Zelo - The Apple Tree

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Zelo traced his steps curiously around a green field. His eyes were anxious, darting side to side, scanning the grass as he felt them tickle his toes. He stopped. His gaze turned up to the endless sky. As he closed his eyes, his mental clock was ticking. 1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds had passed. He sighed as he raised his arms up to feel the wind pass him by.

Zelo was shaken back to reality and released the straps from his backpack off his shoulders. He set it down on the grass and kneeled down to it. He carefully took out a small flower pot with a sprout. He smiled at it seeing how it had grown from when it was just a seed. He placed it on the ground and pulled out a shovel from his bag and began digging a hole.

Once the hole was a desirable size, he put on some gloves and removed the sprout from its pot. He placed it in the whole and covered it back up. He patted the soil down and then grabbed a water bottle from his bag. He gently poured water over the sprout and around it.

Seeing that he successfully planted the apple tree, he smiled to himself and suddenly felt drowsy. The clock ticking replayed in his head. He let himself go as he laid down next to his newly planted sprout and closed his eyes. Zelo laid still with his face content. He was curled in, facing the small apple tree, almost with a smile on his face.

Later that day...

A girl walked by in the park and saw the lifeless boy. She frantically ran up to him and noticed instantly that it was Zelo of B.A.P. She panicked as she remembered a tweet from months ago. Remembering that he would plant an apple tree if he only had 10 minutes left of living. She felt torn inside as she was kneeling beside him. She silently stroked his hair, tears on the verge of falling.

She closed her eyes and thought of Zelo and B.A.P. She adored them so much, she couldn't believe that Zelo was right here, yet he was probably gone. She move her hand onto his cheeks. At the contact of their skin, she could have sworn that Zelo's face had just twitched. The girl furrowed her eyebrows as she leaned into the boy's face and felt his face again, it was warm.

Suddenly, his eyes opened and he was staring right at her. A smile appeared on his face as he watched the girls expression change. "You're my angel.." he softly spoke.

The girl, too shocked to even speak, watched wide-eyed as the tall boy got up to gather his things. He stood in front of her and helped her up. "Thank you." Zelo brought her hand up in his and placed a small kiss on the outside of her hand. After that, he turned around and began walking a way from the girl. She didn't know how to react and just watched as the Zelo's figure disappeared from her sight.

Zelo quickened his pace as he walked back to his dorm, "Im gonna be late if I don't hurry up!" he though to himself, dashing back as quickly as he could.

-- This one is based of Zelo's tweet from yesterday! A fan asked what he would do if he had 10 minutes left to live and Zelo replied by saying he's plant an apple tree ^^

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