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After two months

Neela: avni avni plse wake up bacha

Avni in her room

Avni : maa plse let me sleep for some more time

Neela: bacha its already 10 now and I think u should go to office

Avni : what 10?? Oh my god , I have meeting maa and I think papa might be worried I should get ready

Neela: don't worry bacha I told him that u will be late and he said that he will manage until u go there

Avni : thanku maa and kisses her cheek and goes to washroom

Neela adjusts the bedshhet of avni room and while adjusting pillow she finds pillow wet

Neela pov: I know bacha u cried all the night and so u woke up late but how many days bacha , how many days will u be like this

Just then avni comes out of washroom and neela leaves

After getting ready she comes down for breakfast

Amol: good mrng avni

Avni : good mrng amol

Neela: avni bebe called and asked u to come for temple tomorrow early in the morning

Avni : ok maa I will go

Amol: avni how will u go now , u gave ur car for servicing right?

Avni : oh yeah I totally forgot that and papa also reached office now who will take me to the office ?

And she looks at neela

Neela: what ? y are u looking at me? I have to go to office too and I don't have time and ur office and my office are in opposite directions bacha so plse don't mind

Avni : amol will u?

Amol: no avni I have to go out

Avni : its ok I will go alone and makes a sad face

Neela: but bacha y to go alone u can ask someone else to drop u right?

Avni : oh yes maa I will ask

Neela and amol gets happy and here avni calls someone and asks her to drop at office

Avni : ok thanku , I will be there in 5 min

Neela: wow avni who is coming to drop u

Avni : mummy ji

Neela and amol : what?

Avni : yes I called mummy ji and she said she will drop me

Neela pov: oh my god plse give some knowledge to this tubelight

Avni pov: I know maa u thought that I will call him, but no maa I will not

Neela messages swetha

Neela: swetha ji what is this u failed our plan

Swetha: oh don't worry neela ji I too have a plan

Neela : oh ok swetha ji , all the best

Swetha comes to take avni and avni was waiting outside parikh mansion

Avni : good mrng mummy ji

Swetha: good mrng beta, come sit

When they are going towards office car gets stopped near police station and swetha has a smile on her face which is not noticed by avni

Swetha: oh no I think there is no petrol in the car

Avni : oh no mummy ji now what will we do ?

Swetha:oh don't worry beta see god is very great , he exactly stopped infront of police station , so that tillu could help us

Avni : but mummy ji

Swetha: no but wut , u wait I will call him

She calls neil

Swetha: tillu once come out

Neil: mom r u here ?

Swetha: yes come out

Here avni heart beats fast and swetha gets out of the car while avni sits in the car very tensed and neil comes out and finds swetha

Neil : ha mom

Swetha: neil my car suddenly stopped infront of ur police station

Neil: oh don't worry mom I will drop u at home

Swetha: its not only about me tillu , ur wife is also there with me

neil gets shocked and sees avni sitting inside the car

Swetha: I was going to drop her at office but my car got stopped , will u plse drop her at office she is getting late

Neil : mom I have lot of work

Avni comes out of the car not before clearing her tears

Avni : its ok mummy ji I will go alone

Swetha: oye how will u go haan ?

Avni : don't worry mummy ji I will go by bus

Swetha: no need u wait he will drop u , neil go , go and drop her

Neil : dd

Dd: sir I just got commissioner sirs call I have to meet him

Neil silently goes to his car and he sits in driving seat and stops the car near avni to get in

Swetha: go beta and u don't worry about me , tillu will drop me after dropping u

Avni : ok mummy ji bye

And she sits in passenger seat and all along the way they sit silent and he drops her at office and as soon as she gets down the car he rushes his car to police station not even glancing at her for once

Avni is in tears so as neil but they control their emotions

Neil pov: no I have to control my emotions and I am not wrong this time , she has only done mistake and so I am not going to ask her to come , if she wants to come she will only come

Avni pov: how dare he ? how can he be so rude ? I know I did mistake , I even apologized for it but this man showing attitude , so till when I have to ask for apology , I will not go until he comes to take me

Avni goes inside the office and at evening prakash dropped her at home and he left to khanna mansion

Neela: hi avni how was ur day bacha (excitedly)

Avni : it was as usual hectic maa

Neela: oh ok go and get fresh up and come for dinner

Neela pov: I think she did not patch up with him , oh god plse make them together again

Later neela goes to avnis room to call her for dinner but she finds avni asleep

Neela pov: this girl daily she is skipping her dinner and till when she will do this I have to talk to neil but before that I will talk to swetha ji

She calls swetha and swetha who was in hall and neil was sitting beside her

Swetha: hello neela ji

Neela: swetha ji I want to talk to u

Swetha: haan neela ji tell me what happened y are u so tensed

Neil listens to swetha and others too turn to swetha

Neela: nothing swetha ji , ur daughter avni , is not at all having her dinner since one week and she daily sleeps without having dinner , now u should only scold her , I am not able to do anything

Swetha: (she raises her voice so that neil should listen) what y is avni doing this?

Neela: oh I got now I think neil is beside u

Swetha: u don't worry neela ji , I will take her class tomorrow

Neela: ok swetha ji , bye goodnight

Swetha: ok neela ji bye , goodnight

Neil wants to ask about their conversation but he hesitates

Prakash: what happened swetha ji y neela ji is tensed and what happened to avni?

Swetha: avni is not having her dinner since one week

Bebe: what ? and how is neela allowing her ?

Swetha: that is y neela ji called me , so that we can convince her about her health as avni is not lisening to neela ji

Bebe: hmm yes let us give her warning

Neil pov: oh no this girl will never change why should she skip dinner , that is y she was looking weak today mrng

Bheema(maid): bebe I kept all the dishes on dining table , now all u can come to dinner

Neil : bebe , I am sry I am not feeling hungry , so I will not eat today , u people carry on

Swetha: ha bebe even I am also not feeling hungry so I will not eat

Same goes with prakash

Bebe: I know y u all don't want to have dinner , even I too don't want to eat

And everyone goes towards their room after having light dinner because neil convinces them to have dinner but neil doesnt eat

Neil pov: stupid girl because of her today noone had their dinner properly , and I did not eat because I am really nothungry not because of her    

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