Reacting To Episode 1

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In a theater,a unknown person is preparing seats,foods,snacks and everything as he look at his watch.

???:Alright.It time to bring them here.

He pick up a remote and press it as every shipgirl and sirens teleport into the area.

Cleveland:Where the hell are we?

Hornet:Stop pushing me Hood!

Illustrious:Is this a theater?

Belfast:Enterprise!Are you okay?

Enterprise:I'm fine but where are we anyway?

Purifier:Well well look like our enemies is here.

Enterprise:Siren!Is it one of your siren use some kind of your weapon to teleport us here?

Purifier:Well we won't do that.Enough for talking.Let have some fun with you all.

As everyone ready their weapon to fight the sirens until...


Every shipgirl and sirens look at the stage and saw a person looking at his phone.

Bismarck:Who are you?Are you the one that send us to here?

Lubbock:*Put down his phone*My name is Lubbock and yes I'm the one that send you girls to here.

Prinz Eugen:But why?

Lubbock:Well it simple.You girls will react to someone that you betrayed him.

Every shipgirls is confused about his words but when they know,some of them are angry and sad.

Enterprise:Why are we talk about that traitor?!He send the information to the sirens!

Arbiter The Empress III:Uh...what do you mean?

Enterprise:Wait...did Alex send the information to you guys?

Tester:No.He didn't do that.

Every shipgirl is shocked that Alex didn't even send the information to the sirens as they start regret and some of they start crying because they kill him while the sirens are confused.

Observer:Why are they crying?Is it something wrong about this person Alex?

Lubbock:*Sigh*Well they though Alex team up and send the information to you so they executed him.

Arbiter The Empress III:I feel so bad to this boy.

Lubbock:Yeah but luckily he still alive.

Roon:*Wipe her tear*Wait he is?!

Lubbock:Yes he is.That why we gonna watch him going into a new world and meet new people for him.

Enterprise(Mind):I hope he will forgive us for what we done to him...

Lubbock:Oh one more thing...

Lubbock press the remote as their weapon disappear.


Lubbock:Sorry but no weapons allowed in the theater.Now take a seat and we are ready to start.

Every shipgirl and sirens went to their seats and sat down as they keep thinking about him.Lubbock press the remote button as the show started.

Alex POV

Hello,I'm Alex and in my world was attacked by an aliens called Siren and they want to eliminate every humanity.When I'm 16,I join a ship base called Azur Lane and it for shipgirls to combat Sirens for saving the humanity.I was the commander of Azur Lane and I love to help everyone and always kind.Every shipgirls start to like me while the other commanders...are jealous about it.

Every shipgirls remember that day they really like Alex.Some even remember he help them a lot.

Until This Ruin Everything...

1 Year Later,I was framed by three commander named Raya(Pervert),Eva(Female)and Ivan(Pervert)for teaming up and sending information to sirens as some of the shipgirls believe I didn't team up and send the information while some of them think I did.I try to tell them the truth but they won't listen until Enterprise told Raya to executed me and throw my body in the ocean and thinking they finally got rid of me.

Everyone is shocked that their own commander framed him because of jealous.

Hornet:I can't even believe it!

Bismarck:It was them?!

Unicorn:You just listen to them and didn't trust him!And now he.....he....

Unicorn start crying because Alex was like a dad to her.He always tell her story when she going to sleep and fix her unicorn plush.

Lubbock:Don't worry.I promise you he will come and meet you again.

Unicorn:*Wipe her tear*Really?

Lubbock:Yeah.I promised.Also I will later send them to here so you girls can beat them up.

Prinz Eugen:Thank so we can beat them for Alex!


Well this is where the story will start now...

Intro:Goshouwa Kudasai Ware no Na Wo! by Masaaki Endoh

Bismarck:Eh?!There is music in this?

Lubbock:Yep and this is one of my favourite music.

Arbiter The Empress III:I admit this song is a banger.

3rd POV

In a deep ocean,we see Alex body start going deep down until suddenly the background change into a black void as a voice appear.


Every shipgirls and sirens is confused at where the voice appear.

Alex get up and look around.Found out he in a black void.

Shipgirls and Sirens(Mind):He alive?!

Alex:What the?!How am I still alive?!Why am I in a black void!?

???:Turn around.

Alex turn around and saw a silver giant with his chest covered with a blue Z crystal.

Shipgirls and Sirens(Mind):A giant?!

Alex:Who even are you?

Z:I am Ultraman Z.Sorry but you have died.

As the screen show Ultraman Z with the title card.



Alex:I died?!*Look around himself*Then how am I in this black void?

Z:Well you are now in a spirit as you and your body had been split up.

Hornet:Eh?!He can do that!?

Lubbock:Yeah well not every ultra can do that.

Alex:Wait,so who even are you again?

Z:Guess I have to reintroduce myself.I'm Ultraman Z.I came from Nebula M78,the Land of Light.

Alex/Everyone:"The Land of Light"?/"The Land of Light"?

Z:I'm a member of the keepers of peace,the Inter Galactic Defense Force.Right now,I was chasing Celebro around the universe.


Illustrious:Wait...who is Celebro?

Lubbock:Just keep watching.

Z:He a parasitic alien life form that can possess you and any kaiju and aliens around.

Alex:Wait,did you just say kaiju and aliens?

Enterprise:Wait did he just say Kaiju?!


Z:Yes,when Celebro going around every universe,any kaiju and aliens can be spawn in and attack anything.I chase him until I end up in your world and saw your body just throw by someone.Is there something wrong with you?

Alex explain everything to Z about he got framed and executed by Raya.

Every shipgirls have their head down as they regret executed him.

Z:I'm sorry to heard that.I didn't know you have this terrible thing happen to you.

Alex:It fine but right now what are you gonna do?

Z:We have one option left.That is if you and I merge together,we can stop Celebro but when you woke up,you end up in another world.Do you accept the offer?

Alex:Well...then I'll accept it!

Z start to glow and transform into Z Riser as Alex grab it.

Hood:Eh?What is this item?

Lubbock:A transform item that can turn him into Ultraman Z.

Alex:This is..?

Z:This is Z Riser.When you been attacked by kaiju and aliens,press the trigger on the Z Riser and it will open the Hero's Gate and get inside.It should reveal your Access Card in front of you and put in on Z Riser.

As a light appear on Alex belt and when the light dimmed down,it reveal the Medals Holder.

Alex:And this...?

Alex open the Medals Holder and take out 3 Ultra Medals.It reveal Zero,Seven and Leo.

Z:This is Ultra Medals of my masters,Zero,Seven and Leo.There also more Ultra Medals that can change another form.

Tester:Huh?!There other ultra exist?!

Lubbock:Yep and they live in the same planet but some Ultra live at their own planet.

Alex:Alright...Are we done?

Z:Yeah.Your gonna get ready.Close your eyes.

Alex close his eyes and when his eyes opened,he found himself some kind of a ruined city.

Every shipgirls and sirens are shocked at the buildings got destroyed and it abandoned.

Prince of Wales:What happened to the buildings?!

Lubbock:Well i gonna say that this is the other planet where World War 3 happened and causing chaos...

Alex:The hell?!What is this place!?Why is every buildings got destroyed?

Alex notice his holding a backpack and when it opened,it reveal the Z Riser and a rifle with everything is red and look like a energy rifle.

Akagi:Wow.A fancy weapon he got there.

Alex:Woah!Where did I even get this?!I gonna think of a name....I know!I gonna call you Blaster for now.

Alex hold his Blaster and start exploring everything but there no any sight of human.

Alex:It weird.What happened to this world?I mean I can't even find any single human.

Suddenly he heard a gunfire sound at somewhere else as he follow where the sound is.He saw a group of girls fire their gun at far away.When he look closer,he saw a lot of group of girls wearing a purple vision fire their weapon at them.They called Ripper.Alex then run up one of the buildings and thinking if he should help the group to shoot a lot of Ripper.

Alex:What is going on?!First my world having a siren attack and now this lot of group wearing purple vision firing at them.I better assist the group.

Alex aim his Blaster at one of the Ripper head as she ready to fire at them and fire one laser shot at her head.It kill her and reveal inside her body is a full of robot.

Shipgirls:They're Robot?!

Alex:The F*ck?!She not even a human?!

Ripper28:What was that?!

Ripper48:Who just shot that?!

Ripper57:*Point at the buildings*It coming from this building!

As the group start running away from the scene.

Ripper36:You and the rest get inside the building and kill the person that shot us while I and the rest get them.

Kaga:Uh oh...

Unicorn(Mind):Run Alex!

Seven of Ripper run inside the building where Alex was in as he start running away but when he fell,he accident drop his Z Riser from his backpack.

Alex:The Z Riser!

Alex pick up his Z Riser and thinking if he wanna use it or not until...

Alex:Screw it!I'm using it now!

Roon:He using it now?!

Purifier:This gonna be interesting.

Alex press the trigger on his Z Riser as the Hero's Gate opened behind him.Alex put his Access Card on his Z Riser as the Announcer start speaking.

Z Riser Announcer:Alex!Access Granted!

Then he slide the blade and press the trigger on the Z Riser as the gate start going through him and transform him into Z but in human-sized.

Atago:Eh?!Why is he in human size now?!

Lubbock:Well without he using the medals,he can transform himself into human sized but it only be active for 50 seconds.

Z:Alex.You finally use it but this human sized form will only be active for 50 Earth seconds.Let get this done quickly!

Alex:Ok!Let go Z!

Ripper48:Where is the person?

They keep finding it until Alex floating behind them.


Ripper72:The heck?!

Z shoots energy projectiles from his crest and kill five of Ripper as they fire their weapon at Z but it didn't damage him as Z charges energy and punch two of Ripper head.When he done,he fly up and start follow where the group of girls at.He saw they being surrounded by 50 Ripper.

???:Damn.We being surrounded!

???:Guess this is our final battle.

Ripper23:*Point at the sky*The hell was that?!

Everyone look up and see Z ready to fire his Ultra Beam at them.

Z/Alex:Zestium Beam!/Take This!

Z fire a Z signature Ultra Beam around every Ripper as they all getting killed.When it over,he flew away from the scene and land one of the building as it transform back into himself.

Purifier:That was AWESOME!

Takao:*Shocked*He manage to kill 50 Ripper to save them!

Cleveland:Just how powerful is this Ultraman Z have!

Alex:God that was amazing!That was a good battle.Now time to continue to explore.

Alex get out the building and start looking around until a voice coming from behind.

???:So your the one that fire the red laser at them.

He turn around and see the group that he just save them aiming at him.

Hornet:Why are they aiming at him?!He just save them from danger!

Lubbock:Well it unknown when he is a threat or something.

Alex:Woah!I just save you girls from that.

???:Whatever.Are you lost or something?

Alex:Maybe but who are you girls?

M4A1:I'm M4A1.


ST AR-15:Just call me Ar-15.

M16A1:Just M16A1.

Bismarck:Why are their name sound like a gun name?

Lubbock:Cause they are robot that carry their own weapon to defeat enemy.Well it the same as you girls are name like ships.


RO635:Well I am RO635 and do you need a place to stay right now?

Alex:Yeah.I guess so.

M4A1:What about you?What your name?


Outro:Promise For The Future by Tasuku Hatanaka(Ultraman Z Voice Actor)

Lubbock:So how was it?

Enterprise:It was good but I really wanna know who are the girls?

Lubbock:Well you gonna find out in the next episode and before that,I have some guests to invite.

(Lubbock:Finally done with the first reaction chapter.Hope you enjoy it and I see you in the Next reaction chapter!)

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