked her in a most concerned way.

" Nothing happened neil. i am all ok" she said without looking at him.

"Avni you know you can share anythinh with me."

She looked at him and she was able to see care and concern for her in his eyes. so she decided to tell him everything that was going in her mind.

"I ruined everything neil. I ruined over friendship. I ruined everything. Whatever i said last night was ....it was just because i was drunk. Don't take my words seriously. I was drunk that's it. I didn't mean it."

She finally said whatever was there in her heart. But last line broke his heart. It took him some time to recover from whatever avni has said to him. Avni was just looking down that's why she was not able to register his sad face.

"A..Are you sure you didn't mean anything whatever you said last night?" He asked her hopefully.

Avni was not able to say anything. Her own words from last night were ringing in her mind. She knew that she mean each and every word she said to him it doesn't matter she was drunk or not. But she wasn't able to say anything. She was not able to lie and afraid that she will loose his friendship by saying the truth.

Seeing her condition neil said " i was so happy after hearing whatever you said last night"

Hearing this Avni looked at him immediately.

"I Love You"

Neil said sincerely without wasting a second looking into her eyes. She widened her eyes at his statement.

"I love you Avni and i mean it." he was looking at her with hopeful eyes waiting for her reply.

'Is he drunk?' Avni thought.

"I am not drunk avni" he said like he was able to read her mind.

" i am sure that i am still drunk." she said looking down.

Neil chuckled at her antics and said " you are not drunk neither me."

"You sure? You are not doing this for me na?" she asked doubtfully.

" i am sure and i am not doing this for me. i am doing this for myself because i want to be with you forever. " he said

"You really love me?" she asked like a child.

"Tell me how many times i have to tell you that i love you. i love you. i love you. i love you." He started repeating it untill Avni thrown herself on him her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly.  Neil stumble two step backward to balance them and wrapped his arms around her waist.

" Do you know how worried i was? i was so scared , nervous and what not. You should tell me that yesterday only no." Like this she started blabbering and neil smiled hearing that.

She stopped when Neil said, "Avni listen. can you please repeat your words from last night? i want to hear them again."

" I Love You"

She said and he tightened his grip around her.

Such a long os. i hope you are not bored.

ok now one thing. Here i am not in favour of drinking alcohol or anything. This OS is just for enjoyment. so don't take anything seriously. i hope you will understand 😄

second thing

Sorry for not writing that middle par when Avni was drunk. otherwise this would have been even longer. And i not going to write it in any other part because i am worse at writing drunken scenes . so if anyone want want to write on that as a part of this os then they are free to do so. just tag me in your os. i would love to read it.😃

third thing

how was it?

tell me by your votes and comments.

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