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Next morning avni woke up at 5 in the mrng , heads towards temple with neela as bebe asked her to come to temple

In car

Neela: avni today u r going to get scoldings from bebe and swetha

Avni : what maa what did I do ? and what did u complaint about me?

Neela: I did not complaint I just told them fact that since one week u were not having ur dinner

Avni : whaat? Maaa y did u ? I think they too did not have dinner yesterday

Neela: don't worry , they were about to skip dinner yesterday but neil convinced them and made them to have dinner

Avni : maa , see what have u done

Neela: what did I do , its ur mistake , so from now u have ur dinner daily

And they reached temple

Beb: avni puttar how are u ?

Avni : bebe I am fine and how r u?

Bebe: I am fine puttar and how dare u to skip ur dinner haan?

Swetha: yes next time if u skip then we are also not going to have dinner

Bebe: yes yes, yesterday only neil did not had dinner , but next time we too will not have dinner

Avni heart skips a beat as she learns that neil too did not had dinner yesterday

Avni pov: oh now what is this y did he not had his dinner , anyway he doesnt care for me no

Neil : bebe I was not hungry yesterday night so I did not had my dineer that's it

Avni gets shocked seeing neil there and she gets teary when he says like that but control her tears

Avni : bebe y did u ask me to come to temple this suddenly and so early

Bebe: puttar we have pooja today and a couple should perform this pooja so I called u because neil alone cannot do this pooja right

Avni : ji ok bebe

They do pooja and later they take blessings of everyone and also priest too

Priest: god bless u and ur children

Everyone smile gets faded when priest bless them and avneil gets sad, avni runs from there crying, while neil too gets emotional and leaves from there

Neil : bebe I will be in car

Bebe: ok beta u go we will come

Priest: I am sry did I do any mistake?

Bebe: pandit ji sry about that but they still don't have any children

Priest: oh sry

Neela: no no pandit ji its ok and thanku for ur blessings

Meanwhile avni was in her car crying and neil sees her crying

Neil pov: oh no I am not able to see her crying , should I go near her , no no I will not go and he sits in his car

Neela, bebe and swetha consoles avni and later they go to their respective homes

After reaching home both avni and neil were very sad and were thinking about the past


After avneil reached Mumbai everyone were happy and they used to pamper avni a lot

One fine day in avneil room , neil was on his call with dd

Neil: yes dd send their pics to me and we shall go tomorrow in disguise and send me room number too

And he cuts the call

Avni : neil r u going to any hotel tomorrow?

Neil : yes avni we have to catch the criminals red handed and they are in that hotel so we r going there tomorrow

Avni : wow neil will u take me too plse?

Neil : avni r u mad ? how did u even think that I will agree for ur nonsense

Avni : neil plse I will not let them know that I am ur wife , I will come there as a normal person who stays in that hotel

Neil : no avni I will not take u anywhere , look at u , r u mad , u r pregnant and u should take rest , instead of that u want to come with me !!

Avni : neil plse did I ask u anytime like this no right? Then first time I am asking u plse take me I want to see that how will u catch them

Neil : avni r u mad if u had asked me anything except this I would have agreed to u but not this

Avni : neil plse

Neil : shut up avni , now no more arguments and sleep

Next morning neil finds avni sleeping peacefully and admires her and he gets ready and peks on her forehead and leaves to hotel

Neil , dd and his staff were waiting to catch the goons

Dd: bhabi

Neil : dd ur babhi is at home

Dd: no sir she is here

Neil : what and turned back to see her and he gets very angry and runs to her

He drags her to a side where there is no one

Neil : avni u stupid girl y don't u understand its very dangerous see I am never gonna forgive u for this now u leave otherwise I will not talk to u

Avni : neil I am sry I know u r angry but plse I will be very far from u people I will nto let anyone harm me plse

Neil : now plse go and sit in crowd place I will get to u at home

And he goes from there in very much anger and is very concerned about her , neil sees avni sitting with people , but also he gets worried

After sometime they catch the goons successfully but one of the goon escapes and run towards the crowd and helds a random girls wrist and put a knife on her neck to escape

And that random girl is none other than our avni and neil heart swells seeing his avni in that situation

Neil : oye leave her and if anything happens to her I swear I will kill u

Goon: no until I escape I am not going to leave her

Dd comes from back to hit that goon but goon sees him and he tries to escape while throwing avni down and he runs from there , neil runs towards avni but avni is unconscious neil lifts her and takes her to hospital and the other police catch that goon

At hospital all family members were very worried and doctor comes out

Neil : doctor how is she?

Doctor: she is fine Mr. khanna but ur child is no more

Everyone cries over there and neil kneel down and starts crying

Prakash: neil control beta , avni needs u at this time plse go to her

Neil goes inside the room and finds avni sitting numb he goes to her and sits beside her , seeing neil avni burst out into tears and hugs neil, neil doesn't even utter a word

After one week avni comes out of pain but nothing is good between avni and neil , neil doesn't talk to her even when avni tries to talk to him

One night in avneil room

Avni : neil plse talk to me , plse , I know I did wrong but plse forgive me, neil I know what u r going through but plse

Neil : (shouts at avni )no u don't know anything because of u I ost my child , I said u many times to not to come but , but u don't listen to me , y avni , y do u do this always , y don't u listen to me? And now don't even dare to utter a word , I am not going to talk about this anymore , let me be in my own way , I want to be alone for some time

Avni : neil what did u say ? u lost ur child? That child was mine too and what did u say leave u alone ? ok then I will go to neela maa's home for some days , u stay here alone

Neil : as u wish

Avni and neil both cries and next mrng avni goes to neela maa's home and its been one month now that she is staying at parikh mansion

Flashback completed

Neela: avni

Avni : ha maa

Neela: r u not going to office today?

Avni : no maa I am going

Neela: ok then get ready I will go down and get ur breakfast

Avni: ok maa  

sri guys i know many of people dont want avnis misscarriage but i am sry about it 

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