PART - 9

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Here's the next part..!!
Hope you will like it..!!

He checked complete file and didn't find his Avni's form..!!!

Neil - urghhhhh
         What should I do now..?!

Neil was disappointed and left for the college as he realized that the college has almost started... He went only to witness DD and KK waiting for him with a worried look.. Neil went to them..

Neil- What happened..??

DD- Finally.. Where were you... We have been searching you since long.. And where was your phone.. We have been trying it since long...

Neil - oh..!! I was a bit busy and regarding phone... You guys know that I keep my phone on silent...

KK - we know that.. Anyways.. We have to reach the main hall.. Today.. Headmaster will address us.. I mean all the students..

Neil- I don't have any information regarding it..!!

KK- We too just read it on bulletin board.. So.. Shall we go..?!

Neil - let's go...

When they were on their way.. They saw Avni and Sunheri there.. Those 2 boys who bullied a fresher yesterday were now trying to disturb Avni..

Avni- please leave the way for us..

Boy 1 - what so soon sweetheart..

Sunheri - please let us go..

Boy 1- we will let you go...

Boy 2- only on 1 condition..

Avni- What..?!

Boy 1- you are beautiful.. Kiss anyone of us.. You will be allowed to go..
He said placing his cheek near Avni..

Before Neil could react.., He saw that the boy was welcomed with a tight slap on his face.. Neil was shocked to see that fearless girl..!! He was surprised and happy that she have guts to stand for her self...!!

That boy was very much angry now.. Before he could hit Avni.. He was again slapped and Avni was hell angry now...!!

She said in her Lady Don avtar..
Avni- Dare you speak any other word like this again.. That will be your last day on this earth..!!

Her eyes were burning in rage.. Boys were somewhat scared and apologized for their behavior...
But Neil..!! He was stunned and amazed.. He was adoring her... He was happy that a girl rose her voice for her self respect.. He was looking at her with a wide smile...

After saying this.. She went towards the hall..

In hall.. All the students were settled.. Headmaster came there...

Headmaster (HM) - Good morning all.. I am so happy to see you all.. I hope you are doing good..

Everyone in unison- yes sir...!!

Headmaster- so.. I am here to share something very special with you all.. We are organizing a function which should be at par with international standards.. Some international guests will be arriving here.. So.. I wish it to be perfect..

Everyone listened to him calmly..

Headmaster - I could have asked some event planners and organizers to take charge of this event.. But then I realized that the most creative people are within this institution.. So I want you all personally to take care of this event..
Students good in their particular field can give their names to the respective teachers... They will select among you... Teachers and events list will be on bulletin board... I hope you get everything clear and will reap the best results.. Good luck.. You people may leave now...

After this everyone went back near the bulletin board.. And it shows the list of the events as followed for which selection is to be made and duties are to be assigned...
Decoration comittee..
English speaking..
Fashion and trends..
Stand up comedy..
And much more...

Everyone gave their names for the same... as follows..
DD for dance..
KK for Acting..
Tara Sitara for singing..
Sunheri for decorations..
Neil for quiz
Avni for English speaking..

Now.. Selections were made by different teachers and as we all know.. The whole group(i mean all of Neil and Avni's friends..) has been selected..
But Avni and Neil were also selected as group leaders..

A boy came and asked all the group leaders to go for a meeting.. AVNEIL were coming from opposite directions.. They were lost in their own world.. When.. They both collided each other and Avni was about to fall but our Neil saved her.. She closed her eyes in fear but opened them on realizing that she hadn't touched the grounded.. She opened her beautiful doe shaped eyes only to meet Neil's chocolaty brown orbs which can make anyone fall for him in the very first instance...

They had an 👀🔐

They both were lost in each other when she realized their position and broke their earlock..

Avni thanked him by saying..
Avni- Thank you..

Neil smiled and replied..
Neil- no need to mention..

Their was an awkward silence now.. Both want to talk to each other (they dont know why..) but were not getting any words.. What to say..

That's when Avni broke the silence by saying..
Avni- so bye.. Actually I have to go to group leaders meeting.. See you soon...

Neil- wait.. let me accompany you.. I am also going there.. Let's go together..

Avni- okay..!!

She both were going together when Neil asked his name..

Neil- your good name...?

Avni- A.. Ananya.. Ananya Verma..

Neil - a beautiful name..

Avni smiled.. And asked..

Avni - yours..?

Neil- Neil..

Avni was stunned listening that name...

Avni POV
Neil.. Is he my Neil..?!

Precap - AvNeil scenes..❤

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With Love

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