Daehyun x Youngjae - Sick

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B.A.P was promoting their latest single. Autumn had just begun and they came back with a powerful song hot enough to warm their Babys. The only problem was that Daehyun had caught a nasty cold.

B.A.P found it difficult to perform without their power vocal but Youngjae was able to fill in, even Jongup as well.

Daehyun sat in bed as he streamed his band live he missed being on stage with them. He knew he messed up by getting sick but they continued to support him. They told Daehyun to stay in bed to heal soon so he could join them.

Daehyun sighed as he watched them dancing out and as Babys chanted. He closed his eyes and imagined being up there.

Finally, when the music came to a close he rested his head on the pillow. Eventually he drifted off into a sleep.

The next day Daehyun woke up to the boys rummaging around to head to their next schedule.

"Guys! It's on!!" He heard the maknae yelled out. Daehyun perked up and left to the living room.

"What is it, guys?" Daehyun rubbed his scruffy hair.

"Hyung, watch!!" Jongup exclaimed.

Daehyun turned his eyes to the tv screen and saw B.A.P. They had a mini segment.

"How is it without Daehyun-ssi?" an mc announced.

"It's incomplete." Yongguk spoke. "It seems empty, but we will always know that he's with us in heart."

"It's especially hard because we don't have his voice." Youngjae added. "It's really difficult for me to sing because my voice is different from his."

Daehyun let out a smile as he looked at the boys.

"It gets better~" Himchan sang in excitement.

Daehyun read the screen, "Mini message to Daehyunnie"

"Daehyunie, please rest well so you can finally sing with us. We need your power vocal to lead us!" Yongguk. put up a fist, "Hwaiting, Daehyun!"

"Daehyunnie, why did you have to get sick!? All we can do is wait for you as you heal. We'll be thinking of you, Hwaiting!" Himchan cheered.

"Jung Daehyun! How long will I have to sing your lines for you!? Jonguppie and I are trying our best. But it doesn't sound as good as it should without you. Please heal soon for us. We miss you! Daehyun hwaiting!" Youngjae gave a sweet smile.

"Daehyunnie Hyung. How do you feel? I hope that you heal soon. It's fun to sing your parts but I wish you were there instead. Our dance looks plain without you. Hurry and heal, hwaiting!" Jongup pumped his fist.

"Daehyunnie hyung. Rest up so you can come back and be with us. Our Babys miss you a lot. Also without you we have food left. The food tells me, "I want to be eaten by Daehyunie only!" Daehyun Hyung, Hwaiting!" Zelo laughed and bowed.

Daehyun smiled as a tear met with lips. He couldn't help but give in. He was touched by his members and they all surrounded him with smiles.

"Ah, Daehyunnie, don't cry!" Himchan squeezed his cheeks.

"Thank you guys.." he cried a little harder.

"What is this!?" Youngjae raised his voice. "What are you crying for!? Now you've become a Baby." He teased him.

"Hey, we're here for you. Now you better heal so you can join us okay?" Yongguk crossed his arms.

"Guys we have to leave soon!" Manager Kang entered the room and saw what was going on.

"Daehyun-ssi, feel better soon so you can reunite with B.A.P on the stage again okay?" Manager Kang put a hand on his shoulder. "Alright, lets head out before you guys are late."

One by one they left saying their goodbyes to Daehyun.

Suddenly he felt a hand wipe away his tears. "Youngjae..?"

"Don't cry.. We're always here with you." He said softly.

Daehyun smiled and thanked his friend. "Okay, do your best."

"Now go back to bed!"

"Wait.. I'm hungry!!"

"Make your own damn food!" Youngjae teased the sick member and left.

"UGH!!" Daehyun whined as Youngjae shut the door.

Daehyun smiled to himself as he sat on the couch. "I have great band members, don't I?"

-- I wrote this a while ago so it's not that great orz but I'll just put this up here quietly..

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