The perfect definition of love

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Today was a tiring day for Neil.Lot of cases had come up in the police station and he was busy all day working on it.One murder case was reported and the evidence has to be found in two weeks time.The murder was tht of a budding businessman and so it had to be solved at the earliest, according to the instructions of the commissioner.All this made Neil and his team's job tiring ,with them working day and night without any rest to find an evidence for the case.Till now they have not been able to find not even a single evidence and this was making him frustrated.So finally after yet another tiring day Neil finally decided to have a good coffee in the evening to refresh himself which was why he was in Cafe Coffee day now sitting in one corner of the restaurant idly,playing with phone after placing his order.As he continued to fiddle with his phone he got a call all of a sudden.

Neil:Hello,who is this?

Avni:Very bad of you Neil, u can't even recognise my voice.

Avni said with a grin.

Neil:Avni, tum, aree sorry yaar ,I couldn't hear u properly that is why I didn't recognise u ,aur waise u changed your number.

Avni:Yup I had to change my number,I lost my other phone and so yaa bought a new one.

Neil:How casually you are telling this just as if u had lost a pencil ,u still think you are a child.

Avni:What kind of boyfriend are u Neil?Always scolding his girlfriend.

Neil:Accha baba, sorry,now tell me ,y did u call me now.

Avni:Why, can't I call u now,what is this Neil, now have u put a scheduled time for me to call you.

Neil:Avni what is this yaar,u are finding fault in everything I'm  telling, ho kya gaya tumhe.

Avni:Kuch nahi,Neil, bye ,I'm ending the call.


Before he could complete his sentence Avni cut the call leaving Neil shocked and surprised at the same time.

Neil's POV

What happened to her all of a sudden?Hmm,I'll have to find out.

Neil quickly finished and his coffee and left to the police station to finish his pending work.

In police station

Neil:DD give me the files relating to tht murder case.

DD immediately handed him those files and as Neil was busy checking each and every information of it ,suddenly he got a call.Neil glanced at his phone to see who was calling and found it to be his mom.

Neil(in mind):Why must be mom calling u now?

Neil:Hello mom ,kya hai.

Shweta:What tillu,it's so late and u haven't come home till now.

Neil:Late!!What is the time now.

Shweta:See tht for yourself.

Neil looked at DD and gestured him to look at the time. DD told him that it was 10:30pm.Neil just nodded his head hearing tht.

Neil:Woh mom...I was busy so...

Neil started stammering and Shweta realised it.

Shweta:No more excuses tillu ,come home very soon after finishing your work,tht means within 11 pm you should reach here,understood.

Neil:Yes mom.

Neil(in mind):If  I don't go home now then mom will kill me.

Neil quickly finished his work and left to home as soon as possible.He reached home around 11 pm.

Khanna mansion

As Neil got inside Shweta stood before him as if she was about to start her usual questioning session.

Shweta:Tillu, y are u late.

Neil:Mom ,I told u right tht I had some pending works in the police station.

Shweta:I'm fed up of hearing this tillu,u and your work ,I know tht work is important but tht does not mean tht u have to work like this.

Neil:What to do mom,your mom is an acp so work will be like tht na.

Shweta:Nothing can be done with you tillu.

Neil smiled looking at Shweta.He went near Shweta,pulled her cheeks and said

"Mera pyaari mom ,I'm sorry ,mujhe maaf kardo na,I'm promise to come much earlier than this from tomorrow,ok.

Shweta couldn't stop herself from agreeing to what Neil said seeing his cute wala puppy face along with the signature smile of his.So she simply nodded her head agreeing to what her tillu said.Neil could only smile back at her like a cute little child of five as if his wish of eating a few more chocolates was satisfied by his mumma.

Neil went to his room ,took a shower,changed into his casuals and then laid down on his bed.After all it was a tiring day for him.But this did not make him forget to do one thing, to call Avni.He grabbed his phone from his bedside table and dialled her number.After a few rings she picked up the call.Her voice was sleepy.

Avni:Hello ,who is this.

Neil:Tumhari bhoot.

Avni:Neil,tum.Why are u calling at this time,it's already 11:15 pm.

Neil:Oh so I shouldn't have called u now, right,ok bye ,I'm cutting the call.

As Neil was about to cut the call Avni shouted from the other end

"Don't cut, if u do tht I will kill u".

Neil laughed hearing that.

Avni:Has kyu rahe ho.

Neil:Kyunki tum mera drama queen ho,nautanki,when u already know tht your dramas won't work before me,then why are u even attempting to do it.

Avni:Accha ,so tht was your plans, OK bye.

Neil:No means no,you are not going to cut the call,this is Acp Neil Khanna's order.

Avni:Tum Acp Neil Khanna ho sirf tumhari office mein and don't even try those tactics before me ,Avni Ayesha won't fall for all tht.

Neil:Tht is why maybe Avni Ayesha didn't fall for Neil Khanna.

This was an answer tht Avni had not expected from Neil.She slightly blushed hearing tht.Though Neil couldn't see her he could imagine the whole scenario tht was happening in Avni's house at tht time.As Neil didn't hear Avni's voice for some pretty good time, he asked.

"Avni ,where are u lost at, kuch toh bolo.

This brought back Avni into senses.

Avni:Woh...Neil mein...

Neil:Avni ,are u ok ,if anything is bothering u ,pls tell me,don't make me tensed like this.

Avni:Neil,my parents are telling me to marry.

Neil:Tho kya ,they are concerned about your future so they are telling u to marry ,simple as it.

Avni got irritated hearing this.

Avni:Even I know tht ok ,but the thing is I have to tell about our relationship to my  parents before they come up with another person to marry me.

Neil now understand what Avni really meant.

Neil:Oh aise.

Avni:Neil srsly are u a cop, like u can't understand these small things, then how can u solve a case,I have a serious doubt in tht.

Neil:Very bad joke baby.

Avni:Be serious Neil, atleast for now,for us.

Neil:Accha teek hai,par tell me what is your plan.

Avni:I don't have any plan as such but I just want to tell my parents about us,thts it.

Neil:Hmm ok ,so shall I come to your house tomorrow.

Avni:Not tomorrow ,but after I tell everything to my parents and then convince them.

Neil:Ok as u wish,happy now.

Avni:Haa happy ,waise how was your day.

Neil:It was so tiring yaar.

Avni:Same with me also.Ok bye Neil, u go and sleep now ,it's 12 now.

Neil:Ok jaan, bye,good night,love u.

Avni:Goodnight Neil, love u too.

Both of them cut the call after wishing goodnight to each other.

Next day morning

"Tillu tillu"

Shweta was screaming at the top of her voice.

Neil heard this from his room.He was dressing up to go to police station.

Neil:Haa mom,main aa rahi hoon.

Neil quickly came downstairs only to see Shweta who was staring at him like anything.Neil snapped his fingers before her which brought back Shweta.

Neil:Mom,where are u lost at?Haa.

Shweta:Woh tillu,mujhe tumse kuch baat karni hai.

Neil:Baat kya hai mom.

Shweta:Related to your marriage.

Neil became serious hearing tht.

Neil:Hmm I know mom, what u are going to tell me.

Shweta:Tillu,I know tht u love someone though u haven't told me tht,ask her opinion and if she also agrees then marry her very soon.

Neil was shocked to hear tht.

Neil (in mind):How does mom know tht?

Shweta:Tillu, main tumhari maa hoon,I can understand even when there is a small change in you,so tell me ,what is your plan.


He started stammering.

Shweta held his shoulder sensing his tension and then said
"Koi baat nahi hai beta".

Neil felt relieved when he saw Shweta's assuring look.But before he could say anything Shweta said " But make me meet her very soon,I'm very eager to meet my honewala bahu".

Neil smiled looking at his mother and gave an assuring nod to her.After quickly kissing Shweta on her cheeks Neil left for work.Shweta was shocked and surprised at the same time seeing the antics of her son.

At police station

Neil was lost in thoughts of Avni and his future with her.This brought a smile in other his face.DD who was witnessing all this didn't understand the reason for his sir ji's sudden happiness.

DD:Sir ,someone has come to meet u.

Neil didn't hear tht,so DD said the some thing once again and this time a bit louder and this time Neil heard it.

Neil:Haa DD kaun hai.

DD:It's a girl sir, and she was saying it was urgent.

Neil(in mind):Which girl?

Neil:Ok DD,call her inside.

As Neil was going through one of his files the girl entered his cabin after asking "May I come in sir"

Neil:Yes come in.

He was still looking at his files.

The girl closed the door behind her and came and stood before him and tht is when Neil took his eyes from his file to glance at her.Now it was Neil's turn to be shocked.


Avni:Nahi mera bhoot.

Neil:Kya yaar,u nearly scared me.

Avni started to laugh hearing tht.Neil who didn't understand why she was laughing looked at her with a confused look.

Neil:What is there to laugh in tht?

Avni:Seriously Neil, u are scared of me ,there is no bigger joke in tht.

She again continued with her laughing spree without noticing tht Neil was already up from his seats and was just close to her.As Avni was about to look back at Neil's seat she sensed his hands on his shoulders and tht is when she realised tht he was standing so close to her.This stopped Avni's laugh.She turned to face Neil who was already looking at her with a thousand volt smile on his face.Both of his hands were still on her shoulders.Avni looked into his hazel orbs only to find him lost.Sensing an awkward silence between them Avni thought to initiate the conversation.

Avni:Neil, I just thought to give u a surprise,but I now understand tht it was a bad idea,bye main chalti hoon,see u later.

As Avni started to leave from there Neil suddenly pulled her wrists.Due to his strong pull her back collided against his chest and in reflex Neil held both her hands together while clutching onto her waist.Avni could sense his strong cologne and this made her automatically close her eyes in response.Neil gently and slowly moved his right hand towards her hair ,gathered all her hair tht was falling into her face and pinned into behind her ear.Avni shivered in his touch.She felt unknown sensations in her mind and body and this made her smile.Neil smirked seeing his effect on her and gently kissed the nape of her neck earning a sweet moan from her.This excited him more.As he was about to move to her lips to kiss her suddenly he heard a knock on his cabin.This made them both aware of their position.They both moved away from each other without looking at each other.

Soon DD entered inside and informed Neil tht the commissioner would be there within an hour.

Neil(to DD):Ok DD.

DD left from there afterwards leaving Avni and Neil again alone there.

Avni:Ok Neil, I can understand tht u are busy, so we will talk later ,bye.

Neil:What brought u here Avni?

Avni:Kuch nahi, just wanted to see u ,so came here and saw u ,thts it.

Neil:U sure na.


Avni waved her hand to Neil and  Neil waved back to her along with a flying kiss to her.Avni smiled and left from there.

Later, Neil had a talk with the commissioner.Afterwards he decided to call Avni.So he got into his car ,drove to home and after reaching home he called Avni, while sitting in his car.

Avni took the call in the first ring itself.

Avni:Haa Neil bolo.

Neil:Avni mom wanted to see you.

Avni:U told to her about me so fast.

Neil:I didn't have to tell,she already knew.

Avni:What ,but aise kaise.

Neil:Listen she doesn't know about you personally, but she knows tht I love someone ,today she was talking to me about marriage and tht is when she said tht and she told tht she wanted to see u very soon and then she herself would take the initiative to get us married,how about tht.

Avni:Your mom is so cool ,Neil.

Neil:It is because she is my mom.

Avni:So Acp Neil Khanna has started his self praising session,not bad, huh.


Avni:What ,I was just telling the truth.

Neil:So coming back to the point, when will u come to meet my mom.


Neil:I know tht u are tensed, but I assure tht there won't be any problem as such, u will be more than shocked with happinesss after u talk to my mom.

Avni:I know Neil tht u won't let me down,hmm I'll come this week itself.

Neil:Teek hai, but tell me when will I be able to "my mother".


Neil:Will I be able to meet your mom atleast once in my lifetime.

Avni:Yaa very soon, don't worry,I told her about u and she is more than happy for our relation,but before u come to my home be prepared for all the praisings from her ,she is a big fan of Acp Neil Khanna.

Neil started to laugh on hearing tht

Neil:What Avni, are u serious.

Avni:Unfortunately it is true,even I came to know of it only today.

Neil:I'm waiting to see your mom ,Avni.Atleast she knows how much popular I am even if u don't.


Neil:Now don't be angry my dear, be a good girl and give me a kiss and then u can go.



Avni knew tht Neil won't leave her unless she gives him a kiss through phone.She quickly did that and after
a few more minutes of sweet words both of them cut the call and went to their respective jobs.

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