PART - 10

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Precap- Avni- Neil..!!
               Neil - Avu..!!

To know more..,
Read this part...
Avni was stunned listening the name.. He was Neil but her Neil... She was not sure..!!

Avni POV..
How can I know if he is my Neil or not.. Wait.. He is so handsome.. Can my Neil be so good-looking.. He was charming.. Wait.. If he is my Neil.. Didn't he recognize me.. If that's so.. I won't tell him.. Let me see if he recognize me or not..!! Anyways.. I can won my challenge also..! But what if he is not my Neil..!?

Arghhhh... Avni.. Your stupid brain will create just some possibilities and if anyone comes to know.. That person will think that I am mad.. And what if they gave me in mental asylum..!! Again are again over thinking.. Let me not use by small brain..

What.. Small brain.. I am turning mad.. Before I think something else now.. Let me ask someone.. But who.. Should I ask Neil himself..?
Avni POV ends..

Neil shook Avni seeing her lost in her own world..

Neil- what happen Ananya..?!

Avni- nothing.. Can I ask you something..?

Neil- Sure..

Avni- What's your full name..? I mean I heard that name before also.. And I read it on bulletin board also.. So I just want to confirm....

Neil smiles..
Neil- I am Neil.. Neil Khanna..

By the time he spoke this.. They reached their destination... And took their respective seats according to their clubs..

Avni was still lost..

Avni POV..
Neil.. Neil Khanna.. Is he my Neilu..? Oh my God.. Such a confusion.. How can I know that.. I need to confirm from someone.. But whom..? Should I ask Neil itself..? No.. It would be a bad idea.. It will be so awkward.. What to do..? Whom to ask.. Let me think something..

Avni POV ends..

She was brought back on the earth by the announcement for the leaders.. They were discussing something important regarding their activities.. AVNEIL were paying proper attention to it..

After the meeting ends.. Avni left for her class hurriedly as she don't want to miss it...!!

She left and collided with someone and her bag fell.. And some of the stuffs got scattered all over.. She hurriedly packed everything...

(But as we all know...its India.. She left something.. What was that..?? Guess guess..)

Neil was searching Avni after coming out.. Even He was not knowing why is he feeling so attached to that girl..

Neil POV
I don't know why I am searching her.. But I want too.. She was no doubt so pretty but I never fell for anyone's beauty till date.. Coz I love my AVU.. I have dreamt only of her since beginning.. Although I am not thinking anything dirty or flirty about her.  But still I think I should be friends with her.. But Why..?! I don't know.. Avu.. Please come..
Had you been here, I wonder would you have been jealous or what..?! Anyways... I wanna meet you..!! But right now.. Where is Ananya..?
Neil POV ends...

He was thinking when a person tapped his shoulder from behind.. Neil turned back and saw DD and KK..

DD- what are you doing here..? Come.. Class is about to begin...

Neil- yes's.. But have you seen Ananya..?

DD- yeah..!! I saw here going towards her class..

Neil- okay..!! Let's go..

They were about to go when someone called Neil from behind.. Neil turned back..

Person- hey..!!

Neil- hello..

Person- Actually I collided with a girl who was talking to you before the group leaders meeting.. Her bag fall and I found it.. I tried to call her but she seemed to be busy and didn't heard me.. So.. Please give it to her when you will find her.. I don't know her...

Neil was shocked to see the thing..
(what it might be.. Guess guess..)


In Avni's classroom..

Avni was setting in her class but her mind was on Neil.. She was wondering if Neil khanna was her friend Neilu..?!

Avni in thoughts- whom should I ask..?

Avni was still thinking.. When she heard a conversation of nearby girls..

Girl 1- Our football team captain is so handsome..

Girl 2- I wish I could talk to him..

Girl 1- I am won how lucky his girlfriend would be..?

Girl 2- I heard that he never make friends easily.. He has just 2 friends.. DD and KK..

Girl 1- uffff..!!  It will be so good if someone calls me MRS. NEIL KHANNA..

Girl 2- I wonder who will get this title..!!

Avni thought- I should also take part in their discussion.. Maybe I find something..

Avni- hey guys.!! Whom you are talking about..

Girl 1- we are talking about our football captain NEIL KHANNA..

Girl 2- he is so perfect.. Smart, intelligent, fit, good looking, and his smile.. Uffff..
(PS-  these are my thoughts too.. He is so perfect ❤)

Girl 1- to work as cherry on top- he is rich.. He is only son of owner of KHANNA INDUSTRIES..!!

Avni- Khanna industries...?! One which is owned by Mr. Prakash Khanna..?

Girl 2- yes..!!

Avni POV..
oh my God.. Means he is my Neilu.. Ohhhhhhh.. Wow... He was near me since long and I haven't recognize him... But nevertheless.. I know his identity now.. I know that he is my best friend and secret love too....And I won the challenge too.. I recognised him before he could recognize me.. Now I will go to him to tell about myself.. I wonder how his reaction would be... Ohhhh.. I can't wait.. I need to go to him..
Avni's POV ends..

Girls saw her lost in some thoughts.. And shook her.. And asked what happened.. To which Avni denied and got away making excuse of an urgent work..

Girl 1- she too might be lost in Neil khanna..

Girl 2- his charm makes everyone fall for him... She too fell.. After all she is also a girl..

They both giggled and started discussing their hot topic again..

(Let's go back to Neil..)

Neil - Avu..?!
What did Neil find that make him recognize his Avni..?!




It's a long update I think..!!

Hello lovelies...

How are you all..?

How's this part...?

Do you like it..?

Finally AVNEIL recognised each other..!! Are you all excited..?!

Waiting for your responses..

Stay safe..!!

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