Game of destiny

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The sky was serene with the twinkling of the stars and the perfect dim shade of the moon.It was getting darker but this didnt seem to make them look away from each other ,which is something very surprising but very normal for the two souls sitting opposite to each other with a table in front of them,soothing themselves in the cool breeze,credits to his idea of enjoying the nature and sitting in the terrace .



Time has  passed so quickly ,,he managed to speak out while getting up from the chair only to clutch onto her right hand which was all the while placed idly on her lap

Maybe,she spoke not sure of what she needed to speak getting up to get hold of his hand .

I never thought my life would turn out like this , she spoke with utmost sincerity  seeping through her doe shaped eyes ,which is what he admired the most in her.

Tum khush ho na ,he asked rather informally which she was not expecting at that moment of time .

Without giving an answer ,she clutched onto his right arm ,tilting her head towards his shoulder ,looking up into the dark sky,lost in thoughts .

Neil didn't really need any words from Avni to understand what she feels when she is with him.It was all understood through her simple gesture which made him smile ,the most beautiful one till  date.

Neil,have you ever hated me for the things I have done before our marriage , she asked curiously .

Hmm,that is a tough question.But I can assure you one thing,Avni.I really dont know even now,regarding what I felt  when I came to know of your deeds.It is still an unknown feeling ,you know.Let it be that way.

So this is why you call me ajooba?

May be , he said with a slight smile on his bright face.

She just hugged him in response making him pull her more towards him ,while holding her tightly with his arms ,smiling thinking of their destiny .

Even the nature was in favour of them that day. It started to rain all of a sudden ,making Avni clutch onto Neil's  shirt more tightly while he happily pulled her in his arms ,climbing the stairs down to their room,not before standing in the embrace of the rain for a moment while the entire tale rather a game of destiny flashed through his mind ,making him close his eyes while Avni crossed her arms around his neck,slightly caressing his wet hair.

As he laid her onto the bed ,she smiled looking at him ,reminiscing their past moment when she broke down in front of him revealing her identity before him on a rainy night like this .

She just couldn't stop herself from mumbling a thank you on his ears ,while he kissed her forehead as if he was blessed to have her in his life .

Mumbling a silent thank you to their respective destinies ,the two souls lay in each others embrace ,where unspoken words signified everything that they felt for each other .

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