Reacting To Episode 2

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Bismarck:What do you mean guests?

Suddenly they heard a scream from nowhere as a portal open and drop out a lot of girls.

Girls Frontline Characters Appear:

Female Kryuger
AR Team

Sangvis Ferri Characters Appear:


(Some of the characters will appear in next chapter)

M4A1:*Got up*Are you guys okay?

M4 SOPMOD II:Ugh...I feel dizzy..

RFB:Has anyone seen my game controller?!

G36:Now it not the time for your game!

Kalina:Where are we? this a theater?

Agent:Huh...didn't expect to see you guys.

The T-dolls saw Agent and some of her team as they tried to pull their weapon but they notice it's gone.

AR15:Where my riffle?!

Hunter:And my weapon?!

Then we see Lubbock walk toward to them.

Lubbock:Sorry but no weapons allowed in my theater.You girls are in my theater to watch the future.

Gentiane:Watch the future?

Lubbock:Yep.To watch a boy commander that got betrayed by them to your world.

He said as he point at the shipgirls as some of them have their head down.

Scarecrow:So we watching him in our world to find us?

Lubbock:Probably..but you girls should go find a seats and sit on it.

They then go to their seats and sit as we see Gentiane sit beside Enterprise and the screen then started.

Intro:Goshouwa Kudasai Ware no Na Wo! by Masaaki Endoh

Helianthus:An intro music?

Lubbock:Yeah just listen to it.

Gager:This song is good!

Destroyer:Same here!

Griffin & Kryuger Base(Alex POV)

I was walking with the girls that I just save them to meet their commander as I look around the base and saw a few girls holding their guns and fire at their target practice.When M4A1 open the door,I see four woman are in a meeting and then looked at us.

Female Kryuger




Kalina:Hey!It's us on the screen!

Helianthus:Yea but it feel weird seeing the other me.

Female Kryuger:By the way that boy look...


Female Kryuger:*Turn to Gager*Eh?!

Everyone look at Female Kryuger as her face start to turn red.

Female Kryuger:*Shouted while her face is red*That not what I mean!I trying to say he is so cool!

M16A1:It's still the same.

Female Kryuger:It not!

M16A1:IT IS!

Female Kryuger:IT NOT!

They both keep shouting until...


Lubbock knock their head as they hold their head in pain.

Female Kryuger/M16A1:WHY DID YOU DID THAT!

Lubbock:No shouting in my god damn theater!One more time I send you two to torture with this!

Lubbock then pull out a dvd that show a title Boku No Pico.

M16A1:What is that?

Lubbock:If you wanna know,try to shout and I will let you watch it after the episode!Now keep watching the video!

Gentiane:M4A1 you're okay?

M4A1:Yep we fine commander.

Kryuger:Well that good to heard.*Look at Alex*So you're the guy that save them from Sangvis Ferri right?

M4A1:Huh?He save us from our enemies?!

Hornet:Yep.Last episode we saw our commander transformed into a human sized ultraman to save you girls.

Everyone(From Girls Frontline):Ultraman?!

Gentiane:Sorry but what is Ultraman?

Baltimore:He came from M78 planet called The Land Of Light.

Enterprise:And he merge with our commander to help you guys after we kill him...

Enterprise wipe her tear as Hornet calm her down.

Hornet:It's okay..I sure he will forgive us after what we done...


Alex:Yeah name Alex by the way.

Kryuger:Okay my name is Kryuger.

Gentiane:I'm Gentiane and I'm the commander of those t-dolls.

Kalina:I'm Kalina by the way :3 .

Helianthus:Kalina can you please stop using that emote?

Kalina:Why not? :3

Helianthus:You will scare for the commander.

Kalina:Hmm....No :3


Helianthus:I'm Helianthus.

Gentiane:Anyways thank you for saving them in danger.

Alex:No problem at all.

Kryuger:Actually can I ask you something?

Alex:What is it?

Kryuger:Are you interested to join our army?

Helianthus:Really Kryuger?!You just gonna let ask him to join us?

Female Kryuger:Well he have no place to stay so it the only choice here.

Agent(Mind):Wonder if he gonna join us instead of them.


Alex(Mind):Should I join them?I think not but I don't know where to go if I declined....whatever.

Helianthus:Kryuger I think he not gonna...

Alex:I'll join!

Helianthus: O_O

Some of the girls chuckle as Helianthus feel embarrassed from her emote.

Kryuger:Well then that decided.For now,you are the commander of t-dolls.

Kalina:*Jump out and Excited*Hooray!We have another new commander!

Female Kryuger:But that gonna give you more works.


Kalina:*Sit back*Nevermind...I take that back...


Kryuger:Kalina you take him to a new dorm.I talk to M4A1 about the situation.


As Kalina take Alex to his new dorm,Kryuger and Gentiane start talking to AR Team about the situation.

Kryuger:So M4A1 tell me about this.How did you guys manage to kill 50 Ripper?

Scarecrow:50 Ripper?That impossible for them to kill all.

Bismarck:No no.It actually is..

But then Roon and Emden put their hand at Bismarck mouth.


Emden:Sorry but they have to watch the previous episode.

Lubbock:They don't need to..Here the scene now.

M4A1:Actually...the truth is that...

Flashback(M4A1 POV)

We start running away from the Rippers but then we got surrounded by 50 Rippers.

Gentiane:Are they going to die?!

M4A1:No.That yellow haired girl just say we got saved by this ultraman.


AR15:Damn!We being surrounded!

M16A1:There no way out for us!

M4A1:Guess this is the end of us....

Suddenly we heard one of the Ripper pointed at the sky and said this.

Ripper23:*Point at the sky*The hell was that?!

We looked up and saw an unknown person with white oval-shaped eyes and a blue Z crystal on his chest fire his beam around and killing all of the Rippers as he finished and flew away from the scene.

Everyone(Girls Frontline):*Suprised and Shocked*Woah!

Scarecrow:He-he manage to kill every of our army with one beam!

Executioner:How powerful is this boy!

Female Kryuger:I thinking we have to find this boy to join our army.

Agent:No!He is going to join us!

Enterprise:Do you guys forgot about us?!He's our previous commander so we want him back!

Lubbock:Enough of the fighting!Watch the damn video!

Flashback End(Back to 3rd POV)

Gentiane:So you're saying that you saw a person with white oval-shaped eyes and a blue crystal on his chest save you guys and killing all the Rippers?

M4A1:Yeah...I don't know who is he and why did he save us from the Rippers.

Unicorn:Because..he want to help anyone who need help..even he doesn't care his enemy.

Enterprise look at her and tried to pat her but Unicorn look away from her.

Kryuger:Guess we have to see if he on our side or not...


On space,we see a shark kaiju is flying toward to Earth as his right eyes appear a red eyes.

Destroyer:W-what is that?!

Persica:Is that a kaiju?!

Belfast:And it coming toward to Earth.

Kalina:I got a bad feeling about this...

Back To Alex(Still 3rd POV)

Alex is sitting on his bed as he is looking at the Z Riser he holding and start to thinking if he gonna get himself in danger.

M4 SOPMOD II:What is that item?

Roon:That is Z Riser that Alex can transformed into Ultraman.

Persica pull out her note and start writing it.

Persica:This is gonna be interesting.

Alex(Mind):I don't know if this gonna get my life in danger...but I need to help the people that they need help.Mom...Dad...Sisters....they will proud of me doing this.....but the shipgirls....they think I'm a criminal but I wasn't.Am I doing this right?

Enterprise:No!Stop thinking about those nonsense!We will proud about what you did in their world.We will!

Enterprise keep crying but we see a person walk toward to her and pat her as Enterprise look up and saw it was Unicorn.


Unicorn:Don't cry...Alex told me to be brave.

Enterprise then hug Unicorn.

Enterprise:Thank you..Unicorn..

Unicorn:I'm sorry for ignore you because I just..miss Alex..

Lubbock:*Walk to Unicorn*Don't worry.He don't want you to be like this to ignore.

Some of the shipgirls eyes having a tear while some of the t-dolls also have a tear.

Gentiane:This is touching..


As he keep thinking when suddenly an alarm raised.


Some of the shipgirls jump out from their seat.

Hood:Jeez!That scare me!

Sirius:You guys just set that loud alarm?

Female Kryuger:Well in case,if someone alseep...

Alex:The hell?!

He put his Z Riser on his back and got up and start running to outside.When he got outside,he see a lots of t-dolls firing at a shark kaiju as it start attacking the t-dolls.

Genegarg(From Ultraman Z First Kaiju)

Yorktown:That look like a shark!

Javelin:And he huge!

Gentiane:Uh oh..

Random T-doll:Damn!Our weapon is useless to damage it!

Random T-doll:Just keep firing until it died!

Helianthus:*Shocked*What the f*ck is that?!

Some of the shipgirls:Language!

Helianthus:*Keep Bowing*Sorry!

Kryuger:It look like a monster is attacking the base!Is it Sangvis Ferri send their monster to attack us?!

Agent:Well I wish we could but we will be dead if we try to.


Genegarg fire a lot of red missiles from the indents on its body at the T-dolls as some of them died in the attack while some of them get to the shelter as Alex fell onto the ground and got up and look at Genegarg as he raise his Z Riser.

Destroyer:Ooo he about to transform!

Alex:You know what?!You wanna play huh?Then let play!

Alex press the trigger of Z Riser as it open the dimensional gate as he got in.He take his access card and put it on his Z Riser.

Z Riser Announcer:Alex!Access Granted!

Some of the t-dolls:It open a portal?!

Hornet:That is the dimensional gate which Alex can go inside to transform.

He open his Medals Holder and took out 3 Ultra Medals as it reveal is Zero,Seven and Leo.

Persica:What are those medals?

Enterprise:They're called Ultra Medals and there is other ultra exist.Even we didn't know about it!

Alex:Alright Z!How do I use the Ultra Medals?

Z:Well you put the Ultra Medals in slots on the Z Riser first.

Alex put the Ultra Medals in the slots on his Z Riser.

Z:Then pull the blade to the other side.

Alex pull the blade to the other side.

Z Riser Announcer:Zero!Seven!Leo!

Persica:So that how it doing.

Unicorn and her friends is excited to see Alex about to transform.

As the light shine down and Z is standing behind Alex.

Helianthus:So that is Ultraman you guys talking about.

Javelin:And he is Ultraman Z!

Hunter:Ultraman Z?Interesting name.

Alex:Then what do I do?

Z:Now you must call out my name but with more spirit and then press the trigger,got it?

RFB:But why he must call out his name with more spirit?

Lubbock:Cause duh it awesome!

Alex:Got it!

Z:Right!I Ask You To Chant My Name!Ultraman Z!

Alex:*Raise his Z Riser*Ultraman Z!

Unicorn/Javelin/Destroyer:Ultraman Z!

Enterprise look at them and smile.

He press the trigger and it start transforming him into Ultraman Z Alpha Edge.

Z Riser Announcer:Ultraman Z Alpha Edge!

Lubbock:Here he comes!

Genegarg is ready to fire his purple beam at the t-dolls but suddenly a bright light came and kick it away and when it shine down,it was reveal is Alex in his Ultra Form.

Unicorn/Javelin/Destroyer:So cool!

Javelin:Alex has transform into Ultraman Z!

Female Kryuger:So that is Ultraman Z huh?Look awesome!

Yorktown:Woah!What is this form!

Lubbock:This is Ultraman Z Alpha Edge form which is he most form he will use in the battle.

Akagi:This form is impressive.

Helianthus:*Surpised*Is that...

Kalina:A giant?!

Kryuger:This could be the person that M4A1 was talking about.

M4 SOPMOD II:Look!It the same person that save us from the Rippers.

M4A1:Yeah but he kinda change.

M4A1:Yep and now he is in giant.

Alex(Ultraman Z Alpha Edge):Woah!This is amazing!

Z:Come on!Let focus on the fight now!

Alex(Ultraman Z Alpha Edge):Kay!

Unicorn:Go Alex!

Javelin:You can do it!

Destroyer:Destroy that shark kaiju!

Scarecrow:*Look at Agent*Well look like Destroyer is getting excited about the fight.

Agent:Let them enjoy it.

Hornet:Come on Commander!Show that shark monster what you got!

While everyone is watching in shocked and surpised,Genegarg got up and start rushing to Z as Z start punch while Genegarg is trying to attack but no use as Z kick it again and it fall onto the ground.

RO635:Hmm not bad.

Genegarg got up and ready to fire it red missiles but Z connects his two Sluggers using an energy string as it create like nunchucks and start swinging.


Gentiane:He just create a nunchucks energy from his head.

Kaga:*Smirk*This is getting a bit tough fight.

Helianthus:Did he just use his ability and create an energy nunchucks?!

M4 SOPMOD II:Wow!Didn't know he also can create an energy nunchucks to attack!

M4 SOPMOD II:Yeah I'm suprised too!But I love it!

Genegarg fire a lot of red missiles at Z but he use his energy nunchucks and was able to block every red missiles as he get near and start attack it using his energy nunchucks.

Atago:Sugoi!He block all the missiles using his nunchucks!

Takao:Just how powerful is this nunchucks?!

Z:Woah!So this is really Space Martial Arts,the Inherited Fighting Technique!Ultra-strong!

He put back his energy sluggers back to his crest and start kicking it as one of the kick is wrapped in flames.Finally Genegarg have enough and start rushing to Z as he did not dodge it and start crashing until they reach the sky and Z kick it away.Genegarg fire it purple beam from it mouth as Z fire his Z Signature Ultra Beam at the same time.

Some of the girls:Oh boy...

Z:Zestium Beam!

Unicorn:You can do this Alex!

Both of the beam clashed as they struggle it until...

Alex(Ultraman Z Alpha Edge):TAKE THIS!!

His Ultra beam putting more power and finish off Genegarg as it roared and exploded as Z landed on the ground.

Unicorn/Javelin:Yay!Alex finally defeat the monster!

Executioner:That landing was epic though!

RFB:This fight is intense!It just like my video game!

Kryuger:He really finish it off...

Gentiane:What kind of power does he have?

Z looked at the sky and flew away with a Z signature trail.

Angelia:And also a Z signature trail?Guess it made sense for Z.

Helianthus:So I guess he really on our side now.

Kryuger:Yeah...I guess we gonna give him a name.

Helianthus:Then what do you suggest?

Kryuger:Hmm...I really don't know.

Kalina:What about we call him The Giant?

Female Kryger:That sound kinda dumb.

???:How about we call him Ultraman Z?

They turn around and saw Alex standing there.

Gentiane:Ultraman Z?I guess I have to agree with this name.

Kryuger:But who gave you think of this name?

Prinz Eugen:A stranger maybe..

Bismarck:No he already the Ultraman Z.

Alex:Uh....oh yeah so I got saved by him and he say out his name to me.

Belfast:Well that a good way to lied about it.

Helianthus:And we didn't notice it.

Kryuger:Ok then.For now on,we gonna call him Ultraman Z!



We see two commander is cleaning up the storage as the other one start to tell the other commander.

Gorizia:Huh?Why are we watching about those two commanders?

Lubbock:Just wait.

Random Commander:Hey I'm gonna go head back to work on my stuffs.You gonna clean all of this okay?

Ken(Commander of Griffin & Kryuger)

RFB:Huh?!Isn't that our leader commander?What is he doing?

Ken:Fine you go.I clean the mess up.

The other commander left as Ken keep cleaning up the boxes until he heard some weird noise coming on his left box as he remove the box and he saw nothing.

Ken:Huh?That weird.I just heard a weird nois...

Suddenly an alien attack him as Ken struggle and calling for help.

Some of the girls shocked and scared about the attack.Some of the childrens hide behind their seats.

Gentiane:*Eye Widen*What is that?!

Hornet:If I know about previous episode,that alien thing is..Celebro!

Ken:*Struggle*Ahhh!Get this off!Someone help!

As Ken keep struggle and trying to get it off but too late the alien got into his bodies as he start shaking slowly and walk to the boxes where behind there is another Z Riser and a Devil Splinter as he pick it up and look at both of the items.

Shipgirls(Mind):Another Z Riser?!

Prinz Eugen:And what that he's holding?

Lubbock:You will know in the further episode.

Ken:Kiete.....karekareta.(I Feel So Good)

He smiled evily at the screen as his right eye having a red eye.

Outro:Promise For The Future By Tasuku Hatanaka(Ultraman Z Voice Actor)

Lubbock:How was the episode?

Bismarck:It's awesome to see a cool fight scene!

Enterprise:And a scary alien that attack the boy.

Lubbock:Well girls should get some sleep.Next day I will teleport you girls to here again.

Lubbock then teleport them to a larger room as there a lot of bed laying.

Prinz Eugen:Time to get some sleep.Let's go get our pajamas!

While the girls enjoy their times,we see Lubbock open up a portal as he got in and we see he is in a living room as he open his computer and start working on his story.

Lubbock:Finally time to work on my reaction book..

See Ya In The Next Episode Reaction..

(In case of Ask if he wanted to work on his Ultraman Z story again)

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