New girl, not so new?

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(I'm not the only one who's confused by that name, right? Right!?)

Third POV

Kamon and the other b-shots were all at school. (I'm making this a Japanese school but I don't know how a Japanese school works so bare with me. Also, the ultimates go to a different school.) The reason all the b-shots go to the same school is because after the dragold incident most all the schools in Crestland stopped allowing b-damans clubs and b-daman in genrel. This school was the only one that didn't ban b-daman until the gillusion incident.

"Alright," the teacher, Miss. Ukari, began "we have a new student today but she's rather shy. So don't all bother her with questions, okay?"

"Yes, Miss. Ukari." They said together.

"You can come in now."

Then the door opened (cue the dramatic music) and a girl with white, twin drills walked in. Leaving the
b-shots shocked.

"Hi," she said, the shyness the teacher mentioned definitely showing. "My name's Sakura, Sakura Yukizumi."

"Sakura, why don't you sit in the corner desk over there." The teacher said, pointing to the desk far in the corner, while Sakura nodded as an awnser and went to her desk. And with that, class began.

Time skip because I don't feel like teaching whatever this teacher teaches

"Well that was a surprise. I didn't expect her to be in our class." Ken said.

"I was surprised she even goes to our school!" Jenta exclaimed, while Riki fiddled with his uniform uncomfortablely.

"Still haven't gotten used to the school uniform?" Samuru said.

"You've been to countless schools before so don't act like this is your first time wearing a school uniform." Riki said.


Then the bell sounded.

"Well, better get back to class, see ya!" Sumi exclaimed, putting her bag around her shoulder.

More time skips because why not ~~~~

After school........

Everyone who was a b-shot was playing b-daman even though it was banned. It wasn't much of a problem because they have done it countless of times before but today wasn't so lucky.

Basara was battling Kamon right when Heather, the student council president, came out.

"What exactly do you think you're doing?" Heather asked.

"Um.... " Kamon studdered.

"Well, you know the rules. Give." Heather commanded. "Honestly, if you're do something you should do the right thing or else it's going to be detention for all of you."

"Oh look," Sakura began, "Heather's going to dump us." She said sarcastically.

"Is that a challenge, Yukizumi?"

"Wait, you're actually serious?"

"Of course, who do I look like, these blockheads?" Heather said, holding two b-damans, Kamon's and Basara's.

"What's your damage, Heather." Sakura said.

"You know what......" Heather began, dropping both b-damans and leaving without another word.

Sakura picked up both b-damans and placed them on the breakbomer set.

Suddenly, a flashback glitched in front of Drazeros's eyes....


"So..... You actually want to help me make the black dragon b-daman?" A male voice said.

"Yes," a feminine, mysterious voice said "I just want to help."

"Hmm, and exactly who are you?" The male said, otherwise known as Novu Moru.

"The ultimate b-shot, Kuguya." The girl said, however Drazeros couldn't remember her face.

A smirk appeared on Novu's face.

"Alright then, how would you like joining the west block in crossfire?" Novu said.

End of flashback~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Hmm... " Drazeros said "interesting."

"What is it Drazeros?" Basara asked.



After putting the two b-daman on the table, Sakura was walking away.

"Wai-" Kamon began but was cut off by Sakura.

"I appreciate the gratitude, however I don't need it." She said as she continued walking.

"How did you......" Kamon began but didn't bother finishing his sentence.

At the principal's office.......

"So, what do you think of the school so far?" The principal Jessica Mi asked.

"Alright, however.... " Sakura started.

"However what?"

"I believe we should take down the b-daman rule."


"And why not."

"Because I said no!"

"Give me an explanation."

"Have you forgotten about what happened to Rudy Sumeragi! Have you forgotten about what happened to Roma Day! We care about saving lives here!"

"Doing this won't save any lives." Sakura countered, grabbing her bag and getting up.

"And how will it not?!"

"You'll see soon enough." Sakura whispered, as she left. Little did she know a black dragon b-daman and his partner were watching.

"What do you mean you had a flashback when that girl was holding you?" Basara asked.

"I don't know, it just happened." Drazeros replied. "But maybe Samuru knows something about her."

"Samuru?" Basara repeated.

"Yes, Samuru seems like he knows her."


As everyone was leaving Basara grabbed Samuru and dragged him behind the school.

"What do you want, Kurochi?" Samuru asked.

"I want to know everything you know about that girl." Basara said

"I'm guessing you mean Sakura, well...."

And time skip to after Samuru finishes

"Happy now?" Samuru said.

"Tch," was all Basara said before he walked away.

Back at Aona's restaurant......

Riki POV

Mystery~ I wonder why Sakura was with us, one thing's confirmed, the girl is a huge mystery.

Knock, knock.

"It's open." Aona said, and Rory and Akaria walked in.

"We have some imformation about gillusion but we're not sure we're going to get it." Akaria said.

"What you mean?" Ken asked.

"There is someone with the title 'Ultimate b-shot' and-" Rory said but didn't get to finish her sentence thanks to my sister.

"Don't expect to get any information from her." Maka said.

"Why?" I asked.

"You know, she did make Drazeros," Rayco said.

"Betrayed Hope's Peak, (there school)" Iboiki added.

"And went missing." Akemi finished.

"Wait a sec." Samuru said "did you say made Drazeros?"

"Yeah, why?" Yomi asked.

"I made Drazeros." Novu said.

"Partly correct," someone said and we all turned to see Basara and Drazeros.
"However you're missing something, Novu."

"What do you mean?" Novu asked.

"A girl called the ultimate b-shot helped you, her name was Kuguya." Drazeros said.

"Do you know how to find her?" I asked.

"We think talking to Mrs. Yukizumi would help since her husband runs Hope's Peak." Rory said.

"But isn't she busy with her job?" Crona asked.

"She's going to her beach house in three days, she said we could come along so we could talk to her then." Akaria told us.

"It would be nice to take a break." Kamon said.

"Then it's settled," Aona said, smiling. "Let's get packing."

"Buzz, buzz," (I forgot about these characters haven't I) Misuru said. "This'll be fun."

"Sha, sha, whatever." Simon said.

Time skip to three days~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Kamon POV

Well, this is going to be interesting.

"Is everyone ready?" Rory asked when we were all in the van.

"Yep!" We all said, exeited.

More time skips because I can since I am the author~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

When we finally arrived, Mrs. Yukizumi was already there, waving to us, so natrul instinct, we waved back, excluding Samuru.

Standing next to Yukizumi was a tall male with short, pale blue hair, guessing he's Mr. Yukizumi. And of course, Sakura's there, too. But she left to who knows where.

"Heya guys." Mrs. Yukizumi greeted us.

"Hey," we said back.

"Hi," said the male said "I'm Mr. Yukizumi but you can call me Aru since I'm not to good at formalities." (not sure if that's the word but oh well)

"It's nice to see you again, Aru." Iboiki said, waving .

"Same goes for me, why don't we go inside, okay?"

"Okay!" We all said.

Inside the house....

"Tiger amazing, this place is tiger huge!" Derek said. (Well no dip it was Derek!)

"It is big, isn't it." Yukizumi said.

"Really big," I said, I have literally no words for this, (says as he continues to talk, XD) I mean, oh my goodness it is flipping huge, like literally it is like a mansion except at a beach, does that even exist? I don't know, all I know is that this thing is so flipping huge!!!!

We went to the middle of the beach house where there was couches and stuff like that.

"So you wanted to talk about the ultimate b-shot?" Aru asked.

"Yes, actually do you remember what their name was?" Rory asked.

"Let's see," Yukizumi said, getting out a laptop and searching stuff up. "That's funny all the records of that person is gone."

"How could that be?" Akane asked.

"Crona could you take a look?" Yukizumi asked.


After a few minutes of typing on the computer Crona shook her head.

"Looks like it's been hacked." Crona said.

"How could that be?!" Koizumi asked in shock.

"The only person who'd be able to hack into there would be a staff member but the ultimate b-shot's records were kept only to you two, right?" Tobichi asked and Yukizumi and Aru nodded.


"Let me ask you, does the name Kuguya ring a bell?" Drazeros asked.

"Hmm, nope, Aru?" Yukizumi asked.

He shook his head, so it's either Drazeros is wrong or no one remembers who the heck Kuguya is! (Whoa, and I thought Gauruburn had anger issues)

Just then I heard laughing. Hoping I wasn't crazy, I looked at Roma.

"Kamon, do you here that?" He asked me.

"Yeah, who's laughing?" I awnsered question with question. I could see the others looking around, too.

Sumi was the one who decided to look out the one if the windows.

To be continued...................

So...... How'd you like it. You probably have a lot of questions, like who is Kuguya? Who is laughing? Who hacked the files? But I'm going to awnser one question that most of you don't have. What does the title mean. I know a lot think it means that the new girl in school isn't to new but maybe Kuguya isn't so new. Maybe she's one of the girls we already know? Maybe she's one of the girl's friend. Or maybe it's actually a boy who's dressed up as a girl? I mean, my friend mistaked Asuka for a girl for like, three weeks until I told her he was a boy. *cough* Kylie *cough*

Anyways annyeong!!!!

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