Part 2

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Warning :
There are some mature content in this chapter. So if anyone it not comfortable with that, you can skip that part(One which is written in italic)


Neil turned towards Avni. His eyes becoming darker with each step he took towards her. Avni's eyes reflected the same desires. Their pupil dilating and getting darker.

Neil was hovering her in fraction of seconds.

They had a moment of intense eyelock, it was like they are seeing through each other's soul and asking for permission..

And then Neil's lips were on Avni's. She was pushed against the lift wall. Her hands instantly found his hair and was gripping hard. His hands were cupping her face.. His hands then travelled from her face to her waist, trailing the path in between. With one hand he encircled her waist and attached their bodies while his other hand trailed towards her thigh. He hiked up her dress and ran his palm on her smooth thigh.. There was burning sensation Avni felt wherever Neil touched. He lifted her one leg and kept it around his waist. Avni got the idea and encircled his waist with her legs, her dress hiking up more in the process..

They were in heated session. Their mouth claiming each other for dominance. Finally Neil won and Avni gave into him.

The lift pinged on the 5th floor.. Neil carried Avni out of the lift in same position, kissing her nape and shoulder blade. Avni's eyes were closed and she was gripping his hair tightly.. He asked her room number between the kisses.

"5E, Third door to the left." Avni said with hoarse voice.

Neil followed the instructions and went to the door..

"Take out the keys" Neil ordered her.

He was still showering kisses to her while she fished out the keys from her purse.

She handed the keys to him.

He held her by the wall and tried to open the door.. Avni was kissing him on the cheek and travelled to his neck then to his earlobes.. She was busy kissing him and he was busy opening the door..

As the door finally opened, Neil exclaimed with happiness like it was the great achievement for him.

He took her inside the apartment and kicked the door closed with his leg..

"Where's the room?" Neil asked impatiently.

"To the right, first door. " Avni can detect the eagerness in his voice. But who she was to tell, she was too eager for that.

As Neil reached the bed he dropped Avni on the bed and hovered over her.

And was again kissing her like there is no tomorrow.

They were huffing and panting with the lack of breath but no one wanted to break the kiss.. Neil kissed her shoulder then her shoulder blade and was descending down but unfortunately her dress came in between.

He pulled her up in the sitting position and searched for the chain to open her dress.. If he would not have found the chain it was for sure that he would have tore it down.

But he found the chain at the back. He hastily opened the chain and freed her from the dress. The sight in front of him mesmerized him. She was wearing a lacy strapless black bra with matching lacy panties. Avni saw the amazement in his eyes and smirked. He was still over dressed. She moved forward and yanked his jacket and threw it in the corner.

"Impatient, aren't we?" Neil said with smirk.

Avni ignored him and tucked his t-shirt and within second he was bare. She traced her hands on his chest feeling his sculpted body. She wanted to kiss every inch of him.

She then went down to his belt. She struggled to open it but was unable to do so. Neil helped her and then both were only in their undergarments.

Neil slowly lied Avni on the bed and again started kissing. Within few seconds they were naked. Neil looked Avni in the eyes just to see any doubts but she was sure. As he was about to enter her, he remembered something.

"Shit! Shit! Shit" Neil cursed.

"What happened " Avni asked.

" I don't have a co***m" Neil said.

"Don't worry, I am on pill." Avni assured.

Neil sighed and thanked the universe for this internally.

That night both of them explored each other for hours and slept in each others arms.Though it was there first time yet they did it like expert because with each other there was an invisible and unsaid understanding. They themselves were unaware of this connection.

The very next morning, Avni woke up first and felt a hand on her waist and someone's warm breath tickling her nape.

She turned her head to the side so fast that she would have get a whiplash. But when she saw Neil's face a smile broke her face immediately. Memories of last night flashes in front of her. She blushed at that. She looked his innocent and sleeping form. She observed each and every details of his face. Neil squinted his eyes as sun rays hit his face. Avni stood up wrapping the bedsheet and went to close the curtains.

"Good Morning " She hear Neil's groggy voice. Damn his morning voice was so sexy.

"Good Morning " Avni replied. And then she quickly went to the bathroom.

Here Neil was remembering the last night and smiling like stupid. There Avni was too remembering the last night. Last night they slept peacefully without any nightmares after so long, same thing was in minds of both.

After that day, it had become daily routine for them to meet. If anyone of them was feeling frustrated mentally or sexually, they would call another for the favour. They were like friends with benefit. After that night, they also slept together and they haven't had nightmares at that time. They shared their daily routines at night. Either they would have night full of passion or they just sleep in each others arms.

They were totally unaware of their growing closeness and attachment.

It had been 6 months. Neil and Avni rarely stayed at their house at night because without each other they weren't able to sleep...

In Khanna Mansion,

"Tillu! Tillu! Listen to me. You have to." Shweta said walking behind Neil.

"No mom. I am not gonna do that" Neil said huffing.

"You have to. For Bebe's sake. She is not doing well. And seeing you all alone she just shatter a little bit more. " Shweta said finally taking a seat on bed.

"Mom, but I am happy this way. I don't wanna marry." Neil said taking a seat beside Shweta.

"Tillu, listen. If you love someone then please do tell us. We will be happy and will get you married to her only. But if there is no one then you have to listen to us. And it's my final decision. " Shweta said this and walked out of the room.

"Mom.. But..." Neil tried to tell but Shweta was out of the room.

"Now how can I tell mom that I feel happy whenever I am with Avni. But it's just friends with benefit relation. We don't love each other. I don't love her. Or do I?" Neil questioned himself.

He remembered when juhi told her that if you really love someone then you will see that person everywhere even with closed eyes.

Neil closed his eyes and Avni's face flashes in front of him.

"Am I in love? Yes I am in love. I love Avni. I have to tell her. But what if she doesn't love me back. But at least I should confess my feeling. Either way I have to do something. Confess her or get married to mom's choice. " Neil rambled to himself.

That night he went to Avni's apartment. She was in shorts and a crop top. She was looking like angel. He was mesmerized by her beauty. Avni clicked her fingers to get his attention.

"Hey, Are you OK?" Avni asked going to the sofa.

"No" Neil replied bluntly.

"What's the matter?" She asked settling on the sofa and switching on the TV.

" My mom wants me to marry." Neil said sitting beside Avni and looked at her to catch her expression.

Avni's fingers freezed on the remote as she heard the news. Her eyes widened.

She slowly turned towards him, composing herself.

"And what did you decide?" Avni asked.

" I have to. Everyone wants this and I can't make them unhappy. And after all I don't have any girl in mind. So Mom's decision will be the final." Neil said all this in one go and watching Avni's expression.

She fidgeted on her seat. She was going through a lot of emotions. She doesn't know what was that but she doesn't want Neil to marry. She want him for herself only. But all the loved ones are snatched from her. So she was scared to put her feelings in words.

"Ok. Good for you." Avni said with poker face and turned towards TV.

"That's it. 'good for you'. You don't have to say anything else?" Neil asked with a frown..

"Nope. I am no one to stop you. We are just friends with benefit. And there is nothing else between us. So you are free to go." Avni said suppressing her cry.

She wanted to stop him. But how? He will never be happy with her. No one has ever been happy with her.

"Only friends with benefit. Then what about those nights when we just sleep together to find solace? What about that where we share our each and every details of the day? What about that when we share our pain? That was nothing? That meant nothing to you? " Neil asked her holding her by shoulder and pulling her closer with each question.

"It was nothing Neil." Avni just said one line.

"But it was my everything. I. Love. You. Avni. Mehta.." He said those words and crashed his lips on her.

That night they didn't have s*x but Neil made love to Avni. He knew he has to go from here after tonight and will never see her again. It was their last time. And he wanted to show her that how much he loves her. She will always have his heart. Avni also knew it was the last time they were sharing this moment. She has to let him go. He can't be her though he loves her. But whomsoever she loves goes away. And that's why she was in denial.

The next morning before Avni, Neil woke up. He admired her face and engraved her each and every details in his mind. He got ready without waking her up, silently kissed her forehead and went away. Avni smiled in her sleep when Neil kissed her forehead.

Neil was again heartbroken. This was his fate.

"Why God? Why? Why this happens to me? Why my love is never requited? Am I that bad to not get love? Why me?" Neil broke down inside his car.

He finally composed himself and drove to his house. Now his Mom's decision will be the final.

To be continued...

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