OS2 : i won't be able to live without you

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hello lovely readers

this is not a new os..i had already published this os in my other book but now i have deleted it from that book and now publishing here. you can give it a try if you haven't read it in other book.


So many mistakes 😜

Neil's Pov

I have to complete a mission and for that i have to go to delhi. I really don't want to go anywhere leaving my duty on the border. I love doing my duty for my country on the border. Its five years now since i joined army. My family agreed half heartedly for this because of my passion towards this. I miss them a lot but then i thought that i am here for them, for my people, to protect them and after that i feel proud on myself, proud to be the Indian army.

One day i received a letter from my head to inform me that i have to go for a secret mission with my two batch mates. Although i didn't like to leave the border but still i agreed because it's also about the safety of our country and i can do anything for our contry.

We left for delhi. We were leaving in a different flats of nearby area. we almost complete the half mission in three months. One day i was going to meet my batchmates to discuss about the mission. I was in so much hurry that after leaving the lift on ground floor i started running. Just then a girl bumped on me. oh sorry actually i bumped on her. I saw that she had so much luggage with her and the file which she was holding was now on the floor with shattered papers. I said sorry to her and started to gather the papers. After gathering the papers i handed the file to her and again asked sorry to her, but instead of eccepting my sorry she started to shout on me and she was shouting on me just nonstop. i tried to calm her down but she was unstopable. to escape from the situation i just shouted on my top of the voice, "Will you please give me a chance to explain??" may be i shounded very rude or angry i thought after receiving her reaction. she was just looking at me with widden eyes. so i started, "look, i didn't wanted to do this, but it's an emergency and i have to go urgently, that's why i was in so much hurry. I am really sorry. i hope you understand." i stopped and waited for her answer but may be the impact of the first line was too much that she only hmmed in response. But i didn't think much, just thanked her and left the place.

After discussions with my them when i returned at my apartment i saw that the apartment which was in front of mine has it's lights on. no one was leaving thare till today morning. ' may be someone came to stay here' i mumbled to my self and went in my apartment. After freshning up i lay down on the bed closing my eyes. just then i remember the incident that happened in the morning. i feel sad for shouting on her. may be she got scared because of me. i thought about her and slept remembering the incident.

In the morning the doorbell rang and i went to open the door. when i opened the door we both get shocked. that girl was standing in front of me. she looked at me and started to go but i stopped her. she stopped at her place but didn't turn. "turn around" i said. she slowly turn toward me looking at the floor. " what happened? why are you here?" i asked her. " no , nothing, i am sorry to disturb you" she said still looking down. may be she is the one who came to leave in the apartment i thought. " you need help?? you can tell me." i asked her. just then she looked at me. "i will help you if i can" i said again. she thought something and then said, " i want to go to market to buy veges. if you can tell me the direction..." "oh , sure why not" i told her the direction and she went to her apartment after thanking me.

after sometime i have to go out so i took my car and went out. when i came out i show that girl standing at the main gate. i stopped my car near her and slide the glass of window. she looked at me. "what are you doing here?" i asked. "waiting for auto, i have to go to market " she replied." i am going that side. i can drop you if you want." i suggest her. she thought for sometime and then agrred.

she sat on the passenger seat and i started driving." may i know your name miss?" i asked her politely. "Avni" she replied. "so you are new here?" i again asked jer to start conversation. "yes" she again answer in one word. after sometime we reached market she went out from the car and started to move ahead but then she turned and knocked on the window. i slid the glass to ask what happened but before that she spoke " thank you" i smiled at her not because she thank me but because she smiled genuinely for the first time in front of me. the chain of thoughts was broken by her when she asked " may i know your name??" mimicking me. i smiled at her and said "Neil , Neil Khanna" she smiled and left.

after that incident we stared to talk daily. we become good friends in such a small period of time. she used to talk too much but i like that i didn't get annoyed by that. infact when she used to remain silent i feel like something is missing in my life. I feel very happy around her. she was like a free bird who want to just fly and fly. Deep inside my heart i also want to fly with her, live my life with her. i also felt that may be she also feel something for me.i wanted to ask her but not now. at that time i was just wanted to enjoy the moment with her.

days passed and just one month left for our mission to complete. within this time we both came to know about our feelings, no we never confessed it but we know and we were very happy with that.

After three weeks my mission get completed. because of our hardwork we succeed to complete it one week before.

Now reality hit me. she don't know about me. she don't know that i am in army. She have the right to know about me. i have to tell her. i didn't tell her that i am here to complete a mission. i told her that i am doing job here. i jave to tell her. i thought and i went towards her apartment.

i rang the bell. she opened the door. she could feel that i was worried just looking at my face. "what happened?" she asked. "i want to tell you something" i said. " i am listening" she replied. " before that i want to tell you that i love you Avni and i will always love you" i said looking deeply into her eyes. " you are scaring me Neil, what happened? please tell me" she said worriedly. " i lied to you that i am doing job here" i stopped waited her to react. "why?" she asked in a low tone. holding her shoulder i spock, " i was on a secret mission." mission?" she asked being confused. " i am in Indian Army" finally i said that. she just froze on her spot i wasn't able to understandher reaction. i didn't expect that. i thought that she will argue with me that why i lied to her but she just went numb hearing me. "say somthing Avni, i can't bear your silence. please say somethig" but she didn't replied so i continued " Avni i didn't want to lie to you but it was a secret mission and i cant tell you about that. please try an understand." i was broken after hearing her reply. she just said, " i don't love you". i tried to make her understand but she was too stubborn. for one week i tried but get faild and finally i went bake to border.

after reaching there i got the news that i get leave for one month because of that mission. i get happy that i will get sometime to pacify Avni.

I went back to her.But still she was not paying any attention towards me. she was acting like i am not even there. i know that she was lying that she don't love me but i want to know the real reason.

It's been two weeks since i came back but she was not ready to listen me. Finally loosing my all patience i went to her apartment. she opened the door. finding me she tried to close the door but i stopped her and went inside the apartment. "Avni, you have to speak. i know you love me. i just want to know that why are you denying that. please tell me" i pleaded. " i don't want to say anything please go from here" she replied not looking at me. "i am not going anywhere without getting the answers of my questions." i said in a serious tone holding her shoulder. she looked at me then jerked my hands from her shoulder and said," you want to know the reason right? " she asked looking in my eyes." you want to hear. what? that i love you. Yes i love you Neil. I love you so much. and i want to love you for my whole life. But i can't love you...i can't..." she said and brusted into tears. i got to hear what i wanted but it made me more confuse. why can't she love me? only one question was running in my mind. " why?" i asked. " because..because i can't loose you. i can't leave in the fear of losing you. i won't be to live without you" she said in between her sobs sitting on the floor in front of me. she is making me more confuse. i stand her up and make her sit on the sofa and sat beside her. "now tell me properly" a said. she looked at me and started." My dad was in army. i always wanted him to stay with us but because of his duty he didn't get much time to spend with us. he always told me that to serve our country on the border is very proud thing and i should proud of him and i proud of him. he was the best dad Neil, but i lost him. he got bullete on his chest during firing and i lost him. i saw my mother crying for him. she always told me that he was a fighter and we never have to cry for him but i missed him Neil i missed him. Mom always stayed strong for me she never showed me that she missed dad but i know how much she missed him. " till now she was crying and i was consoling her. then she looked at me and continued ," i am not as strong as my mother Neil. i will not able to live without you. that's why i don't wanted to love you...but now..." she couldn't complete so she just hug me. i reciprocated the hug. when i felt that her breath get normal i said," i can't leave my duty" " i am not saying to do that, i am proud of my dad and i am proud of you." she said breaking the hug and looking at me smilingly. i stood up from the sest and left the apartment.

after that i went to Mumbai from where i actually belong. i came to mumbai physically but my mind and heart was not there. i can say that her condition was not less then me. Just one day and my bebe came to me and asked me about that incident. my bebe is so close to me. i can't hide anything from her so i tell her everything. she told me that if i love here truly then she will come to me. i didn't know how believe those words because there is no chance of her to come back to me.

after one week when i was going at my friends place because he was inviting me since a long time. when i opend the door to leave i show her standing at my door step. i was too shoched to react anything. " Avni??" i can speak only this words. without wasting a second she throw herself on me, "i love you and i am ready to become mrs. neil khanna" she said. i was so so happy at that moment. i engulfed her in my arms. after sometime we broke the hug and i started..," Avni i.."i was going to say that i can't leave my job for her but before i could complete" i will feel very proud of myself to be called as a wofe of an army officer " she said proudly looking into my eyes. i smiled at her and again engulfed her in my arms...

.the end

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